How to Boost Your Motivation Learn More... by Adding Others to the Mix

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language


where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips study tools

and resources

by the way all the lessons and bonuses

you’re about to see can be downloaded

for free on our website

so click the link in the description

right now to sign up for your free

lifetime account

okay today’s topic is

how to boost your motivation and learn

more by adding others to the mix

if you’re learning a language all by

yourself then you should know that

there’s a way to boost your chance of

success boost your motivation your

progress it’s simply by including other

people in your language learning journey

and in today’s episode you’ll discover

one how adding a human dynamic boosts

your motivation and two how you can

apply this tactic to your language



but first here are this month’s new

lessons and resources be sure to

download these now before we take them

down in a few days

first the making movies conversation

cheat sheet with this new cheat sheet

you’ll learn words like actor

screenwriter director and much more

download it for free on the inside

second the 400 everyday phrases for

beginners ebook this bonus ebook will

teach you over 400 words and phrases

related to daily activities like waking

up making breakfast going to work or

school and more

third can you talk about fishing in your

target language learn how to say words

like fishing rod bait and fishing net

with this quick vocab bonus

fourth must know online shopping

vocabulary if you like shopping then

you’ll want to be able to talk about it

in your target language with this one

minute lesson you’ll learn must know

words like sale add to cart and much


to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay let’s

jump into today’s topic

how to boost your motivation and learn

more by adding others to the mix

part one how adding a human dynamic

boosts your motivation

so first here’s a question for you how

do you think most people start learning

a language leave a comment

most people start learning by themselves

they’ll either watch youtube videos like

this download an app or if they’re a

little more serious by a textbook

but after the first week or month most

self-learners also end up falling off

because of a lack of motivation it’s

pretty hard to motivate yourself and

keep yourself going it’s hard because

you have to one rely on yourself to

motivate yourself two do the learning

and three do the practice all of this is

a lot of work for one person

sure there’s a small group of super

self-motivated people out there that can

do it and stick with it but that’s not

the case for most of us

so then if you want to boost your

motivation and not have to rely on

yourself that’s where you should start

getting other people involved in your

language learning journey

just picture a graph where on the y-axis

you have motivation and on the x-axis

you have the chance of success so first

you have self-study and that’s probably

closest to lower motivation and probably

a low chance of succeeding

as you move further to the right where

you start involving tutors or joining

group classes the higher your motivation

and chance of success becomes

does this mean motivation is lowest when

you’re on your own yes and no there are

people who are very motivated on their

own but motivation tends to come and go

for many of us and the last thing you

want to do is rely on a feeling that may

not always be there but when you start

including more personal connections live

interactions maybe someone you speak

with at a cafe you have more reasons and

more pressure to keep on going for

example if you have a tutor that expects

you to do homework and come prepared

next time if you have a language partner

whom you want to impress or if you’re in

a language class you want to be better

than other students the point is the

more people you involve the more anchor

points and commitments you have to the

language and these boost your motivation

in psychology this is called social

facilitation or the audience effect when

you’re with other people or when you

think someone is watching you you put a

little pressure on yourself and for many

people this can have a positive result

but if you’re on your own you wouldn’t

try so hard

so just to recap a lot of us start

learning on our own and in the case of

language learning there will always be

self-study involved but if you want to

take it to the next level then you

should follow that graph

the only issue is the more you go up

that graph the more expensive it gets

it’s very affordable to learn on your

own once you start involving others such

as a teacher it starts getting expensive

so it’s up to you as the learner here so

if you’re interested in adding a human

dynamic what can you do

part two how you can apply this to your

language learning

one give our premium plus plan a try and

get access to your own teacher you also

get weekly assignments from your teacher

which adds a nice layer of

accountability to your learning

two enroll in an online class and this

is something we started offering for a

few of our major languages japanese

english chinese italian korean french

and spanish three get an online or

in-person tutor now teachers and classes

can be pricey but there are other ways

to learn with others

four get a study buddy or join a

learning community learning and

competing with others will definitely

have a positive impact on your

motivation and language progress

five simply talk with others about your

language goals and your current progress

when you’re surrounded by people talking

about how much they’ve learned or what

goals they hit or miss you’ll be more

inspired to hit your own goals

six track your progress and share it on

your social media for others to see for

example if you keep a daily planner

write in i did three lessons today or

spent 30 minutes on learning a language

and share that

once you start involving more people in

your language journey whether for

learning or for practice adding that

extra human element will boost your

productivity and motivation and help you

reach your language goals

so thank you for watching this episode

of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about how to learn

a new language in the new year

if you enjoyed these tips hit the like

button share the video with anyone who’s

trying to learn a language and subscribe

to our channel we release new videos

every week and if you’re ready to

finally learn language the fast fun and

easy way and start speaking from your

very first lesson get our complete

learning program sign up for your free

lifetime account right now click the

link in the description see you next

time bye
