Why did you decide to learn English

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what’s your reason for learning a

language is it a personal goal

a hobby or do you have dreams of living

in a country where it’s spoken

in this video you’ll discover 10 reasons

people learn languages

you’ll also learn why knowing and

sharing your reason is important to

succeeding in your learning

what’s your reason for learning a

language whatever your reason is whether

big or small

knowing it and talking about it is

important more often than not your

reason for learning a language is

directly related to your long-term goal

for the language

your reason for learning might be i want

to live in the country where the

language is spoken

or i want to understand the culture

movies and music

but it can also be something simple like

i’m just interested in it

the point is if you know your reason

you’ll always remember what got you

started in the first place

as a result you’ll maintain your

motivation and continue your studies

but what about sharing your reason with

others this doesn’t mean bragging about

your goals and saying things like i’ll

be fluent in 10 months

rather i’m learning because and sharing

something specific to you

real reasons when you talk about your

reason for learning with others

you remind yourself indirectly and the

more you think about it the more likely

you are to do it

plus you set an expectation by sharing

your goals and your reasons for learning

your friends see you as someone who’s

actively learning a language

and that’s another powerful motivator


talking about it gives you confidence

the knowledge that you can and will

learn the language

a lot of people think they can’t learn a

language they think they don’t have the

time for it or the talent for it

in reality you just need to start by

sharing your reason you can convince

yourself that you can do it

so what’s your reason for learning leave

a comment and tell us why you started

learning a new language

so why are other language learners


we asked here are the top 10 reasons for

learning a language

number one i love the culture and the

people who speak the language

this is a popular answer especially

among our learners studying japanese and


number two i want to understand songs

movies and tv shows

songs movies and tv shows are great ways

to immerse yourself

in the language if you’re spending your

time learning and immersing yourself

you’re going to learn faster number

three it’s a beautiful language

sometimes people simply love the way the

language sounds

this is a simple answer but even this

can keep you motivated if your interest

in the language is genuine

number four my family comes from a place

where the language is spoken

of course people want to be able to

connect to their family and the people

they love

speaking of number five i want to speak

to my partner’s family in their language

this can be a great way to connect with

people and learn more about them

especially if they’re new family number


i’m learning the language to impress


maybe you want to show off to someone

special or maybe surprise a grandparent

with a card in their native language

there are a variety of situations in

which using another language can show

someone you care

number seven i love traveling

knowing the local language when you

travel will help you find new places and

make new connections

it can only make your travel experience


number eight i live or want to live in a

country that speaks the language

it’s a lot of people’s dream to live

overseas and experience the culture they


or maybe they need to move for work or

family reasons

learning the local language is extremely

important if you’re going to live in a

different country

number nine i just love learning


what’s great about this is if you’ve

learned one language it’s easier to

learn another

because you learn how to learn a

language right if you learn one

you develop certain habits and

approaches that work for you

you can use this to master another

number 10

it’s just a personal goal we hear this a


especially from learners that stopped

took a break and came back

if you have a goal in mind something you

wanted to do but never did

you want to come back to it and get it

done our results show that most people

learn for love

for family to travel or for


so why are you learning leave us a

comment right now and let us know

if you want to achieve your language

learning goal check out our complete

language learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a new language and subscribe to

our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye