3 Ways to Learn English Better

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101.com most

people don’t like to hear this but

consistent hard work is one of the

biggest factors in your language

learning success the course or method

you choose makes a difference too but at

the end of the day you write or die by

the work you put in the quantity of time

spent studying language doesn’t

necessarily determine the quality of

your study spending 3 hours a day

watching movies doesn’t help you learn

much if you’re not actively engaging

with the language in this video we’ll

talk about 3 ways to actively engage

your mind while studying a new language

number 1 think of your brain as a muscle

you’re probably familiar with the phrase

feel the burn

or maybe no pain no gain if you’ve been

to your local gym recently there’s a

chance you might have heard one of these

phrases or seen them plastered on a wall

there’s an idea in the world of sports

and workouts that the discomfort you

feel when running pumping iron or doing

some other physical activity is what

brings results during a healthy workout

the muscles of the body are effective at

a microscopic level the discomfort you

feel is your muscles being pushed to

their limit it’s the limit pushing that

strengthens your muscles so that over

time your performance increases in the

context of language learning it’s

helpful to think of your brain as a

muscle just as we need to push our

physical limits when exercising we also

need to push our mental limits when

learning a foreign language have you

ever studied or practiced your target

language in a way that left you tired or

even exhausted if so you’ve experienced

what it’s like to push your brain out of

its linguistic comfort zone number 2

practice active listening one of the

easiest ways to push your language

skills is to practice active listening

active listening is when you listen to

someone speaking your target language

and you do your best to understand what

you hear the best way to accomplish this

is by using audio that you can’t

completely understand on the first

listen preferably you want to use audio

that has subtitles or transcripts for

you to double-check your understand

after you listen to it you can use

movies YouTube clips or even our

language program which has very useful

transcripts for each lesson during a

practice session you should listen to

the audios several times the first time

around it’s okay if little to no words

stick out to you simply make a mental

note of any words or sounds you

recognise the second time you listen

you’re likely to recognize a little more

than you did the previous time expect

similar results with your third or even

fourth time listening after you’ve hit

the ceiling of words you can decipher go

ahead and look at the language subtitles

or transcripts listen to the audio again

reading along with the text odds are

that you will see words in the text you

know but didn’t hear correctly you’re

also likely to encounter words that are

new to you completely as you play back

the audio and read along try to guess

what these words mean from the context

of the words around them after you’ve

read along a couple times feel free to

look up the remaining unfamiliar words

in a dictionary or translator app this

active listening exercise routine is a

great way to increase your listening and

comprehension skills while picking up

some new vocabulary along the way it

also allows you to learn new words in

context which itself is a powerful

method to help you retain what you study

number three practicing with native

speakers practicing with native speakers

is the epitome of pushing your language

skills using what you know to

communicate in real time is where the

rubber really meets the road try to

connect with a native speaker on a

weekly basis regularity is what makes

the difference when you’re learning a

foreign language if you live in a large

metropolitan area then there’s a

significant chance that there are some

local native speakers nearby try hitting

up a local language exchange or meetup

group to make the necessary connections

if you’re unable to find a practice

partner locally then you can take your

search online there are a number of

sites out there that help you find and

connect with other language learners

from around the world there are tons of

language learners around the world who

have learned or are learning a second

which you’re likely to find someone who

knows your target language and is

looking to improve their own language

skills as well learning a new language

isn’t always easy but it’s the

discomfort that comes with pushing your

ability in the language that produces

results in your studies don’t be afraid

to step outside of your comfort zone the

further away you get from your native

language the closer you’ll be to

attaining fluency also remember that

language learning is in every way a lot

like an adventure

there will be fun times and times when

it feels like you’re swimming up their

proverbial stream it’s by keeping your

head up long enough through these ups

and downs that you will experience the

priceless satisfaction that comes from

learning a foreign language just keep

moving forward for more help to engage

your mind while learning a new language

check out our complete language learning

program sign up for your free lifetime

account by clicking on the link in the

description get tons of resources to

stay engaged with your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our Channel we release new

videos every week I’ll see you next time

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