Whats the Best English Learning Advice Youve Ever Gotten

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lots of people like to look for advice

about ways to learn languages

but they don’t actually implement any of

it while it’s important to consider

how you should approach your studies

it’s essential you put the advice you

get into practice

in this video we’re going to cover eight

pieces of advice related to learning a


number one language learning is a

marathon not a sprint

our first tip is to accept that language

learning is a long-term project

it’s tempting to start off at full speed

and tell yourself you’re going to study

for two hours a day every day

but in reality this just isn’t

sustainable for most people

it’s okay to go at your own pace but

make sure to be consistent

even if you’re spending just five to ten

minutes a day working towards your

language learning goals

stick to your study schedule for people

with a busy schedule it can be

overwhelming to think of spending an


or two studying at the end of every day

but if you can at least begin by

studying for short time periods


you’ll be able to establish a schedule

for yourself and maintain motivation

number two make use of your spare time

think about your typical daily schedule

how long is your commute

your lunch break when do you usually do


when do you usually relax if you can

find a few minutes in your day

every day you can put that time to good

use and work towards your language

learning goals

our lessons are 3 to 15 minutes long so

you can fit lessons in comfortably

whenever you have the time

if you’re having trouble getting started

try this open the clock app on your


and set a timer for 10 minutes five if

you’re feeling really demotivated

choose a lesson a flash card deck a

notebook for writing practice

something you can focus on completely

for the amount of time you have on your


start the timer and begin your studies

once the time is up walk away

you might be surprised how much you can

learn or review in these short periods

and with a consistent study schedule you

can make quick progress

number three commit when many people

start learning a language

they do it just because they think it’s

interesting it’s something fun to try

and there’s nothing wrong with that but

at some point you have to make a


how much do you want to continue

studying what’s your goal with your

language learning

do you want to learn a few phrases and

words for fun or do you want to make

real progress

and be able to do something more

advanced the answer to this question is

different for each person

some people might decide they want to

learn enough of a language to introduce


or order at a restaurant others might

want to learn enough to make friends or

give a presentation

once you’ve decided on your goal how do

you solidify your commitment

some learners do this by investing in a

textbook or a language learning program

some find a tutor or join a study group

it’s up to you to determine what your

goal is and to commit to it

number four start speaking on day one by


when most people start learning a

language they begin with reading

but in most cases our end goal is to

speak fluently

so why delay practicing your speaking


the sooner you begin practicing the

sooner you improve

it might seem hard to start speaking on

day one when you don’t know more than a

few vocabulary words

so you can begin your speaking practice

by shadowing or repeating what you hear

for example if you listen to our audio

lessons you’ll hear a basic conversation

in the first minute

then our teachers will slow down and

translate every word

once you’ve gotten familiar with the

dialogue you’ll hear it again

so repeat what you hear or use the

dialog section in the lesson to practice

each line one by one

number five fifty percent input fifty

percent output

input refers to taking the language in

listening or reading

output refers to creating with the

language speaking or writing

try to spend equal amounts of time with

input and output

many learners make the mistake of

focusing on input and they never get any


creating with the language integrate

output focused practice into your


number six read along with our audio and

video lessons

there are a few different ways you can

read along with audio and video lessons

you can use a transcript refer to

translations and or check subtitles on

video lessons

sometimes it’s hard to pick up

everything that’s said in another


especially in real life situations if

you have something to read that shows

you everything that’s being said though

things get a little easier you can do

this with each of our lessons

try listening to an audio lesson or

watching a video lesson

while you do read along with the lesson

notes and the transcript

reading along can also help you with

shadowing so you can practice speaking


number seven set small measurable goals

while it’s important to have a final

goal for your studies it’s also

important to give yourself

small goals that you can work toward on

a weekly or monthly basis

for example you might set small goals

like be able to have a one minute

conversation by the end of this month

or learn 100 words by the end of this


or learn the alphabet by the end of this

week if your only goal

is master the language you’ll likely get


give yourself small achievable tasks to


it’s difficult to gauge exactly how much

we’re progressing as we study

but if we can track completion of our

goals we know we’re making progress and

moving in the right direction

number eight trust the process

our last piece of advice is to trust in

what you’re doing

a lot of people start out strong when

they begin learning a language because

they’re enthusiastic about doing

something new

but many people lose motivation after

that initial burst of excitement fades

if you set proper goals make time for

your studies and stick to your schedule

then you just need to trust your process

know that as long as you continue along

with your plan you’ll get results

remember these eight pieces of advice

are only helpful for your language

learning if you

actually implement them for more tips

and tools to help you in your studies

check out our complete language learning

program sign up for your free lifetime

account by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

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