Why Youre Never Too Old to Learn English

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101 calm

in this video you’ll learn three reasons

you’re never too old to learn a language

and you’ll also learn three ways our

learning system can help people of all

ages to study efficiently number one

seniors have better focus learning a new

language in your 50s or 60s may actually

be easier than learning as a teenager or

young adults more mature adults can

better focus on the details necessary to

master a new language older people are

also often more dedicated to their goals

and put more work into achieving them

seniors are better able to focus on

completing lessons and reaching goals

there are a lot of distractions out

there these days for young people

there’s everything from Facebook to

Instagram and all the usual drama of

daily life at work and at school seniors

are typically less concerned with these

kinds of things and are better at

focusing on tasks until completion this

is extremely important for language

study where regular practice and

attention to detail are key not only are

you never too old to learn you may have

some advantages over younger learners

our language learning program has a

number of special tools to make learning

a new language in your 50s or 60s easy

you’ll use the same resources as a

tech-savvy teenager number two learning

is vital to healthy and happy living

learning is actually vital to your

health doing things like playing word

games doing puzzles and even using

online platforms like luminosity do help

keep the mind nimble but nothing

compares to learning a second language

in terms of health benefits for your

mind learning another language may be

one of the very best retirement hobbies

you can pick up you can also apply your

second language knowledge when you

travel number three there are health

benefits to learning new things after

the age of sixty learning a second

language increases the number of neural

pathways in the brain

forging these new neural pathways helps

you code and sort the new language you

are learning in addition there are other

brain health benefits associated with

learning a new language

here’s a list of benefits bilingual

people can enjoy higher overall general

intelligence better memory and

memorization skills

better perception of surroundings better

focus concentration and attention to

detail so in a very real way learning a

new language is one of the best and most

practical retirement hobbies you can

find because it helps protect against

cognitive decline as you age now let’s

talk about how our language learning

program has methods to make sure you can

start learning in your 50s 60s and

beyond number one we have an intuitive

easy to use system learning an old age

doesn’t have to be hard or irritating it

can and should be fun from your very

first lesson we’ll make sure you’re

speaking fluently every day you can

start and stop each lesson as many times

as you want study when you want where

you want and at the pace you decide

number two you’ll find special tools to

boost retention and performance as we

mature learning to use the right tools

is vital to getting jobs done fast and

right so we make it easier than ever to

make learning and old age fun and

rewarding with a wide range of tools to

boost retention and performance

including spaced repetition flashcards

so you can learn vocab fast line by line

audio transcripts so you can read along

with each lesson pronunciation and

accent review instructor lesson notes

review quizzes mm core words enough for

fluency you are truly never too old to

learn with more than 20 tools and

resources to help boost learning and

performance number three you’ll get

support every step of the way although

you may never be too old to learn it

doesn’t hurt to have a little help along

the way our language learning system has

helped thousands of seniors learn and

master a new language with help and

support at every step we offer 24/7

assistance just send us an email we have

dedicated language experts standing by

to help you with any problem or issue

you may be experiencing there is also

instructor feedback have specific

questions about a lesson or your

progress you can directly email

instructors and get direct responses to

any question you may have about your

studies or lessons

or try studying with your very own

instructor members of our exclusive

Premium Plus plan not only get a custom

curriculum tailored to their very own

goals they also gain access to their

very own language instructor learning an

old age isn’t just a luxury it’s crucial

to helping avoid the onset of

Alzheimer’s dementia and other

age-related cognitive issues

specifically learning another language

helps increase overall intelligence and

improve awareness memory and overall

cognitive function so not only are you

never too old to learn a new language

for health reasons it’s a great way to

meet new people and start adventures if

you’re ready to finally learn a new

language the fast fun and easy way sign

up for your free lifetime account by

clicking on the link in the description

signing up takes less than 30 seconds

and you’ll start speaking from your very

first lesson if you enjoyed these tips

hit the like button share the video with

anyone who’s trying to learn a new

language and subscribe to our Channel we

release new videos every week I’ll see

you next time bye