The Satisfaction of Reaching Goal when Learning English

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are you struggling to reach your

language learning goals or losing

motivation for learning

in this video we’re going to talk about

how to reach your goals

how to enjoy the process and the

importance of rewarding yourself

part one how to reach your language


it’s pretty exciting when you reach a

goal you know your hard work is paid off

and you can see your results

but how do you set goals to ensure you

can reach them and get that feeling of


the best way to see real results and

achieve your language learning goals is

to set small

measurable goals many people make the

mistake of setting big

vague goals like i want to be fluent or

i want to speak a new language

then they download an app or get a

textbook and they try to reach their


but they quickly give up because the

goal they’ve set for themselves is too


this is why it’s important to set small

measurable monthly or weekly

goals from the beginning of your studies

reaching your goals helps you develop

confidence in yourself

and your ability to get things done for

example you might make it a goal to be

able to have a one minute conversation

by the end of your first month of


and have a two-minute conversation by

the end of month two

maybe after six months you aim to have a

10-minute conversation with someone

specific measurable goals like these

help you track your progress and prevent

you from getting overwhelmed

by creating small goals like these you

set yourself up for success

when you reach one of your goals even if

it’s a small one you feel a sense of


this helps you enjoy the learning

process which is the next topic we’re

going to focus on

part two how to enjoy the language

learning process

if you’re always focused on goals and

results though how do you enjoy the

process of learning a language

okay so let’s say that in addition to

larger goals you’ve made small realistic

goals like learning 100 words in a month

that’s three to four words per day goals

like these are very easy to accomplish

and when you complete them it feels good

this is one of the enjoyable parts of

learning a language

so imagine accomplishing small goals all

throughout your week

it’s a great way to keep your motivation

up and enjoy the process of learning

smaller goals can help you stay on track

and keep your confidence up

when we feel like we’re not making

progress we can get frustrated

and lose motivation think about days

when you’re super busy at work or at


some days you might be so busy you don’t

complete any tasks

when nothing seems to move forward we

can lose confidence in ourselves and

feel like quitting

this is why giving yourself some small

easy to accomplish goals can be

extremely helpful

you can approach your studies with

confidence because you know that you’re

working towards your next goal

and that you can actually achieve it

here’s something you can try if you feel

like your progress has slowed down

go back and review something you studied

a few weeks or a few months earlier

try to remember how difficult it was at

first looking over past materials can

help us understand how much we’ve grown

the same thing is true for conversations

when you start learning a language

you’ll learn things like how to

introduce yourself

ask basic questions and talk about the

weather after a few months of study


you’ll learn how to talk about your

hobbies your neighborhood or your


it’s sometimes hard to remember just how

much progress we’ve made

but look back on your work from time to

time all those hours you put in

are reflected in your current abilities

it’s exciting when you realize how far

you’ve come

of course some people might also reflect

on mistakes they made especially

if these mistakes led to

miscommunications with native speakers

while these memories can be embarrassing

they can still be useful for your


try to shift your mindset towards

mistakes making an embarrassing mistake

can be helpful in the long run because

we remember the experience vividly and

we want to avoid repeating it

if the mistake wasn’t so embarrassing

maybe you can laugh about it and use

that memory to ensure you make the right

decision in the future

lastly we want to remind everyone of the

most enjoyable part of the language

learning process

the new friends connections and

experiences you gain through the


you can use the language you’re studying

as a tool to create friendships to meet

new people and to travel

if you ever get to a point where

learning isn’t fun or interesting


take a moment and consider why are you

getting overwhelmed

falling behind on your goals if your

schedule has changed or your goals have

changed that’s fine

adjust your study plan and your study

goals to make the learning process work

for you

revise your approach and make sure

you’re enjoying learning

part three the importance of rewards

if you haven’t gotten into the practice

of rewarding yourself for reaching a


now is a great time to start a reward

can be a powerful way to motivate

yourself to complete a goal

if your reward is travel or event

related it can also act as a finite


this can push you to focus even more you

can decide to reward yourself with

something you buy

with an experience or maybe just with

some time to relax

choose a reward that will work best for


positive reinforcement can be very

helpful in the learning process

it’s one thing to hit a goal and feel

good about it but if you have a reward

too it seals the deal it helps you keep

the cycle going

and will help you keep learning so today

we covered goal setting

how to enjoy the process of learning and

the importance of rewards

make sure you set small measurable goals

in addition to your larger goals

find ways to enjoy the process of

studying and make sure to reward

yourself for your achievements

learning a language should be fun and


for some more resources to help you

reach your goals check out our complete

language learning program sign up for

your free lifetime account by clicking

on the link in the description

get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

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we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye