5 Ways to Immerse Yourself in English without living in the United States

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101.com there’s

a saying the trust is hard to earn yet

easy to lose the same can be said for

foreign language skills being proficient

in a new language takes hours of

practice and study but if you stop using

the language it will fade from your

memory to put it simply if you don’t use

it you lose it that’s why it’s so

important to incorporate the language

into your daily life as much as possible

if you’re serious about learning but how

do you do that if you don’t live in the

country in this video we’ll look at five

ways you can use your target language on

a daily basis and immerse yourself in

the language even if you don’t live near

native speakers number one live your

digital life in your target language as

access to technology increases people

are living more and more of their lives

on the internet use this lifestyle of

constant connection to your advantage

most devices laptops phones tablets or

other connected gadgets have an option

to put their operating system in another

language why not put the devices you use

in the language you’re studying just

scrolling through things on your smart

phone won’t make you fluent but it will

force you to interact with the language

everyday in a small way when it comes to

foreign language acquisition every

little bit helps you can even switch

your social media platforms or web

browsers to your target language the

time you spend on your devices now

become study time number two relax in

your target language everybody likes to

kick back and entertain themselves in

some way why not use this part of your

day to learn more try looking for TV

shows music or movies in your target

language you can use subtitles or follow

along by reading lyrics if your level in

the language is on the lower side it

also helps if you approach this language

learning time as fun and not work don’t

force yourself to watch movies you don’t

like or listen to a kind of music you

have no interest in the point is to keep

a casual relaxed study environment

number three journal or keep a diary in

your target language it might not be so

common to write out your thoughts or the

events of your day in a journal anymore

but it can be a great language learning

habit you can do this by writing by hand


or on a laptop using a foreign language

keyboard that way you don’t have to

worry about your handwriting and can

even practice typing in your target

language as you try to express your

thoughts in a foreign language you might

find gaps in your vocabulary this is a

good thing

filling in these gaps is what will build

your skills and increase your ability in

the language if you’re not sure how to

correct your own journal entries you

might want to try finding a site online

which will allow you to upload writing

and have it corrected by native speakers

number four language exchange with

native speakers a language exchange is a

classic way to learn a language in a

language exchange to people who speak

different native languages help each

other practice for example if you are a

native Spanish speaker and are learning

English you would find a native English

speaker who is learning Spanish partners

take turns speaking their target

language and the native speaker provides

help and corrections this is one of the

most ideal ways to practice your

speaking skills so where do you meet

native speakers if you don’t live in a

country where the language is spoken

your first option is to check around

locally are there any language clubs or

exchanges around your city check out

meetup websites

you can also check around local

universities if there’s a language club

that meets nearby you may be able to

find some native speakers if you can’t

find a partner or a group to meet with

in person check online there are a good

number of foreign language exchanges

most of which are completely free to use

number five work with someone else

learning the language another great way

to sharpen your language skills is to

work with another person who is also

learning the language if your level is

higher than theirs you’ll learn a lot by

trying to teach them or help them

understand difficult concepts if your

level is lower you’ll be able to draw

from their advice and experience if

nothing else you have a new language

partner to practice with it’s easy to

forget sometimes that using a foreign

language is actually what makes language

learning so fulfilling

sometimes after hitting a plateau or

struggling with the language you can

forget why you started learning it in

the first place so whether you’re

learning in a class or you’re teaching

yourself the language daily immersion

will help you enjoy the language and

keep your skills sharp

for even more ways to stay immersed in

the language check out our complete

language learning program sign up for

your free lifetime account by clicking

on the link in the description get tons

of resources to have you speaking in

your target language and if you enjoyed

these tips hit the like button share the

video with anyone who’s trying to learn

a new language and subscribe to our

Channel we release new videos every week

I’ll see you next time bye

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