Dating Someone Who Speaks English

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101 calm being

able to speak freely with native

speakers is an amazing ability in itself

but being able to speak freely to a

whole new group of people opens you up

to possible new relationships most

people don’t realize that spending the

time to build relationships in a foreign

language can actually help you improve

your language skills dramatically in

this video we look at how making

relationships in a foreign language can

help you learn the language faster the

benefits of having friends and partners

who speak a foreign language first its

motivational one of the greatest

struggles for anyone learning a second

language is motivation nine times out of

ten learners start out their language

learning journey with loads of

enthusiasm only to see it gradually wane

over time try as they may it’s difficult

to maintain the spark they once shared

with their new language so why not

borrow energy from a different part of

your life when you make relationships

with people in your target language all

the excitement of a new relationship

carries directly over into your learning

suddenly you have a very rewarding

reason to improve your skills and keep

practicing as your partner or your

friends get involved you will also have

the advantage of a constant source of

support and encouragement second it

makes language learning practical

studying vocabulary and grammar is a

vital part of language learning whether

you use a podcast text book app or find

yourself in a classroom

however as great as studying is a

language really only starts to come

alive once you start using it in

everyday life there’s a huge difference

between a scripted conversation in a

lesson plan and a real life conversation

with a native speaker building

relationships with native speakers will

give you the chance to talk in your

target language often furthermore it

will be in a way that feels natural

you’ll learn the words in the context

which is hugely important third it’s fun

one of the greatest benefits is that it

allows you to practice without having it

feel like practice oftentimes you’ll

find yourself so wrapped up in the

conversation that you forget you’re

using a foreign language

this takes a lot of the pressure off and

helps you focus on communication over

trying to speak absolutely perfectly you

also get to learn about a whole new

culture from your partner or friends so

you’re not only learning language skills

but also about the cultures that

surround your target language the risks

of having friends and partners who speak

a foreign language first it’s easy to

miss communicate when it comes to

relationships humans can easily

misunderstand each other so it can be

hard when building relationships in your

target language when you or your

partner’s lack of ability in each

other’s respective native tongue can

lead to miscommunications that would

otherwise be avoidable depending on the

language you’re speaking

a simple mistranslation or mispronounced

word can drastically change the meaning

of a sentence as long as you can afford

each other some extra patience and the

benefit of the doubt then you should be

able to overcome this pitfall second

your language skills could suffer if

your relationships don’t work out if all

your language practice is wrapped up in

one person and your relationship with

that person doesn’t work out then your

language learning could take a big hit

so it’s best not to put all your hopes

for language growth on one area

relationship or otherwise you don’t want

to risk losing motivation so try to find

it in many different areas an idea for

building relationships in a foreign

language make games out of getting to

know one another sometimes opening up in

any new friendship or partnership can be


add in the added struggle of a new

language and it can feel impossible to

share your true feelings with others so

instead of trying to take first

interactions so seriously and talking

about the usual things like the weather

or work try to ask new interesting

questions try to figure out what the

other person’s hobbies are without

asking directly or what kind of job they

have this will give you a chance to

stretch your language skills in a new

way and you’ll probably get some funny

answers out of it too

being comfortable being silly or making

language mistakes is a great way to bond

with someone even if you’ve just met

relationships in a foreign language have

a lot more benefits to offer than

drawbacks don’t be scared to open up to

people and make mistake

and for even more help to build

relationships in your target language

check out our complete language learning

program sign up for your free lifetime

account by clicking on the link in the

description get tons of resources to

have you speaking in your target

language and if you enjoyed these tips

hit the like button share the video with

anyone who’s trying to learn a new

language and subscribe to our Channel we

release new videos every week I’ll see

you next time bye want to speed up your

language learning take your very first

lesson with us you’ll start speaking in

minutes and master real conversations

sign up for your free lifetime account

just click the link in the description