Learn the Top 10 English Phrases You Always Want to Hear

Hi, everybody! My name is Alisha, and today
we’re going to be talking about 10 Phrases

That You Always Want to Hear. So let’s begin!

You win!
The first phrase is you win, you win. If you

hear the phrase you win, it means you have
won something. You are probably going to receive

something for free! woohoo! That’s a very
happy thing, right? You want to get free things.

Congratulations, you win a car! Yay!
Here are the keys to your new car. Great,

thank you!

I brought you something special.
This is exciting to hear because it means

this little something special. It’s like
oh I thought only of you, so I brought you

this. I brought you something special, really,
thank you.

I miss you
I miss you. I miss you is nice. You can use

this with your friends, your family members,
your partner, whoever. I miss you shows that

you want to meet the other person. Probably
you haven’t seen them as much as you would

like to. So you can say I miss you, I miss
you. Call your husband or wife or boyfriend

or girlfriend, whoever on the phone maybe.
You haven’t seen them for a long time, you

can say I miss you. I miss you too.

Take a break, I will do the cleaning today.

This means someone else is going to clean
up your house for you or clean up something

for you. I would be very happy to hear this
phrase right now because my apartment is a

disaster because I am only there to sleep.
So maybe you’ve had a long day at work or

a long day doing something and you come home
and somebody else has offered to do this for

you. So take a break, I will do the cleaning
today, and you can reply, really, thank you

so much! I am going to relax.

The budget is unlimited.
The next phrase that you always wanted to

hear is, the budget is unlimited. The budget
is unlimited. This could be at work, this

could be a budget, your personal budget, maybe,
but it just means there is no limit to the

budget. You can spend as much money as you
want! Woohoo! Very exciting.

So let’s see. In a business context, perhaps
you have this new client who is going to give

you a lot of money to build a new house or
something, maybe you are building houses,

that’s your project. And your boss comes
to you, the budget for this project is unlimited.

Really, let’s go crazy!

There will be a bonus at the end of the

Yeah, this is a phrase that you probably are
very excited to hear. It means you are going

to receive extra money from your job at the
end of the month. Woohoo! Very exciting, extra

money. Maybe you will hear this from your
boss, your manager or maybe your co-worker

at work or maybe see it in an email. There
will be a bonus at the end of the month. Really,

I am going to use mine to buy a new car, really.
I am going to use mine to go out on a date,

really. I am going to use mine to get a new

  1. You did a great job.
    You did a great job. You did a great job is

something you will probably hear from – Well
I don’t know. You could hear this from pretty

much anybody, anytime you’ve done a good
job, someone will congratulate you or tell

you their opinion with this phrase. You did
a great job. You finished a project at work

and your boss says, you did a great job. Nice,
thank you so much. It was really fun, or thank

you. Just say thank you.

You look great today.
The other person thinks

that your physical appearance is nice today.
Don’t think about the today part, you know.

Just take the compliment. Oh really, thank
you so much.

You look great today. Oh thank you so much,
I got a new haircut. Thank you so much, I

got to sleep, yeah.

You were right.
This means that something

that you said in the past was correct. And
everybody likes to be correct, I think.

I saw that movie that you recommended. You
were right, it was really good. Oh good, I

am glad you enjoyed it.
Don’t be like, I know, or yeah I knew I was

right. Don’t do that. Just say oh good,
I am glad.

You are an excellent cook.
You are an excellent cook. This is a nice

compliment especially for someone who enjoys
cooking, if you say you are an excellent cook,

it means you enjoy their food.
So let’s see, at a dinner party for example,

you are an excellent cook. This food is delicious.
Oh thank you so much. I am really glad you

enjoyed it.

And that’s the end. So those are things
that you want to hear. So keep in mind, it’s

nice for you to hear these things but other
people also want to hear them too. So compliment

other people. Tell them that they are awesome
if they are awesome. Tell them that they have

good skills in whatever it is that they like
to do. People like to be complimented and

people want to be liked. So write them a message
or say something nice to them. Leave us a

comment. We have a great team of people doing
all these amazing things. So tell them how

much you love them. So thanks so much for
joining us for this week’s lesson. We will

see you again next time. Please make sure
to subscribe, if you have not already so that

you don’t miss out on any fun stuff. Thank
you very much again for watching and we will

see you again soon, bye.