Your Monthly Dose of English Best of July 2020

access your free language gifts of the

month right now

here’s what you’re getting this month

first the

being funny conversation cheat sheet

want to be able to tell

jokes in your target language or tell

someone how funny or unfunny

they are you will with this brand new

cheat sheet

second all the language you need for

everyday life

get all of our best conversation cheat

sheets rolled up into one

with this gift download it right now

before it disappears

third must know book vocabulary

if you love reading and want to talk

about books then this next one minute

lesson is for you

fourth phrases to use with the doctor

learn how to say phrases like i have an

appointment i don’t feel well

and much more fifth summer plans

conversation lesson

can you talk about your summer plans

such as go travel relax at the beach

or stay at home and sit on the internet

you will with this one minute lesson

access it right now sixth free


unlock our huge library of language

learning audiobooks

save them to any device and listen and

learn they’re yours to keep forever

and finally the deal of the month if you

want to finally master the language with

lessons by real teachers

and our complete language learning

program get 31

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pretty big deal sale

so to get your gifts and language

learning resources

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hello hello

hello hello is the most basic greeting

that you can use

you can use it with your friends with

your family members with your co-workers

any time of day is fine hello how have

you been

hello how have you been

hello how have you been

excuse me excuse me

excuse me so excuse me is the expression

you can use when you bump into somebody

or when you need to interrupt somebody

who’s working on something

it’s a nice like apology expression to


excuse me how much is this excuse me

how much is this excuse me

how much is this

i’m sorry i’m sorry

i’m sorry so we use

i’m sorry in cases where we

make a mistake so i did something wrong

or i did something bad i use

i’m sorry to apologize i’m sorry

it was a typo i’m sorry it was a typo

i’m sorry it was a typo

good night good night

good night so good night is the

expression we use

at the end of the day when we want to

say goodbye to someone

or when we want to wish our family

members a good night of sleep

good night grandma good night grandma

good night grandma

nice to meet you nice to meet you

nice to meet you

so nice to meet you is the expression we

use the first time we meet someone we

don’t use this like the second or the

third time we see someone

only for the first time please come in

nice to meet you please come in nice to

meet you

please come in nice to meet you

how are you how are you

how are you

so how are you is used as a very general


when we see our co-worker for the first

time or we see

a classmate for the first time we ask


are you meaning what’s your condition

right now it’s been a long time

how are you it’s been a long time

how are you it’s been

a long time how are you

yes yes

yes so yes is the word we use to agree

with something or

to show we think something is good or

correct you can use yes

in any of those cases yes this one


yes this one please yes

this one please

no no

no so no is the opposite of yes

we use it when we want to disagree or


that we think something is not good or

is maybe not the best

option no i haven’t eaten yet

no i haven’t eaten yet no

i haven’t eaten yet

thank you thank you

thank you so thank you is used to

express your appreciation for something

you can use this after you receive a

gift or someone does something for you

thank you very much for the invitation

thank you very much for the invitation

thank you very much for the invitation

i’m i’m

i’m so i’m is the reduced form

of i and am becomes i’m make sure to

clearly pronounce that m sound like when

you’re introducing yourself

i’m john i’m john

i’m john

goodbye goodbye

good bye so goodbye

is one way to say like something at the

end of the day usually

to say bye to someone goodbye sounds a

little bit

more formal than just bi but you can use

it to sound polite

goodbye see you again goodbye

see you again good bye

see you again bad

bad bad

okay so bad is a word that means not


you can use it to describe something you

don’t like

or that you think is inappropriate be

careful of bad people

be careful of bad people be

careful of bad people

good good

good so good is the opposite of bad

you can use it when you want to express

that you like something or that you

think something is

positive my teacher is a good person

my teacher is a good person my teacher

is a good person

pretty pretty

pretty so pretty is used to describe

someone or something’s physical

appearance something that we think is


i have a pretty girlfriend i have a

pretty girlfriend

i have a pretty girlfriend

ugly ugly

ugly so ugly is the opposite of pretty

we use this word to describe something

that we think is not pleasing or is


ugly face ugly face

ugly face

easy easy

easy so easy

is used to talk about something that is

not difficult it’s maybe something

that’s simple

to do easy exam

easy exam easy

exam difficult

difficult de fe

cult so difficult describe something

that is hard or something that is

challenging to do difficult problem

difficult problem difficult


near near

near near is used to talk about

something that is close to us it’s


that we can go to quickly and easily

i live near the university i live near

the university

i live near the university

so far is the opposite of near far means

something that is at great

distance from something else there’s

like a long

way to get to something the station is

far from here

the station is far from here the station

is far from here


small so small is the opposite of big we

use it to describe

things that are little you can use it

for concepts

for objects or for people small mistake

small today

today today

today means this day we use this when we

want to talk about something that’s

happening on this day

like part of a schedule today’s homework

today’s homework today’s

homework yesterday

yesterday yesterday

so yesterday means the day before today

so you can use this word when you’re

talking about like past

actions yesterday morning

yesterday morning yesterday

morning tomorrow

tomorrow to

mar oh so tomorrow

is like the opposite of yesterday it

means the day

after today so we use this when we’re

talking about our future plans

see you tomorrow see you tomorrow

see you tomorrow

week week

week so week refers to

seven days that seven day period so we


week when we want to talk about making

plans or schedules and so on

i’m busy this week i’m busy this week

i’m busy this week

year year

year so a year is 365

days so we use year when we’re talking

about points in time like

historical events one year

one year one year

second second

second so second

refers to a very short period of time

so the amount of time that’s inside one


for example there are 60 seconds in a


there are 60 seconds in a minute

there are 60 seconds

in a minute

minute minute


so minute refers to again a period of


we learned that there are 60 seconds in

a minute and we can use

minutes when we’re talking about times

of day

three minutes three minutes

three minutes

hour hour

hour so an hour

refers to one of those 24

blocks of time throughout the day i

sleep for eight hours every day

i sleep for eight hours every day i

sleep for eight hours

every day clock

clock clock

a clock is an object that we use to

understand what time of day it is we can

have analog

or digital alarm clock

alarm clock alarm

clock a clock

a clock a clock

so a clock is used after a number from 1

to 12

to show that it’s a specific hour

let’s meet at the station at nine


let’s meet at the station at nine


let’s meet at the station at nine


calendar calendar

cal endure so a calendar is something we


to understand the dates of the year

there are 12 months on a typical


i marked her anniversary on the calendar

i marked our anniversary on the calendar

i marked our anniversary

on the calendar

monday monday

monday so monday

is for most people the first day of the

work week

i go to work on monday i go to work on


i go to work on

monday tuesday

tuesday tuesday

tuesday is for most people the second

day of the work week

tuesday january 1st tuesday january 1st

tuesday january 1st

wednesday wednesday

wednesday so wednesday is the middle day

of the week

but keep in mind this is pronounced

wednesday there’s a d

there but we don’t say wednesday we say

wednesday wednesday the 18th

wednesday the 18th wednesday

the 18th

thursday thursday

thursday so thursday

is the fourth day of the work week the

day that comes before

friday so most people get a little bit


for friday and thus thursday is kind of

the day when some people start their

weekends a little bit early

thursday january 3rd thursday january


thursday january 3rd

friday friday

friday so friday is the last day of the

work week

and lots of people get excited about

friday and they do things on friday

nights with their friends or their


are you free this friday are you free

this friday

are you free this

friday saturday

saturday saturday

so saturday is the first day of the

weekend lots of people choose to

do things like their hobbies or maybe

take a trip somewhere

it’s a day to relax for lots of people

saturday night

saturday night saturday night

sunday sunday

sun day so sunday is the last day of the

weekend usually

sunday tends to be a more relaxing day

so we’re kind of recharging a little bit

and taking it easy sunday morning


sunday morning breakfast sunday

morning breakfast

do do

do so do

is used when we’re referring to some

kind of

activity we’re making something happen

we are taking care of something

do homework do homework

do homework

go go

go so the verb go means to move from one


to another place we use this when we’re


or maybe even when we’re talking about

some place we would like to go

or like to travel to go to the park

go to the park go to

the park laugh

laugh laugh

so laugh can be used as either a noun or

as a verb so we use this when we

find something funny the couple is

laughing at a joke

the couple is laughing at a joke

the couple is laughing at

a joke delicious

delicious delicious

so delicious is a word we use when we

think something

tastes good we can use this for food or


chinese food is delicious chinese food

is delicious

chinese food is delicious

water water

water so water

is just the word we use for the thing we

drink the most basic thing to drink

can i have some water please can i have

some water please can

i have some water

please t

t t

so tea is another very popular drink you

can have it cold or

hot would you like a cup of tea

would you like a cup of tea would

you like a cup of tea

coffee coffee

coffee coffee is yet another very

popular drink

we usually have this in the morning cup

of coffee

cup of coffee cup of

coffee beer

beer beer

so beer yet another very popular drink

for adults we usually enjoy beer

after work cold beer

cold beer cold

beer wine

wine wine

so wine is something that we tend to

enjoy with kind of special occasions or

we like to pair it with

foods glass of wine

glass of wine glass

of wine

beef beef

beef so beef refers to

meat that comes from a cow this can mean

anything that comes from a cow beef


beef beefsteak beef

steak chicken

chicken chicken

so chicken refers to the animal but also

the meat when you want to talk about one

like of the animal you can say

a chicken chicken can be fried

baked or roasted chicken can be fried

baked or roasted chicken

can be fried baked or

roasted pork


so pork is another very popular meat we

often have it

at breakfast as bacon or maybe in the

evening as like a pork chop

pork is the meat from a pig pork is the

meat from a pig

pork is the meat from a pig

fish fish

fish so fish

is anything that comes from the ocean

anything that comes from the ocean or

from other

bodies of water chicken or fish

chicken or fish chicken

or fish

lamb lamb

lamb so lamb refers to

meat that comes from a baby sheep

lamb is extremely delicious lamb is

extremely delicious

lamb is extremely delicious


doctor so a doctor is

a person who helps other people with

their health

if you get sick go to the doctor if you

get sick go to the doctor

if you get sick go to

the doctor police officer

police officer police

officer so a police officer is someone

in a city

that helps other people when they are in


i’ll ask a police officer for help

alaska police officer for help

i’ll ask a police officer for

help teacher

teacher teacher

so a teacher is someone who shares

information who helps students or other

people to learn something

english teacher english teacher

english teacher

employee employee

employee an employee

is someone who works at a company or

someone who works

for someone else female employee

female employee female

employee come

come come

so we use the verb come to mean to move

from one location

to the place where we are now the girl

came towards the video camera

the girl came towards the video camera

the girl came towards the video

camera c

c c

so we use the verb c to mean to use our

eyes to focus on something the tourists

saw the sunset

the tourists saw the sunset the tourists

saw the sunset

make make

make we use the verb make when we talk


creating something the chef makes orange


the chef makes orange juice

the chef makes orange juice

use use

use so we use the verb use

when we want to talk about like applying

something or we want to talk about

uh utilizing something for something


the programmer used the computer

the programmer used the computer

the programmer used the computer

can can

can so can is used to mean

something we are able to do can

jump over can jump over

can jump over

zero zero

z row so zero

is used to refer to the number which

means nothing

so we also read this as o sometimes

number zero number zero

number zero

one one

one so one means the first number

so we use it any time there’s a single


of something one degree

one degree one

degree two

two two

so two is the second number we use it to

talk about

pairs or couples of things the number

two is my favorite number

the number two is my favorite number

the number two is my favorite number

three three

three so the third number in english

is the number three three dollars

three dollars three

dollars four

four four

so the fourth number in english is the

number four

keep in mind that the spelling is

different from f o

r which means a purpose number four

number four number

four five five

five so the next number is the number

five the starfish has five legs

the starfish has five legs

the starfish has five

legs six

six six

so the next number in our sequence is

the number six

we have a six day vacation next month

we have a six day vacation next month

we have a six day vacation

next month

seven seven

se then so the next number in this

sequence is the number

seven there are seven days in every week

there are seven days in every week

there are seven days in every

week eight

eight eight

so the next number is the number h this

has an interesting spelling it’s


eight eight is a lucky number

eight is a lucky number

eight is a lucky number

nine nine

nine so the next number in this series

is the number nine nine floors

nine floors nine

floors ten

ten ten

so ten is the first double digit number

that means there are two

digits one and zero 10 grams

10 grams 10

grams salesman

salesman sales

men so a salesman is

a male a man who sells things

car salesman car salesman

car salesman

manager manager

man a juror so a manager is a person at

a workplace that is responsible for

other people

department manager department manager

department manager

cook cook

cook so a cook is a person who makes


a cook is different from a chef in that

a chef went to school

a cook has their experience on the job

the cook fried an egg the cook fried an


the cook fried an egg

engineer engineer

engineer so an

engineer is a technology related job an

engineer can create things in many

different industries

i’m an engineer i’m an engineer

i am an engineer

programmer programmer

programmer so a programmer is a person


writes or who creates programs

i am a computer programmer

i’m a computer programmer

am a computer programmer

nurse nurse

nurse so a nurse is someone who works at

a hospital or a clinic or at like a

nursing home

so they help patients the woman is a


the woman is a nurse the woman

is a nurse body

body ba d

so a body can be a human body it’s just

your actual body

all of your different parts we can also

use this for animals too

food is fuel for the body food is fuel

for the body

food is fuel for

the body head

head head

so head refers to this part of your body

the very

top part of your body head injuries are

very dangerous

head injuries are very dangerous

head injuries are very

dangerous hey everyone

welcome to the monthly review the

monthly show on language learning

where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips

study tools and resources by the way

all the lessons and bonuses you’re about

to see can be downloaded for free on our


so click the link in the description

right now to sign up for your free

lifetime account

okay today’s topic is the power of


have you ever made a mistake in your

target language while talking with a

native speaker

maybe you said the wrong word maybe you

misconjugated a verb

when you make a mistake you usually

don’t forget about it right

well that’s the power of mistakes and in

today’s episode you’re going to find out

why making mistakes is crucial to

learning a language

do you know the most common adverbs of

frequency you will with this one minute


learn how to say rarely always often

sometimes and much more in your target


fourth must know summer clothes vocab do

you know how to say

t-shirts or shorts in your target

language if you don’t you can learn how

this one minute lesson will give you all

the words you need for summer clothing

fifth the top 50 adjectives for


can you describe your personality this

next bonus teaches you 50 must-know

adjectives for personalities so you can

talk about yourself in your target


to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay let’s

jump into today’s topic

okay today’s topic is how remembering

your mistakes can help you learn faster

first take a moment and think of a time

when you made a mistake

maybe you were at work maybe you were at

school maybe you were shopping or in

another public place

we can all probably clearly remember

many mistakes we’ve made

we also remember the reactions of the

people around us some people are


some people aren’t so understanding but

why do we remember these situations so


psychologically speaking negative things

tend to impact us more than positive


for example if we’re asked to choose

between gaining friends or gaining money

and losing friends or losing money we’ll

choose not to lose friends or lose money

not to gain this is called loss aversion

we tend to avoid losing more than we

work on gaining

we spend time thinking about our

negative past experiences to avoid them

in the future

because of this negative events like

making mistakes

stay in our minds for a very long time

and this happens in language learning

if you make a language mistake while

chatting with a native speaker

it’ll probably be hard to forget yes

it’s true that when we’re learning

another language

we don’t always know when we’ve made a

mistake but when we realize we’ve used

the wrong word

used grammar incorrectly spelled

something wrong or similar

we tend to remember the situation

vividly in some languages

just a tiny change in pronunciation tone

or writing

could make a big difference so mistakes

are a big source of worry for many


but the fact that mistakes are very hard

for us to forget

can be a powerful tool when learning a

language we want to avoid the feeling of

embarrassment that comes after a mistake

so we work hard to correct ourselves

past mistakes can motivate us to try


we can use our mistakes as a tool in our

language learning but we can’t make

these emotionally powerful mistakes by

reading a textbook

or even by taking a lesson with a

teacher the only way you can make these

mistakes is by speaking in real

conversations and messing up

so what can you take away from this

let’s jump into the second part

how to use mistakes in your language

learning we can give advice like go

ahead and make mistakes

but that’s easier said than done here

are three tips to help you make the most

of your mistakes

one speak in your target language as

much as possible

why because part of the learning process

is making mistakes

except that mistakes are going to happen

if you’re not making any mistakes ever

then you’re probably not challenging


two look for opportunities to speak

many learners have trouble finding

public places to practice the language

they’re studying

see if there are language groups in your

community or at your school

if you have trouble with that look

online and be creative you don’t need to

search for groups specifically for

language learners

see if you can find a hobby discussion

in your target language maybe you’ll

find a news discussion group

think outside the box find somewhere to

practice and make mistakes

when you do mess up you’ll probably

remember it

  1. build on your experiences think

carefully about your conversations

after you have them and work to make

them longer each time

if you made a mistake in your first

conversation think about how to fix it

if you said only a few sentences in your

first discussion

work to speak for 15 or 30 seconds on

the next discussion

challenge yourself many learners have

trouble finding opportunities to speak

that work with their schedule and their


if you’re not sure where else you can

practice you can consider hiring a tutor

if you’re a premium plus member on our

website you can practice with your


it’s still important where possible to

practice and make mistakes in real life


this will help you to more carefully

reflect on your conversations and work

to improve

it isn’t quite the same as studying with

a textbook or a hired tutor

this strong desire to avoid making a

mistake will help you work to improve

you’ll be motivated to try harder this

can help you learn faster

so thank you for watching this episode

of monthly review so

you decided to learn a new language at

first the idea seemed exciting

you bought a phrasebook dictionary and a

subscription to an online class

ready to dive headfirst into the

language for the first day or two

all was well you gained ground quickly

learning a few

basic phrases and words a week before

learning that language was just a dream

but now you’re actually doing it then

the third and fourth day roll around

the excitement is wearing off you

encouraged yourself to continue

and another week or two goes by but with

a lot less progress

suddenly learning a new language doesn’t

fill you with excitement anymore

now it feels more like dread sometimes

it feels like you’re drowning in

grammatical cases

verb conjugations and wonky

pronunciation it all seems too much to


so you start to think about giving up

but we encourage you

not to give up learning a foreign

language is difficult

we won’t pretend like it isn’t but that

doesn’t mean you can’t do it

sometimes you just need to take a step

back re-evaluate your approach

and come back to the language with a

different perspective

in this video we’ll look at four tips

for when learning a new language feels


number one set aside a designated study


consistency is key when learning a

foreign language studying 15 minutes

seven days a week will benefit you more

than cramming in two hours one day a


set aside an amount of time that works

best for you

if you can afford to spend an hour every

day learning that’s awesome

go for it but don’t feel bad if you

can’t spend that much time

even 10 or 15 minutes a day goes a long


breaking up your learning into

manageable time segments will relieve

a lot of the stress that can come with

studying a new language

learning is not a race go at your own

pace and try not to compare your

progress with anyone else’s

number two take it one bite at a time

now that you have your schedule under

control it’s time to focus on what

you’ll actually be studying

it’s recommended that every one to two

weeks you focus on learning a very

specific piece of the language

it could be a conjugation group a case

tense or a collection of theme


whatever you choose hone in on it and do

your best to feel comfortable with it

before you move on to something else

ever heard the saying how do you eat an

elephant focusing on one thing at a time

helps you break the language into

digestible chunks

number three expose yourself to the

language in different ways

don’t just sit around reading about

grammar all day obviously

knowledge of grammar is important but

you want to spice up your practice as

much as possible

in addition to grammatical study try to

mix in a combination of reading

writing speaking and listening try to

practice reading by either translating a

simple article into your native language

or maybe if you’re a beginner pick up a

children’s book in your target language

for writing you can try to write out a

fictional conversation between you

and yourself even use the phrases you


to create a mock conversation and don’t

use any words you can’t think of or you

don’t remember

to practice speaking you can find native

speakers locally at a language club

or at a meetup you can also find them

online in a language exchange for


a great podcast should do the trick

spread out each type of practice

listening reading speaking and writing

across your regular language study


this will give you a balanced experience

in the language and should help keep

things interesting

this method also works well when you use

it to focus on a single aspect of the

language like we talked about above

number four set mini goals not just big


if you’re only language learning goal is

to be fluent you’re likely setting

yourself up for disappointment

while speaking fluently can be your

ultimate goal it shouldn’t be your only


try to set mini goals month by month and

week by week

it could be something simple learn 20

new verbs

practice a new case or speak with three

native speakers

as long as it’s specific and reasonable

to achieve in a shorter amount of time

it should work fine not having many

goals alongside your ultimate

goal is a lot like sprinting across a

huge open field

there’s no reference point so for much

of the time it feels like you’re not any

closer to your goal

it’s not that you’re not moving forward

it just feels like you’re not

without any trees or buildings to run

past it seems like you’re running in


mini goals are like the trees and

buildings of your language race

they help you see that you’re moving

forward and give you a sense of


the desire for perfection can get in the

way of your progress

don’t freak out when you struggle to

speak or make a mistake

it’s all a part of the learning process

also don’t be afraid to speak

even if you know what you’ll say won’t

be totally correct

it’s better to do your best to

communicate in the language and get it


than to never try at all learning a new

language isn’t always

easy in fact oftentimes it’s very hard

don’t let that discourage you though use

these tips to help keep you focused yet

unstressed in your language learning

a little perseverance will go a long way

before long

you’ll be speaking better than you may

have thought was possible

reading in a foreign language is great

but a big challenge related to reading

is that you often need a high level of

fluency before it gets really fun

and if a book isn’t fun then you’re not

going to want to read it

the entire point of sitting down with a

book is to enjoy it and have a good time

being absorbed in the story or learning

the information

and that’s just not going to happen if

you need to look up every second word

it’ll take you out of the story and it

will feel like a chore like an

assignment from school where you have to

read the book for a class

but there is a resource that you might

not know about that can really help your


bilingual books in this video we’ll look


how to supercharge your vocabulary with

bilingual reading

this is a simple solution that will make

reading especially at the beginner


easier and fun these are books that have

your target language on the left page

and your native language on the right

but how do you use it

well it’s all in the name you read a

book in two languages at once

the language that you’re learning plus

the language that you’re fluent in

there are a few different formats for

bilingual books but the most common one

is the one previously mentioned

you have a book that has your foreign

language on one side and your native

language on the other

it’s also possible to find stories that

are presented bilingually paragraph by


the principle is the same but the

information is just in more bite-sized


so your eyes need to travel less to read

both texts the great thing about

bilingual reading is that you can

quickly switch between languages

and the translation is presented to you

so you don’t need to try to distinguish

between the 10 variants of a word that

your dictionary offers

which brings us to the main advantage

bilingual reading is great for building

your initial vocabulary

when you first try reading in a new

language you’ll probably find that you

need a relatively high level of fluency

before you can make a strong connection

with the words on the page

reading is a lot of fun if you already

know about 80

of the words as you can guess the

meaning of another 15 from context

and then look up the remaining few words

you do not understand

but if you’re starting out you might

know only 10 of the words

that’s where bilingual reading can help

a lot here’s a way to use a bilingual


read a sentence first in your target

language see if you understand it

if you do think about the meaning of

some of the key words

then quickly glance on the other side of

the page and check the translation

this way you’ll be able to have fun

reading and learn contextual vocabulary

at the same time

let’s look at why it works well if

you’re learning a language at home

if you’re taking language classes then

your teacher sometimes supports you in a

similar way to the translated page

when you’re reading a text with your

teacher you can ask them questions

whenever you do not understand something

they’ll give you a translation quickly

and can share other ways in which a word

can be used

but if you’re learning from home you

don’t have that advantage

bilingual reading offers the same

benefits as you can quickly check the

translation of a sentence and see what

each word means

the main goal of bilingual books is to

bridge the gap between the beginner and

intermediate to more advanced levels

they can help set you up to read real

books without any translations

some language purists might recommend

you read only stories that were

originally written in your target


but any book you enjoy is best to

encourage your studies

use bilingual reading to improve your

vocabulary and reading comprehension


until you get so good that you don’t

need it anymore it doesn’t matter what

language you’re learning

bilingual reading works for every

language the principles of language

learning don’t change

only the implementation does you also

don’t really need

too much knowledge at the start if you

like a real challenge then you could

even start reading some simple bilingual

stories without any prior experience in

a language

however just as with other language

programs and courses

the more people who speak a specific

language the easier it’ll be to find

bilingual books

why is speaking the number one weakness

for most language learners

some time ago we sent out a survey to

find out a little more about you

we asked about what you like what you

don’t like your strengths and your


one question asked you to rate your

abilities in listening

speaking reading and writing over 70

percent of people surveyed

answered that their biggest weakness is


in this video you’ll find out why

speaking is a common weakness

you’ll also learn six ways you can start

improving your speaking skills right now

this is a common issue for language

learners but why is speaking the number

one weakness for most learners

it’s pretty simple when you consider

that you get better at what you focus on

you get better at what you focus on when

people start learning a language they

usually start with reading

most learners start with textbooks

learners taking their first class

probably spend most of their time doing

homework and reviewing information in

their textbook

spending maybe only 30 minutes a week or

so repeating words in class

if you spend most of your time reading

you’ll get better at reading

but your speaking skills won’t grow it’s

like exercising just one muscle

that single muscle will get stronger but

the other ones which are ignored

stay small this is why speaking is such

a common weakness for learners

if you want to improve your speaking

skills you need to spend more time


here are six ways you can start right

now number one

get a native speaker tutor to practice

with a common issue is most people

don’t have access to teachers or native

speakers or they just don’t have the

time to meet with one

but with our premium plus plan you get

your very own on-site teacher

you can practice speaking by recording

yourself and having them review it

one popular tactic is to talk about your

day to do this

send three recordings one in the morning

one in the afternoon

and one at night your teacher will

review your recordings and then give you

corrections and feedback

number two get conversation based

lessons in the lesson library

if you visit your lesson library you can

sort lessons by conversation

reading writing vocab grammar or culture

so select conversations and you’ll see

the lessons that expose you to

conversations and get you speaking the


number three read out loud while you’re

listening to a lesson and reading along

with the notes

try reading out loud then re-read and

speed up your tempo

if you’re reading out loud you’re

practicing your speaking skills

and by increasing your speed you’ll also

be able to talk faster and with


do this again and again until you can

speak faster

number four prepare things to say ahead

of time

most learners especially beginners run

out of things to say

but if you prepare lines ahead of time

you won’t have to worry about this

start speaking with prepared lines from

our 3-minute video lessons

top 25 questions lessons survival

phrases lessons and other lessons that

you’ll find in the lesson library

number five shadow conversations

this means you should repeat the

dialogues as you hear them

in every lesson you learn a new

conversation so try to shadow the

conversation line by line

premium and premium plus users use the

dialog tool with this method and you’ll

master conversations faster

number six review again and again

regular review is essential to mastery

many learners don’t review if you review

and repeat lines again and again

you’ll speak better faster and with more


great work here’s a reward speed up your

language learning with our pdf lessons

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