The 3 Powerful English Learning Lessons Youll Pick Up at the Gym

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language

learning where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips study tools

and resources by the way all the free

lessons and bonuses you’re about to see

can be downloaded on our website so

click the link in the description right

now to sign up for your free lifetime

account okay

today’s topic is the three powerful

language learning lessons you’ll pick up

at the gym and today you’re going to

learn one how to approach your goals two

how to find time to learn a language and

three why you don’t need the best

possible routine or learning program so

if you’ve ever spent time in the gym

you’ll quickly see how similar training

and language learning are but before we

move on listen up here are this month

new lessons and resources first want to

perfect your pronunciation then get our

new pronunciation PDF cheat sheet right

now you’ll learn how to sound like a

native speaker and how to practice your

pronunciation second do you know the

seven tested ways to learn language fast

with this new ebook you’ll learn how to

use our learning system to speak better

remember more words and improve fast

download it for free right now third

twenty useful phrases for a hair salon

would you be able to get a haircut in

your target language if you said no then

this one-minute lesson is just what you


fourth twenty phrases for doing business

successfully if you’re learning the

language for work this one-minute lesson

is for you you’ll learn the 20 most

common greetings phrases and questions

for business meetings to get your free

resources click the link in the

description below

right now they’re yours to keep forever

okay let’s jump into today’s topic

the three powerful language learning

lessons you’ll pick up at the gym the

first lesson is how to approach your

goals and language learning so why are

we talking about the gym the gym is a

great example because it’s filled with

people working on their goals and it

gives you a snapshot of where most

people are with their goals and everyone

there has one goal to be fit but not

everyone is there yet you have a few

people that look like fitness models

then you have around twenty or thirty

people that have good respectable

physiques the middle group and then the

rest of the people are still working

their way up it’s motivating because

everyone has a chance of succeeding if

you’ve been to the gym you understand

the importance of repetition doing reps

a rep is the number of times you do a

certain exercise like fifteen push-ups

is fifteen reps of push-ups so even

people still working toward their goals

have a chance of succeeding if they put

in the reps if they do a little bit a

day over a long period of time they’ll

get there the process is simple the more

you do the longer you stick with it the

more progress you make and the same goes

for learning language or any other goal

in life it’s about putting in the reps a

little bit a day consistently for a long

period of time if you want to get bigger

muscles you pick up a dumbbell and you

do reps if you want to learn more words

you do the reps five new words a day so

what can you do right now for example if

you’re using our program just do one

lesson a day if you have a textbook do

one page a day if you’re using an app

put in five minutes a day again everyone

has a chance to succeed they just need

to put in the reps and they need to make

the time this is where the second lesson

comes in you’ll learn how to find and

make time to learn a language there’s a

reason to people you see at the gym

daily and especially the people you see

at 10:00 p.m. on a Friday are the ones

with above-average results they’re the

most consistent but how do they get that

level of consistency there tends to be

three types of people first the people

that have plenty of free time so it’s a

non-issue for them

second the busier people they make time

regardless of what their schedule is

like meaning they show up at 1:00 a.m.

just to fit in a session or they cancel

other plans to make time and third the

people who have made it a habit they’re

so used to going that they don’t have to

think about it ideally you want to be in

the third group with language learning

but most people fall into the second

group the truth is that to make time

they have to cancel other plans some

wake up earlier to squeeze in a session

in the a.m. some go late at night it’s

the same exact thing with language


you make time the good news with

language learning is you don’t need to

open up a lesson at 1 a.m. and put in an

hour with our learning program you’ll

get our quick but powerful 3 to 15

minute audio and video lessons and

because the lessons are short you can

easily make time you can do a lesson on

your commute or while walking somewhere

imagine learning a quick conversation

while on your way to the store finally

the third language learning lesson

you’ll learn at the gym is why you don’t

need the best possible routine to get

results have you ever heard a friend say

I have to start the right way it has to

be perfect well this is a disastrous way

to start anything whether fitness or

language learning and most learners

spend a lot of time worrying about

starting right instead of just starting

and keeping at it but the point is if

you start learning from a textbook and

stick with it you’ll get results you’ll

improve your reading vocabulary and

grammar of course it won’t get you

speaking you’ll only get good at what

you focus on but the fact is you’ll

still make progress same with the gym if

you start off with bicep curls you’ll

see progress in time but at some point

you’ll need to add in legs as well you

can’t skip leg day so here’s what you

can learn here’s what smart beginners do

they don’t look for the best way to

start they just start and keep going and

once they have a consistent routine they

start optimizing they improve their

routines if you start taking one lesson

a day and can easily maintain that

routine then you might eventually

realize that you want to practice

speaking you need to shadow that lessons

conversation so you add

going to your routine and that’s how you

grow same thing with the gym the smart

beginners make sure they do their reps

and come in as much as possible and

doing the basics is enough for them to

build muscle later on they’ll start

adjusting their exercises and adding new

ones but you’ll never get to that point

if you overthink yourself into inaction

and don’t build that habit so as long as

you start and continue most starting

routines and learning methods are good

enough you don’t need the best possible

one right now you could have the best

possible language learning program but

if you don’t use it consistently it’s


alright so today you learn one how to

approach your goals 2 how to find time

to learn a language and 3 why you don’t

need the best possible routine or

learning program so thank you for

watching this episode of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about how to start

conversations talking points for

language learners if you enjoyed these

tips hit the like button share the video

with anyone who’s trying to learn a

language and subscribe to our Channel we

release new videos every week and if

you’re ready to finally learn a language

the fast fun and easy way and start

speaking from your very first lesson get

our complete language learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

right now click the link in the

description see you next time
