20 Benefits of Learning English

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language

learning where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips study tools

and resources by the way all the lessons

and bonuses you’re about to see can be

downloaded for free on our website so

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account okay today’s topic is the 20

benefits of learning a language so what

are the benefits of learning a language

we searched online and collected 20

ideas and today you’re going to find out

which are true and which are debatable

but first listen up here are this

month’s new lessons and resources first

be talking with friends cheat sheet if

you want to be able to speak casually

with friends then you’ll love this new

cheat sheet you’ll master everyday

expressions idioms and slang for casual

conversations if you want to be able to

talk about your day fluently then you’ll

want the next new resource the four

hundred everyday phrases for beginners

ebook this bonus ebook will teach you

over 400 words and phrases related to

daily activities like waking up making

breakfast going to work or school and

much more third how to talk about

YouTube in your target language with

this one-minute lesson you’ll learn the

most common words and phrases like like

comment and subscribe in your target

language fourth how to talk about your

phone plan in your target language if

you’re traveling and need to get a phone

then this one-minute vocab lesson is for

you fifth top 20 words for positive

emotions if you want to talk about your

feelings then check out this next lesson

it’ll teach you 20 positive emotion

words in just a few minutes to get your

free resources click the link in the

description below right now they’re

yours to keep forever

okay let’s jump into today’s topic

the 20 benefits of learning a language

so Before we jump in we should clarify

that for this video we’ve collected 20

ideas about the benefits of learning a

language we’ll share about whether we

think these benefits are real or not

then hopefully give you some inspiration

along the way if you have your own

thoughts or have found a unique benefit

leave a comment let’s get a discussion

going now let’s jump in number one it

gives you access to more job

opportunities this is undoubtedly a big

benefit for many people the more

proficient you are in a language the

better but even knowing just a little

bit of language and culture gives you

things to talk about and reasons to

approach native speakers this can lead

to improvements in your networking

skills which can lead to job

opportunities and if you’re already

bilingual then you already have access

to many more opportunities number two it

boosts brainpower

you’re actually using your brain while

learning another language for example

spending an hour a day studying instead

of just watching TV means you’re

learning new things and gaining more

perspective on the world around you

number three it allows you to travel

more easily this is definitely true one

of the biggest rewards of studying a

language is traveling to a place where

it’s spoken and your travel experience

can be drastically different when you

speak or try to speak to native speakers

in their language people are happy that

you’re learning their language it also

gives you something to aim for if you

study Italian you’ll have a great excuse

to go to Italy number four it improves

your first language we agree with this

to an extent when learning a new

language it’s critical to have an

understanding of the grammar of your own

language to make progress you have to

understand how grammar works in the

first place what infinitives

conditionals and modal verbs are before

you can understand it in your target

language so yes

learning a second language can improve

your understanding of your native

language number five it improves your

understanding of the world

for example people learning Japanese

sometimes mention they feel more polite

when speaking in Japanese and native

Japanese speakers sometimes express that

they can be more direct in English by

thinking and speaking in a different

language people consider different ways

of communicating this can change your

perspective and improve

understanding of the weights other

people experience the world number six

you get to experience new cultures if

you learn a new language you’ll get

opportunities to explore you can check

out new movies music and restaurants and

find more places to visit number seven

learning is an achievement in itself

personal growth is one of the biggest

reasons people learn a language we

actually did a survey a few months ago

for our language program members many

people listed personal goal as their

main reason for studying we all have

goals and dreams it feels good to

achieve them number eight it improves

your memory we feel this is inconclusive

while some studies have shown that

continuing to study and expand the mind

over the course of your lifetime can

reduce the chances of memory loss in old

age we can’t say that your memory will

improve by studying a language it

probably won’t hurt but it might not

help number nine it improves your

ability to multitask we don’t completely

agree with this multitasking in general

might not be such a good idea when

you’re doing multiple things at once

you’re not giving your full attention to

any one thing and if you’ve ever studied

language before you know that it takes

focus over an extended period of time to

improve while you may gain the ability

to switch quickly between your new

language and your native language for

example we can’t say that learning a

language will improve your multitasking

skills number 10 it sharpens the mind

for example bilingual people are better

critical thinkers it’s difficult to say

with certainty whether or not this is

true if you speak another language

fluently you might think more critically

because you’re aware of some of the

limitations of certain languages in a

sense it might help you to be more

logical because you may be less swayed

by emotional language especially when

you’re beginning and need to take time

to interpret words and work to

understand them but again this differs

from person to person number eleven it

improves your decision-making skills

again this could be true for some people

but it’s hard to measure precisely when

you’re studying a language you’re

working toward a goal if you’re very

invested in it you might spend hours a

day studying and thus making progress

this process of setting a goal and

working toward it over time is a good

skill to

and there are undoubtedly benefits of

applying this idea to other areas of

your life but we can’t say that an

ability to make good life decisions

comes directly from learning a language

perhaps it could contribute to slightly

more adventurous decision-making let us

know if you have any thoughts about this

one number 12 it improves discipline

overall yes generally we agree here the

more you learn how to learn the more

disciplined you become and the more you

improve in other areas like in education

in diet and fitness related efforts and

in your career

number 13 your networking skills improve

we agree with this one we talked a

little bit about networking in the first

point knowing another language gives you

the ability to talk with more people you

can use this to build new relationships

and create a wider network number 14

your brain gets bigger studies suggest

that continuing to learn new information

increases gray matter in the brain which

is associated with memory while we can’t

say for sure if language learning

specifically will increase gray matter

unless we get some before and after

brain scans from learners building in

depth knowledge seems to be associated

with better brain health overall if

there are any neuro scientists watching

please feel free to share your expertise

number 15 it stalls dementia and

Alzheimer’s studies show that for

bilingual people symptoms of dementia

and Alzheimer’s began at age 75 on

average for monolingual people symptoms

begin at about 71 continue learning and

development slows the deterioration of

brain function and helps keep the mind

sharp for longer number 16 you get to

make new connections this is absolutely

true knowing another language will allow

you to create new business or personal

connections you don’t need to rely on

someone else to translate or interpret

for you and you have the freedom to

communicate in a way that’s suited to

you number 17

it boosts your creativity we can’t be

sure that language learning will

directly boost your creativity because

creativity is related to many different

things learning another language can

give you access to a lot of new media

books movies TV shows music art and so

on and that can certainly inspire you in

that sense language learning can


you to be more creative number 18 it

boosts confidence this one really

depends on the person when you’re

starting out you might not have a lot of

confidence and you might be afraid to

make mistakes but as you gain

proficiency you’ll likely gain

confidence too if you reach

conversational level proficiency you can

do things like travel in the country

where the language is spoken and you

don’t have to worry about

miscommunications which can give you

confidence so at a certain point yes

language learning can be an indirect way

to boost your confidence number 19 you

get to connect with your family or

ancestry we strongly agree with this one

a good portion of our language program

users are learning because they have

relatives that speak a specific language

learning that language allows them to

connect with their family members better

some people are also interested in

learning more about their ancestry and

want to learn the language their family

spoke in order to reconnect with their

roots lastly number 20 it connects you

to people places and things you care

about learning a new language allows you

to make new connections you’ve gained

the ability to make new friends create

close relationships and access things

you’re interested in learning more about

and the more languages you speak the

more opportunities you have being able

to communicate in another language can

open lots of doors that would otherwise

remain closed so thank you for watching

this episode of monthly review next time

our topic will be are you improving how

to assess your language skills if you

enjoyed these tips hit the like button

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and if you’re ready to finally learn

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start speaking from your very first

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