English Hacks Sound Smarter and Avoid Mistakes

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101.com

hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is Alisha and today we’re gonna

talk about ten different ways to

remember words so these are actually

some ways to remember words that you

have sent in to us so I’m really excited

to see what your recommendations are I

study other languages so let’s talk

about it let’s see

I associate new words with words that

sound similar in my native language if

you’re studying English your native

language might share some words so like

I’m studying Japanese and for example

the word chocolate sounds very very

similar in in Japanese so in English the

word is chocolate in Japanese the word

is chocolate evil so it sounds similar

so that’s an easy word for me to

remember I learn about the roots of

words and how different words are

related to each other many words in

English have roots in very very old

languages like Latin so a word like

omniscient for example can be broken

down into maybe two parts the Omni Omni

meaning all or everything and she int

the science part relates to knowledge or

knowing so together the word means

all-knowing omniscient maybe you can

guess the meaning even if it’s the first

time you’ve seen the word ok I listen to

songs and memorize the lyrics this is

also a common way to to help kids learn

things too through songs opposite of B

plus or minus a square root B squared

minus 4ac all over 2a it’s a quadratic

function equation because it’s a song

it’s still in my head Thank You mrs. Sam

I often watch TV or YouTube videos that

are designed for young children that’s

how children in the native language

learn so it’s a great tool for you don’t

be embarrassed to do that I do that in

English we have Dora the Explorer

we have Sesame Street I speak as often

as possible with native speakers a

native speaker can go up that’s that’s a

strange thing that you’re saying so

there are a lot of small factors that

you can’t get unless you’re speaking

with a native speaker so this is a

really really great tip if you’re

interested in doing this with us we

have on English class 101.com a special

subscription which is called the Elise

level of subscription where you get to

actually study with one of our teachers

here so if if you don’t have somebody

that you can study with now that might

be a way to do it please check that out

if you’re interested I try to use the

language routinely in the context of

daily life when you’re alone just doing

stuff at home like making breakfast or

cooking or doing the laundry if you use

the language just to say like now I’m

going to I don’t know cut vegetables or

oh I need to do laundry later today or

thinking about your appointment whatever

another good example is really I put my

phone into my target language you’re

telling little stories when you’re

having conversations with people so get

used to telling yourself the story I use

repetition reading writing and speaking

words over and over again keep repeating

in your studies even if it feels like

you know you’re not making any progress

you are just just the act of doing that

repetition can be helpful for you if a

football player never throws a football

he’s not going to be able to throw it

very well is he you have to repeat

repeat repeat and then when you’re faced

with the actual situation where you need

to throw the football you need to use

that vocabulary word you’re ready you

already know how to say the word so yes

repeat it’s good I try to think in

English so it becomes natural to my

thought process I do this I think about

what I need to do I think about what I

have done I think about what I’m going

to do and so in that way you can

practice past tense future tense and

present tense recently this has been

happening to me I’ve started dreaming in

Japanese from time to time or I dream

bilingually it’s exciting I think I try

to use the word in a simple sentence so

I learn whole phrases not just

individual words yes this is a huge tip

so vocabulary is important of course if

you don’t know a key word you might miss

the meaning of something but context is

important too so there might be two

words which seem very similar like big

and large for example but when should I

use large when should I use big like if

your clothes shopping and you say mmm do

you have this in a big size it might not

be the correct way to use the word

instead do you have this in a

large size is the correct phrase so

learning how to use the correct

vocabulary word at the correct time is

important and you can do that through

studying sentences and phrases instead

of just vocabulary this is why reading

is important I feel reading as much as

possible especially the newspaper helps

me to remember words when I was a kid I

just read everything I was I was so into

reading I loved it and I think that it

helped it actually helped my language

skills improve even in my native

language again at first it’s really hard

to do and you might have to use a

dictionary a lot but you’ll learn

gradually more natural speaking patterns

more natural writing patterns too which

will help you to sound more natural when

you speak and maybe he can help your

listening skills too when you can listen

for those patterns that you see in

textbooks that you see in newspapers and

novels whatever it’s a great tool

reading and thank goodness that’s the

end so those are ten tips that you can

use to remember new words and new

phrases try them out I’m going to be

doing my best with my target language I

hope that you do too thank you very much

for watching please please please

subscribe to our channel if you have not

already and we will see you again soon

for more exciting information I want to

improve writing in your target language

in this guide you’ll discover the top

eight ways to practice and master

writing with our lessons and learning

program let’s begin number one write out

the words and phrases by hand one of the

best ways to improve your writing is to

simply write more so write every word

phrase and sentence that you learn in

the lessons by hand in a notebook you

can write out the conversations from the

dialogue study tool example sentences

from the lesson notes and words and

phrases from our vocabulary lists number

two take the writing quizzes with every

lesson you get review quizzes to help

you master what you’ve learned just

scroll down to the vocabulary section or

click on vocabulary click on take quiz

and then click on writing questions


number three leave a comment on the

lesson after you’re done with a lesson

be sure to use what you’ve learned

whether a new word or a grammar point

leave a comment in the comment section

and our teachers will review it and give

you feedback number four

dictation dictation is a study method

where you write down what you hear as a

way to test both your writing and

listening skills you can do this with

any one of our audio and video lessons

this method is recommended for

intermediate level learners and above

number five create sentences using newly

learned words you can learn new words

with our lessons the word of the day the

vocab lists and the core 2000 word list

which gives you the 2000 most frequently

used words and as mentioned before you

can also leave a comment with a practice

sentence and our teachers will review it

number six

write short messages to your Premium

Plus teacher just write out a message

and send it to your Premium Plus teacher

for review in fact as a first step all

new Premium Plus users are asked to

write a self-introduction

and send it to their teacher your

teacher will review your work give you

feedback corrections and help you

improve your writing skills fast number

seven get writing assignments from your

Premium Plus teacher you can also get

assignments that cover listening writing

speaking and even reading from your

teacher these assignments can be

tailored to your goals and needs you get

a new one every week or any time you’re

ready for a new one

number eight get even more lessons in

the lesson library if you want even more

writing lessons then visit our lesson

library and under category choose

reading and writing you get instant

access to all of the pathways and

lessons that will help you master all

areas of the language including writing

you’ll get all of our pathways and

lessons that are dedicated to helping

you master writing so if you’re ready to

finally learn language the fast fun and

easy way and start speaking from your

very first lesson get our complete

learning program sign up for your free

lifetime account right now click the

link in the description and if you

enjoyed these tips

the like button share it with anyone

who’s trying to learn a language and

subscribe to our channel we release new

videos every week I’ll see you next time

bye want to improve reading in your

target language in this guide you’ll

discover the top 10 ways to practice

reading with our lessons and learning

program let’s begin number one start a

lesson and read along with the lesson

notes with every lesson you get bonus

lesson notes these give you the lesson

in writing the dialogue the vocabulary

and the grammar explanations so as you

listen to a lesson read along with the

lesson notes by listening and reading

along you hear how each word is

pronounced and can easily keep up number

two read with the dialogue study tool

with the dialogue study tool you get the

line by line breakdown of a lessons

conversation you get the text the

translation the audio and if applicable

the romanization so you can read and

listen to each line individually to

practice your reading reread and review

each line until you master it then move

on to the next line you get this feature

in every one of our lessons number three

read along with the lesson transcript

you also get transcripts with every

lesson these are word-for-word scripts

of everything that was said in the

lesson and are completely free to access

so use these to read along

number four download the PDF notes and

transcripts want to practice reading on

your own time

save the lesson notes and transcripts as

PDFs to your device and keep them

forever that way you can open them up

and practice reading at any time you can

also print the PDFs out to keep as

physical reading material number 5

practice with extensive reading books

extensive reading is a learning tactic

where you read as many books as possible

at a level that’s easy for you and you

follow these two rules one you skip over

words you don’t know and two you jump to

a new book if the current one is boring

the goal is to help you master reading

vocab and grammar simply by reading a

lot without getting stuck on minor words

you can find extensive reading books

from absolute beginner level to advanced

these are simple one line per page books

and all of the translations are on the

lesson page simply look for the

extensive reading pathways in the lesson

library you can also download these

books as PDFs and print them out number

6 take your time and read slowly whether

you’re reading with the notes books or

the dialogue tool be sure to take your

time read the lines slowly on the first

try just like a child would when they

start learning to read this is so you

can get acquainted with every word

number 7 then speed up your reading once

you’ve read a line slowly and are

familiar with the words start speeding

up reread that same line a little bit

faster on the second try and then a

little faster on the third try doing

this will help you read faster number

eight take the reading comprehension

video lessons these lessons are

specifically designed to test your

reading skills you’re presented with a

real-life scenario such as reading a

sign at the train station

and are tested on the words presented on

the screen don’t worry you get the

answer at the end and translations are

available in the dialogue section number

nine get reading assignments from your

Premium Plus teacher you can also get

assignments that cover listening writing

speaking and even reading from your

teacher these assignments can be

tailored to your goals and needs you get

a new one every week or any time you’re

ready for a new one

number 10 get even more lessons in the

lesson library if you want even more

reading lessons then visit our lesson

library and under category choose

reading and writing you get instant

access to all of the pathways and

lessons that will help you master all

areas of the language including reading

and if you’re ready to finally learn

language the fast fun and easy way and

start speaking from your very first

lesson get our complete learning program

sign up for your free life

I’m account right now click the link in

the description and if you enjoyed these

tips hit the like button share it with

anyone who’s trying to learn a new

language and subscribe to our channel we

release new videos every week see you

next time bye


want to completely understand everything

in your target language in this guide

you’ll learn the top 10 ways to improve

your listening skills with our lessons

let’s begin number 1 take your very

first lesson the best way to practice

listening is to just start listening

expose yourself to native speakers as

much as possible so access any audio or

video lesson on the site and press the

play button to get started you can do

the lessons on the site or on the app

while you’re on the go don’t have an

account don’t worry just go to the sign

up page to create an account it takes

less than 30 seconds and it’s free then

click on the play button on any lesson

and start learning number to slow the

lesson down now if a conversation is too

fast for you simply adjust the playback

speed in the lesson control bar and

listen to it again at a slower speed

this will help you understand every word

another way to pick apart every word

that you hear is read along as you

listen just read along as you listen and

you’ll never miss a word you can read

along with the lesson notes or a lesson

transcript that come with every lesson

the lesson notes give you the dialogue

the translations and in-depth grammar

tutorials the lesson transcript is the

full word-for-word transcript of

everything you hear you can also read

along with the dialogue study tool which

gives you the line by line breakdown of

the conversation including the audio and

translations number 4 listen to the line

by line breakdown with the very same

dialogue study tool what makes this tool

so powerful is you can listen to each

line individually and replay it as much

as you want until you understand every

single word this is useful for mastering

fast conversations that she would miss

otherwise number five listen to the

dialogue track the dialogue track gives

you the conversation of that lesson in

the target language only no translations

and you have this tool in every audio

lesson listen to it and see how much you

can understand number six

download the dialogue tracks and make a

playlist this is a great immersion

tactic download the tracks to your

computer or mobile device then play them

on a loop to immerse yourself in the

language and improve your listening

skills each track is only about ten to

thirty seconds so it won’t take you long

number seven play the vocabulary

slideshow you get the slideshow study

tool with all of our audio lessons and

vocabulary lists click on start

slideshow sit back and listen you can

also play it on loop and immerse

yourself in the language number eight

get listening assignments from your

Premium Plus teacher you can also get

assignments covering reading writing

speaking and even listening from your

teacher these assignments can be

tailored to your goals and needs you can

get a new one every week or any time

you’re ready for a new one

number nine take the listening

comprehension lessons these lessons are

designed to test your listening skills

you’ll hear a dialog in the target

language and based on the dialogue

you’ll be asked to answer a question to

check if you understood there are no

translations here except for the

subtitles read along with the subtitles

to understand everything number ten

get even more lessons in the lesson

library if you want even more lessons

from absolute beginner level to advanced

then visit our lesson library you get

instant access to all of the pathways

and lessons that will help you master

all areas of the language including

listening and if you’re ready to finally

learn language the fast fun and easy way

and start speaking from your very first

lesson get our complete learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

right now click the

link in the description and if you

enjoyed these tips hit the like button

share it with anyone who’s trying to

learn a language and subscribe to our

Channel we release new videos every week

I’ll see you next time bye you probably

already have language learning goals but

the real key to success is to make the

right goals in this video I’ll show you

how with five tips to stop wasting your

time and start learning

hi everyone Alicia here in this video

I’ll teach you five tips to stop

procrastinating and keep your motivation

for learning a new language some of

these are study methods and some will be

general ways that you can keep your

study motivation up while these tips are

for studying a language some of them are

good for other things in your life -

such as new challenges or other types of

goals but before we start don’t forget

to click the link in the description to

get your bundle of PDF cheat sheets

including survival phrases romantic

lines learning tips absolutely free now

you probably already have some goals

you’re trying to achieve when it comes

to your language learning progress while

achieving these goals is important

making sure you make the right goals is

the real key to success

the very first tip is to set SMART goals

smart is an acronym meaning each letter

in the word stands for another word

the earliest known reference to SMART

goals was in an article written by

George T Doran for a 1981 issue of the

management review academic journal the

acronym varies depending on its use but

each letter generally stands for some

criterion that helps with effective goal

setting for our purposes let’s define

SMART goals as follows the S stands for

specific your goals should target a

specific area for improvement our

natural tendency is to have a goal

that’s very general if your goal isn’t

specific enough you’ll lack the focus

and proper direction you need to achieve

your goals so S is for specific

M stands for measurable your goals

should be quantifiable they should be

able to indicate progress in some way

you have to be able to track your

progress otherwise you won’t know if

you’re getting any closer to your goal

as you see yourself getting closer and

closer to your goal your motivation will

go up so your goals need to be

measurable a stands for achievable your

goals have to be achievable many people

want to become fluent in their target

language immediately however this goal

is unrealistic your goals have to be

achievable if your goal is to

challenging for your current level it

will only D motivate you when you aren’t

where you think you should be instead

think about what results can

realistically be achieved given your

level your resources and any constraints

such as time so make sure that your goal

is actually achievable R stands for

relevant your goals may be specific they

may be measurable and they may be

achievable but are they actually

relevant to what you want to achieve

don’t just do a lot of things if you’re

focused on improving your speaking

skills in your target language make sure

that you spend your time having

conversations with others make sure

you’re doing the right things so that

your efforts actually bring you closer

to your goal instead of just giving you

more work

T stands for timely you need to set a

deadline for your goals if you don’t

specify when you plan to achieve the

result you’ve set for yourself it’s very

easy to put off the task you can delay

it until tomorrow the next week or the

next month and at this rate you’ll never

get things done so your goal must have

an end date so remember tip number one

is to set SMART goals specific

measurable achievable relevant and

timely so for example a goal you could

make is registering for a challenging

test a test that’s a little bit beyond

your current level

I hate failing so if I register for a

challenging test I’m motivated to study

because I don’t want to fail this is a

good example of a SMART goal because

tests are specific there are tons of

different tests focused on speaking

grammar and comprehension pick a test

that can measure the specific area in

which you’d like to grow measurable

tests are measurable every test measures

your performance to some degree whether

it’s a total count of right and wrong

answers or a simple pass or fail every

test measures your performance tests are

achievable there’s an important detail

to remember here though find a test that

is achievable for you if you’re a

beginner then the most advanced test is

probably not right for you find one

that’s meant for beginners then after

that one work your way up to more

advanced tests in the future tests are

relevant most if not all language tests

are designed to ensure that you’re

capable of performing to a set standard

in your target language lower level

tests are designed to ensure that you

can handle the most essential aspects of

your target language but there are tests

for all levels including higher

education entry exams that could be

difficult even for native speakers pick

the one that’s right for you and finally

tests are timely if your test is

completed in a physical location then

this one is obvious you have to be at

that spot at the set time ready to take

the test there’s no wiggle room but even

online tests will most likely have a

deadline for you to complete them


the second tip to help you stop

procrastinating and to keep your

motivation up is to create a diary or

social media account that you can update

every day this may seem simple or even

unrelated to language learning but by

creating a diary in your target language

you have the chance to actually create

in the language itself creating a diary

is also a great way to practice writing

in your target language

another method is to create a social

media account which gives you the chance

to connect with other people who are

working toward the same goals as you

maybe they can even give you feedback on

your writing if you’re following people

online who regularly share good

resources those can be really helpful

for you too it lets you find new tools

that can encourage and motivate you

especially if they relate to some of

your other interests such as music or

books and other languages this is a

really good way to take a few minutes

every day to work towards your goal

without it even seeming like work the

third tip is to focus on understanding a

specific TV show or movie try to watch a

movie in your target language without

any subtitles or try to understand your

favorite TV show that’s in your target

language if you don’t already have a

goal like this it can be a fun way to

practice if your friends often talk

about a particular TV show it could be a

good way to study and a fun way to keep

your motivation up together

Plus TV shows and movies often use the

language in a way that’s vastly

different from the conversations

provided in traditional textbooks so you

often get to hear different vocabulary

choices it’s a very powerful way to

learn a language and end up sounding

more like a native speaker tip number

four is to enroll in a regular language

course register for something you have

to go to or you have to participate in

regularly meaning every week or two

times a week or maybe even every day the

point of this is it’s something that

gives you a pattern to follow forming a

study habit will help you progress very

quickly it will make it easier for you

to achieve your language learning goals

once you form the habit you won’t even

have to think about starting each time

it’ll just be natural have something

that you must take responsibility for


be more motivated to continue if there

are others especially classmates or a

teacher watching you progress look for

resources inside your community and if

there are no opportunities there look

for things digitally you can find many

of our videos on YouTube on Facebook and

of course our entire video and audio

lesson library on our website the

lessons on our website also come with

assignment courses so you can test your



the last tip is to make your goal public

share your goal tell people about your

goal for example if you want to give a

business presentation in your target

language this year then tell your

colleagues or your boss about it some

people may find what you’re doing

interesting and they can support you

this kind of pressure can help push

people forward who have trouble

motivating themselves alone by telling

others about your goal you’ll feel more

accountable because you told somebody

that you were planning on doing

something there’s an underlying sense of


if you don’t accomplish the task you may

feel that you have failed your peers in

some way even if there’s no direct

pressure from them using this technique

you can push yourself into moving

forward towards your goal especially at

times when you feel the least motivated

and that brings us to the end of our

five tips to stop wasting time and start

learning a language we’ve talked a lot

about how to set goals for yourself and

think about new challenges first I told

you about creating SMART goals

remember SMART goals are specific

measurable achievable relevant and

timely registering for a test is a great

example of a SMART goal next we talked

about keeping a diary or social media

account in your target language start

doing it right now even if you’re still

a beginner then I suggested that you

focus on understanding a specific TV

show or movie pick something in your

target language that you really love

because you may need to watch it over

and over again until it all makes sense

to you and next we talked about

enrolling in a regular language course

this will give you something concrete

that you must take responsibility for

finally make your goal public tell

someone about your learning goals to

keep you accountable for them you’re

much less likely to abandon your studies

if you have friends asking you about

your progress I hope that these are

useful tips that you can use to reach

your language learning goals and before

we go let me remind you to download tons

of free pdf lessons to learn the

language the fast fun and easy way just

click the link in the description if you

like this video give us a thumbs up and

share it with anyone who may find it

useful do you have any good tips that

you’ve used to help

you reach your goals share them in the

comments thanks very much for watching

and see you next time

you’ve decided to study a new language

so now what well you want to become

fluent fast right here are the top five

shortcuts to learning a language number

one create a study schedule and set some

goals many language learners are

unorganized creating a schedule allows

you to free up time to study

consistently goals give you motivation

and something to strive for number two

make it fun if you learn how to make

your study time enjoyable chances are

you’ll be more inclined to study watch a

TV show with subtitles or listen to some

music number three find a language

partner this is the best way to improve

your conversation skills it will help

you gain fluency even faster and

increase confidence when speaking number

four use word lists to build up a solid

vocabulary this is a great way to build

up your fluency one word at a time

luckily we have all the word lists you

need with a range of topics from food to

love choose whichever language you want

to study and go number five don’t be

afraid to make mistakes nothing helps

you improve more than correcting your

own errors you’re more likely to

remember it correctly the next time

around everyone makes mistakes don’t be

afraid to learn from them there’s no

magical way to learn a new language

overnight but doing all of these can

really help your learning process and

remember if you’re interested in getting

on the fast track to fluency sign up for

your free lifetime account no credit

card required and you’ll get the best

free online resources start learning now

learning a language requires a huge

investment of time and often money as

well many people are hesitant to put in

the amount of effort required to become


but learning a new language can be one

of life’s most rewarding experiences

here are five reasons to learn a

language number one more opportunities a

new language can open up many new doors

you’re able to work in countries other

than your own

tons of employers look to hire

multilingual professionals every year

number two meeting new people get to

know speakers of other languages on a

more personal level meeting new people

is one of the main reasons people begin

to study a language making new friends

is a good enough reason to start

studying number three exploring a

different culture whether you decide to

live abroad or you’re just taking a

vacation knowing the local language will

allow you to better understand the

people this can open your eyes to not

only their country but your country as

well learn how people view your home

from their perspective

number four health benefits

studying a new language actually comes

with health benefits keep your brain

sharp by studying every day you’ll be

helping your mind fight off old age and

stay fresh number five

discover you can do it we’ve heard every

excuse that people give for failing to

learn a new language too old not enough

time wrong –jeans but you shouldn’t let

your excuses hold you back you really

can learn another language you could

even hold your first conversation just a

few days from now don’t make any more

excuses just click to start speaking the

language you’ve always wanted to learn

sign up for your free lifetime account

no credit card required and you’ll get

the best free online resources stop

hesitating and start learning a new

language now to master a new language

and understand everything as soon as you

hear it to read with just a quick glance

and speak smoothly without thinking you

need to review

here are our top five review tactics

number one listen to examples over and

over again by listening closely and

often you start to pick up the rhythm of

a language as well as correct

pronunciation from a native speaker use

our line by line feature that lets you

both listen and read along use this tool

to practice as much as possible

number two use our voice recording tool

to master perfect pronunciation record

yourself and compare it against the

native speaker if you sound different

then repeat after the native speaker

until you’re able to match them use our

voice recording feature which makes

recording super easy number three

master your recorded conversations

record conversations and go over them

again and again master entire

conversations and repeat them line by

line use any of the dialogues available

for download on our website these come

with transcripts of the entire

conversation number four use mobile

devices to reinforce previously learned

conversations constant review is the

best way to progress in your language

studies download the recorded dialogue

to your mobile device and incorporate it

into your music playlist quick reviews

throughout the day effectively reinforce

what you’ve learned

number five read with line by line notes

read along with a native speaker to

really master pronunciation and natural

intonation you should start slow at

first then slowly increase your speed

your pronunciation will become more

natural you will also see that your

ability to understand fluent speakers

will greatly increase you’ll be able to

improve your communication skills using

these five simple review techniques

increase your understanding of your

target language and remember if you’re

interested in getting all these review

tools sign up for your free lifetime

account no credit card required and

you’ll get the best free online


and start reviewing more every day today

we’re going to talk about four

techniques to help you stop translating

in your head and instead start thinking

in your target language this will allow

you to have conversations with ease read

smoothly and better understand native

speakers these are four methods to help

you think in a new language number one

surround yourself with your target

language this way you’ll be completely

immersed in the language without

realizing it

you’ll learn pronunciation sentence

structures grammar and new vocabulary

play music in the background while

you’re cooking or have a radio station

on while you study just use one of our

endless podcasts available to you these

are easy to listen to in the background

while doing other things number two

learn through observation this is how we

all learned our native languages as kids

words will develop their own meanings

that relate better to your target

language rather than meanings that are

translated directly number three

speak out loud to yourself even if

you’re a little embarrassed it forces

you to listen to how you speak it makes

it much easier to spot simple grammar

mistakes number four practice daily if

you practice everything for only one day

you won’t retain the information you

learned the brain can realistically only

focus for about thirty minutes so

studying a little every day allows you

to absorb better follow these steps and

have patience you’ll soon be able to

achieve your language learning goals

just make sure to remember these four

methods sign up for your free lifetime

account no credit card required and

you’ll get the best free online

resources and start learning more every


when learning a new language it’s easy

to think I don’t think I’m making any

progress what if I never reach my goals

we all get these thoughts from time to

time but are they worth being scared of

what are the fears language learners

tend to have the most and how can you

learn to overcome them here are the top

floor language learning fears according

to our users number one I’m not good

enough to start speaking yet this is a

pretty common fear or misconception that

most learners have here’s how you

overcome it the best way to get good at

speaking is to start speaking from day

one you need to open your mouth and just

start talking if you think you’re not

good enough just focus on the lines you

want to say number two I’m afraid I’ll

never be fluent you’ve got to set small

specific goals make daily goals like

having just a five-minute conversation

as these small goals add up we’ll be

speaking more comfortably number three

I’m not making any progress

there are two things you can do right

now use the dashboard to track your

progress our dashboard shows how much

you’ve accomplished or try a harder

lesson on our website the lessons come

with line by line translations and the

hosts explain everything now you can

understand something you didn’t minutes

ago number four I’m afraid of not

understanding anything I hear this fear

can occur when you hear advanced grammar

and vocabulary and it just goes

completely over your head to beat this

simply read along with our line by line

tool it’s the best way to instantly

understand advanced conversations

translations and scripts are right in

front of you for real-life situations

learn useful phrases such as can you say

it more slowly I don’t understand

there’s nothing wrong with saying that

you didn’t understand something

so these are the top floor fears and how

to overcome them luckily we also have

the perfect tools available to help you

conquer your fears sign up for your free

lifetime account no credit card required

and you’ll get the best free online


don’t let your fears stop you start

learning now
