12 DAILY Activities to PERFECT your English Communication Skills Every Day

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with Lucy today I am going to

help you with your daily English

practice the best way to learn a

language is to practice it every single

day today I am going to talk to you

about 12 really fun ways of involving

English in your everyday life so that

you can practice take a handful or maybe

just a couple of these ideas put them

into practice and watch your language

skills transform in front of your eyes

these ideas work for any language so it

doesn’t just have to be English let’s

get started with the lesson number one

my first idea is try following chefs or

recipes in the language that you’re

trying to learn now when you learn a new

language it’s really good to learn about

their culture it will help you a lot and

you can learn so much through their

cuisine and their diet and their eating

habits maybe you can have a week of

dinners from the culture of the language

that you’re trying to learn you could

get together with friends who are also

learning that language and choose to

only speak that language at the dinner

table as you eat this foreign food there

are so many opportunities for practicing

your language skills reading the recipe

going to the shops and choosing the food

maybe watching a chef in action on

YouTube I know a lot of you are learning

English and there are some absolutely

amazing British chefs on YouTube you can

look at Nigella Lawson if you like the

RP accent and a female voice Nigella

Lawson has the most attractive voice and

the most beautiful accent I highly

recommend you watch some of her videos

you’ve also got sorted food those are

for guys they’re very nice people

actually I have met them they do some

really great recipe videos

there’s also Jamie Oliver he’s a little

bit more cockney and then you’ve got

Gordon Ramsay if you like someone

shouting at you tip number two is

take a daily language challenge this

part of the video is sponsored by lingo

de but I’m going to give you highly

relevant information that will help you

improve your language skills on a daily

basis this video is about fun activities

and things that you can do on a daily

basis to improve your language skills

five minutes on a language app each day

will help you improve but it’s not

enough on its own to make a huge impact

weekly lessons at a walk in language

school will also help but you might find

that your progress is very very slow the

lingo didn’t language marathon is the

perfect way to study every day and make

a huge impact on your fluency you may

have heard me mention the lingo to

language marathon before but this is the

last ever Ling Godin language marathon

promotion if you don’t know what is it

well it’s basically a really motivating

language study challenge you study every

day unless you take the half marathon

where you study slightly less and if you

complete the marathon you get a 100%

refund or a 50% refund if you do the

half marathon more than 15,000 people

have participated in the lingo to

language marathon over the past few

years for many it’s transformed their


helping them to study or work in a new

country many of them have shared their

life-changing experiences with lingo des

and you can see that on their website

which is linked down below I’d also

encourage you to check out their

Instagram profile where you can see more

inspiring stories the marathon starts on

the 23rd of September 2019 and ends on

the 21st of December 2019 you have to

participate in an agreed number of group

classes each month in order to succeed

that’s 30 classes for the full marathon

and 15 classes for the half marathon you

can only take one class per day every

day you can join the marathon in English

French German Spanish and business

English and there are classes for every

level beginner to advanced so how do you

participate you need to sign-up to the

marathon before the ninth

September after registering for the

marathon and paying your non-refundable

entry fee which is 49 euros this secures

your spot in the marathon you

automatically sign up for a three-month

subscription the entry fee will be taken

off your first month in the marathon I

have a special discount code for you you

can get 10 euros off your entry fee by

clicking on the link in the description

box and using my code talk 5 don’t

forget lingo - will refund your tuition

fee in full if you attend an agreed

amount of classes within each marathon

months you will need to show up on time

for the classes that you’ve booked and

you’ll need to actively participate if

you book a class and miss it or fail to

book a class at all you’ll still be able

to continue taking the classes but you

will no longer qualify for the refund

remember places in the marathon are

limited reserve your spot in advance to

avoid missing the last ever marathon

promotion you absolutely must make sure

that you check the terms and conditions

to familiarize yourself with the rules

previous marathon graduates have said

that this is the key to getting the

refund the marathon is an incredible

opportunity to take your language skills

to the next level quickly and

effectively so many students would jump

at the chance to take an English class

with a native qualified teacher every

day for 3 months and the fact that you

can get your money back

as an extra motivational incentive is

the icing on the cake alternatively if

you don’t think that the marathon is for

you you can check out lingo does other

flexible subscription packages good luck

to everyone who chooses to participate

in the marathon number 3 this might

surprise some people but I am a massive

fan of Reddit and I think it’s a

fantastic language learning tool

especially if you want to learn English

reddit is a huge forum it’s basically a

network of communities that are based on

people’s interests these little

communities are called subreddits

you can find communities subreddits that

you’re interested in and then you can

dissipate but something I’ve noticed

about reddit is that generally the level

of vocabulary and grammar and writing in

general seems to be quite high if you

compare the people and read it to the

people on Facebook it seems that they’re

much more willing to communicate with

you to correct you to debate with you

there’s a lot more high quality

interaction there’s also lots of funny

content lots of news content lots of

memes lots of cute content I like to

share pictures of my dog on reddit I

really recommend that you visit reddit

you find some subreddits that you’re

interested in in the language that

you’re trying to learn probably English

but there are lots of subreddits in

other languages as well there are sub

reddits for sport cooking politics

debating creative writing everything I

recommend that you visit reddit once a

day and make a post or make a comment

every single day and start to interact

with other native people I warn you it’s

addictive and you will probably fall in

love with reddit like I have and like

we’ll have number four is eat in

authentic restaurants but there’s a

special way of doing this if you’re

trying to learn a language you need to

warn the staff that you would like to do

everything in that language and you need

to let them know that you’re learning

you want to improve and it’s highly

likely if it’s not too busy that they

will want to help you especially if they

speak that language themselves if they

are from that country I used to do this

all the time in London there was a

Spanish restaurant near me and I used to

go there with my friend who also was

learning Spanish and we used to say

would you mind if we did everything in

Spanish today just pretend we’re in

Spain and the waiters absolutely loved

it they felt like they were in Spain too

I think they were also quite flattered

that English people were trying to learn

their language because obviously they

had come to England to learn our

language so it was quite a nice exchange

look around you see if there’s an Irish

pub or some sort of British restaurant

or if you’re learning French a French

restaurant etc etc and you can make a

really fun evening of it

obviously it’s best to have a partner in

crime it’s also learning that language

but you can always ask your dinner

partner do you mind if we do this in a

foreign language or just really like you

unity to practice number five great for

daily practice is set all of your

electronic devices so I’m talking your

TV your phone your iPad your laptop

anything you can think of your Alexa

your Google home thingy your Google home

set it into the language that you’re

learning ask Alexa or Google in the

morning what the weather’s like and they

will tell you in the language that

you’re learning find out random tech

vocabulary by switching your computer

and then having to deal with a huge

problem in a foreign language okay maybe

that isn’t everyone’s idea of a good

time but I did that when I was learning

Spanish and it just made me feel

confident that I was doing everything I

possibly could to immerse myself in

Spanish number six this one relates to

video games if you like to play video

games if you’re a gamer and if you play

online multiplayer games choose a

foreign server a server where people are

from the country of the language that

you’re learning I’ve said this before

people playing video games can be very

helpful you can form very nice

friendships and a lot of the best

English students that I had with the

best pronunciation and the strangest

vocabulary had learnt all of that from

gaming they formed long lasting

friendships with natives and practiced

with them on a daily basis and it was

fun make sure you don’t accidentally

learn loads of swear words though number

seven is quite a cool idea actually it

is shop in foreign supermarkets you

don’t necessarily have to buy anything

but this is especially good if you’re

learning a language like Chinese or

maybe polish or maybe Arabic languages

where they have a very specific diet or

they eat very specific foods and there

is a lot of immigration into your

country and so they have their own

supermarkets there are loads of Oriental

supermarkets and Arabic supermarkets and

Polish sections in the supermarkets in

the UK I imagine there are in your

country I remember in Spain there were

loads of Oriental supermarkets just go

there if you’re learning one of those

languages go there have a browse

bring a translator or a dictionary with

you and see what new vocabulary you can

pick up okay you might not want to do

this on a daily basis but maybe you

could do it once a week and make a meal

from the ingredients that you pick up

once a week that links with my first tip

or idea which is following recipes and

chefs in the native language number 8

this is more expensive and not

necessarily daily but it is make your

next holiday a language course this is

something that I did when I was younger

and it helped me so much instead of

going on holiday I used to go on

language courses all of my friends went

on girls holidays to Ibiza and Greece

and party holidays and I I’m not trying

to be super different or anything for

the price of the one week holiday that

my girlfriend’s went on I managed to

book three weeks immersion in Italy I

just stayed in a room in a flat I’m an

Italian woman there I worked really

cheap flights with Ryanair and I did a

half-day language course every single

day which is why it kind of relates to

learn every day oh my god the amount of

Italian I learned in those three weeks

was incredible and the reason it really

relates to learning and doing something

fun every day is because I met so many

people out there that I kept in touch

with on whatsapp and chatting to a

foreign friend in their native language

on whatsapp every day is an amazing way

of improving your language skills and

even better if you do it via voice notes

they give you a little bit of time to

think about what you’re saying or you

can correct yourself and when they reply

to you you can listen to what they’ve

said multiple times and repeat bits so

it’s a really really good way of

familiarizing yourself with the

pronunciation and the language now

obviously you have to have the funds but

it’s something you could really really

work towards I remember one year it was

my Christmas and birthday present joint

from my parents to do a one-week

language course in Spain they thought I

was mad I think they were also kind of

proud that’s why I wanted instead of an

iPhone I was just obsessed with Spain

and languages I really really just

wanted to go number 9 is fun especially

you have quite a specific interest its

read blogs in another language and the

reason why this is so good is because

blogs as opposed to news articles and

other documents online are normally

written in quite a colloquial fashion

the blogger writes as if they are just

talking to a friend normally this is a

fantastic opportunity to pick up

colloquial phrases slang phrases the way

a native speaker would naturally talk

and write and the best part it’s

something you’re interested in or it’s

written by a person that you admire and

that you like number 10 read a

translation of your favorite book I

always mention this and it’s amazing how

many people haven’t thought of doing

this choose a book that you’ve already

read and read it in the language that

you’re learning it’s much easier than

just picking up a new book because you

understand the general storyline and you

can pick up new vocabulary without

having to actively search for it in a

dictionary I did this with Harry Potter

in Spanish and it took me a little bit

longer but it felt really really

satisfying because I was learning new

words without having to translate them

it also really helped me with my

sentence structure and also my

storytelling number eleven quite a

simple one but follow native speakers on

social media social media is normally

seen as a huge distraction when you’re

using it you’re wasting time but what

happens if when you go on Instagram it’s

just filled with speakers of the

language that you are learning all of

their captions are in that language all

of their stories are in that language

the same on Facebook the same on YouTube

if you’re looking at social media and

it’s all in the language that you’re

learning well you’re still immersing

yourself you’ll still be picking things

up again

you can tailor it to your interests

check it every day it’s suddenly a

language activity that you do on a daily

basis and it will help you improve and

it will help you sound more natural and

develop natural organic English skills

or other language skills and the last

one number twelve this isn’t for

everyone but it’s a great idea and it’s

something I’ve done in the past it’s

start a private blog or diary in the

language that you’re learning okay it


necessarily have to be private mine was

a hundred percent private and I just

wrote about my day in the language that

I was learning I never got anyone to

correct that because I didn’t want them

to see what I was writing but for me it

was really interesting to go back over

time and look at how my language skills

had developed and see how I chose to

express certain things and feelings when

my language skills weren’t up to scratch

writing down these feelings in another

language made it much easier to express

these feelings in another language when

it came to it right

those are my 12 ideas for improving your

language skills on a daily basis if you

have any more recommendations please

comment them down below I’m sure there

are loads more fun ways of improving

your skills if you are interested in

joining the last ever link go to

language marathon promotion and click on

the link in the description box and use

my code talk 5 for a 10 euro discount on

your entry fee don’t forget to connect

with me on all of my social media I’ve

got my facebook I’ve got my Instagram

I’ve got my Twitter and I’ve got my new

Lucy Bella L channel the video that

we’re going up or might have already

gone up is about my stupidest financial

mistakes that I made in my twenties very

interesting if you want to laugh at me

and my stupidity check that out it’s

linked down below I will see you soon

for another lesson no pick a handful or

maybe just a couple of these ideas put

them into practice and watch your

language skills evolve evolve

what is this Pokemon now when you learn

a new lap a new now when you know

no I must say her voice is incredibly

attractive it’s gorgeous

hi jelluh lost and making me hot sweaty

upper lip

I hope my makeup still or if not that

will be embarrassing after registering

for the marathon and paying your

non-disposable I think they were also

quite flat just at 10,000 steps by



