10 Habits of Highly Effective Learners English November Review

hi everyone welcome to your monthly

review the monthly show on language

learning where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips new study

tools resources and where we show off

learners like you speaking the language

that is if you’re brave enough to become

language learning famous all the

materials mentioned in this video are

available for you now on our website

click the link in the description to

sign up for your free lifetime account

and start speaking in minutes ok today’s

topic is the ten habits of highly

effective language learners so what do

successful language learners people who

set language goals and actually hit them

do differently and are you doing any of

these things already let’s get into it

you’ll discover 10 powerful habits and

how to apply them I’ll give you specific

step-by-step examples you can use these

whether you’re learning with our program

or any other resource a textbook an app

or some audio program

let’s start with the first and most

important one habit number one set small

measurable goals with deadlines why

small goals well say for example you set

big vague goals like I want to be fluent

someday and maybe you buy a textbook you

read the first chapter then you start

wondering if you’re getting any better

you start worrying you’ll never be

fluent and you give up if you do this

you need to start setting small

measurable goals for example learn 100

words in a month or speak one minute of

conversation or do 30 of our audio

lessons in one month deadlines November


okay habit number 2 create a routine

because your routine is what will bring

your goals to reality this goes back to

the first habit again if you set a goal

like doing 30 lessons in one month you

need to do one lesson a day and spend 15

minutes studying now you have a routine

to stick to one lesson a day 15 minutes

next decide when and where you’ll do it

why so you can make time make a mental

note that this time is language time and

this is important say no to other things

your language goals and dreams take

first priority next habit number 3 don’t

cram instead of cramming or forcing

yourself to learn for 1 or 5 hours start

small cramming may have worked for you

with studying for tests but language

learning is a marathon not a sprint so

if you do five hours now you’ll burn

yourself out you’ll hate the learning

and that’s not good that’s how you fail

at your goals and dreams but if you can

do 5 to 15 minutes a day every day

learning won’t be overwhelming and

you’ll be successful in the long run so

how do you create this habit if you’ve

set your small measurable goal and

routine you’re good to go

habit number 4 prepare lines and

conversations ahead of time if you’re

like most language learners speaking is

your weak point and a lot of the time

it’s because you just don’t know what to

say you don’t have the words in your

head this is where preparation comes in

so imagine you meet a person for the

first time what do you say to each other

hello how are you what’s your name where

are you from what

your hobbies if you prepare these

questions and answers ahead of time you

then have things to ask and say so how

do you do this

if you’re learning on the website check

out our top 25 questions lessons that

teach you questions and answers that we

use all the time in conversations for

example what’s your name where are you

from how old are you how was your

weekend another way to prepare is to

make a list of questions or phrases you

want to say then get the translations

for those the point is if you prepare

lines like my name is I am from this

weekend I did this the kind of lines you

use all the time you’ll always have

something to say habit number five get

into the habit of producing output so

input is taking language in listening

and reading and output is putting

language out so speaking and writing the

point here is it’s easy to just sit and

listen and watch YouTube videos you can

listen to lessons all day long but

listening helps with listening it won’t

get you speaking the language so the

easiest ways to produce output are for

speaking repeat what you hear out loud

that’s called shadowing and for writing

write things out by hand you can copy

out our lesson dialogues or just copy

the sentences out of a textbook

habit number six come back and review

and that’s because reading something

once doesn’t mean it’ll be in your brain


so this is where reviewing comes in in

order to master grammar words or phrases

you must go back and review how do you

do this

spaced repetition of flashcards are a

great example of this a lot of language

learners use these because with spaced

repetition you get to see words again

and again over spaced periods of time

and that improves your memory another

simple thing you can do is download and

save our lessons replay them later

download our dialogue tracks these give

you just the conversation from that

lesson no translations make a playlist

on your phone and listen as much as

possible just like with songs soon

you’ll know tons of practical

conversations by heart next habit number

7 look for solutions there’s one

interesting thing that separates new

learners from successful

it’s how they react when they don’t

understand something because beginners

completely rely on the study tools they

use they tend to blame them - you’ll

often hear that someone gave up because

the textbook was too boring or it won’t

help them speak but if you realize a

book won’t help you speak it’s not the

books fault is it and if you complain

that a class doesn’t help you speak but

you’re not raising your hand at every

opportunity either whose fault is it so

experienced learners look for solutions

get into the habit of coming up with a

solution for your problem habit number

eight focus on what you’re good at and

you should do this because it’s overall

motivation if you’re generally better at

speaking than writing then you’re more

likely to enjoy it which means you’re

more likely to continue with it and that

means it’s a successful routine habit

number nine is don’t procrastinate which

is easier said than done

most of us procrastinate and a lot of

that is a result of overthinking let’s

say you plan on studying today so you

remember I have to study I have to study

now you’re ruining it in your head it

becomes something you have to do it’s a

hassle now but if you set a small

measurable goal and have a simple

routine spend five minutes then you know

you just need to put in five minutes and

you’re done so if you want to beat

procrastination make your goals and

routines easy and number ten remember

that learning a language is a marathon

not a sprint

so there’s no need to do five-hour cram

sessions and burn yourself out 5 or 10

minutes is good enough remembering this

is a good habit to have if you’re having

a bad day if you can’t remember some

grammar it’s not all over it’s just a

minor bump in the road another thing

that helps is considering the resources

you use sticking with quick five-minute

lessons that are easy to finish will

help keep you in the marathon

now speaking of lessons and resources

here are this month’s new lessons and

resources first the ultimate guide to

learning and mastering language ebook

this is a 52 page ebook that covers the

learning tactics I just talked about

setting goals staying motivated learning

faster if you’re interested in learning

strategies be sure to download it

next the sport and exercise conversation

cheat sheet if you want to talk about

sports and fitness in the language

you’re learning then you’ll love this

PDF cheat sheet and finally how to

improve your speaking skills it’s

another language strategy lesson to get

these free lessons and resources just

click the link in the description below

all right everyone in the last monthly

review we asked you to submit a video or

audio file of yourself speaking the

language introducing yourself in the

language so thank you to all of you that

sent in submissions you’ve all gotten a

Premium Plus subscription as a reward

now let’s take a look at some of the


okay so I’m gonna listen to some of the

submissions that you guys sent I’m super

excited so I’m gonna hit play

hello everyone I am Mariana I am Mexican

what’s so cool I’m so excited to hear

you guys learning English I’m so happy

that you guys actually like learning to

so cool language is amazing interesting

and you can meet I hope you guys all

think it’s interesting to learn to like

I don’t want people to be bored it’s

wonderful and yeah she speaks really

really clearly - that’s awesome

English open the doors to work no that’s

so cool places and him English could be

a challenge for you that’s so cool I

know lots of people are studying with

our channel so I’m so happy than helpful

thinkers meet mmm I could meet my best


oh whoa felt like making friends with an

opportunity is through language that’s

also cool like I’m so happy to hear that

people are using the language in that

way that’s awesome that’s so cool thank

you so much for sending this 21 I’m come

from Mali which is a country of West

Africa oh wow people from countries I’ve

never even imagined visiting - I am now

in France in an engineering school

called central city lake okay data

science so I wanted to be I wanted to be

data scientist

well to be a scientist England I fell in

love please either relink time equal

using it because he fell in love with it

alone i’ma go

that’s so cool thing you have a

connection with the language when you’re

a young

which I’m really amazed by the accent

accents most of the time wouldn’t have

native speaker you know the accent is

really amazed so I didn’t decide to try

to improve my English cool in order to

be able to speak like them

okay so peak like being able to speak

like a native speaker this Agreement use

to speak English wanting to leave one

day in America

oh and wanting to live in the u.s.

someday and find maybe a job

yeah that is my motivation that’s so

cool okay so studying and using it to

like one day live in the USA and using

it maybe for work and like all of this

like so young like I don’t know that I

was thinking about those sorts of things

when I was 21 that’s so awesome

cool thank you for sending this hello my

name is Anna I’m from Malaysia English

is the most commonly spoken language

that used in the world mainly country

use English as their first or second

language the reason why I want to study

English is because it’s easy for me to

travel around the world when I speaking

in English second of all I want to get

high chance in getting a better job in

multinational company third I want to

enjoy myself watching movies television

or dramas video using subtitles and

translators I’m looking forward in

English class 101.com to help me achieve

this goal awesome thank you that’s so

cool that was so like she’s so confident

she sounded so young

  • she’s like really young and confident

and wanting to travel and it sounds like

she’s using it like to really achieve

her goals in her life that’s so awesome

oh my gosh cool

so which entry did you like the best

leave a comment below or do you think

you can do better here’s the challenge

for you yes everyone watching this

record a 30-second to 1 minute audio or

video clip introduce yourself in the

language share your name where you’re

from and why you’re studying this

language and you’ll win a three-month

Premium Plus subscription to submit

click on the link in the description

sign up for your free lifetime account

then fill out the form attach the audio

or video file and press submit we may

feature you in next month’s episode so a

lot of learners will see you and your

progress and will hopefully get inspired

to improve and master the language to

submit a recording click the link in the

description and follow the instructions

on the page so thank you for watching

this episode of monthly review next time

we’ll talk about why your worst days are

the best days to study in the mean time

submit your recording if you’re brave

like and share this video and leave a

comment to tell us what language

learning tactics you’d like us to talk

about see you next time bye