Stop Procrastinating now and Improve Your English

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class

here are five reasons to learn a

language number one more opportunities a

new language can open up many new doors

you’re able to work in countries other

than your own

tons of employers look to hire

multilingual professionals every year

number two

meeting new people get to know speakers

of other languages on a more personal

level meeting new people is one of the

main reasons people begin to study a

language making new friends is a good

enough reason to start studying number 3

exploring a different culture whether

you decide to live abroad or you’re just

taking a vacation

knowing the local language will allow

you to better understand the people this

can open your eyes to not only their

country but your country as well learn

how people view your home from their

perspective number 4 health benefits

studying a new language actually comes

with health benefits keep your brain

sharp by studying every day you’ll be

helping your mind fight off old age and

stay fresh number 5 discover you can do

it we’ve heard every excuse that people

give for failing to learn a new language

too old not enough time wrong genes but

you shouldn’t let your excuses hold you

back you really can learn another

language you could even hold your first

conversation just a few days from now

don’t make any more excuses

how to fight language learning failure

you’re going to learn 1 why people fail

at learning a language - the two

questions smart learners ask themselves

so they can succeed and 3 proven ways to

overcome language learning failure

how to fight language learning failure

let’s jump into the first part one what

is language learning failure just to be

clear failure is quitting or giving up

learning in a very slow pace taking a


making pronunciation mistakes or failing

a language test are not real failures so

don’t worry real failure is when you

quit completely so what causes failure

simply put weak spots and pain points

what do I mean by that think about it if

you’re learning a language you’re

probably aware of your weak spots for

example most beginners can read but

can’t speak well so not speaking as well

as you hoped that’s a weak spot or a

pain point for you

others have problems with motivation no

time they don’t stick with resources and

jump from one to another or maybe they

have trouble sticking with goals leave a

comment right now and tell me what your

weak spot is whatever it is if you don’t

address it now this weak spot or pain

point may become the reason you fail and

if you think about it most people quit

directly because of these pain points no

time no motivation can’t stick to goals

not fun enough or they’re just not

speaking as well as they dreamed so they

quit on their dream but you’re a smart

language learner so what should you do

differently part two the two questions

smart learners ask themselves so they

can succeed just a quick warning if

you’re happy with your learning routine

or if you’ve just started you don’t have

to ask these two questions now but you

will need them later here they are you

should ask one what are my weak points

and two what am I going to do about them

so let’s do the first one one what are

my weak points and the answers to this

question are fairly common

not enough time not enough motivation

can’t speak the language well I can’t

stick to goals I can’t stick to a

resource and I tend to jump around so

answer this question once you’ve

identified your needs and problems ask

yourself the second question

  • what am I going to do about them pay

close attention here because this

question is what separates the

successful language learners from the

rest everyone knows their weak points

and yes it’s good to identify problems

but it’s much more important to have

solutions because it’s one thing to spot

problems and feel smart but it’s another

thing to actually take action and fix

them so that’s where the real smarts are

how do you take action what are some

learning tactics that actually work part

3 ways to beat language learning failure

let’s attack some common weak spots that

cause people to fail and quit by the end

you’ll start to see how to resolve

common problems you’ll come up with your

unique approaches and you’ll get into

the habit of coming up with solutions so

one common weak spot is you’re low on

time if you’re low on time the easiest

thing you can do is learn for only 5

minutes a day set a timer listen to a

lesson and shut it off after 5 minutes

this will help you get used to learning

and at some point you’ll want to

increase your time that’s why our

lessons are 3 to 15 minutes long to make

learning easy and to make it so time is

not an issue another thing you can do is

learn on the go with our free app if

you’re on the train at the gym or

walking to a store you can transform

this dead time into learning time and

learn a bit of language be sure to

download our innovative language 101 app

for free on the App Store or Google Play

you’re low on motivation next if you’re

low on motivation maybe you’d do better

with a teacher someone who will interact

with you and encourage you to succeed

you can learn with one with our Premium

Plus program you can’t speak well if

speaking is your weak point the best

thing to do here is just practice more

if you’re taking our lessons read the

lesson dialogue out loud reading out

loud is the quick and easy way to

practice speaking on your own or write

down or memorize a lesson dialogue and

practice it out loud three times a day

for a week you can’t stick with goals if

you can’t stick with a five minute a day

routine then

maybe you need someone else to take

charge and teach you so you should get a

teacher or join an actual language class

where you have no choice but to show up

you don’t know enough grammar if you

want to learn grammar take our audio

lessons on the site in every lesson

you’ll get a conversation afterward our

teachers explain every word and grammar

rule used inside so you actually get to

see how the grammar is used instead of

just reading about rules you can also

use learning pathways to get courses and

lessons that are specifically dedicated

to improving your grammar these are just

a few ways to address your weak spots

and pain points there’s a lot more we

can cover but the most important thing

you need to remember is to ask yourself

what are my weak points and what am I

going to do about them asking and acting

on that second question is what will put

you on a track to fluency and will help

you avoid language learning failure so

what are your weak points what are you

going to do about them the top 4

language learning fears according to our

users number one I’m not good enough to

start speaking it this is a pretty

common fear or misconception that most

learners have here’s how you overcome it

the best way to get good at speaking is

to start speaking from day one you need

to open your mouth and just start

talking if you think you’re not good

enough just focus on the lines you want

to say number two I’m afraid I’ll never

be fluent you’ve got to set small

specific goals make daily goals like

having just a five-minute conversation

as these small goals add up we’ll be

speaking more comfortably number three

I’m not making any progress there are

two things you can do right now use the

dashboard to track your progress our

dashboard shows how much you’ve

accomplished or try a harder lesson on

our website the lessons come with line

by line translations and the hosts

explain everything now you can

understand something you didn’t minutes


number four I’m afraid of not

understanding anything I hear this fear

can occur when you hear advanced grammar

and vocabulary and it just goes

completely over your head to beat this

simply read along with our line-by-line

tool it’s the best way to instantly

understand advanced conversations

translations and scripts are right in

front of you for real-life situations

learn useful phrases such as can you say

it more slowly I don’t understand

there’s nothing wrong with saying that

you didn’t understand something a

brutally honest way to improve your

language you’re going to learn one why

tests are actually crucial for language

progress into how you can put yourself

to the test so if you’re learning on

your own and feel like you’re not making

any learning progress it’s likely you’re

taking it too easy you’re not reaching

your full potential so an outside

motivator like a test can and will fire

you up and help you get better you’ll

discover how in just a second a brutally

honest way to improve your language so

if you’re learning a language on your

own do you ever feel like you’re just

coasting through without making real

progress then it’s possible that you’re

taking it a bit too easy so what should

you do part 1 why tests are crucial for

language progress the quick answers r1

tests give you an honest assessment of

your language skills and - motivation

but let’s break these down in full if

you’ve ever enrolled in a language

school or taken a language class you’ve

probably taken a placement test based on

your results the teachers place you into

an appropriate class so tests can help

you learn what’s appropriate for your

level tests also allow for ongoing

assessment through things like weekly

quizzes and tests every month so what’s

the big deal with tests and quizzes even

though some of us don’t like tests tests

can give you honest assessments of your

language skills in specific ways for

example if you fail the listening part

of a test you know your weakness is

there if you forget a grammar pattern

you know you need to practice it more

but if you’re learning a loan you might

not get many testing opportunities and

you may not be aware of mistakes you’re

making in your studies right now you

don’t know what pieces you might be

missing tests can give you opportunities

to check your actual language skills and

sometimes they give you a brutal reality

check now the second benefit of tests is

motivation think about it as a self

learner no one else is going to push you

to do your best and most people like to

take it easy so if you’re wondering why

you’re not fluent yet but you’ve been

coasting along learning words here and

there without actually testing your

limits consider that it might be because

you haven’t actually been testing and

pushing yourself at all tests can give

you that push that challenge that

urgency to improve that motivation

there’s a specific date and time for the


you have to be ready by that deadline

just think back to the night before it

test you felt the urgency back then you

were motivated to pass so this is

exactly why a lot of self learners take

proficiency tests it gives them

something to aim for something to be

motivated about something to achieve now

tests are not the complete answer to

language learning but they do give you a

way to assess yourself and they give you

a challenge so what can you do as a self

learner part 2 how you can put yourself

to the test before you worry about

failing recognize that it’s not about

passing or failing it’s about getting an

honest assessment of your progress the

first and most obvious thing you can do

is sign up for a language proficiency

test there are many kinds of proficiency

tests available so you can pick the

right one for you signing up will put

you under added pressure and give you

extra motivation to improve this is

something that’s hard to do on your own

second if you’re a Premium Plus member

on our website then you can get weekly

assignments that put you to the test

these assignments are graded and you get

feedback from your teacher so you know

what to do to improve and how the third

thing you can do is come back and review

once you’re done with a lesson our

pathway download the dialogue tracks and

review them at a later date see how much

you can understand this test you’re


plus your vocab and grammar for speaking

record yourself with our voice recording

tools and compare yourself to the native

pronunciation remember you can always

self-test by coming back and seeing how

much you understand the fourth thing you

can do is test yourself with a harder

lesson think of it as trying to lift a

heavier weight at the gym to see if you

can do it you can do this for reading

speaking and listening simply go to a

higher level like intermediate or

advanced and try a lesson with reading

you can also try our higher level

extensive reading books again remember

with all of this the goal here is not a

pass or fail result the goal is to get

an honest assessment of your language

skills what you know and what you don’t

know if you realize that you’re

mispronouncing a certain word you’ll

know how to correct it if you can

understand only 50% of a lesson well

that means you should review it until

you get to 100% if you don’t understand

the lesson dialogue at all which is

where most people get intimidated make

it a goal to master the dialogue give

yourself a goal to aim for and if you

can’t read as smoothly as you had hoped

all it means is that you should give it

a few more tries until you’re better can

you really learn a new language all

alone learning a language without

traditional classroom instruction may

seem quite daunting at first what if you

run into questions how do you stay on

track and motivated to achieve your


don’t worry not only is it possible to

learn any language without traditional

classroom instruction we have created an

advanced and extensive online language

learning system to help you do just that

it’s designed to help you learn a

language on your own and is faster more

convenient and less expensive than

traditional classroom options here are

three reasons to learn a language alone

number one learn at your own pace and on

your own schedule in today’s fast-paced

world there isn’t always time for

traditional classroom instruction but

when you learn alone you can study

anywhere and anytime that suits your

schedule best it makes it far easier to

actually reach your goal of learning and

mastering the language number two

learning a language on your own can

reduce stress and anxiety in traditional

classroom settings there are pop quizzes

tests and presentations in front of

classmates while it’s valuable to learn

public speaking skills and to be able to

perform under pressure for some people

these classroom pressures are a big

hurdle for their language learning

dreams learning alone however removes

these stressors learning outside of a

traditional classroom setting can help

reduce some of the stress you may feel

and you can work toward your goals all

on your own

number three learning a loan can help

improve cognitive function while

classroom settings often require

learners to spend lots of time

memorizing information and following

instructions studying a language on your

own requires you to problem-solve

so that you can self teach and hit your

goals you’ll also need to be strict with

yourself and stick to a regular study

schedule so yes in some ways learning a

language on your own can be more

challenging than learning in a

traditional classroom setting but

teaching yourself a language pays

dividends throughout life in addition to

learning a language you’ll also learn

time management and problem-solving

skills these are skills that will aid

you when social and professional

opportunities arise so how do you

actually learn a language on your own

number one access our huge collection of

audio and video lessons ideally you want

audio and/or video lessons that teach

vocabulary grammar and provide actual

conversations and dialogue in your

target language to help you with real

pronunciation we have hundreds of hours

of HD audio and video lessons on our

website created by professional teachers

and actors to help you achieve perfect

pronunciation plus all lessons can be

accessed 24/7 via any device with

internet access number two learning

paths with courses based upon your exact

needs and goals simply tell us your

goals and we will identify the best

courses and study plan to help you reach

them in the shortest time possible even

though you are technically learning a

language on your own our team is always

here to help and make sure you reach

your goals fast

number three use advanced learning tools

when you have the right tools and

learning resources it’s actually easy to

teach yourself a language over the last

10 years we’ve developed tested and

refined more than 20 advanced learning

tools these tools aim to boost retention

and reduce learning time how to write

1,000 words in your target language in

five minutes a day first we’ll look at

the super simple tactic for practicing

writing second the language learning

benefits of writing and third we’ll

learn how to write 1,000 words with a

free study tool how to write 1000 words

in your target language in five minutes

a day so what’s the best way to practice

writing and improve the language

learning technique we’ll talk about

today is very simple copying and writing

lines into a notebook this is easy to

implement and will take you only five

minutes so let’s talk about what makes

this technique so powerful first it’s

super easy to do copying outlines say

from a textbook or an article takes no

thinking whatsoever no writer’s block

you don’t have to worry about what to

write if you want to practice writing

this is the easiest thing to do you can

do it any time of day it’s a skill you

can practice on your own

second writing helps you retain

information why because the more you

interact with the language the better

you remember it so when writing out

words you’re focused on them and you’re

reading them at the same time

this helps the information stick in your

mind third you learn new words phrases

and grammar indirectly if you come

across new words as you practice with

this technique writing them out will

help you remember them fourth you

indirectly improve your speaking and

reading skills as well by copying

outlines including lines with new words

and phrases you improve other areas of

the language not just writing fifth it’s

valuable language output practice you

need equal amounts of input reading and

listening and output speaking and

writing to truly master a language

writing is the perfect way to practice


and sixth immitate great writers by

copying out what your favorite writers

have written word for word by doing this

you get inspired and you get used to a

certain style of writing and the same

goes for language you get used to it so

how do you apply these tactics what can

you do write 1000 words with our free

study tool now we’re not suggesting you

write 1000 words in one day rather you

can do it in one month by spending five

minutes a day so here’s how first

download the free daily dose of language

app for the iPhone iPad or Android why

you’ll get a free mini lesson daily with

text that you can copy out you’ll also

get daily reminders about your lessons

so this will keep you on track find a

new lesson every day today might be a

phrase tomorrow may be a culture lesson

then a grammar lesson but with each one

you’ll get sample sentences you’ll

receive a daily reminder telling you a

new lesson is available open up the

lesson read through it and copy out the

sample sentences and that’s it you’re

done for the day

this takes 5 minutes or less the next

day repeat the process open up the free

lesson and copy out the lines to reach

1000 words in one month you need to

write about 35 words a day it’s as

simple as copying the lines through this

you’ll learn more words and phrases and

will practice grammar it will help you

to remember the things you’ve already


you’ll directly improve your writing

skills and will indirectly improve your

reading and speaking skills you can do

all of this with the free daily lessons

sent by the daily dose app it’ll keep

you on track with daily reminders you

can apply this tactic with any other

resource - whether it’s your own

textbook or online articles you can also

use our lesson notes or the dialog study

tool give it a try and let us know how

it works out three reasons you’re never

too old to learn a language and you’ll

also learn three ways our learning

system can help people of all ages to

study efficiently

number one seniors have better focus

learning a new language in your 50s or

60s may actually be easier than learning

as a teenager or young adults more

mature adults can better focus on the

details necessary to master a new

language older people are also often

more dedicated to their goals and put

more work into achieving them seniors

are better able to focus on completing

lessons and reaching goals there are a

lot of distractions out there these days

for young people there’s everything from

Facebook to Instagram and all the usual

drama of daily life at work and at

school seniors are typically less

concerned with these kinds of things and

are better at focusing on tasks until

completion this is extremely important

for language study where regular

practice and attention to detail are key

not only are you never too old to learn

you may have some advantages over

younger learners our language learning

program has a number of special tools to

make learning a new language in your 50s

or 60s easy you’ll use the same

resources as a tech-savvy teenager

number two learning is vital to healthy

and happy living learning is actually

vital to your health doing things like

playing word games doing puzzles and

even using online platforms like

luminosity do help keep the mind nimble

but nothing compares to learning a

second language in terms of health

benefits for your mind learning another

language may be one of the very best

retirement hobbies you can pick up you

can also apply your second language

knowledge when you travel number three

there are health benefits to learning

new things after the age of sixty

learning a second language increases the

number of neural pathways in the brain

forging these new neural pathways helps

you code and sort the new language you

are learning in addition there are other

brain health benefits associated with

learning a new language here’s a list of

benefits bilingual people can enjoy

higher overall general intelligence

better memory and memorization skills

better perception of surroundings better

focus concentration and attention to

detail so in a very real way learning a

new language is one of the best

and most practical retirement hobbies

you can find because it helps protect

against cognitive decline as you age now

let’s talk about how our language

learning program has methods to make

sure you can start learning in your 50s

60s and beyond number one we have an

intuitive easy to use system learning an

old age doesn’t have to be hard or

irritating it can and should be fun from

your very first lesson we’ll make sure

you’re speaking fluently every day you

can start and stop each lesson as many

times as you want study when you want

where you want and at the pace you

decide number two you’ll find special

tools to boost retention and performance

as we mature learning to use the right

tools is vital to getting jobs done fast

and right so we make it easier than ever

to make learning and old age fun and

rewarding with a wide range of tools to

boost retention and performance

including spaced repetition flashcards

so you can learn vocab fast line by line

audio transcripts so you can read along

with each lesson pronunciation and

accent review instructor lesson notes

review quizzes mm core words enough for

fluency you are truly never too old to

learn with more than 20 tools and

resources to help boost learning and

performance number three you’ll get

support every step of the way although

you may never be too old to learn it

doesn’t hurt to have a little help along

the way our language learning system has

helped thousands of seniors learn and

master a new language with help and

support at every step we offer 24/7

assistance just send us an email we have

dedicated language experts standing by

to help you with any problem or issue

you may be experiencing there is also

instructor feedback have specific

questions about a lesson or your

progress you can directly email

instructors and get direct responses to

any question you may have about your

studies or lessons or try studying with

your very own instructor members of our

exclusive Premium Plus plan not only get

a custom curriculum tailored to their

very own goal

they also gain access to their very own

language instructor learning an old age

isn’t just a luxury it’s crucial to

helping avoid the onset of Alzheimer’s

dementia and other age-related cognitive

issues specifically learning another

language helps increase overall

intelligence and improve awareness

memory and overall cognitive function so

not only are you never too old to learn

a new language for health reasons it’s a

great way to meet new people and start

adventures 7 minutes and 7 seconds to

language learning success you’re going

to learn one the 7 minutes 7 second rule

to language learning success - why seven

minutes and 7 seconds is all you need to

get started with the language and three

how you can apply it to your learning so

do you have a hard time sticking with

the language learning routine are you

jumping around from one resource to

another and not really continuing with

any of them if you’re having a hard time

being consistent with a language

learning routine this 7 minute seven

seconds rule could be for you 7 minutes

and 7 seconds to language learning

success okay so what’s the seven minutes

seven seconds rule to language learning

success first let me explain where this

tactic comes from a lot of you might

relate have you ever had a bit of free

time and gone to YouTube to see what’s

new you play a video and just keep going

and going watching the recommended

videos and other things of interest it’s

really easy to get sucked in right

imagine you finally stopped watching

after a really terrible video that 7

minutes and 7 seconds long have you ever

suddenly realized how much time you’ve

wasted and thought what is this what am

I doing with my time you’ve just been

sitting there watching videos yes

although the final video was just 7

minutes and 7 seconds

think of the total amount of time wasted

watching all those videos it’s a lot

this is where the 7 minutes and seven

seconds idea comes from if you have 7

minutes and 7 seconds to watch YouTube

you have 7 minutes and 7 seconds to

learn a language now you might be

thinking this isn’t enough time or you

won’t make a real dent in your language

progress with that

but let’s talk about why 7 minutes and 7

seconds is all you need to get started

with a language first and foremost for

anything you do in life routines are the

cornerstone of success so if you can

stick with the routine you’re on a

guaranteed path to mastering your

language and the 7 minute 7 second rule

gives you just that a simple specific

routine put in just 7 minutes and 7

seconds a day and when you’re done

that’s it here’s what’s so nice about

the 7 minute 7 second rule first it’s

good for your motivation think about it

when we think of learning language we

imagine spending hours learning a

language and this ruins our motivation

doesn’t it or if you knew you had to

write an essay and that it would take 2

hours you wouldn’t be too excited about

starting it now imagine you had a

stopwatch in front of you and you saw

you had 3 more minutes to go that

doesn’t feel so bad and that’s a major

reason why this tactic works so well

it’s not a serious commitment that you’d

read all day you don’t feel bad about it

and second it’s easy to do there’s no

excuse not to find 7 minutes and 7

seconds in a day when a day is 1440

minutes so if you’re walking or driving

to the store for 10 minutes you can

easily put that time in so think of the

7 minutes and seven seconds rule as your

small measurable goal for the day it’s

the kind of goal that we often talk

about setting it’s small enough to

accomplish it’s measurable so that you

know when you reach it and all you have

to do is hit that number every day and

you’re done so if you have a tough time

getting into a language learning routine

this is perfect for you so what should

you do first set a stopwatch to 7

minutes and 7 seconds and put it in the

background then start learning you can

use whatever resources you already have

to fill up that time but if you’re using

our learning program the first easiest

thing you can do is learn with our audio

and video lessons they’re usually

between 3 and 15 minutes long just press

play our teachers teach you a practical

dialogue they translate everything and

you can start speaking if you’re under 7

minutes when the lesson is done you can

replay or review it or you can move on

to another lesson

second study with our spaced repetition

flashcards since you have to be actively

paying attention this will be a bit

harder than just taking lessons but

again this is something you can sync

seven minutes into third you can read

and review the lesson notes inside you

get the lesson conversation grammar

explanations the vocabulary and cultural

insights so just read through and put in

the time

once your stopwatch hits seven minutes

and seven seconds you’re done your


if you go over that’s okay too but seven

minutes seven seconds is the minimum

limit then repeat this tactic every

single day and you’ll realize how easy

it is to maintain this routine so if

you’ve had a tough time sticking to a

learning routine give this a try want to

speed up your language learning take

your very first lesson with us you’ll

start speaking in minutes and master

real conversations sign up for your free

lifetime account just click the link in

the description