Should You Learn English at Home or Abroad

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there are many reasons someone might

decide to learn a new language there are

students who study because they are

fascinated by the culture other learners

might want to reconnect with their

family history yet others might be

motivated by the benefits of learning a

new skill whatever the reason for

learning the language there is one

common goal shared by many learners

travel abroad who isn’t excited about

travelling abroad and experiencing

another culture in the context of a new

language this is a huge dream for many

language learners many learners see

travel as the ultimate way of learning a

language while we can’t say that travel

is bad for your studies it is important

to recognize that visiting a foreign

country is not the one-way ticket to

fluency many people think it is in this

video we’ll look at the pros and cons of

learning language at home and abroad

first an unexpected obstacle when

studying abroad there’s a common

obstacle that’s especially true for

native English speakers travelling

abroad many people you meet will want to

try to speak to you in your native

language once they realize you’re a

foreigner there are several reasons for


the first is out of practicality as much

as you would like to order your meal buy

a bus ticket or confirm your hotel

reservation in the native language to

practice the locals in the tourist

industry are likely to respond in

English or another more commonly used

language this is because they have a job

to do and they don’t necessarily want to

take the time to figure out what you’re

trying to tell them in their native

language so while you’re traveling

abroad be prepared to hear a lot of

commonly used languages like English

especially when sightseeing in

participating in tours another reason

for all the English speaking is that

locals will often jump at the chance to

practice their English almost all

language learners dream of making

friends in a foreign language but once

you get abroad the reality is often a

bit different locals will be just as

excited to practice their English as you

will be to practice your new language if

their skills are stronger than yours

then unless they’re very conscious and

patient their language practice will

likely dominate the conversation there’s

also the tendency to hang out with

people who are similar to ourselves by

sheer force of human nature

you’ll likely find yourself gravitating

toward and hanging out with people who

speak your native language very well

oftentimes the pull of comfort and human

connection is stronger than the desire

to learn a language because of this you

may gradually start spending more and

more of your time with people you can

communicate with properly at the cost of

your new language skills going down the

drain but now let’s look at some reasons

why going abroad can be helpful for your

studies it’s not bad if you’re just

beginning with the language and you find

yourself overseas you’ll probably hear

your target language all around you

wherever you go

while people might not actually be

talking to you all that spoken language

will allow you to see firsthand how the

language is used on a daily basis this

will help you hear words and phrases in

the context of a conversation which can

be a powerful asset now some unexpected

advantages of learning at home one of

the best reasons to learn a language at

home is that it’s a lot easier to keep a

regular schedule for your studies

traveling is an awesome experience but

there’s not usually a lot of downtime if

it’s your first time overseas you’re

going to want to spend most of your time

out and about savoring all the sights

and experiences you can when at home

things are more evenly paced and normal

it’s this consistency that allows you to

practice on a regular basis and

constantly push your limits in the

language if you study at home you also

have the opportunity to immerse yourself

in the language gradually going from

zero to 60 as a beginner is a recipe for

frustration at home you can progress

through the language at your own pace

you can go through a textbook or

learning program and figure out what

works best for you a plane ticket abroad

isn’t the only way to practice with

real-life native speakers try to find

native speaker groups in your area or

even online there are many resources

available for people wanting to learn a

new language and talk to others to

practice if you’re learning a new

language traveling abroad is an awesome

experience for sure just don’t expect a

trip to solve all of your language

learning difficulties if learning a new

language back at home is tough doing the

same overseas may be just as hard if not

harder in some ways if you’re a beginner

studying at home is a great way to start

learning a new language

there are some benefits to it that most

learners don’t even think about whether

you’re headed overseas or studying at

home for even more ways to learn a new

language check out our complete language

learning program sign up for your free

lifetime account by clicking on the link

in the description get tons of resources

to have you speaking in your target

language and if you enjoyed these tips

hit the like button share the video with

anyone who’s trying to learn a new

language and subscribe to our Channel

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see you next time might want to speed up

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