21 Ways to Break Your Routine Learn English

Hey everyone welcome to the monthly
review the monthly show on language

learning where you discover new learning
strategies motivational tips new study

tools and discover new resources by the
way you can download all the lessons and

bonuses you’re about to see right now on
the website so click the link in the

description to sign up for your free
lifetime account and start speaking in

minutes okay today’s topic is 21 ways to
break your routine and master a language

you’re going to learn one the importance
of taking a break 2 how to update your

language learning routine and 321 ways
to break your learning routine if you’ve

ever felt like you’re not making any
learning progress or are in a rut then

this is for you it’s time to break your
routine you’ll find out how in just a

second but first listen up here are this
month new lessons and resources first

the how to count to 1 billion PDF eBook
maybe you can already count to 10 in

your target language but with this new
ebook you go all the way up to 1 billion

download it for free right now second do
you know the 40 most common verbs with

this new useful verbs PDF cheat sheet
you’ll master the 40 most common verbs

that all beginners should know third do
you know the 12 Habits of Highly

Effective language learners you’ll find
out what smart learners do differently

and you’ll learn how to say these habits
like don’t procrastinate in your target

language fourth must know money phrases
can you talk about money this one minute

lesson will teach you phrases like I’m
broke time is money and I want to be

rich to get these free resources click
the link in the description below okay

let’s jump into today’s topic

twenty-one ways to break your routine
and master a language so have you ever

felt like you were in a language
learning rut you have a routine going

you’re studying but you’re not really
pushing the needle on your progress so

what should you do let’s jump into the
first part part one the importance of

taking a break so before you quit
learning languages completely you should

just take a day or two off why well
there’s a good reason why many cultures

rest for one or two days out of the week
it’s why we go on vacation why we take

days off we need time to recharge our
batteries because language learning is

work it’s nonstop dedication to one of
many goals you have in your life right

you have other things in mind bills
relationships work school vacations so

first if you feel like you’re in a rut
take a break for a day or two do

something else and let your brain rest
the next step update your current

language learning routine part 2 how to
update your language learning routine

what do I mean by that I mean do
something completely different with your

language learning do something you enjoy
and there are two ways you can update

your routine first do something new
within the specific skill you’re working

on for example if you like reading and
want to continue reading change the

resource put down the textbook and try a
comic or our easy extensive reading

books on the website the second way is
to change it up completely if you’re

focusing on grammar stop that and switch
over to something else like practicing

your listening with audio lessons or
podcasts the point here is you break a

routine you’re tired of and you do
something else

something you enjoy but you’re still
learning the language

the result is you don’t burn out you
have something new to look forward to

and you’re still taking action on your
language goal so right now you might be

thinking okay I want to break my routine
what else can I do

let’s get into the third part 21 ways to
break your learning routine the key here

is to do something new and fun or at
least something that’s easy enough so

that you’re not overwhelmed and for that
you need some new resources and study

tools so here are 21 examples but if you
have more approaches leave a comment

these are just suggestions and you need
to find out what works for you

okay if you’re focusing on vocabulary
set small goals learn just five words a

day that’s it
sign up for our free word of the day

emails you learn one new word a day
every day learn words and phrases with

our free vocabulary lists these cover
all kinds of topics seasons holidays and

common phrases use spaced repetition
flashcards to drill words or if you’re

listening to music or watching a show or
a youtube video make it a goal to write

down five words you don’t know for
grammar listen to our audio lessons with

every lesson conversation you’ll learn
the grammar rules for the lines used in

the conversation it’s a lot easier to
hear grammar in action than to read

about the rule look up example sentences
using that specific grammar rule again

it’s better to learn from multiple
examples and see the rules in action get

a grammar workbook and drill through the
problems for speaking try and talk to

yourself say what you’re doing out loud
read out loud you can do this with any

reading resource including our lessons
shadow which you hear if you’ve heard

this tactic before there’s a good reason
why you’re hearing about it again

because it works and if you’re not doing
it you’re missing out for listening this

is the easiest skill to practice just
watch a YouTube lesson you can also look

up songs and TV show clips listen to our
audio lessons on the site immerse

yourself download our dialogue tracks
that give you just the conversation in

the language and play them on repeat for
writing make it a goal to write one or

two sentences about your day or simply
copy out text from elsewhere whether our

lesson or a social media post you saw
you can also write down all the new

words you learned today
finally for reading it’s a bit tough to

find an easier more fun routine but try
these read along as you listen to the

audio so you’ll need a resource that
gives you text and audio the audio will

make it easier for you to follow along
you can easily do this with our audio

lessons try kids books or comics in your
target language try our extensive

reading practice books these are easy
one line of page books that are designed

to get you reading fast or find a book
about a topic you’re interested in or a

book you read before in your native
language then try reading it in your

target language again the point is if
you feel that you’re in a language

learning rut the best thing to do is
take a break and then do something new

something easier something that’s fun
now what’s fun is really up to you as a

person you just learned a whole bunch of
ways to learn but if you have more

approaches please leave a comment these
are just suggestions and you need to

find out what works for you all right
everyone in the last monthly review we

asked you to submit a video or audio
file of yourself speaking the language

introducing yourself or talking about
your country in the language so thank

you to all of you that sent in
submissions you’ve all received a

premium plus subscription as a reward
now let’s take a look at some of the


okay so we’ve received a few audio
messages from our viewers this month so

I’m going to have a listen to them let’s
get started

hey Alisha hi how’s queen good I’m
talking I’m from Bangladesh Bangladesh

I own a long language because I want to

go abroad I can get good job and in
she’s an international place but my

English is not so good especially in the
drama part I don’t know hard to do and

how to improve in English I’m also
preparing for miles

poor you please help me how to improve
in English have a lovely day

thank you cool thank you and thanks for
wishing us a lovely day yeah how to

improve in English I think the most
important thing is to continue your

studies always continue your studies
every day study a little bit so in your

case you said grammar is really tough so
I think if you focus on grammar like you

know that grammar is tough for you if
you can focus on really studying grammar

a little bit every day slowly over time
over weeks and months you’ll get used to

it and then you can move on to more like
different like a lot of different things

so like vocabulary or you can move on to
listening practice and so on so in your

case you already know grammar is tough
so start there good luck with your

continued studies and make sure you keep
studying every day I think that’s super

important thanks for this message okay
let’s go on to the next one

hello my name is because villain and
from India India I’ve been learning

English for two years and I think I have
not gone too far to have gained so much

knowledge about the language I’ve been
watching it in this class or not one

videos since 2018 and I have got a lot
of stuff at this site stuck when it

comes to speaking and I have not
interacted much with native speakers I’m

looking forward to practice more English
with this channel but English class 101

lastly a tank all the stuffs that
English class put to YouTube

thank you nice yeah speaking is tough I
know many people really struggle with

speaking like it’s hard to find a native
speaker to practice with so for some

people I know they like to use apps they
found like study partners online and

they use an app to practice with a
native speaker or someone who has native

speaker level English so maybe that’s
one thing that you can try to do another

thing you can do is practice shadowing
we talked about shadowing a lot on the

channel which means repeating after
something after a native speaker so you

can choose a video that I did that I’ve
made or you can choose a video that like

Davy or Michael appears in and you can
practice speaking just after them too so

I think those kinds of things can help
you to improve your speaking skills and

get used to making the sounds at a
faster pace because like in your message

here like your sentences were
grammatically correct your vocabulary

choices were nice
like you said speaking and you know

speaking smoothly and getting unstuck
and feeling like you can communicate

naturally I think in order to do that
you have to kind of push yourself to

practice a little bit faster and like
using the same words that native

speakers do so try shadowing that’s one
thing you can do without a partner and

if you can find a partner great I know
for many people that isn’t possible

finding a partner and making these
recordings of yourself speaking that’s

another thing that can help you a lot of
things thank you very much for this

message very cool okay
I’m going to go to the next one

hello hi I’m Korean and from Mexico so
Lana Turner of the country okay so no

rice a state where you can relax
everyday riding a horse watching horses

race while you drink some beers and
listen and the music or gorillas also

usually those kind of bands to concerts
that are are named Silas will go and

dance all night in Sonora we have the
best meat of Mexico therefore we make

the best tacos oh well Sonora is like a
big ranch

so Javier thanks for sending us a
message about your cities Sonora that

sounds really cool so it sounds like
lots of good food he claims that the

best tacos the best meat is in his City
and he talked about these really cool

parties that go all night I forgot the
word already I have to listen to your

message again but that was really cool I
really enjoyed learning about your city

and just like 43 seconds that was super
cool thanks for sending that I kind of

want to see like a picture of this now -
awesome thanks very much okay that is

everything that we have for this month’s
user submission so thank you so so much

to everybody who sent one in and I’m
looking forward to hearing from you all

again next month - thanks very much

so which entry did you like the best
leave a comment below or do you think

you can do better here’s the challenge
for you yes everyone watching this

record a 30 second to 1-minute video or
audio clip and tell us about where

you’re from you’ll win a one month
premium plus subscription to submit

click on the link in the description
sign up for your free lifetime account

then fill out the form attach the audio
or video file and press submit we may

feature you in next month’s episode so a
lot of learners will see you and your

progress and will hopefully get inspired
to improve and master the language to

submit a recording click the link in the
description and follow the instructions

on the page so thank you for watching
this episode of monthly review next time

we’ll talk about a brutally honest way
to improve your language skills if you

enjoyed these tips hit the like button
share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a language and subscribe to our
Channel we release new videos every week

and if you’re ready to finally learn
language the fast fun and easy way and

start speaking from your very first
lesson get our complete learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account
right now click the link in the

description see you next time bye