How to Be an Effective English Speaker in 30 Minutes

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class wants

to finally learn English the fast fun

and easy way in this video I’ll show you

the top 10 ways to get started so let’s

begin number 1 take your very first

lesson access any audio or video lesson

on English class

and just press the play button to get

started don’t have an account don’t

worry just go to the sign up page to

create an account it takes less than 30

seconds and it’s free we have thousands

of audio and video lessons covering a

variety of topics like grammar

pronunciation listening and reading just

click on the play button on any lesson

and start learning number to read along

with the lesson you can read along with

the lesson notes or lesson transcript

please come with every lesson the lesson

notes provide you with the dialogue for

the scene taught in the lesson along

with translations a more in-depth

explanation of the grammar and culture

and even vocab and sample sentences the

lesson transcript is the full

word-for-word transcript of everything

you hear in the lesson and the dialogue

study tool provides you with the audio

for the lesson dialogue along with the

translations number three shadowing

shadowing is a tested learning technique

where you repeat what you hear this is a

great way to start speaking in minutes

and practice speaking in general if

you’re listening along with the lesson

audio or dialogue be sure to shadow

along the way number four use the

dialogue study tool to master the

conversation here you get the line by

line breakdown of the conversation

demonstrated in the lesson listen and

repeat until you’ve mastered each line

do this until you’ve mastered the entire

conversation number five use the voice

recorder to perfect your pronunciation

and speaking in the dialogue study tool

you’ll find a microphone icon next to

each line click on it to record your


then compare it with the native speakers

listen and adjust your pronunciation

until you match that of the native

speaker number six review a vocab with

the lesson vocabulary list vocabulary

words are the building blocks of

language you can say vocab words top in

each lesson by clicking on add to word

Bank want to drill the words with smart

flashcards instead just click on add to

flashcard deck to do so number seven

listen to the review track if you’ve

studied an audio lesson before just

listen to the review track so that you

don’t have to listen through the entire

lesson again this is a great way to

reinforce the material that you’ve

learned and it’s great to have on the go

just access any audio lesson and click

on the download icon then click review

to download the review track number

eight review with quizzes after the

lesson once you’re confident enough with

the material taught in the lesson be

sure to take the quiz to test your

newfound knowledge take the review

questions and answer true or false for

each one or take the writing questions

and input your answer remember to check

the answers by clicking on the check

answers button number nine participate

and leave a comment the best way to

master what you’ve learned is to use it

join the community of learners by

leaving a comment below at the end of

every lesson our dedicated teachers will

check your responses to correct you on

any mistakes or provide you with helpful

study tips and advice and finally number

10 move on to the next lesson done with

a lesson mark the lesson as complete you

can see your overall learning progress

on your dashboard if you particularly

enjoy the lesson mark the lesson as

favorite so that you can come back to it

later at any time click on the forward

arrow to move on to the next lesson and

continue learning if you enjoyed these

tips hit the like button share it with

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it’s free I’ll see you next time bye

you’ve decided to study a new language

so now what well you want to become

fluent fast right here are the top five

shortcuts to learning a language number

one create a study schedule and set some

goals many language learners are

unorganized creating a schedule allows

you to free up time to study

consistently goals give you motivation

and something to strive for number two

make it fun if you learn how to make

your study time enjoyable chances are

you’ll be more inclined to study watch a

TV show with subtitles or listen to some

music number three find a language

partner this is the best way to improve

your conversation skills it will help

you gain fluency even faster and

increase confidence when speaking number

four use word lists to build up a solid

vocabulary this is a great way to build

up your fluency one word at a time

luckily we have all the word lists you

need with a range of topics from food to

love choose whichever language you want

to study and go number five don’t be

afraid to make mistakes nothing helps

you improve more than correcting your

own errors you’re more likely to

remember it correctly the next time

around everyone makes mistakes don’t be

afraid to learn from them there’s no

magical way to learn a new language

overnight but doing all of these can

really help your learning process and

remember if you’re interested in getting

on the fast track to fluency sign up for

your free lifetime account no credit

card required and you’ll get the best

free online resources start learning now

today we’re going to talk about four

techniques to help you stop translating

in your head and instead start thinking

in your target language this will allow

you to have conversations with ease read

smoothly and

understand native speakers these are

four methods to help you think in a new


number one surround yourself with your

target language this way you’ll be

completely immersed in the language

without realizing it

you’ll learn pronunciation sentence

structures grammar and new vocabulary

play music in the background while

you’re cooking or have a radio station

on while you study just use one of our

endless podcasts available to you these

are easy to listen to in the background

while doing other things number two

learn through observation this is how we

all learned our native languages as kids

words will develop their own meanings

that relate better to your target

language rather than meanings that are

translated directly number three

speak out loud to yourself even if

you’re a little embarrassed it forces

you to listen to how you speak it makes

it much easier to spot simple grammar

mistakes number four practice daily if

you practice everything for only one day

you won’t retain the information you

learned the brain can realistically only

focus for about 30 minutes so studying a

little every day allows you to absorb

better follow these steps and have

patience you’ll soon be able to achieve

your language learning goals just make

sure to remember these four methods sign

up for your free lifetime account no

credit card required and you’ll get the

best free online resources and start

learning more every day you probably

already have language learning goals but

the real key to success is to make the

right goals in this video I’ll show you

how with five tips to stop wasting your

time and start learning

hi everyone Alicia here in this video

I’ll teach you five tips to stop

procrastinating and keep your motivation

for learning a new language some of

these are study methods and some will be

general ways that you can keep your

study motivation up while these tips are

for studying a language some of them are

good for other things in your life -

such as new challenges or other types of

goals but before we start don’t forget

to click the link in the description to

get your bundle of PDF cheat sheets

including survival phrases romantic

lines learning tips absolutely free now

you probably already have some goals

you’re trying to achieve when it comes

to your language learning progress while

achieving these goals is important

making sure you make the right goals is

the real key to success the very first

tip is to set SMART goals smart is an

acronym meaning each letter in the word

stands for another word the earliest

known reference to SMART goals was in an

article written by George T Doran for a

1981 issue of the management review

academic journal the acronym varies

depending on its use but each letter

generally stands for some criterion that

helps with effective goal setting for

our purposes let’s define SMART goals as

follows the S stands for specific your

goals should target a specific area for

improvement our natural tendency is to

have a goal that’s very general if your

goal isn’t specific enough you’ll lack

the focus and proper direction you need

to achieve your goals so S is for


M stands for measurable your goals

should be quantifiable they should be

able to indicate progress in some way

you have to be able to track your

progress otherwise you won’t know if

you’re getting any closer to your goal

as you see yourself getting closer and

closer to your goal your motivation will

go up so your goals need to be

measurable a stands for achievable your

goals have to be achievable many people

want to become fluent in their target

language immediately however this goal

is unrealistic your goals have to be

achievable if your goal is to

challenging for your current level it

will only D motivate you when you aren’t

where you think you should be instead

think about what results can

realistically be achieved given your

level your resources and any constraints

such as time so make sure that your goal

is actually achievable art stands for

relevant your goals may be specific they

may be measurable and they may be

achievable but are they actually

relevant to what you want to achieve

don’t just do a lot of things if you’re

focused on improving your speaking

skills in your target language make sure

that you spend your time having

conversations with others make sure

you’re doing the right things so that

your efforts actually bring you closer

to your goal instead of just giving you

more work T stands for timely you need

to set a deadline for your goals if you

don’t specify when you plan to achieve

the result you’ve set for yourself it’s

very easy to put off the task you can

delay it until tomorrow the next week or

the next month and at this rate you’ll

never get things done so your goal must

have an end date

so remember tip number one is to set

SMART goals specific measurable

achievable relevant and timely so for

example a goal you could make is

registering for a challenging test a

test that’s a little bit beyond your

current level I hate failing so if I

register for a challenging test I’m

motivated to study because I don’t want

to fail this is a good example of a


goal because tests are specific there

are tons of different tests focused on

speaking grammar and comprehension pick

a test that can measure the specific

area in which you’d like to grow

measurable tests are measurable every

test measures your performance to some

degree whether it’s a total count of

right and wrong answers or a simple pass

or fail every test measures your

performance tests are achievable there’s

an important detail to remember here

though find a test that is achievable

for you if you’re a beginner then the

most advanced test is probably not right

for you find one that’s meant for

beginners then after that one work your

way up to more advanced tests in the

future tests are relevant most if not

all language tests are designed to

ensure that you’re capable of performing

to a set standard in your target

language lower level tests are designed

to ensure that you can handle the most

essential aspects of your target

language but there are tests for all

levels including higher education entry

exams that could be difficult even for

native speakers pick the one that’s

right for you and finally tests are

timely if your test is completed in a

physical location then this one is

obvious you have to be at that spot at

the set time ready to take the test

there’s no wiggle room but even online

tests will most likely have a deadline

for you to complete them


the second tip to help you stop

procrastinating and to keep your

motivation up is to create a diary or

social media account that you can update

every day this may seem simple or even

unrelated to language learning but by

creating a diary in your target language

you have the chance to actually create

in the language itself creating a diary

is also a great way to practice writing

in your target language another method

is to create a social media account

which gives you the chance to connect

with other people who are working toward

the same goals as you maybe they can

even give you feedback on your writing

if you’re following people online who

regularly share good resources those can

be really helpful for you too it lets

you find new tools that can encourage

and motivate you especially if they

relate to some of your other interests

such as music or books and other

languages this is a really good way to

take a few minutes every day to work

towards your goal without it even

seeming like work the third tip is to

focus on understanding a specific TV

show or movie try to watch a movie in

your target language without any

subtitles or try to understand your

favorite TV show that’s in your target

language if you don’t already have a

goal like this it can be a fun way to

practice if your friends often talk

about a particular TV show it could be a

good way to study and a fun way to keep

your motivation up together

Plus TV shows and movies often use the

language in a way that’s vastly

different from the conversations

provided in traditional textbooks so you

often get to hear different vocabulary

choices it’s a very powerful way to

learn a language and end up sounding

more like a native speaker tip number

four is to enroll in a regular language

course register for something you have

to go to or you have to participate in

regularly meaning every week or two

times a week or maybe even every day the

point of this is it’s something that

gives you a pattern to follow forming a

study habit will help you progress very

quickly it will make it easier for you

to achieve your language learning goals

once you form the habit you won’t even

have to think about starting each time

it’ll just be natural have something

that you must take responsibility for

you’ll be more motivated to

if there are others especially

classmates or a teacher watching you

progress look for resources inside your

community and if there are no

opportunities there look for things

digitally you can find many of our

videos on YouTube on Facebook and of

course our entire video and audio lesson

library on our website the lessons on

our website also come with assignment

courses so you can test your knowledge


the last tip is to make your goal public

share your goal tell people about your

goal for example if you want to give a

business presentation in your target

language this year then tell your

colleagues or your boss about it some

people may find what you’re doing

interesting and they can support you

this kind of pressure can help push

people forward who have trouble

motivating themselves alone by telling

others about your goal you’ll feel more

accountable because you told somebody

that you were planning on doing

something there’s an underlying sense of


if you don’t accomplish the task you may

feel that you have failed your peers in

some way even if there’s no direct

pressure from them using this technique

you can push yourself into moving

forward towards your goal especially at

times when you feel the least motivated

and that brings us to the end of our

five tips to stop wasting time and start

learning a language we’ve talked a lot

about how to set goals for yourself and

think about new challenges first I told

you about creating SMART goals

remember SMART goals are specific

measurable achievable relevant and

timely registering for a test is a great

example of a SMART goal next we talked

about keeping a diary or social media

account in your target language start

doing it right now even if you’re still

a beginner then I suggested that you

focus on understanding a specific TV

show or movie pick something in your

target language that you really love

because you may need to watch it over

and over again until it all makes sense

to you and next we talked about

enrolling in a regular language course

this will give you something concrete

that you must take responsibility for

finally make your goal public tell

someone about your learning goals to

keep you accountable for them you’re

much less likely to abandon your studies

if you have friends asking you about

your progress I hope that these are

useful tips that you can use to reach

your language learning goals and before

we go let me remind you to download tons

of free pdf lessons to learn the

language the fast fun and easy way just

click the link in the description if you

like this video give us a thumbs up and

share it with anyone who may find it

useful do you have any good tips that

you’ve used to help

you reach your goals share them in the

comments thanks very much for watching

and see you next time

hi everybody my name is Alisha and today

we’re gonna be talking about the top 25

English phrases so let’s get started the

first phrase is hello hello of course is

used as a greeting you can greet your

friends you can greet your co-workers

your family with this phrase just by

saying hello hey hi what’s up hello sup

yo pretty much any time of day you can

use hello hello the next phrase is good

morning good morning is used as a

greeting in the morning you can kind of

feel when morning ends for you good

morning is nice and polite or even just

morning with your close friends or close

co-workers the next phrase is good night

good night is fine we don’t use this to

greet other people we use it when we’re

saying goodbye to other people at night

family members particularly mothers and

fathers to say good night to their

children before they put them to bed you

can say it to your friend and a text

message or in an email if you’ve been

talking for a while good night

so the next word to talk about is

goodbye use it when you say goodbye to

your friends when you leave your friends

good bye bye of course take care have a

nice day

peace out that’s another way to say

goodbye okay the next phrase is I’m plus

your name of course this is a way to

introduce yourself you can use I’m in my

case Alicia I’m Alicia to introduce

yourself in any situation new friend I’m


okay the next phrase is what’s your name

what’s your name is used to ask someone

else what their name is so what is your

name sounds a bit try to use what’s your

name if you forget someone’s name you

can say sorry what’s your name or sorry

what’s your name again next phrase is

nice to meet you nice to meet you any

time you meet someone new

nice to meet you is fine good to meet

you is a little more casual great to

meet you sounds very excited pleasure to

meet you sounds like maybe a formal

situation or a business context okay the

next phrase is how are you how are you

is Ann it’s just a friendly way to check

in with the other person you can use it

with friends your family your co-workers

maybe even your boss to a certain degree

how are you how you doing the next

phrase is I’m fine thanks and you if you

saw English in three minutes we talked a

lot about this phrase instead of I’m

fine thank you and you say I’m good

how are you just shorten it and make it

a little bit more natural how are you

good how are you great how are you not

so good how are you okay and so on so

when someone says how are you offer I

usually say I’m good this week I pop a

blog give some information about what

you’ve been up to maybe a hobby

something that you did recently an event

something interesting you saw whatever

people want to make that connection with

you and it’s a good chance for you to

continue speaking the next word is

please please as a polite phrase used

when you want something from someone

else you can use this as a response when

someone offers you something like in a

restaurant for example would you like

more water would you like something to


oh please the next phrase is thank you

thank you is used to express your

appreciation you can use thank you with

everybody the next phrase is you’re

welcome you’re welcome when someone says

thank you you can say you’re welcome no


I use no biggie as in no biggie is short

for no big problem the next word is yes

yes of course yes means is any positive

expression someone asks you a question

and the answer is a positive answer you

say yes yep uh-huh yeah we know

next I’m guessing I knew it yep the next

word is no no is a negative response to

something when you have to give a

negative answer so as you can probably

guess the long form of no is negative I

like to use nope it’s very very casual

not gonna happen my parents would use

that with me to soften that a little bit

if you want to show a negative response

to something like let’s go for dinner

tonight what do you want to do like do

you want to go out not really

hmm no I don’t think so hmm to soften it

the next word is okay okay

this word comes from copy editors okay

when they had to check a manuscript they

had to label the manuscript all clear AC

but because they were copy editors and

they have a very very sick sense of

humor they thought they would mark it

okay for all clear to make a joke

because o and K do not start all and

clear but it caught on among everybody

in the world anyway okay

is used to agree with somebody else well

it can be used actually to express a

positive or kind of a slight negative I

feel transitioning in your conversation

you can say okay now we’re going to talk

about blah blah okay

the next phrase is excuse me excuse me

it’s used to get someone’s attention in

English when you don’t know the other

person for example in a store a


maybe a stranger on the street you need

to ask directions you can use excuse me

you can use excuse me in the supermarket

excuse me can you tell me where the hot

sauce is if you’ve done something rude

in public you can use excuse me I

personally do not do rude things in

public ever I’m sorry is the next word

we’re gonna talk about I’m sorry is used

to apologize when you have made a

mistake or someone you know it’s made a

mistake and you’re connected to it or

you just feel bad you can use I’m sorry

you made a mistake at work I’m sorry you

forgot to feed your cat I’m sorry sorry

about that you bump someone next to you

oh sorry what time is it is the next

phrase when you need to check what time

it is

what time is it when you ask someone

else what time it is maybe you say this

to yourself to check your watch check

your phone check a clock pretty

straightforward phrase there aren’t

really any short version so that’s an

easy one where is that plus a location

so you can use this for a building or a

store we don’t we’re not going to use

this where is the for a place a city

name or a state name or a country name

to do that you would need to remove the

but where is the bank where is the post

office you can use this to ask

directions to ask for help in your house

or at work where is the copy machine

where is the file

I need where is the blah blah blah where

is the bathroom is perhaps a very

important question to know the next one

is may I use the restroom may I use the

restroom is a polite and soft expression

that you can use if you need to use the

toilet you need to use the washroom and

when you’re at someone’s house for the

very first time when you’re in a place

that your that is new to you you can ask

may I use the restroom more casually can

I go to the bathroom to be very polite

you could say may I go to the bathroom

the next phrase is I would like to order

something you can use this at a

restaurant probably or in any situation

where you need to place an order I’d

like a pizza I like

can I get the check please this will be

used at a restaurant when you’ve

finished your meal and it’s time to go

can I get the check please in a very

very casual situation you can just say

check please that’s fine the next phrase

is see you soon see you soon is used

with friends and family members perhaps

when you expect to see them again soon

after saying goodbye to them this is

used at the end of the conversation

you’re going separate directions

see you soon see ya is also good or just

see you to make it a little more formal

you can say I’ll see you again soon make

a full sentence out of it that way

the next phrases see you later see you

later is very similar to see you soon

but the point is would see you later is

that you’re probably going to meet that

person again later on in the same day

the last phrase is really really is a

very useful word because you can use it

to show you were interested in a

conversation with upward intonation

really really tell me more or to show

that you’re not so interested in the

conversation with downward intonation

really so there are many other words

that you can use similar to really in

this way like seriously or oh oh and so

on so it’s a really good practice for

your intonation so those are 25 very

common words and phrases in English if

you liked this video if you liked this

topic please subscribe I’m sure there’ll

be a button here somewhere a button here

or wherever but please be sure to

subscribe to our channel because we’re

gonna be doing more videos like this and

we already have more videos like this so

please be sure to check them out thanks

very much for watching and we’ll see you

again soon

really Oh interesting uh-huh okay I see

great fantastic unbelievable mmm

gratitude subjects what do we have for

dinner tonight Pizza affirmative

Oh riff on that I am Chris Hardwick
