Whats your real reason for learning a language

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language



where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips

study tools and resources by the way

all the lessons and bonuses you’re about

to see can be downloaded for free on our


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okay today’s topic is how to make sure

you keep going when your reason for

learning language

changes did you know that the reason

most people start learning languages

isn’t why they continue with the

language successful learners change up

their reasons along the way

in order to keep themselves motivated so

if you started learning

for whatever reason but no longer feel

motivated then this episode is for you

you’ll discover one why your reason for

learning a language can

and will change and two how to keep

going with language learning when your

initial reason no longer


but first listen up here are this

month’s new lessons and resources

be sure to download these now before we

take them down in a few days

first be going to a restaurant

conversation cheat sheet

do you know how to order food in your

target language you’ll be able to

with this pdf cheat sheet you’ll get the

must-know restaurant phrases and

vocabulary for common dishes

second the daily conversations pdf ebook

with this you’ll learn over 100 phrases

for everyday conversations

download and review the ebook on any

device third

can you talk about grammar in your

target language if you’re learning a

language you’ll need to be able to say

verb adjective and much more and in this

one minute lesson you’ll pick up over 25

grammar related words fourth how to talk

about working from home

you’ll learn how to say wi-fi online

meeting work from home

25 phrases in total with this one minute


fifth must know art vocabulary learn how

to say

canvas brush and much more with this

quick vocab bonus

to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay let’s

jump into today’s topic


how to keep your motivation going even

when your reason for learning a language


first here’s a question for you what was

your reason for starting this language

you might have started learning for

travel for the culture to watch tv shows

or understand music

or because someone you know speaks it

and you want to try speaking with them

all of these reasons have something in

common they’re external

meaning you’re trying to get some

outside reward or benefit

like a friendship a personal

relationship travel or living in the


you can say they’re also external


all of these reasons are why most people

start learning languages

they’re exciting all of us want to

understand a tv show 100

or have a conversation with native

speakers but the problem with external


is that they may not last very long have

you ever been motivated to start

learning only to lose that motivation

and months later you realize you made no

progress on a goal you wanted

it happens quite often for example you

want to learn a language for travel but

then the pandemic happened

and you weren’t able to travel or you

were learning to enjoy tv shows but the

shows are way too complicated and you

find you’re no longer enjoying them

or you’re learning for your partner but

then you break up

when that happens all learners come to a

crossroads continue or quit

most people quit because the reason they

started is no longer motivating

so how do you keep going in the first

part you learned that most reasons for

starting are external reasons

like traveling meeting new people being

able to watch tv shows and such

for external motivations however your

reason for starting a language

isn’t often the reason why you continue

learning it’s natural for your reasons

to change

so what do you do when your initial

reason for learning is no longer working

if your current motivator isn’t working

switch to an internal reason

external reasons are about getting some

outside benefit

internal reasons have more to do with

yourself for example

you could say you’re learning the

language because you want to improve


you want to achieve this goal you’ve

failed goals in the past so now you’re

determined to make it work for once

you’re the type of person that gets

things done all of these are examples of

internal reasons

where you make it about yourself

external reasons can only last so long

even external reasons like you want to

live in that country so you want to

learn the language

aren’t enough there are plenty of people

that move abroad to learn a language but

end up losing their motivation

anyway and psychology studies show that

internal reasons

internal motivation doing it for

yourself is much more powerful than


doing it because you want to is much

more powerful than doing it because you

have to

so thank you for watching this episode

of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about the first

step in your language learning journey

that will guarantee your success

if you enjoyed these tips hit the like

button share the video with anyone who’s

trying to learn a language and subscribe

to our channel

we release new videos every week and if

you’re ready to finally learn language

the fast fun and

easy way and start speaking from your

very first lesson get our complete

learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

right now click the link in the


see you next time bye