How to Get Back on Track After Language Learning Failure

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language



where you discover new learning

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okay today’s topic is how to get back on


after language learning failure if

you’ve ever made language learning a


you’ve also likely experienced failure

maybe you quit studying for some time

maybe you came back to try again later

but how do you bounce back

after failing well it might be easier

than you think

in this episode you’ll discover one the

key points to consider

after failing a goal and two the steps

to getting back on track with language



but first listen up here are this

month’s new lessons and resources

first the cooking conversation cheat


learn all the must-know cooking phrases

with this new cheat sheet

download it for free right now second

our brand new visual flash cards

want to speak more of the language

you’ll need to learn more words

and with our new printable visual flash

cards you’ll learn over 1

500 words just download and print them


third can you talk about your favorite

shows learn how to say

no spoilers what are you watching right

now and other useful words and phrases

for video on demand

fourth what’s your new year’s resolution

with this bonus phrase list you’ll learn

to say

read more save money learn a language

and other common goals

fifth must know words and phrases for

the new year

if you’re learning the language and

can’t yet talk about the new year then

access this one minute vocabulary lesson

to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay let’s

jump into today’s topic


how to get back on track after language

learning failure

so how do you get back on track with

language learning after failing

think back to your school days did you

ever miss a homework assignment

most of us did you’d have to make it up

and do the next one

you had to double up on your work so if

you’ve ever missed a goal you might be

tempted to do the same thing

finish your old goal and achieve a new

one however that might not be such a

good idea

a key point to remember after failing a

goal is don’t set the same goal again

let’s explain why one if you’ve failed

the goal before

there’s a good chance that the goal

might be too much for you

in that case you want an easier goal two

you need to give yourself a chance to

succeed and if that requires setting a

super easy goal that you actually can

reach then so be it

do that for example if you tried to

learn 100 words in one month and failed

but you want to try again go for

something smaller like 20 words

between trying and failing the 100 word

goal again or reaching a smaller 20 word


you’re much better off with the 20 word

goal it’ll be better for your motivation

to hit a super easy goal

instead of failing multiple times in a

row it’ll get you back in motion with

language learning

now that you know how to get back on

track here are some steps you can take

one think back to the last language goal

you set and

failed was it last year’s new year’s


and was it something like i just want to

be fluent or i want to speak the


you can let us know what your old goal

was in the comments

two aim for a smaller more realistic


with that last goal in mind think about

how you might make a new

easier goal remember your goal should

always be

one small two measurable for example

one minute of conversation 100 words 10

grammar rules 10 lessons etc

and three have a small time frame with a


in other words it’s a goal for the week

or for the month and the deadline is

january 31st for example

so if your failed goal was to just speak

fluently aim for something smaller

set a goal like i want to speak for one

minute this month

or i want to be able to introduce myself

by the end of this week

or i want to master the alphabet by the

end of this week

and schedule a deadline for yourself all

of these goals are small

measurable specific and easy to achieve

you’ll easily know if you’ve reached one

minute of speaking if you’ve learned the


or learned how to say my name is in the

language you’re studying

so now that you have a goal three

find a way to fit language learning into

your life

instead of creating new routines that

you may have trouble sticking with

work with what you already have your

existing routines

if you already spend 10 minutes on

chores in the morning you can listen to

a lesson and learn a bit of language

if you take a walk you can listen to a

lesson then if you watch youtube for an

hour in the evening you can spend 5 or

10 minutes watching one of our lessons

piggybacking off of your existing daily

routines is the easiest way to introduce

language learning into your life

okay now let’s talk about learning


four get back on track with easy

learning material

an easy way to restart learning is with

our audio and video lessons

all you have to do is hit play and

follow along and if you have to you can


for example as we mentioned you can be

doing chores and listening in

taking steps like these can help you

form study habits

it’s a lot easier to listen and do what

you usually do

as opposed to buying a textbook setting

aside time sitting down

and trying to go through it especially

if you’re not used to learning a


finally another very easy thing you can

do is take advantage of our word of the

day lessons

these are daily emails that teach you

one new word a day

the goal of these emails is to get you

used to learning and create a simple


if you can stick with spending one quick

minute every day learning a new

word then you can grow to stick with

almost any other routine

so to recap we often fail and give up on

our goals because we overwhelm ourselves

whether it’s with an unrealistic goal a

heavy routine or complicated resources

you want to do the opposite avoid

overwhelming yourself

if you failed a goal before aim for a

smaller goal

avoid heavy learning routines and

piggyback off of your existing daily


if you take a walk then use that time to

listen to audio lessons

and finally use easy learning material

such as our audio and video lessons on

our website

so thank you for watching this episode

of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about how to adjust

your routine and learn language from


if you enjoyed these tips hit the like

button share the video with anyone who’s

trying to learn a language and subscribe

to our channel

we release new videos every week and if

you’re ready to finally learn language

the fast

fun and easy way and start speaking from

your very first lesson

get our complete learning program sign

up for your free lifetime account right


click the link in the description see

you next time bye
