Learn English While Commuting

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lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101.com today

traditional classrooms are no longer the

only or even best place to learn a new

language more and more people are

finding that they can easily learn a

language just about anywhere they have a

few minutes of spare time including

their daily commute to work according to

the US Census Bureau the average

American spends over 50 minutes a day

commuting to and from work or over 300

hours a year but rather than simply

sitting in traffic and wasting the time

you can instead use your daily commute

to literally learn a new language in

just a few short months our language

learning program has specialized

learning tools that you can use on your

commute to and from the office to master

a language in your spare time what are

some reasons traditional classroom

settings just aren’t the best option for

most people in today’s fast-paced world

difficulty getting to and from class

learning on someone else’s schedule very

expensive and may cost thousands of

dollars to complete can take years to

finally complete classes and learn the

language the simple truth is the

traditional classroom instruction is

simply not a viable option for most

people in today’s very fast-paced

time-starved world now let’s examine how

you can learn a language faster more

easily and at far less expense than

traditional classes altering your

commute to work and back home again

three reasons your daily commute can

help you master a language in the next


on average Americans spend more than 300

hours per year commuting during the

commute to and from work over six hours

a week is completely wasted the time

isn’t used to help you reach any goals

or objectives but thanks to online

language learning platforms with audio

books and other resources that you can

access during your commute you can

easily transform wasted time into

progress toward learning a new language

with over 300 hours available annually

your daily commute could provide you

with enough time to gain significant

skills in a new language each and every

year increase your earning potential

while commuting to work how would you

like to transform all those spare

commuting hours each week into more

money for a new car house or even a

dream vacation according to research

someone making thirty thousand dollars

per year can boost their annual income

by six hundred dollars or more per year

by learning a second language over the

course of a lifetime that’s a

significant amount how from work at home

translation jobs to working overseas

there are many ways to leverage your

second language into more money in your

bank account so instead of wasting your

precious time you can make your commute

more productive and eventually

profitable the more languages you learn

the higher your income potential

repetition is key to mastering a new

language not sure if it’s practical to

learn another language while commuting

to and from work each day well not only

is it possible learning in your car on

the way to and from work each day can

actually help you learn and master any

language quickly the simple truth is

that repetition is absolutely vital to

truly internalizing and mastering any

language so if you listen to audio books

or even audio lessons on your commute to

work and then repeat the same lesson on

your commute home the information is

more likely to be locked into your

long-term memory our language learning

program has been helping people learn

and master language in the comfort of

their home during their daily commute or

any place they have a few spare minutes

of time here are five features of our

program that make it easy to learn a new

language while commuting to and from

work first the largest collection of

audio lessons on the planet by native

speaker instructors every single week

native speaker instructors create new

audio lessons all lessons are short to

the point and guaranteed to improve your

mastery of a language second the word of

the day simply exposing yourself to new

information and vocabulary terms

helps increase your fluency and mastery

of your target language so every single


check out the word of the day and

memorize it during your commute

it’s a quick and easy way to boost your

vocabulary every day third daily dose

mini lessons

have a short commute to work but still

want to make progress towards learning

more than just vocabulary not a problem

our daily dose mini lessons are one

minute or less and are designed to

improve your grammar conversations and

pronunciation fourth all content is

available on a convenient mobile app you

don’t need a PC or tablet to learn

during your daily commute instead all of

our lessons tools and resources are

available 24/7 via our mobile app that

means you can access all of our audio

lessons and other tools during your

commute to work or anytime you have a

few spare minutes fifth audio books and

other supplemental resources in addition

to the world’s largest online collection

of HD audio lessons our language

learning program has audio books to

enhance your understanding and make it

more convenient than ever to learn a

language during your commute the average

commute time of most Americans is over

300 hours each year and it’s the perfect

opportunity to learn and master a new

language use the dead time during your

daily commute to learn a new language

and potentially boost your lifetime

earnings whatever your motivation our

language learning program has the tools

and resources necessary to help you

learn a new language each year during

your commute to and from work so if

you’re ready to finally learn a new

language the fast fun and easy way sign

up for your free lifetime account by

clicking on the link in the description

signing up takes less than 30 seconds

and you’ll start speaking from your very

first lesson if you enjoyed these tips

hit the like button share the video with

anyone who’s trying to learn a new

language and subscribe to our Channel

we release new videos every week I’ll

see you next time might want to speed up

your language learning take your very

first lesson with us you’ll start

speaking in minutes and master real

conversations sign up for your free

lifetime account just click the link in

the description