How to Get a Return on Your Language Learning Investment

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language


where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips study tools

and resources

by the way all the lessons and bonuses

you’re about to see can be downloaded

for free on our website

so click the link in the description

right now to sign up for your free

lifetime account okay today’s topic is

how to get a return on your language


language learning is an investment but

what if you’re learning but not seeing

any returns or results and do you even

know if you’re getting any results at


in this episode you’ll discover one why

language learners fail to see results

and why they fail

two why you need to track your language

learning sessions and three how to track

your results


but first here are this month’s new

lessons and resources be sure to

download these now before we take them

down in a few days first the going to

the airport conversation cheat sheet

with this new cheat sheet you’ll learn

words and phrases like here’s my

passport boarding pass and much more

download it for free on the inside

second these slang words and phrases pdf

ebook do you know any slang in your

target language if not download this

free ebook and master all the must-know

slang across 10 chapters

third 30 romance and love related words

and phrases you’ll learn words and

phrases like date flirt and breakup with

this quick vocab bonus

fourth can you talk about halloween in

your target language with this quick one

minute lesson you’ll learn must-know

halloween words like vampire trick or

treat and more

to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay let’s

jump into today’s topic

how to get a return on your language

learning investment

part 1 one of the biggest reasons why

people fail

the first big reason people fail with

language learning is because they set

big vague goals like i want to be fluent

the problem with these goals is you

don’t know how you’ll ever go from where

you are now to achieving fluency it’s

too vague of a goal

but the second big reason is lack of

time people fail with language learning

because they don’t put in the time and

language learning is a function of time

the more you put in the better you get

you can also think of learning a

language like a gym you get out which

you put in

if you buy a dumbbell and do nothing

nothing happens it can do great things

for you but it won’t work for you until

you pick it up and curl it a few times

if you put in one hour a day you get

results if you put in 10 minutes a day

you get results but if you put in zero

you get zero results and you can’t learn

a language that way

so here’s a question for you

how much time do you put into your

language learning on a daily basis leave

a comment

if you start putting in consistent time

you can also start expecting a return on

your time and this brings us to the

second part

part two why you need to track your

language learning sessions

in the first part we talked about just

putting in enough time that’s the first

important step to take but where should

you put in your time for example you can

put in 10 minutes and use an app to do

translation exercises you can put in 10

minutes and read a textbook or review a

word list for 10 minutes

in all these examples you can put in an

equal amount of time but the results you

get will be different

and that’s because different methods

give you different results and benefits

using an app may help you remember a few

words reading a textbook can boost your

vocabulary grammar and reading skills

and reviewing a word list will just help

you with the words

so the second lesson is you need to know

what kind of results you get you need to

measure the return on your time so that

you can be confident that you’re making


in the case of our audio and video

lessons three or four lessons will help

you understand and speak roughly one

minute of conversation as well as learn

all words and grammar rules inside this

is the return on our lessons how is this

possible the dialogue tracks are about

20 seconds and so three lessons that’s

three conversations at 20 seconds a

piece which is 60 seconds or one minute

of conversation so if you know the three

lessons get you to one minute of

conversation you can know what results

to expect if you do 20 lessons you’re in

about 5 minutes of conversation 40

lessons that’s around 10 minutes or so

of conversation that’s the power of

measuring the results if you track your

results you know what to expect in the

future and you can hit your language

learning goals

so how can you start measuring your

return let’s jump into the third part

part 3 how to track your results and hit


if you’re able to consistently put in

time towards learning and maintaining

your routine then it’s time to start

tracking your time and effort


at the basic level language learning is

simply putting in the time you don’t

need a high iq you don’t need to be

talented at languages you don’t need the

best possible app you just need time the

more time you put in the more results

you get out and aside from setting

unrealistic goals the other reason why

people fail at languages is they just

don’t put in the time so how can you

track your results

let’s look at two ways an easy way and

an advanced way of tracking your time

and results

let’s start with the easy way first

simply track the time you put in so if

you do a 10 minute audio lesson today

and then spend five minutes with flash

cards note this as 15 minutes for the

day and write down what you did then do

the same thing tomorrow that’s it the

goal here is to track the time and your

effort you’ll want to track it and

actually have measurable proof of your

work and also so you can review what

you’ve been doing and see your progress

so if one day you realize you don’t know

enough words or maybe you don’t speak as

much as you’d like you can look at your

notes and review your work if you see

that you’ve been just watching video

lessons you can spot the problem which

is you’ve done no actual vocab study or

speaking practice and now you can start

doing it problem solved you’re on your

way to fluency

another way you can track your time and

effort is with the dashboard on our site

so if you visit the dashboard you can

see the lessons you’ve completed the

number of flashcards reviewed and hours

studied this is the second tactic and

it’s an advanced one because not only do

you need to track your time you also

need to track your results which is a

bit trickier

so how can you do that with our

conversational audio lessons check the

length of the dialog track if the dialog

track is about 20 seconds then that’s

the amount of conversation you can

expect to master by the way these tracks

are anywhere from 10 to 40 seconds long

now if you’re studying words with

flashcards take note of how many words

you already know so if you studied for

five minutes and can easily remember 7

out of 10 words then that’s your return

if you know this you know what to expect

when you learn new words you can expect

to remember about 7 out of 10 with a 5

minute drill

another thing you can do is boost that

number to 10 out of 10. next if you’re

practicing your listening skills try to

gauge how much you understand if you

understood about 20 of a 3-minute

conversational lesson then that’s your

return for now

again by knowing this you can now start

asking questions like what can i do to

understand fifty percent of this

conversation will doubling my time

double my results as well will i

understand forty percent will reviewing

this lesson for a few minutes a day

every day work better than trying to

memorize it all now

so then you put these questions to the

test and try them out and because you

know your return you can see if it

really works

so thank you for watching this episode

of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about

how to boost your motivation and learn

more by adding others to the mix

if you enjoyed these tips hit the like

button share the video with anyone who’s

trying to learn a language and subscribe

to our channel we release new videos

every week and if you’re ready to

finally learn language the fast fun and

easy way and start speaking from your

very first lesson get our complete

learning program sign up for your free

lifetime account right now click the

link in the description see you next

time bye