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hi everyone i’m alicia welcome to

conversational phrases

we’ve found that the best way to learn a

language is to speak it from day one and

the best way to start speaking is to

learn phrases that you’ll use in real


in this lesson you’ll learn

conversational phrases to use when

talking on the phone

after watching this video you’ll be able

to ask for someone on the phone and to

put someone on hold

and if you want to learn more vocabulary

phrases and example sentences you can

use in real life situations click the

link in the description to download your

making a phone call pdf cheat sheet for


now let’s take a look at some

conversational phrases

listen to the dialogue

hello i’d like to speak with the person

in charge

okay just a moment

listen to it again

hello i’d like to speak with the person

in charge

okay just a moment

first of all you’ll need to learn how to

say hello on the phone




then you’ll need to learn how to say i’d

like to speak with person

the pattern is

i’d like to speak with


for example hello i’d like to speak with

the person in charge


i’d like to speak with the person in


hello i’d like to speak with the person

in charge

now how do you answer this question

okay just a moment

listen to it again


just a moment

okay just a moment

here are a few more phrases you can use

with the same pattern to talk on the


the person in charge

the person in charge

the person in charge

a sales representative

a sales representative

a sales representative

the manager

the manager

the manager

customer service

customer service

customer service

let’s look at some examples listen and

repeat or speak along with the native


i’d like to speak with a sales


okay just a moment

i’d like to speak with the manager

okay just a moment

i’d like to speak with customer service

okay just a moment

okay now it’s your turn do you remember

how to say i’d like to speak with person

i’d like to speak with


and how do you answer it

okay just a moment

imagine you want to talk to a sales


do you remember how to say

a sales representative

a sales representative

a sales representative

say i’d like to speak with a sales


i’d like to speak with a sales


now say you want to talk to a sales

representative and answer it

i’d like to speak with a sales


okay just a moment

now imagine you want to talk to the


do you remember how to say the manager

the manager

the manager

say i’d like to speak with the manager

i’d like to speak with the manager

now say you want to talk to the manager

and answer it

i’d like to speak with the manager

okay just a moment

now imagine you want to talk to customer

service do you remember how to say

customer service

customer service

customer service

say i’d like to speak with customer


i’d like to speak with customer service

now say you want to talk to customer

service and answer it

i’d like to speak with customer service

okay just a moment




we use the verb help in emergency

situations and we also use it when

someone gives us their assistance

thank you for your help

thank you for your help

thank you for your help




we use the verb learn to describe our

studies keep in mind when we use this in

past tense it refers to something we

have completed

learn something new

learn something new

learn something new




so the verb move refers to any kind of

action that’s moving from one direction

to another we also use this verb to talk

about moving from one house to another


the alligators are slowly moving through

the water

the alligators are slowly moving through

the water

the alligators are slowly moving through

the water




seventeen is the number that comes after


his daughter is seventeen years old

his daughter is 17 years old

his daughter is 17 years old




18 is the number after 17. this number

has special importance in the usa

because it’s the age at which people get

the right to vote

he’s 18 years old

he’s 18 years old

he’s 18 years old




19 is the number after 18 and before 20.

there are 19 books here

there are 19 books here

there are 19 books here



so 20 is the number after 19.

he’s been my friend for 20 years

he has been my friend for 20 years

he has been my friend for 20 years




so your neck is this part of the body

the part of the body between your head

and your shoulders

i’ve got a pain in my neck i’ve got a

pain in my neck

i’ve got a pain in my neck




so the face is this part of the body

your face includes your eyes your nose

your mouth your cheeks this is all your


can you show me your funniest face

can you show me your funniest face

can you show me your funniest face




the ear is the part of the body that we

use to hear we have two ears

i have two ears

i have two ears

i have two ears




so hair is anything on the body that’s

similar to this it can be long hair it

can be short hair we also use the same

word to talk about hair on an animal

the woman has black hair

the woman has black hair

the woman has black hair




mountain is a large part of the

landscape often that has snow at the top

keep in mind when you pronounce this

word in fast speech it sounds like

mountain the t sound is reduced

the little town was nestled in the


the little town was nestled in the


the little town was nestled in the





so the beach is the area where the land

meets the ocean you might hear people

talking about doing activities at the

beach which refers to the general

location or on the beach which refers to

activities on the surface of the beach

there’s a lifeguard at the beach

there’s a lifeguard at the beach

there’s a lifeguard at the beach



rain forest

so a rain forest is different from just

a forest because a rain forest is a

forest in a very humid or a very

tropical location

thailand has many rainforests

thailand has many rainforests

thailand has many rainforests





an island is a portion of land or a

piece of land that is completely

surrounded by water so like japan is an


an island is surrounded by water

an island is surrounded by water

an island is surrounded by water




a dictionary is a very large book or

online it’s a resource that you can use

to check the meanings of words

i bought this dictionary for you

i bought this dictionary for you

i bought this dictionary for you




the color blue is a very basic color we

commonly associate the color blue with

things that are cold or cool

the sky is bright blue

the sky is bright blue

the sky is bright blue




the color yellow is very bright and we

associate this with cheerful feelings

hannah has a yellow hat

hannah has a yellow hat

hannah has a yellow hat

orange orange


so the color orange is another very

bright color you may also know the fruit

called an orange it is orange in color

red mixed with yellow becomes orange

red mixed with yellow becomes orange

red mixed with yellow becomes orange




so color can be used as a noun and as a

verb in this case we’re going to talk

about it as a noun which refers to any

type of color

i got the wrong color

i got the wrong color

i got the wrong color




boring is an adjective which means not


my job is boring

my job is boring

my job is boring




something that is exciting is something

that is very interesting so like roller

coasters are very exciting for many


the movie was very exciting

the movie was very exciting

the movie was very exciting




so the word important means something

that we need to consider carefully yes

the pronunciation of this word that

first t is actually reduced it sounds

more like a d in fast speech

water is important to our body

water is important to our body

water is important to our

body credit card

credit card

credit card

so a credit card is a very useful method

to pay for things we use a credit card

to pay for something at the moment and

then we repay our credit card company


do you take credit card

do you take credit card

do you take credit card




so a key is the object that we use to

unlock doors or to unlock other things

i lost my car key

i lost my car key

i lost my car key

driver’s license

driver’s license

driver’s license

a driver’s license is a certification we

receive that explains that we are able

to drive a car legally

do you have a driver’s license

do you have a driver’s license

do you have a driver’s license




a forest is a very large natural area

it’s filled with trees plants animals

and everything is wild

the raccoon is eating peanuts in the


the raccoon is eating peanuts in the


the raccoon is eating peanuts in the





so a river is another natural feature a

river refers to water often that comes

from a mountaintop or another natural

source and moves down into lower


the grizzly bear is running in the river

the grizzly bear is running in the river

grizzly bear is running in the river




so the ocean is that very very large

body of water that covers most of the

planet earth

the sun sets behind the blue ocean

the sun sets behind the blue ocean

the sun sets behind the blue ocean




a lake is a smaller body of water though

it can be very large lakes can be very

large they are surrounded by land

the swan is swimming in the lake

the swan is swimming in the lake

the swan is swimming in the lake




document can be used as both a noun and

a verb as a noun it means paperwork as a

verb we use it to mean make a record of


she signed the document and returned it

she signed the document and returned it

she signed the document and returned it




so a computer is a very common machine

most of the time when we say computer we

mean like our personal computer like our

laptop or something similar but we also

have small computers in things like our

smartphones as well

i have a new computer

i have a new computer

i have a new computer

fax machine

fax machine

fax machine

a fax machine is kind of an older type

of machine we use these kinds of

machines to send faxes so we send copies

of documents of paperwork to other fax

machines in other locations

do you have a fax machine

do you have a fax machine

do you have a fax machine




a printer is a very common machine we

use printers to create physical versions

of digital documents images and other


the printer at the office is broken

the printer at the office is broken

the printer at the office is broken

mechanical pencil

mechanical pencil

mechanical pencil

a mechanical pencil is a type of pencil

that you can push on to get more lead

lead is the material that we use with

pencils a mechanical one does not

require sharpening at all

the red mechanical pencil has a green


the red mechanical pencil has a green


the red mechanical pencil has a green





a ruler is a tool we use to measure

things these are very stiff pieces of

plastic or perhaps metal sometimes that

we use to make straight lines and to see

how long or how wide things are

i use a ruler to draw lines

i use a ruler to draw lines

i use a ruler to draw lines




a marker is something we use to write on

surfaces like a white board so a marker

can be erased you might also see kids

using markers to color things in

coloring books

the marker is running low on ink

the marker is running low on ink

the marker is running low on inc




a bank is a place where your money is

managed you can open an account you can

transfer money you can do many things

with money at a bank

is there a bank near here

is there a bank near here

is there a bank near here

convenience store

convenience store

convenience store

a convenience store is usually a small

store often in a very easy to access

part of the neighborhood and they have

daily goods snacks and other small

things that you might need

go to the convenience store and buy some


go to the convenience store and buy some


go to the convenience store and buy some




a hospital is a place that you go to to

receive medical care

she works in a hospital

she works in a hospital

she works in a hospital




a wallet is something that you use to

store money you can keep bills you can

keep coins receipts credit cards and

other things inside a wallet

my wallet is full of receipts

my wallet is full of receipts

my wallet is full of receipts


purse purse

so purse is used to refer to the bag

that we use to carry around the things

we need for the day we tend to use purse

to refer to women’s bags

this is a big purse

this is a big purse

this is a big purse



or der

we use the verb order to talk about

asking for food usually food or drinks

at a restaurant at a cafe or a bar

confirm the order

confirm the order

confirm the order




a field is a large open area of grass

this can be in nature but we also use

this word to talk about sports fields

those are large open areas of grass for

football or soccer or other sports

the horse is running in the field

the horse is running in the field

the horse is running in the field




a desert is a very dry place the image

of a desert is a place that has a lot of

sand and where it becomes very very hot

the sun is heating the hot desert

the sun is heating the hot desert

the sun

is heating the hot desert




so the word boss is used to refer to the

person in charge at your workplace your

boss is often your manager or the person

above your manager

our boss allows us to leave earlier on

wednesdays our boss allows us to leave

earlier on wednesdays

our boss allows us to leave earlier on





so office refers to a place of work you

can use it to talk about the place that

you go for work you can also talk about

places where other people work with this

word the office opens at eight o’clock

the office opens at eight o’clock

the office opens at eight o’clock




your co-worker or your co-workers are

the people that you work together with

so these are the people that you share

information with that you meet or

communicate with every day

i go out to eat with my coworker every


i go out to eat with my co-worker every


i go out to eat with my co-worker every





a meeting is a period of time for which

you and perhaps your boss and some of

your co-workers gather together to

discuss some topic

i forgot that the meeting was today

i forgot that the meeting was today

i forgot that the meeting was today

police station

police station



a police station is a place where lots

and lots of police officers stay it’s

kind of like an office but for the


the police cars are parked outside the

police station

the police cars are parked outside the

police station

the police cars are parked outside the

police station




a pharmacy is a place you go to receive

medication so if you’ve gotten medical

treatment from a hospital or a clinic

you can go to a pharmacy to receive the

medicine you need

is there a pharmacy nearby is there a

pharmacy nearby

is there a pharmacy nearby




a bakery is a place that bakes fresh

breads cookies and perhaps other kinds

of sweets

she goes to the bakery every sunday with

her kids

she goes to the bakery every sunday with

her kids

she goes to the bakery every sunday with

her kids

movie theater

movie theater

movie theater a movie theater is a place

you can go to watch movies on a big

screen you might also hear this called a


this movie theater is so crowded

this movie theater is so crowded

movie theater is so crowded




a negotiation is a discussion usually

between two groups of people and they

want different things so they discuss a

topic and work together to find an

agreement that process is called a


after two years of negotiation the two

countries were finally able to come to

an agreement

after two years of negotiation the two

countries were finally able to come to

an agreement

after two years of negotiation

the two countries were finally able to

come to an agreement




a contract is a written agreement it’s

very common to sign a contract before

getting something like a mobile phone or

getting a loan for something from a bank

or other things

could you come to our office to sign the


could you come to our office to sign the


could you come to our office to sign the





so a business is a place of work we also

use the word business to talk generally

about the professional world sometimes

my dad owns a business

my dad owns a business

my dad owns a business




so deal is kind of like a more casual

word for agreement after you’ve

negotiated or discussed something with

another person or another group for a

while you might reach an agreement and

proclaim it or decide that it’s a deal

we have a deal

we have a deal

we have a deal




busy is an adjective it refers to having

many things to do or not having very

much free time

i’m busy tonight

i’m busy tonight

i’m busy tonight




serious can mean something that is not

at all like a light topic so maybe

there’s some very heavy topics that are

considered serious we can also use the

word sirius to talk about someone’s

personality someone who is serious

doesn’t laugh or smile very much

depression is a very serious mental


depression is a very serious mental


depression is a very serious mental





tired is an adjective it means someone

doesn’t have a lot of energy maybe

they’re ready to go to sleep or ready to

just relax

thanks but i’m really tired

thanks but i’m really tired

thanks but i’m really tired




the word superior can refer to something

that’s better than something else we can

also use it to talk about the person

above us in a work or school situation

my superior is very calm

my superior is very calm

my superior is very calm



so company refers to a place where you


what do you know about this company

what do you know about this company

what do you know about this company




so salary refers to the money you

receive from doing a job

what are your salary requirements

what are your salary requirements

what are your salary requirements



rey d yo

so a radio used to refer to a machine we

use so that we could receive music and

listen to music at home or in the car

and we still have these today but we

also have internet versions of this

i like listening to the radio

i like listening to the radio

i like listening to the radio




so a television is a machine that we use

to receive images we can use it to watch


the family is watching television

the family is watching television

the family is watching television




so the internet is something that we use

to receive information on a computer or

on our smartphones or on other devices

i gather information from the internet

i gather information from the internet

i gather information from the internet




a newspaper is something that we use to

receive the news and it’s on paper so

it’s quite literal a news paper a paper

that we use to read the news

i read the newspaper every morning

i read the newspaper every morning

i read the newspaper every morning

news channel

news channel

news channel

so a news channel is one channel on tv

or perhaps on a web tv

that only plays the news so that’s the

only thing that is broadcast on that

channel the news

i turn on the news channel in the


i turn on the news channel in the


i turn on the news channel in the


musical instrument

musical instrument



a musical instrument is something that

we use to create sounds to create music

there are string instruments and there

are wind instruments and there are

percussion instruments

can you play a musical instrument

can you play a musical instrument

can you play a musical instrument




so a painting refers to a work of art

that’s done by using paint and a paint

brush this painting is very artistic

this painting is very artistic

this painting is very artistic




a theater is a place where you can watch

a movie or you can see a play or a


where is the theater

where is the theater

where is the theater




so a musical is a type of live show it’s

a live show where the actors and the

actresses sing the story

i got tickets to a musical

i got tickets to a musical

i got tickets to a musical




so an opera is different from a musical

a musical is generally kind of a more

contemporary story operas are a bit more

old-fashioned i guess and there’s a

specific type of singing that’s known in

the opera

my grandparents love going to the opera

my grandparents love going to the opera

my grandparents love going to the opera




so to relax means to not worry so much

it means to relieve yourself of stress

to do something that you feel like good


relax everything will be fine

relax everything will be fine

relax everything will be fine



white board

a whiteboard is a specific type of board

it’s usually white in color we can write

on it with markers and we can also erase


a whiteboard is a perfect means to

demonstrate something visually

a whiteboard is a perfect means to

demonstrate something visually

a whiteboard is a perfect means to

demonstrate something visually




so a blackboard is a board that is black

in color but we cannot use like markers

to write on it any race we have to use

chalk the teacher writes on the


the teacher writes on the blackboard

the teacher writes on the blackboard




test can be used as both a noun and as a

verb as a noun it means an examination

or some kind of written information used

to check someone’s knowledge as a verb

it means to check someone’s knowledge

the test is on next tuesday

the test is on next tuesday

the test is on next tuesday




so a textbook is something that you use

to study a topic

during the year we will cover the entire


during the year we’ll cover the entire


during the year we will cover the entire





so front is the opposite of behind it’s

something that faces you

he is in front of me

he is in front of me

he is in front of me




so someone’s job is the thing that they

do for a living that’s the thing that

they do to receive money to live their


i have a busy job

i have a busy job

i have a busy job




so the president of a company is the

person at the top of the company we also

use president for the leader of a


he is the president

he is the president

he is the president




so an industry is like a type or a

category of work

industries need to reduce their wastes

industries need to reduce their wastes

industries need to reduce their wastes




a belt is an accessory it goes around

the waist and it’s used to hold pants in

place it can also be used to hold

dresses in place

the girl is wearing a red color belt

the girl is wearing a red color

belt the girl is wearing a red color





so a coin is usually a small round

shaped object it’s money but not the

paper kind it’s metal

i don’t have coins

i don’t have coins

i don’t have coins




so money is what we use to pay for goods

and to pay for services we have paper

money and we have metal money coins we

also have digital money too

you’re just wasting your money

you’re just wasting your money

you’re just wasting your money

debit card

debit card

debit card a debit card is similar to a

credit card but a debit card is

connected directly to your bank account

so when you use a debit card money comes

directly from your bank account to pay

for something

i lost my debit card and had to go to

the police

i lost my debit card and had to go to

the police

i lost my debit card and had to go to

the police




there are a couple of different ways to

use the word bill so a bill can refer to

paper money we also use bill to refer to

like an invoice kind of it’s when you

receive a paper document some kind of

document for like your utilities for

like the electricity or the water or the

internet in your home

he finally managed to pay all his bills

he finally managed to pay all his bills

he finally managed to pay all his bills




photography is a noun it refers to the

act of taking pictures

are you studying photography

are you studying photography

are you studying photography

take off

take off

take off

this phrasal verb can have a couple of

different meanings we can use it to mean

to remove something as in removing

clothing it can also refer to a plane

leaving the ground

the plane will take off in 20 minutes

the plane will take off in 20 minutes

the plane will take off in 20 minutes




so the bedroom is the place where you

sleep this word is easy to remember

because it has bed and room so the room

where your bed is is the room where you

sleep the view from the bedroom is


the view from the bedroom is beautiful

the view from the bedroom is beautiful



so the kitchen is the room in a house

where you prepare food many people also

have a table in their kitchen where they

eat as well

the chef cooks in the kitchen

the chef cooks in the kitchen

the chef cooks in the kitchen



bath room

so the bathroom is the room in which

there’s usually a bath tub and that’s

the room that we use for bathing and

also where we use toilets as well and to

wash our hands

the bathroom has a tiny window

the bathroom has a tiny window

the bathroom has a tiny window




graduation is a noun it refers to the

ceremony in which students finish school

and are recognized for their academic


you are invited to my sister’s


you’re invited to my sister’s graduation

you are invited to my sister’s





so promotion can have two different

meanings it can mean advertisement we

use it just the same as we use

advertisement it also refers to

situations in which someone receives the

opportunity to move up a level in their


he earned this

promotion he earned this promotion

he earned this promotion




an anniversary is a celebration of a

significant day so usually we have

wedding anniversaries or perhaps there’s

like an anniversary for a shop or a

company opening

best wishes for your anniversary

best wishes for your anniversary

best wishes for your anniversary




a funeral is a ceremony where people

gather to remember a person who has

passed away

a funeral is a time to grieve and


a funeral is a time to grieve and


a funeral is a time to grieve and





a wedding is a ceremony in which two

people come together and agree to a

partnership for life

when is the wedding

when is the wedding

when is the wedding




to explain means to describe something

usually in detail

can you explain that to me once more

can you explain that to me once more

can you explain that to me once more




so one’s back can refer to this part of

the body the part that is not the front

of the body it can also refer to the

rear side of something

at the back of our house we have a


at the back of our house we have a


at the back of our house we have a





so east is the opposite of west

the sun rises in the east

the sun rises in the east

the sun rises in the east

hi everybody my name is alicia in this

lesson i’m going to talk about how to

use wood for unreal situations in the

past and in the future i’m going to talk

about making statements and making some

information questions let’s get started


i want to begin by talking about using

wood for past situations so for past and

future situations we use wood to

describe unreal situations so unreal

means something that did not happen in

this case in the past it’s something

that did not happen but we want to talk

about maybe something we think in our

case we might have done if it were us in

the past or we might not have done so we

maybe want to talk about changes to

actions in the past so these are for

situations that are not

real so they did not happen

let’s look at the positive expression


so when we make a positive statement

using would in the past we’re talking

about a plan or an opinion or something


about an unreal past situation so we

make a statement with a pattern like


we begin with subject

would have and the past participle form

of the verb

so again this is for the past use of

wood so for example i would have called

you earlier

or he would have given you more time for


so this have plus the past participle

verb creates a past tense structure so

this part this is a key difference

between past and future uses of wood so

here is how we make a positive statement

i’ll show some examples in just a moment

some more examples

first let’s look at how to make a

negative statement here so a negative

would express an alternate plan or

opinion for an unreal past situation so

this means

for example something happened maybe for

example i called someone

if i use

the negative form of wood to talk about

that situation and i say i would not

have called that person i’m giving an

alternate plan so this happened i called

someone but when i’m talking about the

situation later i might want to say that

it could have been a good idea to change

that action i would not have called that

person so we’re talking about an

alternate plan something different so

some change to a past action so the

change did not happen but it’s so it’s

an unreal situation it’s not true it’s

not real but we want to describe maybe

something we might have done differently

in the past so i’ll show some examples

in just a moment

we make this by using again the subject

followed by would to make it negative we

add not subject would not and we use the

same have plus the past participle verb

would not have past participle verb so

in my example just now i said i would

not have called you

or he would not have come for example

when we’re using the negative form

there’s often some kind of other

information so we’re talking about some

maybe condition

often with if so again i’ll show that in

just a moment


a simple pattern that you can use to

make information questions

for past wood

situations is this our wh question

begins the question so who what where

when why how


our wh question begins followed by would

the subject

have again and the past participle verb

for example

what would you have done in that

situation or where would he have gone

for example so we can build very basic

wood questions about the past with this

kind of pattern

now i want to look at a couple of

pronunciation points that deal with

these two sentence patterns


when you’re using this positive pattern

the pronunciation becomes something like

this subject

plus this d sound and the sound so what

does this mean

here the subject the subject remains the

same i or he or she or we for example

this d right here

this d sound is the wood so we reduce

the wood sound to d so this means i’d


sheed weed vade so it’s a d sound a very

quick d sound


this v e



sound comes from have

have so

would have becomes

in very fast speech idev


sheedev they div we div youtube for


div div

so this is one big point to listen for

another thing that will tell you if this

is a past situation a past statement

is the type of verb that’s used here so

if you’re listening to this verb as well

you can hear if the person uses a past

participle verb in connection with this

kind of pronunciation

you know that it’s a past would

statement not for example a future would

statement so there are a few hints to

listen for here

would have

so there’s this v sound

and then there’s this past participle

verb sound so this is when you’re making

a situation uh this is when it’s

connecting directly to a subject like

idev hedev sheedev

so when you’re making a this is for

positive statements as well when you’re

making a negative however

it becomes something like this i’ve

written here wouldn’t



um i don’t have the subject here but we

would include the subject here again so

i wouldn’t he wouldn’t she wouldn’t so

we can imagine the subject remains here

i did not include it in this section

because the pronunciation of the subject

part doesn’t really connect so much as

it does with the positive in positive

sentence structures this subject would

and have closely connect in negative

structures this connection is not quite

as strong

so i wouldn’t perhaps there’s a little

bit of a connection but not as strong

i want to focus instead here on this

part so would we can see remains the

same so for the negative sentence would

remains the same subject would


here this n

is the not part

this is the not part wooden wooden so

for example maybe you know wouldn’t

which i’ll talk about later

so this n sound is the not part

this a sound

is the have part i wouldn’t i wouldn’t

done that she wouldn’t have come

we wouldn’t have called for example


this part right here actually means not

have not have i wouldn’t she wouldn’t

they wouldn’t we wouldn’t

so this is another key difference

between the negative form and the

positive form in your pronunciation so

you can hear it’s quite different this

is one thing to practice of course and

to listen carefully for

so with this in mind let’s look at a few

example sentences first a positive


i would have come

but i had to work

i would have come

but i had to work

so here

i could reduce this i’ve made this a

very clear sentence i would have come

so i’d of

come would probably be the way a native

speaker would pronounce this just as

i’ve introduced here my subject is i

i reduce wood to d

and i make the v sound for have so i

would have come becomes i’d have come

but i had to work i’d have come

is how it sounds

let’s look at another example with a

different subject

he would have helped but he was cooking

he would have helped but he was cooking

again my subject he

connects to the wood word which is

reduced to d and have becomes

so he’d have helped but he was cooking

he’d have helped but he was cooking it’s

how a native speaker would say this so

what did these sentences mean i would

have come but i had to work so in this

case maybe come to an event for example

i would have come but i had to work so

that means a past situation maybe i

wanted to come to the party i wanted to

come to the event

but i had to work so this communicates

maybe the speaker had a desire or had a


a plan of some kind to do something in

the past but it did not happen in this

case the reason is the speaker had to

work i would have come but i had to work

so we use would to express that you

could say i wanted to come but i had to

work that would communicate pretty much

the same idea

in this sentence he would have helped

but he was cooking so for example maybe

would have helped cleaning maybe

cleaning a house but he was cooking so


in the past he in this situation maybe

could have it was possible or maybe he

wanted to help but he was cooking there

was some other responsibility so these

are common patterns like we want to

express a past action we might have

changed but that we were not able to do

because of some other reason

let’s continue on to a couple of

negative examples now first

she wouldn’t have left early if she had

known you needed help

she wouldn’t have left early if she had

known you needed help so here we have

our subject she which i talked about


and then i have here wouldn’t so i

reduced a wood knot together you might

see this as well wouldn’t wouldn’t this

is wood and not

wouldn’t have to make it even more

natural we would say she wouldn’t she


she wouldn’t have left early

if she had known you needed help so in

this case

she in this situation left early she did

leave early that was the situation the

true situation

but the speaker in this case wants to

explain that she this person

would not have she would have changed

this action


she had known this other person needed

help so perhaps this is a communication

related issue so she

maybe would have stayed

so that was the change in the action she

perhaps might have stayed

if the she here knew this third party

needed some help so

wouldn’t have this means this person did

leave she did leave so again this is an

unreal situation

so um let’s continue on to see another

example of this then

we wouldn’t have called the police if we

hadn’t thought the situation was

dangerous again we wouldn’t

or wouldn’t

we wouldn’t have called the police if we

hadn’t thought the situation was

dangerous here we wouldn’t have called

the police this means the speaker did

call the police the speaker did call the


so we wouldn’t have called the police

means is or rather is attached here


the speaker is saying they thought the

situation was dangerous

so we would not have called the police

so in other words

we might not have or that would not have

been our plan

if we hadn’t thought the situation was

dangerous this is a past tense part too

this part is all in past tense so that

means the speaker felt some past

situation was dangerous

and they’re saying that’s why we called

the police

if we had not

thought that situation was dangerous we

would not have called the police so this

is kind of it may seem to be a sort of

confusing way to communicate this idea

but you may hear patterns like this from

time to time to reinforce maybe

someone’s plan or someone’s actions


so let’s continue with this in mind then

let’s continue on to looking at how to

use it for future unreal situations

when we use wood for a future unreal

situation we’re expressing like a

potential so it’s something that could

happen there’s a possibility a potential

action for an unreal situation in the


so a potential action or this can mean

potentially no action

so i’ll explain with some examples here

another point about this usage we often

or usually i have here

use these in response to an if

question so if you were if he were for


or we pair it with an if clause so we

saw this actually

in these uh negative example sentences

here this is quite common when we’re

using it to talk about future unreal

situations so first let’s look at how to

make these

to make a positive statement we use

subject plus would plus the present

tense form of the verb so here we see a

key difference

when we’re using the future form we’re

not using have in the past we used have

and the past participle form of the verb

here we’re using no have there’s nothing

here and the present tense form of the


when we make a negative sentence then

it’s the same we drop have and we’re

using the present tense so there’s no

change to the verb here

in the negative form we simply add


then when we’re making questions we

follow a similar pattern we use our wh

question who what where when why how

plus would

plus our subject and again a present

tense verb

so as we did over here with the past

form let’s look at the pronunciation

points here this is a little bit simpler

when we use a positive

statement we can use the subject plus

this apostrophe d so i’d heed sheed weed

when we use the negative form we use

wouldn’t i wouldn’t he wouldn’t she

wouldn’t so there are only these two to


let’s see how we would use these to make

some questions and answers

i included a couple of example questions

uh that are fairly common patterns i

think so you can see how to make uh some

common questions with wood for example

what would you do

if you won the lottery what would you do

if you won the lottery the lottery is a

cash a money prize so you buy a ticket

and there’s a chance you win a big cash

prize that’s called a lottery

what would you do so here we see if you

won the lottery here we have this if


so this is a future unreal situation

it’s possible there’s maybe a low chance

of it happening but we’re talking about

your future actions or maybe your future

plans or opinions here so

what would you do if you won the lottery

the speaker’s response in this case i

would buy my parents a house i would buy

my parents a house so you’ll notice here

i’m not saying if i won the lottery i

would buy my parents a house it’s okay

to say that

but it’s also okay to drop it when we

understand the question we don’t have to

repeat the question you can if you want

to practice but a native speaker would

respond like this and a native speaker

would probably reduce this to ide i’d

buy my parents a house

so i’d shows it’s a future unreal uh

decision a future unreal situation

another person you might say he would

take a long vacation so if he won the

lottery he would take a long vacation so

this is the speaker’s idea about someone

else’s future plan future unreal plan so

we don’t know that it’s going to happen

it’s kind of an idea or a guess about

someone’s choice

let’s look at another question

what would you do

if you lost your job so you can see

there’s these common what would you do

if what would you do if type patterns

and then here we have the unreal

situation in the future

these ins sorry these answers rather

these answers use the negative form

though what would you do if you lost

your job the speaker says i wouldn’t

spend a lot of money i wouldn’t spend a

lot of money so the speaker’s saying if

i lost my job in the future it’s not a

real situation if it happened my

my future action would be to not spend a

lot of money i would not spend a lot of

money in that situation which is unreal

right now but if it happened that’s what

i would do we use would to talk about

that possible situation

another example

she wouldn’t be happy she wouldn’t be

happy so if she lost her job

she wouldn’t be happy so that’s talking

about her condition actually so we don’t

only have to describe like our behaviors

our actions we can also talk about our

conditions our emotional or our mental

states she wouldn’t be happy she would

be upset for example

so we can use something like this to

respond to these if

questions if and would are commonly

paired together

so this is a quick introduction to

actually a kind of complex grammar point

but i hope that it helps you understand

how to use wood for past and future

unreal situations

if you have any questions or comments

please feel free to let us know in the

comment section of this video of course

if you like the video please be sure to

give it a thumbs up subscribe to our

channel if you haven’t already and

please check us out at

for some other things that can help you

with your english studies thanks very

much for watching this lesson and i will

see you again soon bye bye

hi everybody my name is alicia in this

lesson i’m going to talk about using

should i’m going to explain using should

for the past and for the future so i’m

going to introduce how you make

statements and questions for past tense

use of should and i’m going to talk

about the same thing for future tense

uses of shid so let’s begin

i want to start this lesson by talking

about the past tense version

when we use should in the past in a

positive statement we do it to express

regret so regret means a sorry feeling

or a sad feeling so it expresses regret

for something that did not happen so

this is a key point here yes it’s a

positive statement but we’re talking

about something that did not happen and

we feel sad about it so to visualize

this i’ve created a timeline here with

the past over here

now the present our conversation and


so if you can imagine

when we make positive statements with

should in the past tense we can imagine

it’s something that did not happen so

it’s before the present before now

did not happen and we feel sad about it

so when we want to make a sentence like

this we can use a pattern such as this

one this is a very basic pattern

we can use subject plus should

plus have and then the past participle

form of a verb so this part right here

this makes it a past tense statement

we’ll see this is quite different when

we’re making future tense statements

so i’ll show some examples of this in

just a moment

let’s compare this then to the negative

form when we make a negative statement

using should in the past it expresses

regret again that sad feeling it

expresses regret for something that

happened so yes it’s a negative sentence

but this action happened it was real

so again to imagine this visually in the

past something actually did happen so i

used a check mark here this is a true

event a real event and we regret or

there’s some kind of sad feeling about

that thing


when we make sentences in the negative

with this grammar point we can use

subject again plus should here we’ll use

should not and then complete this

pattern with have and the past

participle verb so the only change here

is using not when we make the negative

there’s nothing here so this is the

basic kind of statement structure for

past tense statements with should

then i’ve added here um a simple

question structure a simple information

question structure here we can use a wh

question wh means who what when where

why how those kinds of things

so we use a wh question with should

plus our subject

have and the past participle verb

so i’ll explain a few examples of this

in just a moment

with this i want to continue to the next

part over here which is pronunciation


so you’ve noticed perhaps that should

and have and should not have

when people are speaking these become

reduced or these become much shorter so

you’ll hear these two used most commonly

we don’t really say should have or

should not have so clearly when we’re

making positive sentences the most

common reduction is this should’ve

should’ve so should’ve this is should

apostrophe v e should have should have

this should comes from should

have so this have

it’s like we drop the ha part and just

use the v

sound so should’ve should’ve

to make it even shorter

you’ll often hear people use shoulda

shoulda so this

sound is like taking only this a here in

have but it just becomes very short i

shoulda i should not is the negative

form of this so let’s continue on as

i’ve just said shouldn’t have we

contract this should not here should not

contracts to shouldn’t

shouldn’t shouldn’t have

but to make it even shorter we often say




positive shoulda

so let’s take a look at some examples

that use these patterns first let’s look

at two positive statements

i should have studied more i should have

studied more and we should have gone to

the store we should have gone to the

store so here we see should is followed

by have and then the past participle

form of the verb in this case studied

and gone so this shows us that we have a

past tense statement these statements

express regret

so when we’re speaking quickly we

probably won’t say i should have studied

more or we should have gone to the store

i would say i should have studied more

and we should have gone to the store so

as i explained this pronunciation is the

most common one shoulda i should have

studied more we should have gone to the


let’s compare this to two negative

statements then

she shouldn’t have done that so here

i’ve already reduced this shouldn’t

she shouldn’t have done that and

you shouldn’t have had so much to drink

so again these two express regret for

something that did happen so in both of

these sentences

that something whatever this is this was

a bad thing the speaker thinks this was

bad in the second sentence as well the

speaker thinks this was a bad choice so

expressing regret about something that


then again as i talked about here i

would reduce this even more i’ve got

shouldn’t in both of these sentences but

in everyday speech we would probably say

she shouldn’t have done that and you

shouldn’t have had so much to drink you

shouldn’t have done that you shouldn’t

have had so much to drink so this

shouldn’t and shoulda these are key

pronunciation points that will help you

kind of in your listening and also to

help you sound a little more natural

okay let’s finish this part by looking

at two questions then first

what should we have done differently

what should we have done differently and

where should we have gone where should

we have gone so both of these they

maintain they keep that feeling of


when you’re using a question like this

you’re asking about something

it would have been better to do in the

past so it’s a question that means an

action happened yes and these questions

are about improvements to that action so

here for example what should we have

done differently what should we have

done differently means for example

the speaker or a group

here speaking

made a decision but perhaps it was not

the right decision or it was a bad

decision so the speaker’s asking

what choice what should we have done

differently is like saying what do you


would have been better in the past what

should we have done differently same

thing in the second sentence where

should we have gone where should we have

gone so maybe the speaker

went to the wrong location and they’re

asking for advice in the past of course

we cannot change this but this is

actually a common way that we ask for

like future advice so it’s recognizing

oh i made a mistake in the past so maybe

next time i have a similar situation

what do you recommend but we use this

kind of grammar to ask these sorts of

questions like okay in this case where

should i have gone what should we have

done differently so that you can think

about that for the future

so these are situations where you might

use questions like these


with that then with past tense let’s

move on to looking at future uses of

should so

let’s begin again with positive

statements so when we make a positive

statement with should

we’re expressing advice actually so we

don’t have that regret feeling here

we’re expressing advice and the speaker

thinks this advice is a good idea so

again to visualize it here we’re looking

at a different point in time with the

past we were talking about something

that finished or something that did not


here we’re talking about an action in

the future so here is my conversation


when we make a positive statement with

should we’re talking about something the

speaker thinks is a good idea in the

future an upcoming thing so i’ve marked

it with a check

to make a positive statement a simple

pattern is your subject plus should and

here the present tense form of your verb

so in past tense we use this past

participle form here we’re using the

present tense form of the verb so no

verb change is necessary here

now let’s compare this to a negative

statement so a negative statement with

should also expresses advice yes

but the speaker thinks it’s a bad idea

this is a bad idea so positive good idea

negative bad idea with should

then to make a negative statement an

advice statement about the future

we use subject plus should not and again

the present tense form of the verb so

you’ll notice again this is very similar

to the past tense form

just keep in mind we also don’t use have

there’s no have

in present or rather future forms of


okay then again let’s finish with a

simple question pattern too

when we make a question like an

information question we can begin with

this wh question word plus should

our subject and then the present tense

form of the verb

so this is a key point for um the

difference between these two we’re using

different verb forms for future and past

tenses okay let’s move along then to

some pronunciation points here this one

is much shorter than the past tense

version but

when we’re using should

to make a

positive statement there’s not really a

change should

uh here though i would recommend

definitely use the reduced shouldn’t

shouldn’t it’s going to sound more

natural than should not so just a quick

point here try to use this shouldn’t


okay so let’s look at some examples that

use this

let’s start with some positive

expressions first you should find a new

job you should find a new job and he

should work harder he should work harder

so you’ll notice here again we have


plus our present tense verb form so find

and work are both present tense verbs

you should find a new job he should work

harder so the speaker thinks these are

good ideas so these are positive

statements positive advice uh bits i

guess um let’s compare this to some

negative statements then

she shouldn’t give up she shouldn’t give

up and

you shouldn’t eat so much junk food you

shouldn’t eat so much junk food so these

two are expressing something the speaker

thinks is a bad idea so in the first


she shouldn’t give up in other words

to give up is bad or giving up is a bad

idea in the second sentence you

shouldn’t eat so much junk food

is saying eating a lot of junk food is a

bad idea

so here you’ll notice maybe too i’ve

called this future these are just kind

of general life recommendations i call

it the future here because it’s like

saying from now on from this

conversation on this is my advice for

you so maybe especially in a sentence

like this you shouldn’t eat so much junk

food maybe the speaker is looking at

someone eating a lot of junk food and

they give this advice you shouldn’t eat

so much junk food

okay so let’s finish then with a couple

of questions so common questions first

one what should i do

what should i do a very common advice

question and second

when should we leave when should we

leave so a native pace i would say what

should i do

and when should we leave

so these are common questions these are

asking for advice in the future here so

asking what do you think in other words

what’s your opinion

what should i do in other words what do

you think is a good idea for me for the

future and in the second sentence when

should we leave what time do you think

is a good time to leave in the future so

we can make these kinds of questions as

well giving or rather asking for future


okay so that’s a quick introduction to

using should for past tense statements

and questions and for future tense

statements and questions i hope that it

helped you of course if you have any

other questions or if there’s something

else you’d like to know about this

grammar point please feel free to let us

know in the comments of this video also

if you like the video please don’t

forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe

to our channel if you have not already

and check us out at

for some other things that can help you

with your english studies thanks very

much for watching this lesson and i will

see you again soon bye bye

hi everybody my name is alicia in this

lesson i’m going to talk about the

differences between the verb listen and

hear i’m going to talk about two ways

that we use these verbs and we’re going

to compare a few grammar points and

usage points so let’s get started okay

let’s begin with the verb here we’ll

start with this meaning so the basic

meaning of the verb here is to have

sound enter the ear so that’s it it’s

just sound coming into the ear anyone’s

ear an animal’s ear even so to hear just

refers to this motion if you can imagine

it visually of sound coming into the ear

so some example sentences that use this

meaning first

i can hear kids playing so this is a

common way that we use the verb here

along with can so i am able to hear kids

playing so the sound of kids playing

can enter my ear is what this means

we can also use it in past tense like we

heard a loud noise keep in mind that

this is an irregular verb so we don’t

use herod but we use heard heard is the

past tense form of this verb we heard a

loud noise so that means the sound of a

loud noise entered our ears

one more example in a question this time

have you ever heard a traditional song

so this is the past participle form of

the verb have you ever heard a

traditional song so in other words has a

traditional song the sound of a

traditional song ever entered your ear

so this is the most basic meaning of the

verb here

another very common meaning of the verb

here is this to receive communication so

to receive communication can mean

something spoken something we use our

word speech to do or it can mean written

communication like emails or letters so

we use here to talk about receiving that


some examples of this

first past tense again

he heard the bad news this morning he

heard the bad news this could mean

actually receiving information with the

ear like in this case it could also mean

receiving the information in an email

but either way the key communication

point is something like information some

kind of information was passed to this

person so he learned the information he

received some kind of communication in

this case bad news

let’s look at a question now this is a

common question did you hear did you

hear and then we follow it with like the

information we want to ask about did you


the meeting time changed so this means

did you receive communication about this

point the meeting time changed did you

hear this is a really common question we

use to ask about communication sharing

okay one more example

she hears everything from her boss she

hears everything from her boss this

means she receives all her communication

from her boss so these are kind of the

two most common meanings of the verb

here there’s one key point you’ll notice

i haven’t used the progressive form or

the continuous form in these example

sentences so the progressive form is

quite rarely used with this verb we

rarely use the ing form hearing in the

progressive i’ve included a couple

examples though

in cases where you might hear it in the

progressive so with this first meaning i

talked about how here um can mean to

have sound enter the ear

so in a question like this are you

hearing this we might use hearing in

this progressive form to mean like is

this something else that you are

currently in the state of being able to

hear that’s a really strange way to say

that but

this is something that you might hear in

like a movie so if you imagine for

example there are police officers and

they are listening i’ll talk in a moment

they’re listening to like um some kind

of audio feed like they’re listening to

something in another room they hear

something suspicious and if one person

wants to confirm the other person can

hear the same thing

they might use are you hearing this so

that means there’s a sound that’s


and one person wants to confirm the

other person can hear the same sound so

the sound is continuing that’s why this

progressive form is used like are you

hearing this

so that’s one case where you might hear

the verb here used in the progressive


then the second meaning i talked about

to receive communication this is an

example of when you might use hearing

the progressive form for this one in a

statement like i’m hearing a lot about

something like i’m hearing a lot about

some policy changes or i’m hearing a lot

about the weather lately so hearing

i’m hearing i’m hearing a lot about

something means i’m receiving a lot of

communication recently about something

so these are a couple situations where

you might use here in the progressive

tense but in most cases we use them not

in the progressive tense so

with that in mind i already started

using the verb listen but i want to move

on to showing the differences with this

verb and here

so let’s begin with this first meaning

um the first meaning of listen is to

focus attention on a sound to focus your

attention on a sound so this is a key

difference with this meaning of here so

with here we’re just

sound is coming into the ear

we’re not really focusing on it it’s

just there

with listen however we are focusing our

attention so examples of this

let’s listen to some music so here i’m

focusing my attention on music or i want

to i’m suggesting we focus attention on


in this example listen to me so listen

to the speaker please focus your

attention on the things the speaker is


third what are you listening to so here

we see in the progressive tense uh

common for this verb what are you

listening to what are you focusing your

sound attention on

so you’ll notice in each of these

example sentences i’m using the

preposition to

so when you’re using this verb we’ll use

it with two to describe or to indicate

the thing we are focusing our attention

on so in this case to music to me and

what are you listening to this is a

common question we end with this

preposition you could say to what are

you listening but it’s not so natural it

sounds a little too formal a more common

question is what are you listening to

you could ask this to someone who is

wearing headphones for example


this is the first meaning and the most

basic meaning of listen so if you want

to talk about music if you want to talk

about like a video you’re watching for

example you can use listen

so focusing your attention on something

you can hear okay

with that in mind let’s go on to the

second use or another use of listen

this one is also very common this use of

listen means to obey or like to follow a

rule or to follow advice to follow

instructions so it’s a little bit

different from this meaning of listen

example first example

he never listens to our advice he never

listens to our advice so this use of


it means that this person maybe

actually focuses their attention on

hearing something yes but

in this meaning it means he doesn’t

follow what we say he should do like he

does not obey our advice so if we say

for example you should get up early

every day and he does not do that we

could say he never listens to our advice

to get up early for example so listen in

this way means obey to obey something

here in the second example sentence i

always listened to my parents when i was

a kid here i have past tense listened

you’ll notice this is a regular verb so

we use e d at the end of the verb to

make the past tense form

i always listened to my parents when i

was a kid so this shows a repeated

action a regular action

when the speaker was a kid so this use

of listen means followed advice or

followed instructions from parents here

so i always listened to

it would be kind of strange to say this

like i always focused my attention on

the things that my parents said like it

could be something that’s real i suppose

but in this use it means followed

instructions from someone’s parents

one more example you should listen to

your manager this one

probably means to obey yes there are

some cases where perhaps the manager is

giving a speech for example and someone

might say hey you should listen to your

manager like the manager is speaking now

but in most cases this probably means to

obey or to follow the instructions of

one’s manager so you’ll notice there are

a couple of differences a couple

different kind of feels feelings rather

that we see in these so again to focus

attention on a sound and to obey or to

follow instructions so you’ll notice

again here we’re using the preposition

to as well

so this is a quick introduction to the

differences between the verbs listen and

hear i hope that it was helpful for you

but if you have any questions or if you

want to practice making example

sentences or if you have any other

comments please feel free to let us know

in the comment section of this video

of course if you like the video please

don’t forget to give it a thumbs up

subscribe to our channel if you haven’t

already and check us out at for some other

things that can help you with your

english studies thanks very much for

watching this lesson and i will see you

again soon bye-bye

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language



where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips study tools

and resources

by the way all the lessons and bonuses

you’re about to see can be downloaded

for free on our website

so click the link in the description

right now to sign up for your free

lifetime account okay today’s topic is

the power of textbooks and digital detox

in this digital age where we’re all

using apps and smartphones to learn

languages you might not think of a

textbook as the first resource to turn

to right but if you’re avoiding

textbooks then you’re missing out on

some powerful language learning benefits

so today you’ll learn

why textbooks are still a powerful

resource in the digital age why some but

not all digital resources might hurt

your ability to learn and how to do a

digital detox and learn off-screen with

our program and we’re giving away a

brand new conversation cheat sheet so

keep watching


but first here are this month’s new

lessons and resources be sure to

download these now before we take them

down in a few days

first the getting sick conversation

cheat sheet are you able to describe

your symptoms in your target language if

not download our new conversation sheet

and learn must-know words and phrases

for the doctor

second the language learning starter

pack pdf ebook

if you’re new to the language do you

know what words to learn first with this

ebook you’ll get over 70 basic words and

phrases that beginners need to know

start with these words first download it

right now

third can you talk about economics in

your target language learn how to say

profit demand taxes and much more with

this quick vocab bonus fourth

30 must know opposite nouns learn how to

say day and night question and answer

and much more you’ll pick up more than

30 words with this vocab bonus

to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay let’s

jump into today’s topic

the power of textbooks and digital detox

you probably have some language learning

apps on your phone right but do you have

any textbooks let us know in the

comments section

digital resources like apps and physical

resources like books have their pros and


but if you’re learning with digital

resources only you might be missing out

on some benefits that come with physical

resources what are they

first a digital detox

this is a basic one a textbook gives you

a break from the screen you’re not

sitting in front of so much blue light

all day which can have an impact on your

sleep that’s just for your overall


second the ability to focus and improve

your focus

here’s a question for you how long is

your attention span 5 minutes 10 minutes

the thing is attention and the ability

to focus are crucial for learning and

succeeding with any goal in life

but if you’re learning on a device

you’ll get pop-ups and notifications if

you’re on youtube well the algorithm

will have you watching cat videos soon

enough these things are designed to keep

you jumping from one thing to the next

and all of this hurts your attention

span and your ability to learn with a

book it’s much easier to focus and

consistently learning with one can help

improve your

focus third if the book has a really

good story to follow it makes it more

fun to learn

this may not be something you can find

in every textbook but you can find it in

textbook resources like bilingual


fourth you get a clear path to follow

textbooks give you a linear path from

page one to one hundred you know where

to go next how far you are from the end

and what you have left to learn with an

app you’ll be forever swiping and not

really knowing if you’re getting


fifth textbooks have gone through

academic rigor

meaning they’ve been made by teachers or

checked by teachers so you’re learning

the correct forms the correct language

and you can rely on it to be accurate if

you google for blogs about phrases to

learn there’s a chance the information

is not completely accurate

sixth textbook lessons are curated and

organized so that what you learn on page

one helps you understand page two and so


it builds you up and teaches you crucial

language skills that beginners need to

know like how to introduce yourself

first then how to grow that conversation

as an added bonus you can write in them

what about the downsides of textbooks

there are a few the content gets old

fast language always changes there’s new

slang so that’s where digital lessons do


also books can get boring and

overwhelming an approach you can

consider for a textbook is to put in a

certain amount of time say 20 or 30

minutes a day and then walk away so

you’re not overwhelmed but by providing

a digital detox allowing us a framework

for focus offering reduced distractions

being easy to follow and accurate

textbooks are powerful in a digital


so should you go for digital detox and

get a textbook if you can handle a bit

of change to your routine then why not

if you’re worried about learning the

same thing from two sources don’t worry

learning something like a grammar rule

from multiple angles will only help you

understand it better and reinforce your


a book will give you a clear direction

of where to go what to learn and

challenge your mind in ways that digital

lessons might not so how do you do a

digital detox and learn with our program

first you can print out our extensive

reading books

extensive reading is a learning tactic

where you read books that are

appropriate for your level and the goal

is quantity over quality you should read

a lot and skip over the words you don’t


to access these just visit the lesson

library to find our extensive reading


second download our pdf lesson notes and

print them out

the lesson notes give you the lesson in

writing the dialogue vocab grammar

explanation sample sentences and

cultural insights find the lesson notes

in every one of your lessons

third use our printable visual


with these you’ll learn over 1500 of the

most common words if you want the link

to the visual flashcards just leave a

comment and we’ll reply with it

fourth you can also use our printable

conversation cheat sheets

with these you’ll learn words and

phrases for the most common conversation

topics if you want the link to our

collection of cheat sheets again leave a

comment and we’ll reply with it

remember the ultimate goal here is to go

for a digital detox challenge your brain

in a new way and try new resources

so thank you for watching this episode

of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about how to start

conversations talking points for

language learners

if you enjoyed these tips hit the like

button share the video with anyone who’s

trying to learn a language and subscribe

to our channel we release new videos

every week

and if you’re ready to finally learn

language the fast fun and easy way and

start speaking from your very first

lesson get our complete learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

right now just click the link in the

description see you next time bye


have you ever started learning a

language but just couldn’t continue why

does this happen and what do successful

language learners do differently

in this video we’re going to talk about

why you should put your language

learning on autopilot

we asked you and the number one reason

people don’t continue is time either you

don’t make the time for learning or

you’re just too busy but a lot of the

time this is caused by the resources

you’re using if you’ve downloaded five

language apps and bought two books

you’ll get overwhelmed about where to

start and what to do next so what do

successful language learners do

successful learners don’t overwhelm

themselves thinking what should i do

today they put their learning on

autopilot imagine this let’s say you

have a favorite tv show a new episode

comes out every tuesday so you know what

you’re doing on tuesday night you don’t

have to think about it you don’t need a

reminder it’s automatic every tuesday

you watch an episode you make it into a

habit now how do we apply that to

language learning


have it if you have a habit of learning

then you’re already on autopilot

so set a small measurable monthly goal

with a deadline like learn 100 words or

do 30 lessons by the end of the month

once you know your goal you can

backtrack so for example divide 100

words by 30 days in a month and you get

3.33 so you should learn about three

words a day now you know what to do

three words a day there’s no confusion

do those three words and you’re done you

don’t need to think about what you

should be doing because you already know

what you’re doing it becomes a habit

the second way to stay on autopilot is

with language textbooks

this is basically just because books are

sequential you just follow the pages

from one until the end you don’t have to

think about where to go next so it’s

easy to stay on track with what you need

to do

third the word of the day

every day you get a new word in your

email inbox automatically you don’t have

to think about it simply check your

email learn a word and you’re done

the fourth way is with our progress

tracking tools

spoon feed you lessons one by one so

let’s say you’ve finished lesson one

where you learned greetings then you

automatically load up lesson two where

you learn a basic conversation that uses

the greetings you learned in lesson one

then you have lesson three and four and

so on you don’t have to worry about what

to do next because our dashboard will

keep you on track it’ll even build upon

what you learned in your previous lesson

so you won’t forget it

the point is to put your learning on

autopilot you need something that guides

you from a to b to c whether it’s your

own habits or a book that takes you from

1 to 100 or a learning program that

feeds you lessons so take one of these

tips and apply it today

so to put your learning on autopilot

just check out our complete language

learning program sign up for your free

lifetime account by clicking on the link

in the description get tons of resources

to have you speaking in your target

language and if you enjoyed these tips

hit the like button share this video

with anyone who’s trying to learn a

language and subscribe to our channel we

release new videos every week i’ll see

you next time bye

are you focused on active language

learning or passive language learning

and which is the best way to learn

in this video you’ll learn the

difference between active and passive

learning and some methods for each

do you know the difference between

active and passive learning you’ll find

out the differences between these two

first the difference between active and

passive learning

here’s the difference

active learning means you’re actively

engaging with learning material and

focusing on it for example you’re

reading in your target language you’re

looking up words you’re translating

you’re memorizing phrases or you’re

speaking out loud so you’re focused on

what you’re learning and you’re really

into it

now passive learning is different it

requires less concentration

it’s usually done when you’re doing

something else for example doing chores

driving to work or taking the train you

could be listening to an audio lesson or

watching a video lesson but the

difference is you’re not focused on

picking apart every word you’re just

passively taking the language in

what about you how do you usually learn

do you have a lot of active practice a

lot of passive practice do you have a

combination let us know in the comments

second how you can learn both ways with

our lessons

if you do a lot of passive learning say

because you’re always on the go then

here are four simple tactics you can

apply right now


press play on a lesson and just listen

or watch just like you would with

youtube so if you’re at home with your

computer on press play on a lesson and

take it in


now if you’re outside if you’re going to

the store or commuting you can learn

with our free innovative language 101

app for the android iphone and ipad

again open a lesson press play and

that’s it if you want to passively

review words and phrases then check out

the vocabulary slideshow tool this

premium study tool is available on every

lesson and vocab list just press play

and with every slide you’ll get the word

the audio pronunciation the translation

and sample sentences you can even put

the slideshow on loop and immerse

yourself that way and third if you have

an amazon echo device then you can

immerse yourself with daily audio

lessons or you can learn with the quick

word of the day you can just play a

lesson and keep it in the background

while you’re at home

just look for daily dose by innovative

language on the amazon skill store and

download it for free now if you’re

looking for some active learning

practice and you have some time to

concentrate here are five tactics you

can use right now

number one listen or watch a lesson and

read along with the translations you’ll

get complete translations in the lesson

notes in the line by line dialog this

will make your reading and listening

skills skyrocket the best part is you’ll

understand every single word the

translations are right in front of you

number two repeat the lesson dialogue as

you hear it this is called shadowing and

it will boost your speaking skills just

repeat the lines that you hear until you

can speak with confidence to make it

even easier you can also get the lines

in the dialog study tool and in the

lesson notes so you can read them out

loud as you hear them in the lesson

number three record yourself with our

voice recorder in the dialogue study

tool to perfect your pronunciation and

see how close you are to a native


number four if you want to boost your

vocabulary study words with our smart

flash cards they sort the words for you

so you get the harder words more often

until you master them in the easy ones

show up now and then to refresh your

memory and number five ask questions and

practice leave a comment in the comment

section if you’re a premium plus user

you get your very own teacher and you

can ask them to review and correct your

writing and speaking you can also ask

for learning advice and get all of your

questions answered

both are great ways to learn but which

one is best

well that depends on you

if you have some quiet time to focus

active learning is best but if you’re on

the train and you’re multitasking then

passive learning is the better option

whichever you choose you can apply both

with our language learning program

so to test out active and passive

learning just check out our complete

language learning program sign up for

your free lifetime account by clicking

on the link in the description get tons

of resources to have you speaking in

your target language and if you enjoyed

these tips hit the like button share the

video with anyone who’s trying to learn

a new language and subscribe to our

channel we release new videos every week

i’ll see you next time

every language learner wants to speak

with confidence without struggling and

without stopping to think of words so

how do you do this

in this video you’ll learn five tactics

to perfect your speaking

above all every learner wants to speak

in their target language with confidence

we’ve run survey after survey year after

year and the results are the same

listening reading and writing are all

important but people want to improve

their speaking the most so how do you

perfect your speaking skills


shadow the dialogues you hear in the


what is shadowing it’s a learning

technique where you mimic native

speakers in other words you listen and

then you repeat what they say

this is a fast and easy way to start

practicing speaking you can do this with

any one of our audio or video lessons

and even easier if you have access to

the dialog section you can read along

out loud as you listen

so shadow as much as possible to perfect

your speaking and try harder lessons to

take yourself to the next level

second read the dialogue out loud

we just mentioned this in tip 1 but this

tactic deserves its own special mention

reading out loud is another easy way to

practice your speaking simply read the

lesson dialogue that’s available in the

dialogue section the lesson notes or the

lesson transcript by reading out loud

you’re practicing your speaking skills

and here’s a trick if you can get

yourself to read faster you’ll be able

to speak faster too

natives tend to speak quickly and if you

can too that’s a sign that you’re


third record yourself speaking to

perfect your pronunciation

if you’re a premium or premium plus

member look for the voice recorder in

the dialog section with this tool you

can record yourself and compare your

speaking to a native speaker this is

powerful because you instantly hear the

difference between your speech and the

authentic native pronunciation

and then you can easily perfect your

speaking and pronunciation if you don’t

have a premium account record yourself

with your smartphone and while you can’t

really compare you can spot where you

struggle or stutter

this tactic is used by professional

speakers public speakers just about

anyone that has to give a presentation

fourth if you’re a premium plus member

record yourself and send it to your

premium plus teacher for feedback

here you’re getting instant feedback

from a native speaker they’ll point out

your mistakes they’ll tell you what to

improve and how and record themselves

and work with you until you reach

perfection that’s the power of having a

native speaker give you feedback

so what do people usually record here’s

an easy one record a one paragraph self

intro in fact we ask all of our new

members to do this give your name your

age where you’re from why you’re

learning and that’s it it’s a great way

to get started our more advanced

students talk about their day they send

three recordings in the morning in the

afternoon and at night for example i

woke up at 7 am and brushed my teeth i

got ready for work my train was a little

late and so on this can dramatically

improve your speaking because you’re

practicing conversations that people

have all the time

the fifth way to perfect your speaking

premium plus assignments

with this feature you get weekly

assignments based on your needs and

goals whether they’re reading writing

listening or speaking

if you want to improve your speaking

your premium plus teacher will send you

speaking assignments non-stop every week

and provide you with constant feedback

this is all part of your personalized

learning experience

so take advantage of our tools and put

these tactics to use and remember if you

want to master your language with our

complete language learning program now’s

your chance

so to test out these tips and start

speaking now check out our complete

language learning program sign up for

your free lifetime account by clicking

on the link in the description get tons

of resources to have you speaking in

your target language and if you enjoyed

these tips hit the like button share the

video with anyone who’s trying to learn

a new language and subscribe to our

channel we release new videos every week

i’ll see you next time bye

great work here’s a reward speed up your

language learning with our pdf lessons

get all of our best pdf cheat sheets and

ebooks for free just click the link in

the description