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are you studying a language but starting

to lose motivation

in this video we’re going to talk about

the halfway point and how to keep going

with language learning

after six months to a year of studying a

language you might be feeling like

you’re losing a little bit of steam

maybe you started out strong and now

you’re feeling a bit low

maybe you aren’t seeing the results you

wanted or you think your efforts aren’t

paying off

but the reason for that might not have

anything to do with your studies

it might be more an issue about your

reviewing and your goal setting

one why you should review your past

language goals

when you set goals do you ever go back

to review your progress

it can be a reminder of how far you’ve

come and help you keep your motivation


let’s say you started learning a

language and you’ve been at it for a few


in month one you’re excited and

motivated in month two you’re still

going at it but maybe the motivation is

not as strong

and you want to make sure that you don’t

fall off unfortunately as most people do

so you work hard to keep at it by month

3 you’re kind of on autopilot and

learning with whatever has been working

for you

that sounds like a good place to be

cruising on autopilot

well it may seem like a good place to be

but the problem is by month 4

5 or 6 if you’ve been coasting along for

too long and haven’t had any significant


you may start wondering if you’re

actually learning or if you’ll ever

master the language

you might start losing motivation and

worse you might even quit

if you’re learning by yourself it’s hard

and if you’re not tracking your progress

by month four or five you might realize

that the textbook you’ve been using

isn’t helping you increase your fluency

you might think you’re going nowhere

so the reason to review is to check your

progress maybe you can speak none of

your target language in month one

but at the end of month three you can

speak three minutes so that’s some


and if you’re at eight minutes now for

example then you can definitely say that

you’ve improved since the start

it’s good for motivation just knowing

that you got a return on your time


so reviewing is good for progress and


also it’s natural to lose motivation

with anything you’re trying to learn or


so it’s something you need to keep up

something you need to keep in mind

what do you do when your motivation dips

you can stop

take some time to review and reflect is

your motivation dipping

are you studying less do you feel like

you’re not making progress

and if you say yes to these questions

then you can work on boosting your

motivation to help you keep going

how do you boost your motivation well do

you remember anchor points

anchor points are things that connect

you or anchor you to your goal such as a

language class or

program it could even be relatives or

friends who speak the language

tv shows in that language you like or an

upcoming trip to the target country

all of these things in one way or

another keep you anchored to your

language learning goal

so if you’re watching a tv show in your

target language then it’s natural for

you to want to understand it better and

your desire to learn goes up

if you’re taking language classes where

a teacher expects homework from you

that’s another connection to the

language so you do the homework you

attend classes you learn

more ultimately if you want to boost

your motivation and keep going you

should get more anchor points

but how do you do that let’s jump into

the second part

two how to review your progress and

maintain motivation

how do you review your progress first

you always set small measurable goals

and always

track results the study resource you’re

using can be used for your review

as well it’s easy to get demotivated and

think that you’ve learned nothing

but if you’re using a textbook for

example you can set a number of pages

and that can be a really good motivator

something to reach for making sure

you’re getting through

and then testing yourself on material is

a little harder if you’re not actually

using your textbook though

so make sure that you actually stick to

the plan you set for yourself

again the tool you’re using is not so

important but just make sure whatever

you use

you measure it and track your progress

reviewing is as simple as looking at

your past goals and results

you can also do it the old school way

and look through your notebooks

see how much you’ve written out in fact

we have something called the dean’s date

with our premium plus plan where our

premium plus users send in all of the

work they’ve completed with their


the writings the recordings the

assignments and you can see it

all everything that you’ve done then you

can see your actual results if you’re

three months of work

everything you’ve accomplished is in one

place do you ever run out of motivation

of course you do occasionally and it’s

natural for everyone’s motivation to dip

after some time

then if you lose motivation how do you

keep going

just as we talked about earlier add more

anchor points

more connections to the language whether

that means enrolling in in-person

classes at a real language school

planning trips or signing up for a test

those anchor points

help you stay motivated your main ones

need to be things that will keep you

interested in your target language or

the people in your life connected to it

these are the things that will keep you


but it’s also important to remember

whether you’re struggling or you’re

progressing rapidly

that you have to keep your learning

adaptive as humans we are adaptive

we adapt to environments and this is the

same thing your language learning path

has to adapt as you progress

if you’re progressing faster there’s a

way to adapt if you’re progressing

slower there’s also a way to adapt

three how you can keep going past the

halfway point

if you’ve been studying the language for

a few months it’s normal to start losing


if you’re not losing steam when you’re

progressing then great job and maybe you

can share some of your tips with us

because it’s one of the hardest things


to stay motivated long term if you are

starting to lose steam remember that

this happens with any goal it can happen

to anyone at any time

so you need to learn how to adapt to it

by being aware that these dips are


and that they happen you can expect them

so when one does come around

you’ll know how to boost your motivation

and know how to keep yourself going

here’s what you do when a dip does come

around 1.

review your learning progress if you’ve

been setting small

measurable goals every month then this

won’t be a problem

the goal here is to see how far you’ve

come and this will help you maintain


if you can see that you learn 50 words

in january 50 in february

100 in march and so on then you have

measurable progress

and this lets you know that you’re

improving even when you don’t feel like

you are

second if you’re a premium plus student

you can also participate in the dean’s

date and submit your work on the


be sure to ask your premium plus teacher

about it third

if you’re a premium or premium plus user

you can also check your dashboard and

see how many flash cards you’ve studied

and how many lessons you’ve completed we

track your progress for you

but of course it’s best to set goals

like learn 50 words or

speak one minute of conversation because

completing a lesson may not mean that

you’ve mastered everything inside

so if you’ve not been setting goals and

tracking them now is the time to start

otherwise do you know how much of the

language you can speak or how many words

you’ve learned

if you don’t know then you’ll feel like

you’re floating around and not learning


so be sure to set small measurable

monthly goals

fourth create more anchor points to

boost your motivation

anchor points are connections to the

language that keep you anchored to the

language and your goal

it could be friends or relatives who

speak the language tv shows in that

language you like

an upcoming trip to the target country

language classes or language programs

all of these things in one way or

another keep you anchored to your

language learning goal

so if you started learning a language

because your relative speaks it

that motivation may not last forever it

may help you in month 1 or month 2

but by month 4 5 or 6 your motivation

might wear off

but you can decide to enroll in a class

or start watching a tv show in that


that will give you some new reasons to

keep going to the language

in a way you give yourself more reasons

to learn

a lot of the time the reasons why we

start something are not often the

reasons why we continue them

so don’t be afraid to adjust your

motivations as you go along

if you’ve reached a language milestone

and are starting to feel a little less

motivated just take a look at these tips

thorough reviews setting anchor points

and reviewing your study methods will

all help you keep going in your studies

for more strategies on how to keep

studying just check out our complete

language learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

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