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hi everybody welcome back to ask alicia

the weekly series where you ask me

questions and i

answer them maybe let’s get to your

first question

this week first question this week comes

from zakaria flifla hi zacharia

zacharia says hi alicia could you please

tell me why we sometimes use the verb

do before another verb thank you yeah


i’ve talked about this before in the

series but we use

do before another verb when we want to

emphasize the

opposite of something so let’s take a

look at a few pairs of sentences to see

how this works

sorry i don’t have time to help you

right now but you do

have time you’re just looking at

facebook and

i don’t know anything about today’s

meeting just that they’re making a big


aha so you do know something okay

so in both of these example sentences we

have a person a

and a person b person a says something

to the effective i don’t know something

or i can’t do something or i don’t have

time to help you

as with person a in both of these


and then person b notices something

about person a

or about the things that person a said

and they

emphasize no that’s not true and they do

this by including

do before the verb so in the first

example situation

the person person a in this situation

said i don’t have time to help you right

now but person b

said you do have time so you’ll often


do emphasize before the verb that


to show that’s not true so that emphasis

in the speaker’s voice means

that’s not true or the opposite of that

is true and the reason

is that person b presumably or we think

sees person a looking at facebook the

same thing happens in the second


person a says i don’t know anything

about the meeting

just that there’s going to be a big

announcement and so person b

understands wait so you do know

something about the meeting

again do proceeds or comes before

the verb no there so speaker b is


that the speaker that speaker a rather

actually does know something

so we’re using do before the verb as

emphasis in this way so i hope that this

helps you thanks very much for an

interesting question

all right let’s move on to our next

question next question comes from emma

hi emma

emma says hi alicia i would like to know

if there are differences between

a while for a while and in a while

if there is can you explain thanks so

much sure

a while means a period of time so we use

for a while and in a while quite


for a while is used when we’re talking

about a duration of

time we’re using it to talk about the

length of time that something happens so

duration is really the key here

let’s take a look at a few example


i stayed in the restaurant for a while

after i finished eating

i’m gonna take a walk around the

neighborhood for a while

i traveled around europe for a while

when i was in my twenties

okay so let’s compare this then to in a


when we use in a while we’re talking

about an upcoming

activity so this is not something that’s

going to happen

now but it’s going to happen soon so if

it’s helpful you can think about


soon for in a while in the sentence it

has the same

meaning let’s look at some examples of

this i’m going to leave the office in a


we’re going to go to the coffee shop in

a while you want anything

so a question that maybe some of you

have is what’s the difference between

these two sentences sentences like these


i’m going to walk around the

neighborhood for a while and i’m going

to walk around the neighborhood

in a while so they seem very similar but


for a while sentence would be said by

somebody who is probably leaving

now like they are leaving their house

now and they just want to report to


their upcoming activity they’re going

out of the house to walk around the


for a period of time that’s the duration

of the activity

on the other hand the in a while

sentence is like they’re sharing their

upcoming plan with someone possibly to

invite them

like i’m going to walk around the

neighborhood in a while do you want to


so these are the small differences that

our preposition choices can make


with an expression like a while so i

hope that this helps you thanks very

much for the question

okay let’s move on to our next question


question is from sung wan hi sunguan

seongwan says hi alisha what does

literally mean

do people use it the wrong way yeah okay

literally means the ordinary or the

simple meaning of a word it can also

mean like truly

exactly and so on so it is used for

emphasis yes but it’s also used

incorrectly a lot

first let’s take a look at the correct

way to use literally

for example we raised literally hundreds

of dollars at the fundraiser

he got his hands dirty literally helping

out at the farm for a tv show

okay so these two example sentences show

correct usage of the word literally in

the first example

it’s literally hundreds so the speaker

wants to emphasize

that exactly really truly hundreds of

dollars were raised in a fundraiser

the reason that we use literally here is

because we want to express that this is

not an exaggeration so an exaggeration

means something that sounds like it’s

better or bigger than it actually is

so the speaker wants to communicate it

was truly hundreds of dollars

they use literally to do that in the

second example sentence about someone

getting his hands dirty

the speaker wants to communicate that

actually the tv host in this case

truly did physically literally get his


dirty in the process of making a tv show

so there are two reasons that we use

literally in this way the first as in

with the first example sentence

is to show that something is not being

exaggerated like the number

or the amount that’s described in the

sentence is truly the number

so we’re not just doing it for effect


some amount you may see this used the

second use though

as we see in the second example sentence

is with these expressions

that have kind of double meanings so get

one’s hands dirty or to get your hands

dirty has two meanings

yes there’s the literal meaning which is

as it’s written on the page

for your hands to physically become

dirty but there’s also another meaning

to this phrase which is to do the work

yourself to actually

do work so to get your hands dirty can

have two meanings

the speaker using literally in the

second example sentence

means they want to emphasize that

real true meaning of getting your hands

dirty like physically having

dirt on your hands so these are the two

reasons that we use

literally for emphasis to make sure that

we’re not accidentally exaggerating

and to to make it clear that we mean the

actual simple meaning of an expression

so again to return to your second

question literally is misused

all the time native speakers want to use

it for emphasis

but they use it incorrectly so let’s

take a look at two examples that are

great examples

of misuse of the word literally ugh

i’m literally starving can we go to


and there were literally millions of

people at my house last night

okay so in both of these example

sentences literally is used

incorrectly literally starving in the

first sentence so the problem here

is that the speaker is probably not


starving starving means they are so

hungry that they are actually

dying so literally starving is untrue

the speaker is probably

not actually starving they just want to

express that they are very

hungry the correct way to express that

would just be to say

ugh i’m starving that’s fine you don’t

need to use literally in this sentence

but this is something native speakers

probably say all the time

the second example sentence uses

literally with a number as in there were


millions of people in my house last

night so it’s not possible for millions

of people to be in someone’s house

the speaker just wants to emphasize how

many people

were at his or her home the previous

night so using

literally is unnecessary here you could

just say there were so many people in my

house last night or there were millions

of people at my house last night

if you just drop literally from the

sentence we understand that you’re


so yes literally is used incorrectly

all the time and it’s usually for these

emphasis reasons

so i hope that this answer helped you

it’s a very interesting question

thanks very much for sending it along

okay let’s move on to your next question

next question comes from andrew hi

andrew andrew says what’s the meaning of

ball game as in youtube comments are a

whole other ball game

is this a question about something i

tweeted that’s funny

a ball game here means situation


so when we say a whole other ball game

this is actually a set phrase

a whole other ball game means or is used

rather in situations where we’re talking

about one topic

and then a second topic is introduced

and the two are very

different so something something is a

whole other ballgame

means that second thing has like

different rules and different standards

from the first thing

so in the tweet that you took this

expression from i was talking about the

differences between

instagram direct messages like random

messages on instagram

and then another person commented like

joined my conversation on twitter

and said something about youtube

comments and i responded yeah

youtube comments are a whole other ball

game so that means

instagram direct messages random

messages on instagram

are completely different than youtube

comments so a whole other ball game

means it’s a whole other situation i

hope that this helps you thanks for the


okay let’s move on to our next question

next question

comes from claudia hi claudia claudia


what is the difference between outcome

and results

nice question while in many cases they


be used in similar ways and to refer to

very similar things

the difference here is in like the


so we use results when we’ve done like

work or research or we’re actually like

actively trying to

do something we’re actually trying to

achieve something or to accomplish


so we use this like when we’re doing

mathematical equations or as i said like

when we’re doing research maybe

or we’re working together with teammates

to achieve some kind of goal that’s when

we use

results outcome on the other hand is

kind of like

just the way things ended up so it’s

like maybe there wasn’t

so much work to achieve a specific goal


at the end of a situation this was like

the thing that we ended up with so let’s

take a look at a few examples

my research results showed that the new

medication was effective

the test results were positive everyone

expected negative outcomes after the

government’s policy change

it wasn’t possible to predict these


so the feeling here is that result is

something that someone or some group of


worked to achieve work to get outcome is

kind of like this is just the way that

things are

so yes in some situations you may be

able to use

both like for example research results

or maybe research outcomes

but again when you use outcomes it

sounds like this is just the way it is

whereas results sounds a little bit more

like we tried

so this is kind of the difference in

feeling between these words

i hope that it helps you thanks for the

question hi everybody welcome back to

ask alicia the weekly series where you

ask me

questions and i answer them maybe okay

let’s get to your first question

this week first question this week comes

from emma hi emma

emma says hi alicia can you explain the

difference between

will and be going to and will be doing

or be going to be doing i would like to

know when we use continuous forms

instead of just using simple future


sure we use the continuous form when we

want to talk about a future plan that we

think will be in progress

so let’s compare two example sentences

i’m going to start working in a new

company soon

three months from now i’m going to be

working in a new company

so in the first example sentence i’m

going to start working in a new company


we’re talking about a future plan we’re

just using simple future tense going to


to express a future plan a future action

in this case using going to because

we’re quite sure about that plan

in the second example sentence however

three months from now

i’m going to be working so we’re using a

time period or rather a point in time in

the future

three months from now that means i’m


or i want to refer to a specific point

in time in the future

and talk about an action that i think

will be

ongoing at that future point in time

in those cases we use will be going to

or going to be going to or something

like that going to be plus the ing

form of a verb so we use that form

to refer to an ongoing thing that we

think will happen at a specific

point in the future you can just use the

simple future tense will and going to

to talk about general future plans

without a specific point in time

but if you want to talk about something

in the future like a month from now or

two months from now or years from now or


and you want to express a plan or some

idea you have

about something that will happen or be

happening at that time

you can use will be going to or going to


plus the ing form of a verb so i hope

that this helps you thanks for the


okay let’s move on to your next question

next question

comes from arzu hi arzu our zoo says hi


could you explain the difference between


approximately and nearly yeah sure

roughly and approximately mean the same

thing they both mean

about the difference between these two

words is that approximately sounds more

formal than roughly so you would see

approximately used in very formal


in like scientific papers in situations

where you need to express

data you might hear roughly in everyday


used in place of about so there’s no

meaning difference here it’s just a

formality difference

some examples roughly 50 people attended

the event

approximately 100 people responded to

our survey on the other hand

nearly means almost a certain amount so

we use

nearly before a number to express

that we were very very close to that

number but

not quite so this does not mean about

it means very close to the number but

not exactly

that amount so for example we could say

nearly 50 people

attended our event or nearly 100 people

responded to our survey so that means

not quite

50 people attended or not quite 100

people responded

but it was very very close so in sum

approximately and roughly have the same

meaning just different levels of


merely means almost but not quite or

very close but not quite

so i hope that this helps you thanks for

the question okay

let’s move on to your next question next


comes from mindful alex hi mindful alex

mindful alex says hi alicia what tense

present or future

must follow a command clause for example


let me know what you find versus let me

know what you will find

two let me know what you find versus

tell me what you will find thanks a lot

yes you need to use

present tense in these example sentences

so in your case the correct answers

would be

let me know what you find and tell me

what you find

the same thing is true if you change the

subject so for example

if you’re requesting an update from a

third person meaning from someone

outside the conversation you can say

let me know what he finds or tell me


she finds so you still need to follow

this present tense rule we can’t use the

infinitive form of the verb there

so these are examples of what are called

embedded questions they are

questions that are like inside another


or they’re questions that are inside of

a statement so like tell me

what you find you can see that what you

find is kind of like a question but it

follows a different word order

so we follow that subject verb object

order inside embedded questions if you

want to know more about this grammar

point you can do a search

for embedded questions to find some more

information i’ve talked about this here

and there

in some live streams in the past so i

hope that that’s helpful for you

so yes in sum you need to use a present

tense verb

in a case like this keep in mind you can

also use past tense if you want to as

well i hope that this is helpful for you

thanks for the question

okay let’s move on to your next question

next question

comes from alejandra hi alejandra

alejandra says how do i know when to


i have to i’ve and when not to

is there any rule yes when you are


ownership of something you should not

use the reduced form

i’ve always use i have like i have a dog

or i have a house or i have a bag

you should not use ive in these cases

you should however use ive and other

reduced forms when you’re using

perfect tense sentence structures so for

example i’ve been to france

or i’ve never eaten horse so when you’re

using that i

have plus past participle verb form you

can reduce the

i have part to ive if you are talking


ownership of something you cannot reduce

the i have to i

so yes that is the rule in this case for


you may also hear the i have in i have

got to

reduced to ive as in i’ve got to do

something something something

but this might be a little bit more

common in british english

generally though you can consider those

first two rules i mentioned

i have for ownership and i’ve for


uh tense structure so i hope that this

helps you thanks for the question

okay let’s move on to your next question

next question

comes from reynaldi hi reinaldi reynaldi

says hi i’m from indonesia

sometimes someone says opportunity and

i’m confused about whether i should

respond with opportunity

or chance what’s the difference between

those words and when is the right time

to say them

thanks okay um opportunity tends to


more formal than chance we tend to use

opportunity in cases where we have

received an

offer some like special offer like a job

offer a school offer or maybe an offer

of money we are presented with some kind

of like professional or formal situation

chance however is used to refer to

situations that arise because of

luck so something that happened because

of luck we’re not really

offered anything but it’s like the

timing is just

right for a situation and we have this

chance we have this option to take


of that situation so to take advantage

of something means that we can try to do


that would be to our benefit in that


so opportunity sounds more formal it’s

like something is presented

to you like a job as i said chance is

more like for

games perhaps or just something that

happens at random

and that you maybe can take advantage of

you can maybe find some benefits in so

let’s take a look at some example


i have two great job opportunities to


thanks very much for this opportunity my

flight was delayed so i had a chance to

check out the airport lounge

i haven’t had a chance to read that book

how are your english listening skills

first you’ll see an image and hear a


next comes a short dialogue listen

carefully and see if you can answer


we’ll show you the answer at the end

a man and a woman are talking

when are they going to get a massage

my friend just opened a new massage


a massage place i wanna go

do you have time on saturday i’m busy


what about sunday they’re closed on


how about friday okay

when are they going to get a massage

a man and a woman are talking

when are they going to get a massage

my friend just opened a new massage


a massage place i wanna go

do you have time on saturday i’m busy


what about sunday they’re closed on


how about friday okay

a woman working for the design division

is talking with her colleague from the

research and development team

choose the correct product packages

we would like you to design packaging

for our new chocolate products

we are planning a dual product launch


is a sweet chocolate containing 30 cacao

the other

is a bittersweet one with 80 cacao

all right so do we want the 30 and 80

descriptions to stand out yes

maybe we can have them in the center of

the package or use different colors

all right for the sweet chocolate how

about using a red box with black letters


30 percent and for the bittersweet one

we can use a black box with red letters

saying 80 percent right

or how about using golden letters for


i think that would be better for the

luxurious image we’re trying to create

good idea i think we should also frame

letters with white to make them clearer

as for the layout design would it be

okay to say cacao

on the upper left then a picture of the

chocolate in the center

and the cacao percentage on the lower


yes and please use a bigger font for the


also i’d like you to use a different

font style from the product name

and make sure to make it bold got it

we will send you an email when the

packages are ready

when do you need them by would it be

possible to have them by the end of the


by the end of the week okay we will try

our best

choose the correct product packages

a woman working for the design division

is talking with her colleague from the

research and development team

choose the correct product packages

we would like you to design packaging

for our new chocolate products

we are planning a dual product launch

one is a sweet chocolate containing 30

cacao the other is a bittersweet one

with 80

cacao all right so do we want the thirty

percent and eighty percent descriptions

to stand out

yes maybe we can have them in the center

of the package

or use different colors all right

for the sweet chocolate how about using

a red box with black letters saying

thirty percent and for the bittersweet

one we can use a black box with red


saying eighty percent right

or how about using golden letters for


i think that would be better for the

luxurious image we’re trying to create

good idea i think we should also frame

letters with white to make them clearer

as for the layout design would it be

okay to say cacao

on the upper left then a picture of the

chocolate in the center

and the cacao percentage on the lower


yes and please use a bigger font for the


also i’d like you to use a different

font style from the product

name and make sure to make it bold

got it we will send you an email when

the packages are ready

when do you need them by would it be

possible to have them by the end of the


by the end of the week ok we will try

our best

coffee shop employees are talking about

their sales

choose the graph they are looking at

we had good sales from december to


yes the limited edition items worked out

very well

but i’m sorry to see that the new

product launched in march didn’t sell


and ended up dragging down overall sales

for that month

we had our worst sales numbers in

october and march

in general our sales were steadily

increasing but october was the worst


of the second half in october a


opened up a shop nearby and at the

beginning they lured in our customers

i’m relieved to see that our customers

are coming back

yes that’s good news looking at our

customer data by gender and age

we can see that more than half of our

customers are women in their 20s and 30s

this means we will have to come up with

some new campaign ideas to keep those


coming back besides our regular coffee

products we can try to offer more side

dish choices

yes but about 20 of our customers are


in their 20s and 30s so we need to think

of services that appeal to them

as well offering free wi-fi

would appeal to all customers in that

age range

you’re right let’s consider implementing

that idea

choose the graph they are looking at

coffee shop employees are talking about

their sales

choose the graph they are looking at

we had good sales from december to


yes the limited edition items worked out

very well

but i’m sorry to see that the new

product launched in march didn’t sell


and ended up dragging down overall sales

for that month

we had our worst sales numbers in

october and march

in general our sales were steadily

increasing but october was the worst

month of the second half

in october a competitor opened up a shop


and at the beginning they lured in our


i’m relieved to see that our customers

are coming back

yes that’s good news looking at our

customer data by gender and age

we can see that more than half of our

customers are women in their 20s and 30s

this means we will have to come up with

some new campaign ideas to keep those


coming back besides our regular coffee

products we can try to offer more

side dish choices yes

but about 20 percent of our customers

are men in their 20s and 30s

so we need to think of services that

appeal to them as well hmm

offering free wi-fi would appeal to all


in that age range you’re right let’s

consider implementing that idea

a man is making a complaint about

products he bought online

what is he going to exchange


hello this is the customer service line


i just received a package from your

company but it is not what i ordered

i’m sorry what exactly was wrong

i ordered a jacket with three buttons

but the one i got has only two

i see that must be a wrong model we are

terribly sorry about it we will exchange

that right away

if you just use the prepaid return

shipping label included in your package

to send it back

great also this shirt looks different

from the one i saw on your website

it’s not what i expected so i want to

return it as well

how is it different i thought it was a

t-shirt without a collar

but it turned out to be a polo shirt

with a collar

i see have you already cut the tag off

yes i have but this is really not what

is pictured on the website

can i still return it sir we do have

this shirt both

with and without the caller our data

shows that you chose the one

with it really then i must have clicked

the wrong item

we can exchange a product as long as the

tag is attached

but it would be difficult to do so if it

is already cut

off i see then can you just

exchange the jacket please of course

again we are sorry for the inconvenience

what is he going to exchange

a man is making a complaint about

products he bought online

what is he going to exchange

hello this is the customer service line

hello i just received a package from

your company but it is not what i


i’m sorry what exactly was wrong

i ordered a jacket with three buttons

but the one i got

has only two i see that must be a wrong


we are terribly sorry about it we will

exchange that right away

if you just use the prepaid return

shipping label included in your package

to send it back

great also this shirt looks different

from the one i saw on your website

it’s not what i expected so i want to

return it as well

how is it different i thought it was a

t-shirt without a collar

but it turned out to be a polo shirt

with a collar

i see have you already cut the tag off

yes i have but this is really not what

is pictured on the website

can i still return it sir we do have

this shirt both with

and without the collar our data shows

that you chose the one with it

really then i must have clicked the

wrong item

we can exchange a product as long as the

tag is attached

but it would be difficult to do so if it

is already cut off

i see then can you just exchange the

jacket please

of course again we are sorry for the


hi everybody my name is alicia in this

lesson i’m going to talk about how to


thank you in english i’m also going to

talk about some responses that you can


if someone says thank you to you so

let’s get started by looking at some

expressions to say

thank you in english first let’s begin

with the most

basic expression thank you so thank you

is easy to remember it’s polite and you

can use it in basically

any situation you can use it at work

with your friends

whatever slightly more casual is

thanks thanks so thanks is good to use

with friends

or for small favors you cannot say

thanks you however you can use thank you

or thanks some other things we do with

the expression

thank you are we add these two words to

the end of it

we use thank you very or thank you so

much thank you very much or thank you so


one thing we do when we use so is we


make the o sound really long thank you


much so that can help us show our


in a more like kind of casual and

friendly way

the difference between so and very here

is that so

sounds more casual i would use so

with my friends and thank you very much

in like a work situation or some some

situation where i want to sound

a little more polite so thank you so


thank you very much those sound great

you can use them anytime

let’s look at the next three then the

next three here

i’ve marked as thank you expressions you

can use when you want to

say thank you for a specific action

when you want to use like a verb thank

you for doing some

verb or when you want to use like a


noun so this one this thank you there’s


specific in this expression or in these


expressions we want to share something


so these patterns are thank you for

something something ing

so thank you for helping me for example

or thank you for cleaning the house

thank you for studying with me for

example so in this pattern i’m using

the ing the progressive form of the verb

you can change this uh like thank you

for the gift

thank you for the present thank you for

your time for example

so you can use a verb as i’ve done here


a noun phrase this one is similar

many thanks for something so again we

can use this same

ing form of a verb or we can use a noun


this sounds a little bit more polite

than this expression

many thanks for the meeting yesterday

many thanks for helping me with the

files i needed to put together

so this one sounds a little bit more

formal i tend to use this one

at the beginning of a work email like

many thanks for the

information or many thanks for the files

i like to use this in work emails

if you want to make it even more formal

you can try this one i greatly


i greatly appreciate your time or i

greatly appreciate

you attending our conference this year i

greatly appreciate all the work you did

for the event

so i greatly appreciate sounds really

formal or

when you really really want to

communicate strong

thanks to someone i greatly appreciate

they greatly appreciate

so you can choose a verb or a noun to

use here

okay so as i said this one is rather

formal um we can use an expression like


when we’re working in like an

organization so i mentioned

in this case you might use it for like a

work situation

this next one is similar we express

our sincere appreciation for something

so we express this we means like

our company our team our organization

we express so express means share or

say in some way communicate our sincere

so this is like sincerely at the end of

an email like

truly honestly genuinely we express our


appreciation our like gratitude

for this thing you did so here we see


which means we can follow this same

pattern actually

you can remove this we express our

sincere appreciation that’s fine

that becomes kind of like a general

thank you but

if you want to make it specific you can

add this

for and follow the same pattern we

talked about for these phrases

so we express our sincere appreciation

for your support

for example that’s kind of a very

company or

organization specific sentence or

expression of gratitude

we express our sincere appreciation for

your donation for example so i feel

perhaps this one might use

noun phrases more than verbs not always


uh perhaps more uh noun phrases here

so yes this is good for formal


especially in organizations because we

use this

we here of course you can change these

so that you use we or he or she like

we greatly appreciate is fine to use as


just depends on your situation anyway

let’s continue on to the next expression

which is thank you kindly for

so you’ll notice that this is very

similar to these like thank you

or thank you for the difference here is

we have this

kindly so we’re including kindly which


i feel like kind of this gratitude

and i want to express that i have kind

feelings for you thank you kindly for

something so it’s a nice and also kind

of polite expression

actually so you might think this sounds

friendly but this is something we use

more in work emails i would not use this

with a friend actually this would sound

too polite

to use with a friend so this is good in

work situations like thank you kindly

for the email thank you kindly for the


thank you kindly for meeting with me

this afternoon

so it sounds formal and it’s when you

want to express that kind of kind

feeling as well okay let’s go to the

next one

um this one is thank you for your

understanding this is a

set phrase so we don’t change this part

this thank you for your understanding

uh this always rem this remains the same


so thank you for your understanding this

is a polite expression

we use it for changes and for


so let’s say for example you receive a

letter in the mail

and it’s from like your mobile phone

company for example

and they say there’s a change to your

contract thank you for your


so it’s kind of sharing like some kind

of information

and this expression shows like we


in advance that you understand the


so it’s like we’re gonna we’re going to

make this change

so thank you uh thank you for maybe not

getting angry or thank you

for just um understanding the situation


so this is a formal expression used for

like changes to things and you’ll also

see it like i said

for inconveniences for example at like a

construction site

if there’s lots of noise or if it’s

really dirty and dusty

there might be a sign that says you know

construction in progress

which means we’re working now we’re

building something now thank you for

your understanding

so we appreciate your understanding of

the situation

so it’s kind of like an apology and

thank you at the same time

so this is a set phrase you can use this

in your organization in your company

but this is one that’s too formal to use

with friends i would not use this with


okay let’s move on to the next one

i really appreciate it so i have i

and really in parentheses here because

we can drop these from the sentence and

make a very

formal i’m sorry a very casual this is a

very casual

uh way to express thanks so

by that i mean among friends will often

just say

appreciated or just appreciated as well

if you want to make a full sentence you

can say i

appreciate it or i really appreciate it

those are great too you will hear native

speakers just

drop it though appreciate it so it

sounds friendly

it sounds like you really express your


and it’s just kind of a quick expression

that you can use so this is good for

your co-workers and colleagues

you can use this with friends as well it

won’t sound too polite so

this is great perhaps a little bit more

polite than just thank you um so you can

use it with friends like if your friend

has done you

kind of an interesting favor for example

okay let’s go on to the last one

the last one is actually two uh but this


kind of casual

friendly and perhaps unique

to certain people so some people might

choose to use these some people

might not anyway the expressions are

thanks a bunch

and thanks a million thanks a million

i’m a person who sometimes uses

thanks a bunch so a bunch means a lot of

something it’s like saying thanks a lot

but thanks a bunch which is a casual


um is less formal it’s very

like it’s very casual something we would

use with

friends i would use this if my friend

did something

small that helped me thanks a bunch um

you might get the feeling that it’s used

by people who have kind of like an

upbeat personality perhaps

um i feel that this tends to be used

more among women

actually too thanks a million on the

other hand is one that i don’t hear as

often as thanks a bunch so again a

million a million is a big number

we do not say thanks a hundred or thanks

a thousand or thanks a trillion

we only say thanks a million so again

this means thank you very much really

but it’s a casual friendly way of saying


um so like i said i tend to hear a bunch

more and it tends to be used more for

women though it’s okay for men to use

as well so thanks a bunch thanks a

million those are good ones to use with

your friends

if you like so to conclude then

how do you respond when someone says

thank you

so i made a big list of some very common


for thank you so most of these we use

and they don’t actually mean anything

other than like

agreement so at the top here is maybe my


sure so someone says thank you i say


or i say sure thing sure thing this is


it’s a sure thing so it’s kind of like

saying it’s

it’s real it’s true it’s genuine sure


this is another common one that’s very


very friendly many people like to use

one of these

no problem no problem or

no prob no prob so prob is just the


version the lim has been cut off of


so no prob is quite casual more casual


no problem so these are all okay to use

at work with your friends with your

family members i would not use them in a

formal situation though

continuing you bet you bet

again another one it’s like saying no


not a problem for me of course i will

help you or of course

no problem yep it’s a like a casual way

of saying

yes yep yep instead of yes so

yes sounds actually a little too polite

we don’t use yes so much we might say

yep instead

another one no sweat no sweat is kind of


no sweat means like there’s no reason

for you to sweat

so we sweat maybe when we get of course


but when we feel nervous or upset or

anxious about something

so no sweat means like don’t worry about

it it’s not a problem

no sweat so this one’s quite uh friendly

as well

another one for sure this is similar to


so for sure is another very positive

upbeat quick way to say

a response to thank you this one

is very common in work situations

and this is important i’ve made this

part in capital letters

the u here because the emphasis on your

response here is important

if someone says thank you and you say no

thank you

it’s like showing that both parties both

people did something

that helps the other person so for

example if someone comes to set up the

camera for the shoot

and i say thank you they might say

no thank you because i’m going to make

something with what they’ve set up so

we’re helping each other

so we can use an expression like this no

thank you

so your intonation matters here okay

another one is of course of course so

it’s like

it’s like saying of course i would help

you of course i want to help you or like

it was no

problem for me uh we have a good

relationship that’s the feeling here

i have included this you’re welcome on

the list

but this is not used that often it’s

correct to say if someone says thank you

you’re welcome you can use this um

it’s less friendly i feel than the other


you’re welcome you’re welcome you can

use this if you don’t know the other


or if it’s yeah if it’s like a stranger

you might use this

like a stranger holds the door open for


and you say thank you that person might


you’re welcome so this one is less

familiar so you can use this

um but again perhaps something that’s a

little bit closer

like in terms of relationship would be


finally not at all not at all is like no


no problem so if someone says thank you

you can say

not at all it’s like it means like it

was no trouble for me

it was no problem for me so we can use

all of these to respond to

thank yous in most cases

you can apply them to any of these

situations like thank you

if someone says thank you sure sure

thing yep no sweat you can use

all of them if you want and you can

combine them but generally just choose

one that’s fine and try to

use a mix of these to respond

keep in mind though that if someone uses

a more formal

expression like i greatly appreciate

your help or we express our sincere

appreciation for

your response should be kind of

matching in that formality level so we

express our sincere

appreciation for your support if you see


then you might use like um like

for example we really appreciate the

opportunity to

work with you so something like that

where you kind of return the same


might be better than just using a casual

expression like these for conversations

so you can kind of feel that um as you


level up your ways to say thank you but

in general

these are some pretty good responses for

you to start with

okay so i’m gonna end there i hope that

that was helpful for you

if you have any questions or comments or

have some different ways to say thank

you there are many

or some different responses there are

many please let us know in the comment

section of this video

of course if you liked the video don’t

forget to give it a thumbs up

subscribe to our channel if you have not

already and check us out at for some other

things that can help you with your

english studies

thanks very much for watching this

lesson and i will see you again soon

bye bye hi everybody my name is alicia

in this lesson i’m going to talk about

phrasal verbs that use

go so remember a phrasal verb is a verb

plus a preposition and then sometimes

something extra

so today i’m going to introduce a few

common phrasal

verbs with go that maybe you haven’t

heard of

there are quite a lot with this verb so

i want to introduce some that hopefully

you can use

right away let’s get started okay the


phrasal verb i want to talk about is go


go ahead this means permission or


to do something before others

so i’ve noticed on this channel for

example many viewers like to use

go ahead but they mean please continue

go ahead does not have the meaning of

please continue something

it means feel free to do

something before me so an example of

using go-ahead

might be go ahead and eat for example

i’m going to be home late today

go ahead and eat dinner so go ahead


before me so go ahead and

do something we’ll follow go ahead

oftentimes with

and go ahead of me and

do something some verb will follow this

so in this case go ahead and eat

is a very common way that we use this

one okay

let’s move along to the next phrasal

verb which is

go along with to go along with

something means to temporarily

temporarily means for a short time only

to temporarily believe something

that may be false so here i put maybe


this could be a story it could be a plan

it could be like just the way that

someone is behaving

but this means to temporarily believe so

yes temporarily can be a very short time

but this could be

over weeks months or years so

it’s something that perhaps has an end


at some point in time that doesn’t have

to be

very soon but you temporarily believe or

you pretend

to believe something here’s an example i

don’t want to go

along with this plan i don’t want to

go along with this plan

so here there’s a noun phrase i don’t

want to go along with this plan means i

don’t want to pretend

this plan is okay so kind of the feeling

here of to go along with something

is that you’re believing it and you’re

like pretending that you’re

uh agreeing with that thing or you’re

participating in that thing

so to go along with something it can

have a negative meaning

uh it can also have kind of like a

positive feeling like for example

a surprise birthday party like um

we need her to go along with the idea

that she’s not meeting her friends today

for example like we need her to

temporarily believe she’s not meeting

her friends

but it can have a negative feeling like

here i don’t want to go along with this

plan maybe the plan is bad or the plan

is kind of evil somehow so to go along

with something

is to believe something or to like

continue doing something to pretend

uh to agree with something that may not

be true

okay so let’s continue on to the next

phrasal verb

the next phrasal verb is to go around to

go around this has

two meanings actually the first is to be

enough for a group to be enough for a


the second one is one that you probably

or maybe

already know which is to move past

something by moving around it so there’s

some obstacle

that you face and you move around that


so that one is probably a little easier

to understand moving around

physically an obstacle in order to pass

the obstacle

however the one i want to focus on for

this lesson

is this one to be enough for a group to

go around

so in an example sentence do we have

drinks to go around

so here do we have drinks to go around

as a question means

do we have enough drinks for all the


in our group so go around is a shorter

way to say that

so you can imagine if you have a group

of people in a circle

you can like give each person one of


so that means to go around there’s

enough of something to go around

you will sometimes hear people include

enough in a phrase like this

do we have enough drinks to go around so

this refers to having enough

of something for everyone in a group

okay let’s move along to the next

expression the next phrasal verb

is go away go away this is probably one

that many of you know

to go away is often used as a command

without the to just go away command form

so it means to move away from the


location like to move away from the

white board for example

or to move away from the camera so

you’re moving away

from something so you’re not getting


it’s the opposite direction but like i

said we often use it as commands

so to tell someone to go away to tell a

pet to go away

another example i wish these bugs

would go away i wish these bugs would go


so in other words go away from me go

away from

me from the speaker so when we say go

away it’s

and it doesn’t have this kind of um like

reference point

it tends to mean like from the speaker’s


so i wish these bugs would go away from


okay let’s move along to the next

phrasal verb the next one is

go back or go back to so you’ll see


both used so to go back to

something let’s use that to go back to

something means to return

to a previous location

or you can use it for a phase like a

step in a project

or you can use it for a person to go

back to

a person to go back to a certain phase

of your project to go back to

a place so we use this when we’ve made

progress in some way or we’ve changed

our life in some way

and we return to something that we did


or we returned to a person that we

associated with earlier

when we use this expression to talk

about people

it’s often because we’re talking about a

romantic relationship

like for example he went back to his

ex-girlfriend or she went back to her

former boss for example so there’s

something that

like we knew in the past we knew was

true about the person in the past

and they returned to that point so we

can use go back to

to refer to that more commonly perhaps

though is when we just want to

return to something we saw earlier for


go back to slide two please so if you’re

giving a presentation

you could say go back to slide two

please return

to slide two so everyone saw slide two i

the speaker the presenter want to return

to that slide for

some reason so go back to something is

to return to something

okay let’s move along to another one

that’s very similar so we talked about

go back or go back to

now let’s look at go back on so to go


on something is to choose not

to do something as promised so we tend

to use this expression

with promises or agreements of some kind

so to go back on a promise means

you make the promise and then your

actions do not align with the promise

so in an example sentence the president

went back

on his promises so to go back

on his promises this means

the president made a promise and the

president’s actions

did not match that promise so for


the president of the company said he

would give all

employees their birthday off and then

they the president decided not to do

that in the end so

he made a choice he or she made a choice

not to make that

birthday policy happen so that would be

an example of the president going back

on his

promise so choosing not to do a thing

that you promised to do

in some cases people will do the

opposite of what they promised to do we

can use that as well

so to go back on and to go back two are


different um keep in mind to go back on

always sounds quite negative to go back


doesn’t necessarily sound negative it

can depending on um

what is being returned to like if you’re

if a person is going back to a negative

relationship for example

it could feel negative but to go back on

does have that negative feeling of like


okay so let’s continue on to the next

phrasal verb

which is go for to go for something to

go for something

means to try to obtain something or

someone to try to get

something or to try to get someone so

when i say to get

someone here this can mean like to get


as like a boyfriend or a girlfriend or

it can mean to try to get someone to


in something so you want someone to join

like a party or a conference or

something similar

you can use this expression in that case

so let’s look at an example

she’s going for the gold medal

so very common in the olympics in

sporting events in general

she’s going for here i have the

progressive tents she’s going for that

means she’s

trying to get the gold medal she’s going

for the gold is also a way that we say


so in this case it’s an object if you

want to use it to talk about a person

you could say like oh i tried to go for

that girl or that guy across the room


he or she wasn’t interested for example

so you’re trying to get or you’re trying

to attract

a person okay let’s move along to the

next one which is

go in on to go in on something

careful go back on and go in on or quite


go in on something to go in on something


to become one of a group of people

investing in something so investing

in many cases this means investing money

in something

in probably most cases with this


so you and some other people have

decided you all want the same thing

and you invest your resources in that


an example i went in on a shared office

so here we have past tense i went in

on a shared office so shared office is

the thing

that each person wants in this group we

don’t know how many people

but we use i went in on

this shows us that there are other

people who want the same thing

that we don’t have to mention the other

people i went in

i went in on a shared office so i

invested money perhaps time effort


in order to get this shared office with

other people

so to go in on something it does have

kind of a cooperative feeling about it

it’s neither

positive nor negative really okay

on to the next one the next one is go


to go off so to go off when you’re

talking about people to go off means to

lose your temper

means like to shout or to yell angrily

to go

off you’ll also hear um when something

goes off it could be like an alarm like

the alarm

went off this morning so it has kind of

the same

feel though like when a person goes off

they lose their temper they shout they

scream when an alarm

goes off it makes a lot of noise so you

can imagine

it’s sort of like an object losing its

temper or an

object making a lot of noise as well so

we can use this for a few

objects but we use it a lot for people’s

tempers as well

their emotions example a guy went

off at a cop so here you’ll see yes i’ve

used it in the past tense a guy

went off at a cop we can use

at after this to show the recipient

of the anger so in this case a cop so

cop is slang for a police officer

so a guy went off lost his temper at

a police officer i’ve used at here

you will also hear on like my mom went

off on me

is another common one or my mom went off

at me you might hear both of those

i think i probably use on more often

but you may hear at as well so to go off

on someone

means to lose your temper with someone


on to the next one the next one is to go


to go out so to go out means just to

leave your home

to leave your home so this can be used

i feel positively to refer to doing

activities outside of your house it’s

like you’re going to do something

fun for example why don’t we go out


why don’t we go out tonight so this is

one that you can use when you’re

thinking about

like planning activities so let’s go out

or we went out

to a movie last night for example so to

go out sounds like you’re out and about

doing things okay let’s move on to the

next one then

the next one is the expression go

together to go together

so yes this does mean to physically

go to another location with someone like

let’s go together let’s go to the movies


um but this also has the meaning of

suiting like to suit

or to combine well to suit or to combine


so we use this a lot for clothing


so a really common example sentence with


do these shoes and this shirt go


so the speaker here is asking about two


a pair of shoes these shoes the plural

and this shirt so the speaker is asking

do these

two sort of parts to my look go together

so one point to be careful about go


does not mean match so to match

means two things are exactly the same


the same to go together means they


well they combine nicely they look good


so you’ll often hear people actually

drop this

together people will sometimes say like

do these shoes and this shirt go do they


instead of go together so when we say go

in this way it means do they suit each

other like do they combine

nicely so we use this a lot for talking

about our clothes and for our appearance

so keep an eye out for this one it’s

quite common okay

let’s move on to the next one to go with

something or to go with someone to go

with or to go

i’m sorry to go with something to go

with someone means to choose

to choose we use this a lot in

restaurants uh

and kind of in any situation where we’re

making plans

like for example i’m gonna go

with the steak i’m gonna go with the


so here i have go with followed by the

object the speaker chooses

i’m gonna go with the steak so i chose

the steak or i choose

the steak if you’re using this to talk

about a person

you might be planning something like

you’re planning a team

like i’m going to go with person a for

this role in my company or this role at

the event

i’m going to go with person b for this

role so when you’re choosing people or

maybe you’re choosing

teams for something you could use go


it sounds kind of like a casual way of

choosing someone instead of choose like

i choose this person i choose that


using go with sounds a little bit

lighter a little less

formal okay so let’s continue to the

last one

in this list which is go without to go


so to go without something means to do


without typical items are typical people

so there’s some like common task some

kind of

well-known task or well-known activity


you have to do that thing without

something that you usually use so an


i had to go without rain gear for my


so imagine it’s a rainy day and the

speaker had to go

on this hike but without his or her rain

gear with

no rain gear without using this thing

that he or she

usually uses so to go without something

this does have a negative nuance that

this thing that i need

or this thing that i prefer to have that

it’s common to have

i did not have that for a task or an

activity that i was doing

so to go without something in another

example like maybe i could say

i had to go without a microphone for

this lesson like it would maybe

make it less of a good experience the

experience would not be as good or it

would be difficult

to do things so to go without something


tend to sound a little bit more negative


so this is a lot of information i know

but this is just a quick

introduction to some phrasal verbs that

use the word

go if you have any other questions or if

you want to know some more about

other phrasal verbs that use go i would

highly recommend checking a dictionary

there are a lot

of words a lot of expressions that use


so please take a look at a dictionary

for some more information

and some more example sentences as well

of course if you have questions or

comments or if you want to practice

making an example

sentence please feel free to do so in

the comment section of this video

of course if you like this lesson don’t

forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe

to our channel if you have not already

and check us out at

for some other things that can help you

with your english studies

thanks very much for watching this

lesson and i will see you again soon

bye-bye hi everybody my name is alicia

in this lesson i’m going to talk about


every and each i’m going to share some

differences in how we use these words

and a lot of example sentences so let’s

get started

okay i want to begin this lesson by

talking about

all all is a word we use to mean

100 percent of something

we can use all with the plural form of

a noun so let’s look at some example

sentences with all

the first one all students must purchase

the textbook all students so here i’ve


students the plural form of student

all students must purchase the textbook

this might be on like the class outline

for like a course of some kind at a

school all

students must purchase the textbook in

other words

100 percent of students must purchase

the textbook

in this case students means students in


course or students taking this course

all students in the course

must purchase the textbook let’s look at

the next example

all the gorillas escaped the zoo so this

is a strange example sentence

but here you might notice yes i’ve used

the plural form

all the gorillas yes again uh s

form or rather uh plural form here

all the gorillas escape the zoo

so lots of students ask why the here

know the here

we use the as you’ll see in these other

example sentences

when we want to refer to something

specific to the situation

that we know about from like prior

to this sentence so before this sentence

we had some information

so here of course it’s an example

sentence so we don’t have

information but this is something you

might see

in the news so as a reporter or someone

is sharing information about a story

they give a small detail like gorillas

in this case

and then when we want to talk about

those same gorillas later in the


we would use the all the gorillas so


gorillas we talked about earlier in the


so that’s why you’ll see the use


and not used in other times like here

like i could say

all the students in the class must

purchase the textbook that’s okay

we just need to make sure we use the

when the person

reading or listening understands like


noun you’re talking about so this is an


of how it might be used so all meaning


100 of the gorillas in this situation

escaped the zoo let’s move on to the

next sentence which also uses

the we weren’t able to recover

all of the files we weren’t able to


all of the files so here all connects


files again the plural form files so


all of the files or we weren’t able to


all the files it’s also okay you can

drop this of

if you like but you may hear it so again

we’re using

the files so in this situation the

we here they’re trying to recover like

regain or find something that’s lost or


so what are they looking for these files

in particular

so there’s some understanding between

the speaker and listener here

and the speaker in this case we they

want to

indicate these files specifically we

weren’t able to recover

all of the files so the files we were

talking about in a previous conversation

for example

okay finally all 15 of the students

graduated all 15 of the students

graduated so again i’m using students


in this case i have the so all 15

students graduated is also okay

it’s just a small nuance in conversation

if you’re talking maybe in a news story

about 15

students who made a special project

together or something

maybe interesting happened to these

students or maybe they had a terrible


but you want to report those same 15


graduated all 15 of the students


you would use the to talk about those

same students you introduced earlier in

your conversation

so saying something like all 15

students graduated is also okay

but we use the to really emphasize

those students we referred to earlier so

we use all to refer to 100

of something and we use it with the

plural form

of a noun as we’ve shown here okay

so with this in mind let’s continue to


every then every is used to talk about

all parts in a group so yes it means

all of something but we want to talk


all in terms of the parts of that thing

so i’ll show some examples of this in

just a moment

we use every with the singular form of a


we used all with the plural form we’re

going to use

every with the singular form of a noun

every also has this use we can use it


a time period to express frequency

so for example every day every month

every year

every summer that expresses frequency so

100 percent of days 100

of summers you can imagine it has that

meaning we cannot use all

in this way finally we can use

every with single for emphasis every


something like every single and we’ll

see some examples of this

a couple of points i want to mention

here uh

first let’s look at this one regarding

this time period

point make sure when you’re writing that

you use a space

after every so when you write every day

for example i’ve noticed this is a point

for many learners when you write every


make sure to write every space day

why because every day is an adjective so

without without a space here every day

every day is an adjective

so that means regular or common or

something that’s typical

so for example what are your everyday

activities or this is an everyday task

meaning a regular or common task so

please be careful

every day and every day have different


so please keep this in mind okay

with that said let’s take a look at some


first one every single person in our


failed the test every single person in

our class

failed the test here i have single in


so this is just sort of like an optional

emphasis expression

every single person here i have the

singular i talked about how we have to

use the singular

person here every single person in our


failed the test that means we want to


the individual people in the class

so yes this means 100 percent of people

but when i really want to emphasize the

individuals there

as parts of this whole i use every

and this adds to that emphasis every


okay let’s move on to the next one here

every team member has his or her

own specialty so again i’m using the

singular form every team member every

team member

so here we have a team so we know that


a group of people and we want to talk

about the individuals in that group

as parts of the whole so every team

member has his or her

own specialty i use every to talk about


i could use single here if i wanted to

every single team member

and that would make it sound even

stronger but we use this

to emphasize again parts in a whole

okay the next example sentence is

we go jogging together every

weekend we go jogging together every


so this every is this time period one

this frequency one that i talked about

we go jogging together every weekend so

every comes before my time period

this means 100 of weekends we go jogging


we go jogging together every weekend we

could change this to

every summer or every tuesday or every


for example but again make sure to keep

a space

between every and the following word

especially when you’re using

day okay finally i listen to music

every single day so again i’m using this

as a frequency expression i listen to


every day i can use single here

as well so i’m emphasizing every day

in this case i really want to make it

clear like i love

music so i listen to it every single day

like without fail so we can combine this

frequency expression

every something with a single to


okay great so this is an introduction to

every let’s move on now to each so

each is used again similar to every

when we want to talk about the

individual units in something

so the slight difference in feeling here

is that when we’re using every we’re

talking about parts

in a hole so like every team member for

example or every student in the class

there’s some

whole like some larger group we can


with each yes there maybe is like a

larger group

but we really want to focus on

individuals we really want the emphasis

to be on the

individual unit of something

second point we use each when there are

only two of something so

i’ll show you some examples of when this

can be important but if there are only

two of the thing you’re talking about

use each

to describe that not every okay

finally we can use this with the plural

and the singular forms of nouns so both

are okay

and there are a few different patterns

that we can take

finally you might see this expression


and every each and every is a set phrase

we cannot use every end each we don’t

use that

please use each and every we use this


a noun or again we could use this before


day or weekend to emphasize so this is

another emphasizing phrase each and


okay let’s look at some examples of


each first each of the computers

crashed each of the computers crashed so

this could mean

two computers and both of them crash

that could mean it

or it could mean like each computer in

like a computer lab crashed we could use

it in that way

so sentences like these maybe don’t

always give

all the information we need to know a

little bit about this situation

but this is an example of how we could

use each

with a plural noun each of the computers

crashed we cannot say each computers

crashed we could say each computer


but we cannot say each computer is

crashed each of the

computers is okay okay next one

each one of the companies donated

to charity each one of the companies

donated to charity

that means in some situation like an

event for example

and all of the companies that attended

the event

so each one of those companies we want

to emphasize

the individual companies there so each

one of the companies donated to charity

so again i’m using the plural form so

i could say each company donated to

charity as well that’s okay

all right let’s move on to some more

examples with the

singular form so each person helped

clean the parch each person helped clean

the park

so maybe it’s a volunteer organization


many people come and you can say each

person helped

clean the park so again emphasizing the

individuals there

finally marathon participants

will each receive a t-shirt

marathon participants will each receive

a t-shirt so that means

if you participate in the marathon you

will receive a t-shirt and that’s true

for 100

of marathon participants so we could use

maybe all to talk about this or maybe

even every to talk about these


we would just need to make some changes

like for example

all marathon participants will receive a

t-shirt is okay

as well or what’s another good example


all of the companies donated to charity

that’s okay too

so the difference in those cases is just


each gives more emphasis to an

individual all is more about like a


number of something so to finish this


i want to look at a few example

sentences and point out why they’re


or unnatural so i hope that this helps

you first

actually you’ll notice these are very

similar first one this sentence is okay

she wears earrings on each ear

she wears earrings on each ear so i’ve

used each in this sentence

and it sounds natural because there are

only two

in most situations i think people

probably have

just two ears so each means one

two both of them she wears earrings on

each ear sounds

very natural the next example sentence

is not natural though

she wears earrings on every ear this

sounds strange

because every is used to refer to part

of a group

so we use two for each and we only have

two ears for most of us

so every refers to something with like

more than

two in this case it sounds really

strange because we don’t expect someone

to have more than two ears

so every sounds bizarre i don’t

recommend it

same thing with the next one she wears


on all ears so again all

refers to a large number of something so

all ears does not sound natural because

we have just

two ears so in cases like these like

maybe you’re talking about body parts

for example it’s going to sound much

more natural to use

each when you’re talking about something

you have

only two of however let’s go on

to these next three sentences which all

sound natural

she wears a ring on every finger

she wears a ring on every finger this

sentence sounds fine

because for most people we have 10


it’s a large number and so we want to


in this case she wears a ring so one

ring on

every finger so we’re emphasizing these

individual parts of the hole of all of

our fingers this group that is our


the next one is also natural she wears


on all her fingers you might hear some

people drop

her she wears rings on all fingers so

that means we’re emphasizing like the


here so we’re not talking so much about

the individual fingers but just all

she wears rings on all her fingers


she wears a ring on each finger is also

okay to use so she wears a ring on each

finger if you really want to emphasize

one by one these individual fingers

so this one has the strongest feeling of

like individuality one by one every

would be next she wears a ring on every


and then when you want to emphasize like

a group feeling

she wears rings on all her fingers so

just keep in mind sentences like these

are definitely not natural and i don’t


you use them because it’s going to sound

really strange

so try to focus on sentences like these

i hope that this helps you okay but if

you have any questions or comments

please feel free to let us know

in the comment section of this video of

course if you like the lesson don’t

forget to give it a thumbs up

subscribe to our channel if you have not

already and check us out at

for some other things that can help you

with your english studies thanks very

much for watching this lesson and i will

see you again

soon bye bye hi everybody welcome back

to know your verbs my name is alicia and

in this lesson we’re going to talk about

the verb

lie let’s get started

the basic definition of the verb lie is

to be in

or to move to a horizontal position

examples i’m going to lie on the sofa

and read a book

we lay in the grass enjoying the sun

now let’s look at the conjugations of

this verb

present lie lies past

lay past participle lane

progressive lying

now let’s talk about some additional

meanings for this verb the first

additional meaning

is to have a certain place or position

examples the town lies at the base of

the mountains

here lies the famous poet so in these

example sentences

lie refers to the position of something

in the first example sentence the town

lies at the base of the mountains it


the town is located at the base of the

mountains the town’s position is at the

base of the mountains

in the second example sentence here lies

the famous poet

it means here is the famous poet this is

the location of the famous poet

however this is sort of a special


here lies person is used for the body of

a person a person who has

died a person who has passed away when

we want to describe the location where

their body

is we say here lies so and so here lies

the famous poet

here lies my former pet for example so

you can use it for pets i supposed to


here lies before the person let’s go to

the second additional meaning for this

verb the second additional meaning is to

purposefully give false information

examples don’t lie to me

the company found out she lied on her

resume so this use of lie

refers to someone purposefully meaning


plan to share information that is

not true it’s false or there’s something

that’s not correct about it

so they’re doing it on purpose it’s not

just a simple mistake

it’s a plan so a lie is typically

regarded as a bad thing

though there are some situations where

we might lie to

i don’t know help a situation that’s

beside the point

uh but in the first example sentence

don’t lie to me

it means don’t tell me false information

don’t say things to me that are not

true in the second example sentence lie

is used to refer to lying on a resume

a resume is a document you give to a

potential employer

it lists your work experience and your

education history whatever is relevant

related to that

job to lie on your resume means to


false information on your resume

information that is not

true so this is a big problem this is

not a good thing to do

so lying is considered bad so we use the


lie to refer to that action to give

false information the third additional

meaning is to belong to

to belong to let’s look at some examples

responsibility for the success of this


lies with you the secret to this dish

lies in the sauce so this might be a

little bit

tough to understand but let’s look at

the examples carefully

so this meaning of lie to belong to

can be attached to like to people to

talk about their responsibilities or

their obligations

it can also be attached to objects as we

see in the second example sentence

to talk about some kind of

characteristic or feature

of those things in the first example

sentence we see the responsibility for

the success of the project

lies with you in other words the

responsibility belongs to you

you have the responsibility of making

this project

successful in the second example


we see some special characteristic


so it’s about the sauce there so like

the secret to the dishes deliciousness


is uh in the sauce so it belongs to the

sauce so there’s something special about

the sauce that makes the dish delicious

in other words the secret to the dish


in the sauce belongs to the sauce

there’s something in the sauce that

makes it special

so you can think of this use of lie as


belong to to describe responsibility or

a special feature

something like that there’s a special

something that

consists within that thing

let’s go to some variations now some

variations with the verb

lie the first one is to lie low to lie


this means to be quiet or to refrain

from activities usually because you want

to hide for some reason

some examples i’m going to lie low until

all this drama is over

let’s lie low and see what our

competitors do

so the image here of lie low like if you

can remember back to the

basic definition of the verb to lie

which means to be

in or to move to a horizontal position

like you lie

in bed if you lie low it sounds like

you’re maybe at that horizontal position


at a low level like you’re hiding kind


so we use this as an expression to mean

like we want to be

out of sight like we don’t want to be

seen so maybe we did something

embarrassing or disgraceful or maybe

there’s trouble

out there like at work or in society

or something that we don’t want to be

involved in something we don’t want to

be connected in for a while

so we can say i’m going to lie low the

idea with this is that it’s

temporary we’re not going to lie low

forever usually we lie low for a short

period of time

and then we come back to our regular way


living life and doing things the second


is to lie around to lie around

this can refer to two things one that an

object is in a place

it’s not usually in or two to refer to a


doing nothing absolutely nothing they

lie on the bed or they lie on the sofa

and do

nothing examples my phone is lying

around here somewhere

i just want to lie around all weekend so

in the first example sentence we see it

refers to

a phone in a place where it’s not

supposed to be

so maybe my phone has a specific spot in

my house i always put my phone here

but now it’s not there i’m looking for

it so i can say my phone is lying around


somewhere i don’t know where in the

second example sentence it’s about a


doing nothing like i just want to lie

around all weekend

that means i want to do nothing i want

to relax all weekend

maybe lying in bed or lying on my sofa

lying on the beach perhaps

so this means doing nothing relaxing


so those are a few new ways i hope to

use the verb

lie there are lots of different ways to

use this verb so if you have any

questions or comments or if you want to

try to make some example sentences

please feel free to do so in the comment

section of this video

of course don’t forget to give us a

thumbs up subscribe to our channel and

check us out at for

other good english study resources

thanks very much for watching this

episode of know your verbs and we’ll see

you again

soon bye-bye no lies we’re told in the

making of this episode

to my knowledge hi everybody welcome

back to know your verbs my name is

alicia and in this lesson we’re going to

talk about the verb

match let’s get started

the basic definition of the verb match

is to combine

well with something else examples

the new product lineup matches our

customers needs

his shirt matched his pants nicely

now let’s look at the conjugations for

this verb present

match matches past

matched past participle matched

progressive matching

now let’s talk about some additional

meanings for this verb

first one to be equal to another thing


person some examples our products match

our competitors quality

at a lower price she matched her boss

drink for drink

so in the first example sentence the

speaker’s product and the competitor’s

product have the same level of quality


match in terms of quality however the

price of the speaker’s product is

cheaper it’s at a lower price

so that’s the point of the speaker

statement same quality but our product


cheaper maybe a common sales tactic in

the second

example sentence we see she matched her

boss drink for drink

it means for each drink her boss took

she also had a drink so matching drinks

is like doing the same thing as someone

else drinking the same amount as someone

else so she matched

her boss she matched her boss so she was

uh equal she was at an equal level to

her boss in this respect

okay let’s go on to the second

additional meaning the second additional

meaning is to give the same

amount of money that has been collected


offered examples we’ll match donations

one dollar for one dollar the store

offered to match competitor prices

so this is a specific use of the word

match that’s related to

money so if like a charity organization

is trying to raise money for something

often times

other organizations or individuals will

agree to

match certain amounts or match the

amount of money raised

we see that in the first example

sentence so we’ll match one dollar for

one dollar

means for each dollar that is donated

this whoever speaking this organization

or this person

will donate one dollar also so if 100

um is like the total amount that’s


then the speakers organization or the

speaker themselves

will also give 100 so this amount and

this amount will be

the same that’s called matching

donations in the second example sentence


about matching competitor prices this


that if a competitor has a lower price

for a product

this shop will offer the same price

so that means that the shop is changing

its price to

match the competitors price so they’re

trying to match the amount

offered by the competitor there so

matching prices in this way

means that they will change prices to

offer the best price possible for the


so the next additional meaning is to be

the same as something else to be the

same as something else

examples her outfit matched one

worn by a model in a magazine your

hairstyle matches my dogs

so this means not to be similar or not

to combine well but to be

the same as something else exactly the

same as something else

so in the first example sentence her


matched one worn by a model in the

magazine it means her

outfit is the same as the one that’s in

this magazine so maybe she was inspired

by this outfit in the magazine

so she matches they are wearing the same


the second one is kind of a joke

sentence your hairstyle matches my dog’s

hairstyle so i’ve dropped hairstyle from

that sentence

your hairstyle matches my dogs it means

your hairstyle

and my dog’s hairstyle are the same so

it’s probably a joke i can’t think of

many situations where

this would be a compliment but

just an example sentence so this means

that these two things

are the same they are the same you match

you match

so this is common if you happen to wear

like the same clothes as someone else if

just accidentally though like you didn’t

plan it you arrive to something and

you’re wearing the same thing as someone


we can say oh my gosh you match you guys

match you’re wearing the same thing

okay let’s move on to some variations

for this verb

the first variation i have two included

for this is to match up

or to match somebody up this means

to introduce somebody for dating to

introduce two people

for dating examples my friend tried to

match me up with someone

a co-worker matched up two acquaintances

quite successfully

so this match up refers to combining

two people so we talked about the basic

definition of this verb like

two things that combine together well in

this case when we say to match

up or to match somebody up it refers to

finding two

people who are a nice fit they combine

together well

so you might hear this like to match you

up with somebody i want to match you up

with somebody

so this means dating trying to set up a


the next variation is to match somebody


somebody else this means to put two


of equal ability levels in competition

against one another so that means these

two people have about the same level of


it shouldn’t be out of balance ideally

it should be about the same

level examples serena williams was

matched against anna kournikova

let’s match the top japanese chef

against the top french chef for the


so these example sentences are intended

to show

situations where there’s a pair of

people that are

evenly matched but maybe they have

different abilities like different


so their abilities themselves are maybe

at the same level

but maybe they have some kind of

different details in there somewhere

so to match in this way to match one

person against another person

is for like competitive reasons for some

contest or sport or something like that

okay so those are a few new ways i hope

that you can use the word

match if you have questions comments or

want to leave an example sentence

please feel free to do so in the comment

section of this video

don’t forget to give us a thumbs up

subscribe to our channel and check us

out at for other

study resources

thanks very much for watching this

episode of know your verbs and we’ll see

you again soon bye-bye

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language


where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips

study tools and resources by the way

all the lessons and bonuses you’re about

to see can be downloaded for free

on our website so click the link in the

description right now to sign up for

your free lifetime account okay

today’s topic is how to adjust your

routine and learn language from home

many of us are spending more and more

time at home

so how do you make the best of this time

and learn your target language

learning at home can be tough with all

the distractions and in this episode

you’re going to discover the pros and

cons of learning at home

and how to successfully learn from home

without getting distracted


but first listen up here are this

month’s new lessons and resources

first the love conversation cheat sheet

do you know how to ask someone out in

your target language with this new cheat

sheet you’ll master

tons of romantic phrases just in time

for valentine’s day

download it for free right now second


slang words and phrases pdf ebook do you

know any slang in your target language

if not download this free ebook and

master all the must-know slang across 10


third can you talk about containers in

your target language

learn how to say box bottle bin and much

more with this quick vocabulary bonus

fourth must know valentine’s day


can you talk about valentine’s day in

your target language you’ll be able to

with this quick one minute vocabulary


fifth the top 15 encouraging phrases

want to be able to say positive phrases

like believe in yourself

and don’t give up then get this bonus

phrase lesson

to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay let’s

jump into today’s topic


how to adjust your routine and learn

language from home

recently many people have started to

work and take classes from home

with language learning since it’s

something people do in their own time

a lot of it is done at home anyway but

that doesn’t mean that all of this

hasn’t affected how people learn

if you use the language learning app or

listen to lessons during your commute

but you don’t commute anymore

the pandemic has probably ruined your


with many of us spending more time at

home being able to learn from home

efficiently is a good skill to have

because while learning or working from

home sounds good it’s not exactly easy

to do

part one the pros and cons of learning

at home

first the pros there’s convenience you

can learn whatever you want

you also have more time in the day since

you’re not commuting

or walking from the train station into

work it’s also easier to practice


many people might find it hard to

practice on the train or at a lunch

break or in the office during work

it might sound a little strange but at

home you can dedicate

more time to practicing speaking what’s

your favorite pro of learning at home

leave us a comment now what about the


distractions there are a lot more

distractions at home

there’s the tv there’s the couch and the

food and family members coming in and


next there’s no physical or mental

separation between rest and work which

is crucial for focus

it’s the same reason why people prefer

going to the gym instead of working out

from the comfort of their own home

if you’re in a place where there’s only

one goal like working out

and you’re surrounded by people working

out you’ll have no problem doing it

but if you’re in a place you associate

with rest eating and watching tv

you might have trouble focusing but if

you’re spending more time at home

then you should at least make the best

of it and learn your language at home

part two how to successfully learn from


without getting distracted so here’s how

you do it

first pick a dedicated place for

learning and preferably not your bed

just like an office is associated with

working time and your bedroom is

associated with rest

you need a place associated with

language learning it could be your desk

in the corner of the room

it could be your basement as long as

it’s far from distractions and places of


second pick a time that way for example

when it’s 9 pm you know it’s time to put

in 10 minutes of language learning

three time box your study sessions

what’s time boxing

time boxing is simply setting a fixed

amount of time for an activity

for example you’re going to dedicate the

next 10 minutes to language

and nothing else if you usually have

trouble concentrating

time boxing is a good way to set

boundaries and get things done

four start small just like with setting


measurable goals and realistic routines

don’t set aside two hours for study time

instead try to time box 5 10 or 15


and stick with that for a week or two

you can always increase your time later

once you get more comfortable with your


five do multiple sessions in one day

instead of trying to master a lesson in

the lesson dialogue in one

shot space out your learning throughout

the day

in the morning afternoon and at night so

take an audio or video lesson

and read along with the lesson notes in

the morning you’ll get acquainted with

the conversation

all the words and grammar rules don’t

rush to memorize it all

you’ll come back to it later in the day

and do this for around

5 to 15 minutes during the day practice

shadowing the dialogue practice

recalling the words

do this for around 10 minutes you can

also write out the lesson dialogue

practice using the grammar rules or

drill the words with flashcards

and at night come back and review for

about 10 minutes

you can re-listen to the lesson or just

the dialogue track

by doing multiple sessions in one day

you’ll be a lot more comfortable with

the language

simply because you spaced out your

learning and came back to review

and while it may feel repetitive it’s

the repetition that helps you master the

language over the long term

  1. use at home time to practice speaking


it would be hard to practice if you were

commuting or out on a walk

but if you’re at home you can easily

speak out loud without drawing attention

or feeling embarrassed

so to recap one pick a specific place

for learning

that’s far from distractions like your

bed two

pick a specific time for studying three

time box your study sessions four start


five do multiple sessions in one day and


use at home time to practice speaking


so thank you for watching this episode

of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about the power of

learning a language with someone else

if you enjoyed these tips hit the like

button share the video with anyone who’s

trying to learn a language and subscribe

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if you wanted to learn a language even

just 25 years ago

you would have needed to go to a library

take in-person classes and dig for the

right resources

before you could even begin regular

practice sessions you had to find the

tools you needed to learn

now with just a quick google search you

can find literally anything you need to

learn a language online

if you forget how to conjugate a verb

you can refresh your memory right away

on wikipedia

if you want to watch a foreign language

movie with subtitles you can search for

one on youtube

you can even have one-on-one lessons

with native speakers of the language

you’re studying

tons of platforms offer video and audio

lessons these days the challenge is

finding the resources that are right for


in this video we’re going to take a look

at how you can get the most out of our

language learning resources

number one aim for one podcast a day

at the beginning of your studies it’s

easy to set a big target like two hours

of language practice every day

but for most of us that’s not realistic

after a long day of work or school

it’s difficult to commit to more hours

studying language

instead you can make your goal to do

small things consistently

this can help you move forward sometimes

almost without you noticing it

try to listen to one podcast every day

they’re only 10 to 15 minutes so

everyone can make time for that

you can review previous podcast lessons

or listen to new lessons

just make sure you get in one each day

number two use the lesson review tools

if you want to maximize your learning

after you listen to a podcast

make sure to use the lesson review tools

reviewing what you’ve learned is an

important part of learning anything

the more you see or practice a specific

word or phrase

the better you’ll remember it number


review the 2000 most common words in

spaced repetition flashcards

in each language there are some words

that make up the majority of written

and spoken conversation you can use this

knowledge to focus your studies

if you learn the 2000 most common words

in the language you’re studying

you’ll have a great foundation the

vocabulary lists in our program are a

great tool for this

you’ll get example phrases with the

target words you can listen to the

correct pronunciation and intonation of

each word

use these lists along with a spaced

repetition program and create your own

flash card deck

this is a great thing to have on your

phone you can study vocabulary on your

commute when waiting for someone or

while traveling

number four make use of short periods of



how much time do you spend every week

doing things like commuting

shopping for groceries walking or

cleaning probably more than a couple of

hours right

these are examples of time you can be

using to build your language skills

you can use it to listen to language

podcasts and you can do this without

specifically scheduling a time to


if you have all the resources you need

wherever you are you can use

every opportunity you have to practice

you can download all of our lessons to

your phone each season of podcasts will

be stored as an

album so it’s easy to put on your

headphones and listen to a quick lesson

whenever you’ve got the time

number five have the right expectations

it’s easy to find all sorts of so-called

quick language learning systems and

secret tricks that promise fluency in

just a couple months or even weeks

while you might find some good tips now

and then most of these claims are not

based in reality

make sure you don’t measure your own

progress against these impossible


if you’ve been told you can completely

master a new language in three months

but by the end of your studies you’ve

made just a little bit of progress

it can be demotivating fluency in a

language can take years to attain

and getting the confidence to use that

language can take more time

set small goals for yourself when you’re

learning when you achieve them

celebrate learning a new language is not

a short-term journey but with our

resources you can see improvements

every day if you want to get more tips

on learning language check out our

complete language learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

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have you ever wondered if you could

learn a language faster

we asked our experienced learners for

their best tips so you can steal these

and use them for yourself

in this video you’ll discover five

tactics for faster language learning

number one try more challenging lessons

to improve faster

if you’re wondering why should i try a

harder lesson

think about the gym studying is a bit

like working out

if you want to get bigger and stronger

you need to exercise with heavier


but you might think if i try a harder

lesson i won’t be able to understand


remember that’s normal when you can’t

understand 100 of a lesson

it means there are things in the lesson

for you to learn keep in mind that you

should challenge yourself

but not choose lessons that are

impossible and make sure to use the

tools you have to study the things you

don’t know

with our learning program teachers break

down the conversation in every lesson

you also get the translations and

explanations right there on the lesson


there are also lesson notes transcripts

and dialogue study tools for you to use

remember how you felt when you started

studying and try to keep that beginner


when you realize you don’t understand

something don’t run away from it

instead use the tools you have to work

to understand it

this will help you learn faster number


put your learning on autopilot imagine

you have a bunch of learning apps and


maybe you have a bunch of study tools on

your smartphone or a bunch of books

piled on a table you want to read

where do you even begin a lot of

learners begin with a lot of enthusiasm

so they buy a lot of resources but then

get overwhelmed

they’re not sure where to start or what

to do or how to continue

let’s think about a textbook it’s easy

to understand how to use a textbook

you follow the pages begin with chapter

1 then go to chapter 2 chapter 3 and so

on until you finish the book

the road forward is clear you don’t have

to think about anything

except moving forward with your studies

so how do you apply this kind of

autopilot approach if you’re not using a


you can actually do this with our

language learning program’s tracking


with our progress tracking dashboard

once you’ve chosen your learning level

we’ll give you a recommended lesson

pathway and feed you lessons one by one

the dashboard will tell you which

lessons to take from lesson one to

lesson two to lesson three

you’ll be guided as you work on


number three read lines from the lesson

dialogue out loud slowly

then re-read and increase your speed

this tactic is powerful for two reasons

it helps you become able to read faster

and speak faster

speaking smoothly is something many

beginners say they struggle with

so this kind of practice can be very

beneficial for beginning learners

with our language learning program for

every lesson you get a conversation

read the dialogue with the line-by-line

dialogue read out loud slowly once

then re-read a bit faster then again and


increasing your speed until you can say

the lines comfortably

and sound like a native you can take it

a step further and try to memorize the

dialogue too

try recalling it after your study

session and say the lines out loud

this kind of review will help you

progress and help you remember

number four review old lessons to master

them completely

review is essential for your learning if

you come across a new word

you won’t remember it if you see it only

once it takes repetition to remember


make sure to take time to review past


give your brain a chance to remember the

things you studied previously

for example if you try our listening

comprehension lessons and you don’t


absolutely everything check the

translations and try listening again

use the study tools you have available

to make the most of your review sessions

number five download the dialogue tracks

and listen to the conversations

this is a super popular immersion tactic

here’s how it works

when you’re done with a lesson download

the dialogue track

you’ll get the conversation in your

target language then

make a playlist of the dialogue tracks

each track is about 10 to 30 seconds


you can even put the tracks and

playlists on your device and listen to

them throughout the day

just as you would listen to music this

helps make the language feel a bit more


more like part of your everyday life

instead of music you’re immersing

yourself in conversations

this can be a great way to work on

improving your listening skills

this video covered five tips to help you

learn a language faster

for even more ways to learn faster check

out our complete language learning


sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the

description get tons of resources to

have you speaking in your target


and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

want to speed up your language learning

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all cultures have a form of music music

is one of the most basic tools we can

use to learn a language

parents use music and songs to teach

their young children simple words

music can help us focus help us remember

better and thus help us as we acquire

a language music can aid our

coordination and physical development


so how do we use music to support our

language learning now

as grown people in this video we’ll look

at four ways to use music to study a


imitating structures and rhythms is

important when learning a language and

the same is true for music

when children play with other children

they listen to songs move their bodies

as they play games

and try to imitate what they see and

hear this practice of regular imitation

aids children as they gain their

language skills repeating song lyrics

like those from nursery rhymes

helps kids retain words and expressions

children may not know the meanings of

all the words in the songs they sing

but they remember the songs the

vocabulary and the rhythms

children practice making sounds by

mimicking the pronunciation of words

this can be the first step to the child

understanding the meaning and use of a


you might not realize it but you

probably still remember many of the

songs and rhymes you learned when you

were a child

we’re able to remember expressions words

and ideas effectively when they’re put

to music

this is also the reason you can memorize

the lyrics of songs you like rather


patterns like those in many popular

songs are repetitive

we review the rhythms and the words each

time we listen

everybody’s different so if you want to

use music to support your language


we’re here to provide four different


number one passive listening

one way to study with music is through

passive listening

you can do this with songs you have in

your target language on your computer

a cd your favorite streaming site you

can use this method as long as you have

access to music in the language you want

to study

turn the music on and let it play in the

background while you do something else

like studying cooking dinner or cleaning

the house

do this regularly and let your mind get

used to the idea of hearing your target

language in your environment

this kind of familiarity with the

language will help you as you work

towards fluency

passive listening is one form of

language immersion as you listen to the

background music over and over and get

more comfortable with it

you’ll start to notice key words

intonation grammar patterns and so on

with enough practice and with enough

different music to listen to

you might even start to recognize

certain sounds and words when you hear

them somewhere else

number two memorization you can use

music to help build your vocabulary and

memorize words effectively

this method focuses on studying lyrics

and songs to improve your ability to

recall the words

look up the lyrics to a song you’re

listening to and review them line by


you can read the lyrics as you listen to

the song or try to remember the next

line in the song before it is sung

memorization practice like this enhances

your listening skills and boosts your

reading skills

number three sing along

our first tip in this lesson was to

listen passively

this tip however is to listen actively

by singing along to your music

look up the lyrics of a song you like

play the song and try to sing along

you may also be able to find videos on

youtube of popular songs with the lyrics


if it’s difficult at first don’t worry

remember regular review and practice is


just as we usually need to hear a song

in our native language a few times

before we remember the words

you can expect to need to listen several

times over a few days before you feel

comfortable with all the words

through practicing this way you’ll learn

grammar spelling and pronunciation

you’ll also get to enjoy a song you like


this type of exercise will help you work

on your reading and listening skills

a good way to check your progress is by

trying to sing the song by yourself

you can sing with no music or you can

try looking for a karaoke version of the

song you like

if you can sing all the words great if

not you can go back to the lyrics and

study a bit more until you master the


number four transcription to do this

exercise listen to the song

as it plays write down or transcribe the


you can start and stop the song at the

end of each line to slow things down a


if you begin your studies with this

method you might catch only a few words

but don’t get frustrated play the song

and write down everything you can hear

then play the song again and write down

the words that you missed the first time

you listened

with practice like this your listening

skills will improve and so will your


these are just a few ways that you can

use music to study another language

be patient and don’t forget to enjoy the

music you’re listening to as you study

if you want to start simple try

listening to children’s songs in your

target language

the song lyrics tend to be repeated a

lot and this can help you identify key

words quickly

learning a language through music is fun

it can help you focus your attention and

improve your memory

this can be a great part of your

self-study plan

if you want to get more tips on learning

language check out our complete language

learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time

bye want to speed up your language


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and master real conversations sign up

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when learning a new language

everyone should have an ultimate goal to

work towards whether you want to be able

to connect with a relative

easily order food while traveling or go

somewhere new

having an end goal for your learning can

be very motivating

a popular but challenging goal is being

able to speak like a native speaker

it’s difficult to measure exactly when

you reach this goal and it’s not

something you can pick up using

textbooks alone

so how do you work on making your speech

more natural

that’s what we’re going to look at today

here are three tips to help you practice

talking like a native speaker number one

focus on vocabulary if your goal is to

speak like a native

you might be really focused on speaking

quickly or using as many complex grammar

patterns as possible

but in our native languages we’re not

always trying to speak as fast as


and we use complex grammar patterns when

necessary not to show off

vocabulary however is extremely

important to expressing ourselves


your choice of words can reveal a lot

about you and your understanding of the


most learners have had the experience of

using a phrasebook or a dictionary to

find a word they want to use

trying the word in conversation and

getting a look of confusion from the

native speaker

in some cases although your word choice

may be grammatically correct

the word may be inappropriate for the

situation or totally unnatural

this is especially important in business

and other formal situations

where the right level of formality and

professionalism is key

being able to understand nuances and

vocabulary words

can also help you understand

relationships between people

just by listening to the conversation

try to listen to many different types of


listen to how people talk to their

friends their superiors and in customer

service situations

this will give you a better idea of how

to talk to others naturally

in some languages you can omit words

from sentences or use more direct

communication styles

it’s important to be aware of these

things so you can apply them yourself

colloquialisms and slang are also

commonly used in most languages

as this sort of vocabulary is always

evolving it can be difficult to keep up

with the latest words

talk with native speakers and consume

media in your target language to make

sure you pick up these kinds of


media is a great resource for your


ultimately knowing the appropriate

vocabulary to use for each situation

will really help you sound more


number two perfect your accent

with every language there are unique

pronunciation and intonation challenges

some languages are tonal languages and a

change in pitch

can completely change the meaning of a

word then there’s the fact that most

countries have multiple dialects

and so people from one area of the

country may sound different from those

in another

so what is the best way to listen to a

wide range of accents and different


video and audio resources are a great

way to do this

youtube is a perfect place to start

because people from all kinds of

different backgrounds

upload videos to the platform you can

watch educational videos daily life

vlogs cooking shows a travel series

whatever interests you

pay attention to the different ways

people speak everyone is unique

and then practice speaking like them

this kind of practice can help you sound

more natural

one note please be aware of the type of

resources you’re using

for example if you find a video where a

speaker uses a rare dialect

it might not be a good idea to use that

for your pronunciation practice

unless you have a special reason for

studying a specific accent

as a general rule it’s best to try to

search for practice resources that use a

standard form of the language you’re


number three copy what you hear

do you remember how you learned to speak

as a child we rarely learned new words

just listening to them

or reading after we learned how when we

were little kids we imitated the sounds

we heard

by repeating the sounds out loud while

you’re talking to a friend watching

videos or listening to audio in your

target language

you can do this to try and replicate the

way they speak

doing this will help you work on

mastering the flow of the language

your accent intonation and pronunciation

of course

you might also pick up some new

vocabulary this way

make sure to repeat new words often it’s

a great way to make sure you remember


try doing this using a number of

different mediums and sources

that way you’ll be exposed to the

diversity that the language offers and

master the fundamentals of pronunciation

for example you can watch and imitate

several different youtube videos and

audio cds

but try a few different sources like

different creators or different audio


to make sure you experience a wide range

of communication in your target

language if you’re using our language

learning program you can even get your

own teacher with premium plus

your teacher can answer questions give

assignments and even listen to your

recordings and give you advice on


completing these kinds of lessons with a

native teacher can really boost your

confidence in your speaking skills

becoming able to speak like a native is

a popular goal for many people learning

a new language

it feels great to be able to communicate

smoothly especially when the people

you’re talking

to expect basic level sentences or

broken communication

try using the tips we’ve shared in this

video to work on improving your speaking


of course it’ll take time and

persistence but the reward will be more

natural communication

and for even more tips on speaking check

out our complete language learning


sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

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