Learn American Holidays Labor Day

hi everyone I’m Alicia Labor Day is
celebrated nationwide in the US on the

first Monday in September it’s been
celebrated since 1894 at the federal

level and it’s the only u.s. federal
holiday dedicated to American workers

the holiday arose from a time of
political crises in the US and partially

in reaction to a particularly bloody
strike Labor Day was adopted as an

alternative to International Workers day
do you know why we’ll show you the

answer at the end of this video
Labor Day celebrates the American worker

it’s also the unofficial end of the
summer vacation and Recreation season in

most US school districts summer vacation
ends right after Labor Day the

celebrations are informal and the main
purpose of the holiday is really to give

people a day off of work and to
recognize what working men and women

contribute to the nation every Labor Day
in the US you’ll smell plenty of

barbecues firing up and see a lot of
people having informal gatherings in

parks and in their own backyards in
addition to celebrating laborers this

day means that summer is drawing to a
close in touristy cities you’ll start to

see cars driving away and people
returning to their homes parades are

sometimes held to commemorate the day as

Labor Day is also significant for
professional sports as it’s the official

beginning of the professional football
season in the United States on the

Thursday immediately after Labor Day
sports fans tune into the very first pro

football game of the year for
post-secondary students college or

university starts right after the
holiday and college football is in full

swing soon after Labor Day as well

put away your white shoes wearing white
shoes after Labor Day and before

Memorial Day is considered a faux pas by
some fashion conscious Americans this

however is now a rather out-of-date
custom and now here’s the answer to the

quiz do you know why Labor Day was
adopted as an alternative to

International Workers day Labor Day was
offered as an alternative to

International Workers day due to the
political nature of the latter fearing

the political influence of the communist
movements just starting up in Europe

Congress and President Grover Cleveland
needed to reach out to the American

labor force they rushed Labor Day
through as a holiday it was already

celebrated in several states to offer
reconciliation with the labor movement

and to head off the influence of the
more radical workers movements in Europe

how was this lesson did you learn
something interesting is there a day

similar to Labor Day in your country
please leave a comment in English class

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