The Power of learning a Language with someone else

hey everyone welcome to the monthly


the monthly show on language learning

where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips

study tools and resources by the way

all the lessons and bonuses you’re about

to see can be downloaded for free

on our website so click the link in the


right now to sign up for your free

lifetime account okay

today’s topic is can you learn a


faster with a study partner if you’re

like most learners starting out

you’re doing this on your own trying to

figure out a foreign language

but what if you learned with someone

else it doesn’t even have to be a native


what if you learned with another learner

did you know that it could help you


even faster in this episode you’ll


the five benefits of learning with a

study partner

how you can make fast progress with

someone who’s on your level

and how to use a program with someone


but first listen up here are this

month’s new lessons and resources

first the how to talk about time pdf

cheat sheet

days of the week months seasons

time related vocabulary you’ll learn it

all with this printable pdf cheat sheet

download it now for free second the most

common adjectives pdf ebook you’ll

master over

90 common adjectives with this bonus pdf

picture ebook

you can download and review it on any


third must know st patrick’s day


can you talk about st patrick’s day in

your target language

you’ll be able to with this quick one

minute vocabulary lesson

fourth the top 20 words for positive


if you want to talk about your good

feelings check out this next bonus

it’ll give you 20 positive emotion words

in just a few minutes

access it right now fifth can you tell

someone what your favorite color is

if not you’ll be able to soon this next

bonus will teach you vocabulary for all

the common colors

to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever

okay let’s jump into today’s topic


can you learn a language faster with a

study partner

it would be ideal if we all had a native

speaker next to us to help us as we

learn a language

but that’s not always possible some

people are able to pay a tutor

or enroll in a school other people may

be able to find a language partner in

the city where they live

but what about learning with someone who

isn’t a native speaker

studying a language with a fellow

learner can boost your progress

and make the learning process much more


part one the benefits of learning with a

study partner

first it’s more engaging when you’re

learning alone it’s just you inside your


and while you can talk out loud to

yourself with another person

you have no choice but to engage with

someone and when you’re engaging and

using the language

you tend to remember it better than if

you just kept it inside your head

this brings us to the next point second

you can learn more how you can read

through a phrase book all by yourself

and forget the phrases 10 minutes later

but if you’re learning with someone

you’re interacting and applying the

things you’re learning right away

you’re able to practice and quiz each

other which is probably more than you

would do if you were studying by


this means you end up retaining more


if you explain a grammar rule to your

study partner you’ll end up

understanding it better

teaching others is a great way to

improve your own understanding

third learning is more enjoyable and

this is the best part about it

the purpose of learning another language

is communication with other people

if you study with someone else you’ll be

able to share your challenges and your

mistakes and give each other tips for

how to make progress

yes but you’ll also create a lot of fun

memories by succeeding and laughing

together as you work through the

learning process

fourth the other person can hold you


if you have a language learning routine

going with someone then both of you will

expect results from one another

if they notice you’re having trouble

with a certain grammar rule and pointed


then you’re much more likely to get it

right next time

fifth you can make it competitive which

also speeds up your progress

if you’re learning with someone who’s a

bit better at something than you

then you have something to aim for to

reach their level this can be super


if you’re working with someone who is at

the same level as you you can think of

fun challenges to do together

to encourage one another to improve

rapidly so what are some ideas you can

use to learn with someone else

part two how to learn with our language


if you’re using our program here are a

few ways you can use the program with

another person

however you can easily apply these tips

to other resources as well

one take the audio and video lessons

just press play on a lesson

and listen to the audio or watch the

video lesson together

two role play the lesson conversations

most of our lessons start with the quick

conversation you and your learning

partner can take the roles of the

speakers in the conversations

then switch roles to practice speaking

and three

quiz each other use the lesson vocab

section to quiz each other on the lesson

vocabulary to see how much you remember

you can try saying a line from the

conversation and see if your partner

knows what it means

or you can quiz your partner on the

grammar rule introduced in that lesson

ask them to explain it the benefit of

quizzing someone else is that you get to

reinforce your understanding of the

grammar as well

so to recap having a study partner can

boost your learning progress

just by having another person around

you’re more engaged you retain more

you enjoy the process more and you can

motivate one another

while holding each other accountable now

over to you

are you learning on your own do you have

a steady partner do you want to find a

study partner now

leave us a comment so thank you for

watching this episode of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about how to speak

more with can do checklists

if you enjoyed these tips hit the like

button share the video with anyone who’s

trying to learn a language and subscribe

to our channel

we release new videos every week and if

you’re ready to finally learn language

the fast fun and easy way and start

speaking from your very first lesson

get our complete language learning

program sign up for your free lifetime

account right now

click the link in the description see

you next time bye