Whats The First Step in Your Language Learning Journey

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language


where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips

study tools and resources by the way

all the lessons and bonuses you’re about

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okay today’s topic is the first step in

your language learning journey that will

guarantee your success if you have

trouble sticking with your language

learning goals

it’s probably because you’re skipping

one specific step

it’s the step you need to take before

you even start any learning

and doing it will help you stick with

the language not get overwhelmed and

reach your language goals

so today you’ll learn one what solo

language learners need to succeed

and two how to do self-assessment and

set yourself up for success


but first listen up here are this

month’s new lessons and resources

be sure to download these now before we

take them down in a few days

first the giving directions conversation

cheat sheet

do you know how to tell a taxi driver

where to go in your target language

you’ll be able to with this pdf cheat

sheet you’ll learn must know words and

phrases for giving directions

second the most common verbs pdf ebook

you’ll learn over 90 common verbs with

this bonus pdf picture ebook

download and review on any device third

how to talk about what you do in your

free time learn how to save

video games fishing and much more you’ll

pick up over 25 words for leisure

activities with this vocab bonus

fourth how to learn from home learning


want to learn the language from the

comfort of your home this one minute

lesson will give you all the best

tactics for learning languages

fifth the top 35 adjective for


can you describe your personality this

next bonus teaches you the 35

must-know adjectives for personalities

so you can talk about yourself in your

target language

to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay let’s

jump into today’s topic

the first step in your language learning

journey that will guarantee your success

here’s a question for you when you want

to learn a language how do you usually

get started with that goal

you might say the inspiration comes

first and that motivates you to start

then you get a textbook or an app and go

from there right

that’s a pretty standard answer but how

does that tend to work out

most people end up falling off a week or

a month later

why do you think that happens leave a

comment with why you think people tend

to lose inspiration quickly

more often than not it happens because

you pick a goal a learning routine or a

resource that overwhelms you and just

isn’t right for you

here’s a typical example let’s say you

work an 8 hour day and you want to try

to start learning

most people would try to squeeze in

learning for one or two hours at night

or you could try and wake up an hour

early and usually that doesn’t work out

because you’re trying to do things that

you’re not used to

wake up earlier and study earlier it

doesn’t fit your current lifestyle

so what should you do differently well

let’s take an example from language


before you start learning language

schools force you to take an assessment

test on the first day

why so that they make sure the language


fit your level and put you in the proper

class the goal of an assessment test is

to find out where you are and meet you


that’s something most solo learners

don’t do

and the problem is if you’re a solo

learner no one assesses you

and you yourself don’t know what routine

works best for you how much time you can

set aside and how much studying you can

comfortably do

we all imagine we can do an hour a day

but realistically speaking it’ll be a

lot less than that

so that’s where self-assessment comes in

before you start learning a language or

do any goal for that matter

it’s important to know where you are in

life what your daily schedule is like

when you’re busy and when you’re free so

you can set your expectations

know how much time you can put in and so

you can start learning at a pace that

works for you

now how do you actually assess yourself

there are three assessments you can do

one a life assessment

two a routine assessment and three

language assessment

language assessment will only be helpful

if you already have some experience

if you’re brand new you won’t need this


life assessment here the goal is to see

how the language will fit into your life

and how you generally deal with goals as

in if you succeeded with a goal before

what helped you succeed you could take

that and apply it here

if you failed before find out why so you

can avoid it this time

so you’ll need to answer the following

questions why are you learning this


how will it help your life what current

connections do you have to this language

for example listening to music watching

tv you have a relative you have

neighbors or friends that speak it

what have you been doing so far to learn

have you learned languages before

have you failed any goals before how or


have you succeeded with any goals before

how or why

write these questions out and answer

them next the routine assessment

write out your daily routine for a whole

week for example

wake up at 7 00 am breakfast at 8 a.m

commute to work at 8 30 am arrive at

work at 9 30 am

lunch at 1 pm and so on do this for

every day of the week the goal here is

to see what your daily routine is like

so you know when you’re free when you’re

busy and where you can fit in language


that way if you’re super busy on mondays

and five minutes is all you can do then

that’s good enough

you won’t feel bad about doing only five

minutes if you see that you spend 30

minutes on commuting

add language learning on top of that

existing routine

if you take walks or go for a jog play

an audio lesson there

or even if you’re cooking at a certain

time play an audio lesson in the


remember look for an existing routine

that you already stick with like


and where you can multitask don’t try to

create new routines

for example waking up at 7am to learn

will set you up for failure

if you usually wake up at 8am waking up

at 7am will be even harder

and then actually trying to learn a

language at 7am makes it even harder

this is where new learners start having

trouble you’re trying to do two things

at once

trying to learn the language and trying

to stick to a new routine

one is hard enough trying to do two can

overwhelm you

so piggyback off of your existing

routines first so you can build momentum

and finally there’s language assessment

if you’re an absolute beginner you won’t

need much of an assessment

just start with our absolute beginner

recommended learning pathway

but if you have experience and want to

assess yourself there are two things you

can do

first if you’re a premium plus user then

you’re asked to do an assessment test

when you join

but you can always request it again from

your teacher and second if you’re a

premium user

check our recommended pathways we assign

these pathways level 1 to level 5

based on your learning level from

absolute beginner to advanced

at the start of each pathway there’s a

diagnostic test you can take that to

assess yourself

so thank you for watching this episode

of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about when routines

grow stale

how to learn more language with a new

routine if you enjoyed these tips hit

the like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a language and subscribe to our


we release new videos every week and if

you’re ready to finally learn language

the fast fun and easy way and start

speaking from your very first lesson

get our complete learning program sign

up for your free lifetime account right


click the link in the description see

you next time bye