4 Rules for Staying Motivated with English Learning

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language

learning where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips new study

tools and discover new resources by the

way you can download all the lessons and

bonuses you’re about to see right now on

the website so click the link in the

description to sign up for your free

lifetime account and start speaking in

minutes okay today’s topic is four rules

for staying motivated with language

learning you’re going to learn one the

mistake people make with motivation -

the four rules for motivation and three

how you can apply the four rules to your

language learning do you wish you were

more motivated about language learning

you watch motivational videos you feel

good for a second but none of it sticks

this lesson may have some tips to help

you first listen up here are this month

new lessons and resources

first the 24 hour survival phrases cheat

sheet traveling and want to learn a bit

of the language then these survival

phrases will help you with the first 24


second the ultimate listening video

master course how good are your

listening skills watch this free video

master course to more easily understand

native speakers you can download it

right now

third the 50 most common verbs all

beginners must know do you know all of

these verbs if not this lesson will

drill the 50 most common verbs into your

head just use the free audio slideshow

tool inside and fourth 20 strategies for

learning a language at home want to

learn a language from the comfort of

your own home

this one-minute lesson gives you all the

best tactics for learning languages to

get your free resources click the link

in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay

let’s jump into today’s topic


for rules for staying motivated with

language learning want to know how to

really stay motivated then listen

closely to these four rules these rules

might be a little different from the

advice that you often hear ready rule

number one action comes first are you

the type of person who prefers to make

things happen or are you the type that

waits for things to happen to you one of

the best ways to stay motivated with

language learning is to not think about

motivation instead take action and start

learning the mistake that most people

make is that they have this backwards

they think they should wait to feel

motivated first and then start learning

but really it’s the other way around

first you do a language lesson you learn

a basic conversation then you do another

and then you start feeling like you can

do more and learn more you see results

so results bring motivation thinking

about motivation does not bring

motivation thinking about motivation is

like reading an article about how to go

outside for a run instead of actually

going outside for a run so action comes


rule number two always have an outside

influence it’s very easy to lose

motivation if you’re learning language

alone so what do you do here are some

examples you get a study buddy you hire

a tutor you join a meetup group you plan

a trip to a country where people speak

that language or you sign up for a

proficiency test like many language

learners do why do this because now you

have other people depending on you you

have outside factors that keep you going

with the language for example if you

signed up for a language proficiency

test you know you have a few months to

study and you have to take the test in a

certain date someone is going to pass or

fail you this is a lot more motivating

than learning alone if you’re learning

with our program you can get your own

teacher with the Premium Plus plan

they’ll hold you accountable send you

homework and give you feedback if you

have a study buddy well now you have

someone that expects you to show up and

improve and if they’re better than you

that should give you extra motivation

because you want to be at their level so

get some outside influence

the next rule is rule number three

always have a go-to study method when

you arrive at work or the gym or when

you start your homework you always have

that one thing you do first right what

do you do for example with work maybe

the very first thing you do is check

emails then you check your tasks for the

week after that you get started well you

need to make the same kind of habits

with language learning you need a go-to

study method that you’re comfortable

with an easy starting point and this

totally depends on you and your style

choose something you enjoy some people

listen to audio lessons

some people like flashcards for some

people writing is easy you can write out

song lyrics and translate them it’s up

to you the point is you should give

yourself an easy first step to get you

started and get into the flow of

learning if you’re learning with our

program you can start with the word of

the day email or do a quick three-minute

audio lesson you can copy out the lesson

dialogue read through the lesson notes

or even easier just review and re-listen

to a lesson you took the day before if

you have your own go to study method

you’re already miles ahead of most

learners leave a comment and tell us

about it

and finally rule number four always be

working on something so here I want you

to stop and think about your friends do

you have a friend that’s always up to

something some project they’re working

on a song or they’re making videos they

finish one thing and they start another

well if you wonder how they stay

motivated it’s because they’re always

working on something and this goes back

to taking action if you’re not learning

or working you can’t stay motivated so

you need to apply this to language

learning how for example like I

mentioned in part two about outside

influence you can make a plan to travel

to a country that speaks your target

language or you can sign up for a

language proficiency test if you do that

you’ll have something to look forward to

something to do if you’re traveling you

need to learn travel phrases if you have

a proficiency test coming up you have to

study grammar and do exercises what else

can you do if you already have a

textbook or workbook make it a goal to


that book if you have a learning program

make it a goal to finish it or reach a

certain level if you’re using our

lessons make it a goal to finish one

learning pathway then when you’re done

give yourself something else to do

something to stick with something to

look forward to so let’s recap one

action comes first to always have an

outside influence 3 always have a go-to

study method and 4 always be working on

something all right everyone in the last

monthly review we asked you to submit a

video or audio file of yourself speaking

the language introducing yourself or

talking about your country in the

language so thank you to all of you that

sent in submissions you’ve all received

a premium plus subscription as a reward

now let’s take a look at some of your


okay so I’m very excited to check out

these submissions from you this month so

let’s get started

hello Alicia I I like to start

congratulating you and your team with

the seven thrilled A’s you got my


and after month I’ll be in love with

your courses okay I’m a Mexican unitl my

name is Ariel okay I’m 24 I’ve been

learning English for about five years I

had the fortune of meeting an American

girl almost three years ago on the

Internet she was in one of those group

meant to achieve change she happened to

be stirring to get a degree on Spanish

language and I was of course determined

to improve my English uh-huh we support

each other on our language core on on

our target languages yeah I can notice

we both polish our skills and I will

pretty I will friendship come on I think

I won’t talk much about my country huh

it is Mexico okay I have a rich nation

beautiful sometimes weird culture people

here has a great sense of humor you must

have it if you live here good bye and

thanks again awesome that was super cool

from Mexico - I think we haven’t had one

from Mexico for a while but that was

awesome thank you for sharing about your

language exchange with the American girl

that you studied with you helped each

other and work together that was awesome

so I think you said you met her online

and then you began working together to

help each other with your studies that

is super cool that was really really

exciting to hear about thank you so much

for sending this and thanks very much

for watching our channel too and for

your nice comments about our courses and

our stuff so I hope that you continue to

study with us and good luck as you

continue working on your English thank

you so much okay I’m going to go to the

next one

hello my name is Usha I’m 25 years old

hi I come from the capital city of China

Beijing okay I’m a developer oh because

of my job I want to learn English too or

read the English at cause that writen by

the foreigner okay I also like to travel

I want to use English to communicate

with others

cool alright awesome cool I don’t think

we’ve ever had a submission from China

before that’s very cool maybe we have

but anyway that was super cool so it

sounds like you have really specific

goals yeah like learning how to read

articles that are written in English and

traveling as well it sounds like those

are big goals for you so that sounds

awesome it sounds like you already know

what you want to do so you can move

forward with those goals in mind awesome

thank you so much for taking the time to

make this submission that was really

cool okay

that is everything that we have for this

month so thank you so much to those of

you who sent this in awesome

so which entry did you like the best

leave a comment below or do you think

you can do better here’s a challenge for

you yes everyone watching this record a

30-second to 1-minute video or audio

clip tell us about where you’re from and

you’ll win a one month premium plus

subscription to submit click on the link

in the description sign up for your free

lifetime account then fill out the form

attach the audio or video file and press

submit we may feature you in next

month’s episode so a lot of learners

will see you and your progress and will

hopefully get inspired to improve and

master the language to submit a

recording click the link in the

description and follow the instructions

on the page so thank you for watching

this episode of monthly review next time

we’ll talk about how to get a return on

your language learning investment if you

enjoyed these tips hit the like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a language and subscribe to our

Channel we release new videos every week

and if you’re ready to finally learn

language the fast fun and easy way and

start speaking from your very first

lesson get our complete learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

right now click the link in the

description see you next time bye
