Your Monthly Dose of English Best of September 2021

want to learn your target language for

free then get our language gifts of the

month right now before they expire

here’s what you’re getting this month

first the renting an apartment

conversation cheat sheet learn how to

say how much is the rent how many

bedrooms are there and much more with

this new pdf cheat sheet

second printable visual flash cards

that’ll improve your vocabulary

want to speak more of the language

you’ll need to learn more words

and with our new printable visual

flashcards you’ll easily master over 1

500 words just download and print these

flashcards out

third the top 50 marine animals and fish

how well do you know animal names in

your target language

with this lesson you’ll learn how to say

shark whale dolphin and much more

fourth how to talk about your day in 20

phrases if you can’t talk about your day

yet this one minute lesson will get you

speaking you’ll learn 20 must-know

phrases from talking about waking up and

brushing your teeth to dinner and going

to sleep

fifth looking for a new language

learning app with the innovative 101 app

you learn language fast and start

speaking in minutes because the audio

and video lessons are just 3 to 15

minutes long

learning is that easy download

innovative 101 for free for the android

iphone and ipad and finally the deal of

the month

if you want to finally master the

language with lessons by real teachers

and our complete language learning

program get 35 off basic premium or

premium plus with the summer sale to get

your gifts and language learning

resources click the link in the lesson

description below download them right

now before they expire


can we have a bottle of wine with the


we have a bottle of wine with the meal

so if you go to a restaurant and you

want to order a bottle of wine to go

with your dinner you can ask this

question can we order a bottle of wine

to go with the meal another really

common way to do this is just to ask for

the wine list if you want to order a

glass of wine you can do this or if you

want to order a bottle of wine you can

do this you can just ask the staff

person can i see the wine list please or

can i have the wine list please if

there’s one available they will bring it

to you and you can choose a glass or a

bottle to go along with your meal okay

next is

can i have a glass of water please

i have a glass of water please

okay so depending on the country and

depending on the restaurant that you go

to staff might not automatically provide

water at the restaurant you visit if you

need to ask the staff for water you can

say can i have a glass of water please

or you might just say can i have some

water please or just water please

something simple like that is the best

way to ask for water at your table

okay next expression

can i get one more serving please

can i get one more serving please

so this is a very polite way to say one

more of this please if you have one dish

and you ate it at your table and you

want another one you can say can i have

one more serving of this if you want to

be really polite i would probably say

something like can i have another one of

these or can we have one more of these

or you could even name the dish like

could we have one more of this appetizer

you can ask for one more or one more

serving when you want another one of

something you’ve already ordered

what’s the special for today

what’s the special for today

some restaurants might have what’s

called a special that means it’s one

dish or maybe a couple of dishes on the

menu that are not part of the regular

menu so the restaurant has prepared some

new special dish with some ingredients

they have in the kitchen that day so if

you want to ask about this dish you can

say what’s the special today keep in

mind not all restaurants have specials

usually the waiter or waitress will let

you know about the special when you

arrive but if you want to check you can

say what’s the special for today or do

you have a special

okay next expression

do you have any desserts

do you have any desserts

so when you get to the end of your meal

if you want to ask about dessert options

at the restaurant you can say do you

have any desserts or you could also ask

do you have a dessert menu or you can

ask something like what sounds good for

dessert to the person that you’re at the

restaurant with there are lots of kind

of sneaky ways to ask about desserts at

the end of the meal but this is a good

polite question to know

okay next expression

could i see the wine list please

could i see the wine list please

okay i talked about this a little bit

earlier if you want to have wine with

your meal you can ask for the wine list

so depending on the restaurant that you

go to the wine list might be very short

or it might be a whole book of wines if

you want to check out all of the

information they have available you

should request the wine list can i have

the wine list please

okay next is

what is the soup of the day

what’s the soup of the day

this question refers to a soup that is

available on that day so that means it

might not be part of the restaurant’s

regular menu maybe they have a seasonal

soup or a kind of special soup and you

want to ask about that you could say

what’s the soup of the day or even just

what’s the soup today both are fine

okay next expression

i’m on a

diet i’m on a diet

so this is maybe an expression you

wouldn’t say to the staff at the

restaurant you might say this to the

person that you’re having a dinner with

or having lunch with maybe you want to

talk a little bit about your food choice

for the day you might say i’m on a diet

i’m going to eat something healthy or

you might say this to the staff if you

are looking for a healthy recommendation

you might say something like i’m on a

diet i don’t want to eat a lot of bread

so can you recommend something for me in

those cases you might need to use this

expression i’m on a diet

okay next is

what does this dish contain

what does this dish contain

this is a very polite way of saying what

is in this dish or what are the

ingredients in this dish generally in

casual situations we just say what’s in

this or what’s in this dish if you want

to sound more polite you can use this

question what does this dish contain

this could be really important if you

have an allergy or some other kind of

food reaction that the staff needs to

know about you can say what does this

dish contain to make sure everything is

clear before you order

okay next expression

i am allergic to nuts

i’m allergic to nuts

okay a very important question pattern

if you have a food allergy you can

replace nuts for any other food in this

sentence i’m allergic to bread for

example or i’m allergic to something

something whatever food you’re allergic

to whichever food causes an allergic

reaction you can use this expression to

describe that another very common one is

shellfish i’m allergic to shellfish so

make sure to tell the staff before you

order so that they can make sure that

they don’t give you anything that might

contain that ingredient hi everybody my

name is alicia in this lesson i’m going

to talk about the differences between


sounds and looks especially when using

the word like as in seems like or sounds

like or looks like so let’s get started

all right i first want to talk about

seems like seems or seems like we use

these in slightly different ways

first we use seams to make general

guesses about things we cannot confirm

or things we cannot check so when i say

we cannot confirm it’s like something

that we can’t test quickly we can’t

check our guests right away so we use

seams to make guesses about these kinds

of things

second we can use seams directly before

an adjective or an adverb

third we use seems like

before a noun phrase so please keep in


seems no like comes before an adjective

or an adverb seems like comes before a

noun phrase so this is a key difference

and we’ll see this same pattern with the

other words in this lesson too so let’s

look at a few examples


you seem tired you seem tired and she

seems nice she seems nice these are

examples where we use seams with an

adjective so tired and nice are

adjectives we just use seam or seams

because we conjugate for this subject

here so when we use it in this way

before an adjective or an adverb we do

not use like

let’s look at this other example

sentence though this seems like a nice

place to stop for lunch a nice place to

stop for lunch so here we have this noun

phrase yes the word nice is in this noun

phrase there’s an adjective in here but

this right here this is a nice place so

we’re talking about the place actually

uh it’s not just the adjective that this

is modifying so we need to use seams

like to talk about it so that place

seems like a nice place we could say it

seems nice sure but if we’re talking

about the place the actual noun we need

to use seems like to describe that so it

seems like a nice place okay

so with this in mind with seams in mind

which we use for general guesses let’s

continue on to the next part which

focuses on sounds sounds so

we use sounds and sounds like

to make guesses about things based on

information we get with our ears so that

means we hear something and we make a


based on the thing that we heard so i

hear something like from another room or

i hear a sound from outside i make a

guess about the situation

based on that sound so i got the

information with my ears

second point which is the same as seems

we use sounds directly before an

adjective or an adverb again and here


without the word like we don’t use like

here just sounds or sound

third as we talked about with seams we

use sounds like before a noun phrase so

some examples of sounds


she sounds sick she sounds sick so sick

is an adjective we’re using sounds here

because our subject is she she sounds

sick you sound sick it’s how we would

use this so sick

we use this adjective here because maybe

the guess is based on like hearing

someone coughing like that


you might think hmm that person sounds

sick or maybe they’re sneezing or

maybe they just are making some kind of

awful sound and you think um that person

sounds sick so that’s based on

information we get with our ears

second example sentence that sounds

great that sounds great this is a very

useful and very common response to an

idea or a suggestion like for example do

you want to see a movie tonight that

sounds great so it’s like you heard the

suggestion you got that suggestion with

your ears and your response is that

sounds great so

that’s a good idea in other words so

this is a very common way that we use

sounds in this pattern to respond

positively to a suggestion that sounds



that sounds like a bad idea that sounds

like a bad idea so this is a good

negative response to a suggestion if

someone tells you like let’s stay up all

night drinking energy drinks you could

say that sounds like a bad idea so again

this is for information we got with our

ears and in this case it’s a noun phrase


bad idea so again there is an adjective

here the adjective is modifying the noun

idea so that sounds like a bad idea a

bad idea is the noun phrase therefore we

have to use sounds like in this sentence

we use like here that sounds like a bad

idea so you’ll notice sounds like and

seems like or just seams and sounds

follow a similar pattern but sounds is

used for information we get with our


okay so with this in mind let’s go to

the last word for this lesson looks or

looks like

looks like is a little different from

seams and sounds because there are two

different ways that we use the look

pattern or the looks like pattern

first in the same way as we use the

other two words we can use looks for

guesses about things based on

information we get with our eyes so


is specifically for information we get

with our ears

looks is used for information we get

with our eyes

so again we use this before an adjective

or an adverb just look or looks

and we use looks like before a noun

phrase some examples of this first this

hiking trail looks difficult so here’s

my adjective difficult i’ve used looks

here so this hiking trail is my subject

it looks

difficult so no like here so i want to

express like i’m making a guess i think

this is difficult it looks difficult

based on like my visual understanding of

it so if you’re standing in front of the

hiking trail and you look at the hiking

trail and it seems really hard like i

just said seems that’s okay too if it

seems difficult you can say wow this

looks difficult


another key point for this lesson so i

just used seams to talk about using like

the word looks so

uh i mentioned that seems is used for

like general guesses about things yes

and it’s okay to use it there’s not a

communication problem to use it for

something you get with your information

you get with your eyes or information

you get with your ears but

if you can

use looks or sounds to describe that

thing or to make your guess it’s

probably going to sound a little more

natural to use that so i just said this

hiking trail seems difficult so that

sounds quite general but if i use this

hiking trail looks difficult it sounds

better because the listener understands

i can see the trail so i’m making a

guess based on like the information in

my eyes kind of so i can see it so

that’s why i’m saying this that’s the

reason for this comment so if you can

try to use looks or sounds to make your

guess seems does sound more general

okay another example with looks so it

looks like it’s gonna rain it looks like

it’s gonna rain this is a very common

actually way to express like a weather

prediction so it looks like it’s gonna

rain or it looks like it’s gonna snow or

it looks like it’s gonna clear up so

clear up means become clear so we use it

to talk about the weather but it looks

like it is going to rain so it really

here is our noun phrase so looks like

is the expression we use we use like


but as i mentioned there are actually

two different ways of using looks like

and so the second one you need to be

careful of

the pattern that we use here is a

looks like b

so this means a is visually similar to


or that means a has an appearance

similar to b so these two things share

an appearance

a looks like b they look the same


that cloud looks like a rabbit so that

cloud a looks like a rabbit so that

means the two things have the same

appearance or this a similar appearance

another example your house looks like a

mansion your house a

looks like a mansion b so the two things

have similar appearances so you can

pretty i think clearly tell you can

pretty clearly understand which meaning

of looks like is intended based on the

situation is the speaker comparing

appearances or is the speaker making a

guess depending on the sentence you can

usually pretty clearly understand which

one the speaker wants to say

okay so finally a couple points here i

did mention yes if you can use looks or

sounds to describe your guess please do

that it’s very clear

and second um just a general point about

the word seam is that we use seem for

like very general feelings and

experiences so in my example sentences i

was talking about people’s emotions or

maybe like my opinion about a place so

it’s kind of a very general situation

where we use seam so this is a quick

introduction to how to use these words i

hope that it was helpful for you but if

you have any questions or comments or if

you want to practice making a sentence

with one of these please feel free to do

so in the comment section of this video

of course if you like this lesson don’t

forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe

to our channel if you haven’t already

and check us out at

for some other things that can help you

with your english studies thanks very

much for watching this lesson and i will

see you again soon bye-bye


outside outside

outside refers to something not in a


it’s getting cloudy outside

it’s getting cloudy outside


getting cloudy outside




the word inside refers to something

within a building it’s the opposite of


we are inside the hotel

we are inside the hotel

we are

inside the hotel




left is the opposite of right it refers

to this side or if you’re watching in

this video this side i suppose

it’s on the left side

it’s on the left side

it’s on the left side




in terms of direction right is the

opposite of left we can also use this

word to mean correct but for this lesson

let’s focus on meaning the opposite of


there’s a park on the right side of the


there’s a park on the right side of the


there’s a park on the right side of the





first refers to the number one of

something we use this word in

competitions in tournaments and things

to talk about the number one rank of


they had their first child early

they had their first child early

they had their first child early




second is what comes after first it

refers to the number two rank of

something again we use this in

tournaments in races and so on

my office is on the second floor

my office is on the second floor

my office is on the second floor




third refers to the number three of

something while again we can use this

word in tournaments and races we can

also use it to refer to the number three

of something

my credit card bill is due on the third

of every month my credit card bill is

due on the third of every month

my credit card bill is due on the third

of every month




soap is what we use to wash our hands to

wash our clothes to wash our dishes we

can refer to all of these as soap

bathe with soap and water every day

bathe with soap and water every day

bathe with soap and water every day



tooth brush

a toothbrush is the thing that we use to

clean our teeth so please keep in mind

we do not say teeth brush no we use

toothbrush toothbrush here can you give

me that toothbrush

can you give me that toothbrush

can you give me that toothbrush



tooth paste

so we use toothpaste together with our

tooth brush it’s like the paste that we

use to clean our teeth

we’re out of toothpaste

we’re out of toothpaste

we’re out of toothpaste



sham poo

shampoo refers to the kind of soap that

we use to clean our hair

the woman is shampooing her hair

the woman is shampooing her hair

the woman is shampooing her hair



in formation

information can refer to anything that

we hear or that we read it can refer to

something written it can refer to

something that we hear in sound many

different things can be information

can you send me the information

can you send me the information

can you send me the information




a farmer is someone who grows food or

they raise cattle cattle for example is

sheep pigs cows and so on a farmer can

be a man or a woman

the farmer is in the wheat field

the farmer is in the wheat field

the farmer is in the wheat field




a secretary is like an assistant they

usually work in an office and their

responsibilities are schedules answering

phones helping customers and so on

the secretary is on the phone

the secretary is on the phone


secretary is on the phone




a banker is a person who works in a bank

they’re someone that deals with money

they might help their clients but they

work inside a bank

my brother is a banker

my brother is a banker

my brother is a

banker writer



a writer is someone who writes this can

be a person that writes books maybe they

write articles maybe they write for a

newspaper or a magazine someone who


the writer is outlining a story on paper

the writer is outlining a story on paper

the writer is outlining a story on paper




to try something is like trying to test

something or rather we are aiming to

test something it’s something maybe we

don’t know how to do yet or we’re not

good at doing yet but we want to

i’m trying to get up at six every day

i’m trying to get up at six every day

i’m trying to get up at six every day



measure measure is a verb and it refers

to finding the length or finding the

width of something we can also use it to

measure to find the weight of something

more or less is fine you don’t have to

measure every millimeter

more or less is fine you don’t have to

measure every millimeter

more or less is fine

you don’t have to measure every





so the verb keep can refer to holding

something often in your house sometimes

for a long time we can also use the word

keep with another verb to mean continue

it’s not so easy to keep creating new


it’s not so easy to keep creating new


it’s not so easy to keep creating new





the verb wait refers to stopping

activity usually for a short period of

time in order to do something else maybe

you are going to meet another person for


wait a minute

wait a minute

wait a minute

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language


where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips study tools

and resources

by the way all the lessons and bonuses

you’re about to see can be downloaded

for free on our website

so click the link in the description

right now to sign up for your free

lifetime account

okay today’s topic is

how to start conversations talking

points for language learners

how do you start a conversation in a

language that you’re learning believe it

or not it’s actually very easy to do and

in this lesson we’ll give you tips and

resources to get you speaking more of

your target language you’ll discover one

talking points for language learners two

the top five ways to start a

conversation and three resources to help

you master these talking points

but first here are this month’s new

lessons and resources be sure to

download these now before we take them

down in a few days first the renting an

apartment conversation cheat sheet

learn how to say how much is the rent

how many bedrooms are there and much

more with this new pdf cheat sheet

second visual flash cards that’ll

improve your vocabulary want to speak

more of the target language you’ll need

to learn more words and with our new

printable visual flash cards you’ll

easily master over 1 500 words just

download and print these visual flash

cards out

third the top 50 marine animals and fish

how well do you know animal names in

your target language with this quick

lesson you’ll learn how to say shark

whale dolphin and much more

fourth how to talk about your day in 20

phrases if you can’t talk about your day

yet this one minute lesson will get you

speaking you’ll learn 20 must-know

phrases from talking about waking up and

brushing your teeth to dinner and going

to sleep

to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay let’s

jump into today’s topic

how to start conversations talking

points for language learners

starting a conversation can be

intimidating for most people even in

their own native language so it’s

understandable if you feel even more

intimidated starting a conversation in

another language but if you do want to

speak more of your target language and

get more practice that’s exactly what

you’ll need to do have conversations

with native speakers

part one talking points for language


the good news is starting a conversation

in another language is much easier

because one native speakers will realize

that you’re learning and will go easy on

you and two you don’t know enough of the

language to worry about saying something

clever and that’s totally fine so you

can easily start with basic phrases

so how exactly do you start a


you’ll need something called a talking

point a talking point is simply a topic

or a thing to talk about for example

weather’s a very common talking point

you can say nice weather today to

someone and start a conversation from

that and after that you can ask them

where they’re from or talk about the

city like wow this is a great city which

is another basic talking point and now

you have a conversation going all from a

simple talking point and a simple

comment about the weather so what are

some common talking points let’s get

into part two

part two the top five ways to start a


again a good thing about having

conversations in another language is

that it’s okay and natural to focus on

simple topics for a while so here are

five easy ways to start conversations in

your target language and if you’re

already learning with our language

program then you’ve already learned some

of these within your first few lessons

one introduce yourself in your target

language sometimes starting a

conversation or continuing one is as

simple as introducing yourself

you can also use this if you’ve started

with a different topic like the weather

then it makes sense to say by the way my

name is you’ll learn how to introduce

yourself in the very first lesson of our


two the weather

people talk about the weather all over

the world so you should learn weather

phrases in your target language just

saying it’s really nice today is enough

to start a conversation if you want to

talk about the weather check out our can

talk about weather learning pathway this

series of lessons teaches you how to

talk about the weather in your target


  1. compliments

compliments are a great way to start a

conversation you can compliment

something about their city their country

or something about their culture

four ask for help so for example you can

ask for directions about the price of

something and let the conversation go

from there these are very basic phrases

that you learn in our survival phrases


and five learn phrases for transactions

like getting a room at a hotel or

telling the taxi driver where to go

these are very easy ways to start a

dialogue and you can easily move into

other topics again you learn all of

these with our survival phrases lessons

of course these are not the only talking

points or icebreakers you can use if you

can think of more go ahead and use them

which one would you use leave us a


now how do you actually learn the

language around these talking points

part three resources to help you master

these talking points

first take our lessons if you haven’t

yet signed up for a free lifetime

account to our learning program you can

do so now in every lesson you learn a

basic conversation like the weather

introducing yourself asking for

directions and more and this gives you

all the lines you’ll need to start and

continue a conversation in real life and

if you want to find lessons related to a

specific talking point like the weather

you can find them in our lesson library

second use our conversation pdf cheat

sheets these cheat sheets are a quick

summary of our actual lessons and give

you the must-know phrases and vocabulary

for topics like family weather travel

getting directions and much more

third come up with a list of phrases and

questions you’d want to use in a

conversation and then ask your premium

plus teacher for translations or use an

online translation tool although that

may not always be perfect either way

you’ll have lines that you can use to

start conversations

fourth use our free vocabulary and

phrase lists there you’ll find hundreds

of vocabulary and phrase lists across

all kinds of topics holidays common

phrases phrases for weather phrases for

restaurants and much more

so thank you for watching this episode

of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about

the seven skills you’ll need for

language mastery

if you enjoyed these tips hit the like

button share the video with anyone who’s

trying to learn a language and subscribe

to our channel we release new videos

every week

and if you’re ready to finally learn

language the fast fun and easy way and

start speaking from your very first

lesson get our complete learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

right now click the link in the

description see you next time bye

you’re learning a language but here’s a

question do you actually remember what

you’ve learned or do you forget

everything a day later

if you’re forgetting everything and not

making any real progress it might be

because you’re missing a crucial part of

the learning process the actual practice

and assessment

for that you’ll want the assessments

inside our learning program and in this

video you’ll discover

one how to access the assessments and

start practicing two how you’ll learn

faster and remember everything and three

how you can get your language assessed

by native teachers let’s jump in

one how to access the assessments and

start practicing

first what are assessments these are

multiple choice and teacher graded

exercises that test you on what you’ve

learned so far and give you a chance to

practice your language so that you don’t

forget what you learn

if you’re learning with our language

program then you automatically get an

assessment after every couple of lessons

this is to make sure you’re practicing

and retaining the language

if you haven’t tried this study tool yet

sign up for a free lifetime account and

get access right now you’ll find the

assessments inside our recommended

learning pathway

  1. how you’ll learn faster and remember


so after you’ve completed a few lessons

you’ll get a quick multiple choice

assessment the tests you want all the

words and grammar rules you learned

answer the questions the best you can

and you’ll get instant results showing

you what you got right and wrong that

way you’ll know if you’ve remembered

anything and you’ll know what your weak

points are

but there’s more just by taking these

assessments you’re improving your memory

that’s because you’re using a

science-backed learning method called

active recall

active recall is where you try to recall

or remember without looking at the

answer and in doing so you strengthen

your memory plus you get to practice and

use the language that you’ve learned

instead of letting it fade away from

your memory


how you can get your language assessed

by native teachers

you also get hand-graded assessment


on speaking and writing which are graded

by our team of native teachers

with these assessments you can submit a

recording of yourself speaking or submit

a piece of writing and our teachers will

assess your skills and give you feedback

getting feedback from a native is one of

the fastest ways to improve your

language skills

remember you’ll find our assessment

exercises peppered throughout our

recommended learning pathway

so if you want to start learning the

language with our learning program and

make sure you remember everything with

these assessments sign up for your free

lifetime account right now just click

the link in the description and if you

enjoyed these tips hit the like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a new language and subscribe to

our channel we release new videos every

week i’ll see you next time bye

want to learn and speak more of your

target language

you’ll need to learn more words and you

can do that with printable visual


so here’s how you can learn over 1500

words easily with a free printable

resource that boosts your retention

keeps you focused on one word at a time

and makes learning fun

in this video you’ll discover one how to

get our printable visual flash cards for


two how you’ll learn words and phrases

even faster and three five ways to learn

with the flash cards

first what are visual flash cards

visual flash cards are our printable

flashcards that teach you 1500 words

across 60 topics

all words come with images and

translations for easy retention and

they’re an easy way for beginners to

boost their vocabulary so how do you get


how to get our printable visual flash

cards for free

just click the link and sign up for a

free lifetime account to our learning


our learning program teaches you the

language through audio and video lessons

study tools and one-on-one access to a


these visual flashcards are a free

supplemental resource for anyone

interested in learning

once you’ve signed up check your email

to confirm your account and download the

free visual flashcards


print out the pdf files cut out the

cards and start learning

how you’ll learn words and phrases even


learning words can be difficult if

you’re learning on your phone or

computer you have tons of notifications

and distractions competing for your

attention you can also overwhelm

yourself by learning too many words at

once and forgetting them all

so how can you learn faster our visual

flash cards are a physical resource

which means there are no distractions

and they’re right in front of you unlike

an app that’s buried somewhere in your

phone so you can easily start learning

you get one word per card so you can

focus on one word at a time no

distractions no giant word lists just

one word at a time which takes a second

to learn

all cards include the word in the target

language the translation and a picture

to help the meaning stick better and you

can easily run through the cards and

test yourself until you remember each

and every word

with visual flashcards you learn 1500 of

the most common words which means you

don’t waste time learning words that

aren’t useful for beginners

five ways to learn with the

flashcards once you’ve downloaded and

printed the flashcards how do you learn

  1. set aside 5 to 10 minutes and pick

out 20 cards spend the first half

reviewing the cards and the second half

testing yourself on the meanings two

for the words that you struggle with

keep them in a separate pile that way

you can focus on just the hard words and

skip the ones you know

three since the words are separated

across 60 topics you can focus on one

topic at a time and keep at it until

you’re done with all 60 topics

place the cards on the objects they

represent around your home or 5 turn it

into a game with your friends have them

quiz you on the words

pick which way works best for you and

learn with our visual flash cards

so if you want to boost your vocabulary

and speak more of your target language

download our visual flash cards for free

right now just click the link and sign

up for a free lifetime account to our

learning program

since you’re learning the language do

you also learn while you’re on the go

like on the way to work or on a walk do

you put small blocks of time to

productive use

if not here’s how in this video you’ll


how to learn a language anywhere anytime

with our free app

second you’ll find out how to learn two

times faster with study tools third how

to test your language skills fourth how

to learn with your own teacher and fifth

how to get free bonus language lessons

just for watching this video so let’s

jump in


how to learn a language in minutes

anywhere you are

first download our innovative 101 app

for your iphone ipad or android just

click the link in the description to

download it and sign up for your free

lifetime account

once you’re in we give you one clear

pathway of lessons to follow

just press play on a lesson and you’ll

absorb a practical conversation

you’ll also learn all of the words and

grammar rules in minutes yes in minutes

because lessons are just a few minutes

long which means you can easily learn

the language while you’re commuting to

work going to the store or while out on

a walk you can put that time to

productive use

two how to learn two times faster with

study tools

if you’re a serious learner and want to

succeed with the language check out our

study tools to help you master words

grammar rules and conversations even


just scroll down in the lesson to access

the tools you can

understand the conversation in full with

the line by line audio and the


review the key lesson vocabulary with

the vocab list and master the grammar

with our in-depth lesson notes


how to test and practice your language


you also get assessments after every few

lessons to test you on what you’ve

learned and give you the chance to

practice the language

you’ll find assessments peppered

throughout the learning pathway and

they’ll only take a few minutes to

complete which means you can easily do

them while you’re out and about

you get results instantly so that you

know what you’ve mastered and what your

weak points are


how to learn with your own teacher on

the go

if you’re a premium plus member you can

also learn with your own teacher just

visit my teacher inside the app

there you can interact with your teacher

practice writing ask questions about the

language send audio and video recordings

of yourself speaking the language and

get corrections and feedback

all of this through the app

five how to get free bonus language


since you’ve watched this far here’s a

free bonus that many users don’t know

about we release three to five new

lessons a week every week non-stop and

they’re free for three weeks before

going into our lesson library which

means you can learn the language for

free and get new lessons every week with

our innovative 101 app

how just open up the menu inside the app

and tap on newest lessons to unlock them

so if you’re not yet learning a language

while you’re on the go

here’s your chance to turn those small

blocks of time into something productive

download the innovative 101 app for your

iphone ipad or android just click the

link in the description

great work here’s a reward speed up your

language learning with our pdf lessons

get all of our best pdf cheat sheets and

ebooks for free just click the link in

the description