A DREAM COME TRUE Learn English Through Story Level 3

chapter one

it’s all a dream

dreams ambitions everyone has them

some people dream of scoring a penalty

in the world cup final

others want to travel around the world

ellie stevenson dreams of being a singer

ellie is a normal 17 year old girl

she lives in a quiet village in the

beautiful yorkshire dales

she goes to school has a part-time job

in her dad’s shop

and enjoys spending time with her best


cassie and skye

this is the story of ellie and how


sometimes do come true

pencils down please i quickly try to

finish writing one last sentence

but miss jones sees me

ellie stevenson the exam is over

please miss another 30 seconds

five she says and takes my paper

there’s nothing i can do now i hate


i want to be a singer i wanted to study


at a level you can’t study music

said dad when i told him at the start of

the sixth form in september last year

if you want a good career you need to

study science

he’s right the sciences are important


agreed sky i’m going to study chemistry

biology physics and maths

boring why don’t you study french like


suggested cassie my other best friend

mr lake the french teacher is gorgeous

i never told anyone about my dream after


now here i am trying not to fall asleep

as miss jones finishes collecting the

answer papers after the biology exam

i start to yawn oh i

stayed up studying all night i’m

really tired i close my eyes

i only want to rest for a minute but


i’m not in the exam room i’m on stage

in front of thousands of fans my fans

they are shouting my name i start to

play the guitar

and they all cheer they sing the words

to my latest hit

ellie ellie miss jones’s angry voice

wakes me up

eh sorry it’s time to go

home she says shaking her head

i’m the only person left in the room

everyone else has already gone

i was dreaming again i feel

stupid as i pick up my bag and walk

towards the exit

outside it’s raining it’s spring

but the sky is gray and miserable

it seems like it will rain forever and i

haven’t got an

umbrella ellie ellie

wait for me i turn around and see

skye running towards me the only thing i

can see is her wild black curly hair

the rest of her is hidden behind a pile

of library books

skye is one of my best friends but she

is the last

person you want to see after an exam you

know the type

when skye gets a b she’s disappointed

that was so difficult

she starts to ask me what i answered for

question four

when my mobile rings

it’s cassie hi cassie i say

glad of the interruption can you come to

my dad’s stables

she asks she doesn’t say hello how are


typical cassie i have to work in my

dad’s shop this

evening i have to start at 4 30 and it’s

already four

don’t worry about that i’ve got

something much more important to talk to

you about

meet me at the stables in five minutes

and bring skye with you

but i start to say but she has already

hung up

when we get to the stables cassie is

busy riding one of the horses

she looks elegant in her riding clothes

her makeup and

nails as usual are perfect she finishes

one final lap

and then climbs down from her handsome

black horse

good you’re here now

i’ve got a surprise for you both you

know my dad asked me what i wanted for a

present after studying hard for the

exams at the end of the first year

skye starts to laugh cassie has never

studied for an exam in her life

everyone knows that everyone except

cassie’s dad

well here it is what do you think

she gives us each a piece of paper with

a smile

tickets there is a silence as we read

glastonbury festival no it can’t be

i read it again just to be sure

glastonbury i can’t believe it

i’ve always wanted to go to glastonbury

tickets for glastonbury are really


says skye i can’t afford tickets for


don’t worry about that they’re a present

from me

well from my dad he’s got to go away on

a business trip

he’s going to see some new horses in

saudi arabia

i think he feels guilty leaving me for a


for a moment she looks sad her dad is

always going away and leaving her at

home with the housekeeper

suddenly i have a horrible thought dad

he’ll never let me go the glastonbury


lasts three days my dad worries if i go

out for more than three hours what’s

wrong ellie

asks cassie aren’t you happy i thought

you loved music

i do i say quickly i do

and of course i want to go it’s just


i feel stupid i’m 17 years old

but i sound like a baby i just don’t

know how i’m going to persuade my dad to

let me go

that’s a shame ellie says cassie you see

on mtv this afternoon they said that

another group is going to perform too

but if you don’t want to see murphy play


murphy i ask my voice shaking

my heart starts to beat loudly that’s

what i said

murphy the sexiest most gorgeous man


but if you don’t want to upset your dad

she tries to take the ticket back no

i shout quickly pulling the ticket away

from her

i’ll be there cook him a nice dinner

suggests cassie work extra hours in the


suggest skye the shop

i suddenly remember and quickly look at

my watch

4 35 what is it asks cassie

the shop i say running towards the door

i’m late for work i can hear cassie and


laughing as i run out of the stables and

into the cold rain

but i don’t care and soon i am laughing


i’m going to see murphy

chapter 2 lying to dad

have you told your dad about glastonbury


asks cassie a few weeks later

we are walking skye’s pet dogs to the

countryside of the yorkshire dales

i love living here we let the dogs off

their lead

they run and start to play in the fields

i feel that

nothing could spoil this perfect moment

but then cassie reminded me that i

haven’t told that about the festival

it’s difficult to find the right moment

i try to explain cassie looks at me

and i know she doesn’t believe me


the shop’s always busy and then he was

angry with me for failing that biology


we put down our blanket cassie lies down

and starts to read a fashion magazine

skye takes a chemistry book from her


and starts to study i lie down too

i thought that cassie was happy with my


but soon she asks why don’t you speak to


my stepmother she’s always trying to

make you happy

if you ask her she’ll definitely say yes

then she smiles your dad

can’t say no she lies back happily in

the sun

but it doesn’t seem right i like liz

i don’t want to cause an argument

between her and dad

when we say goodbye cassie says promise

me you’ll tell him

i will i say tonight

tonight i answer but i don’t sound very


when i get back the shop is quiet dad is

singing his favorite elvis song

and i realize that this is the perfect


hello love he says with a smile he is

busy stacking shelves

but he stops to kiss me on the cheek how

was your day

fine i say but i don’t look at him

i feel guilty already dad

for a moment i don’t speak dad hates


but then i think of murphy you know the

final exams are in june

you know those big exams at the end of

the first year of the sixth form

yes of course i do so

well cassie has suggested that we have a

party after the exams

the last weekend in june at her place

you know to celebrate cassie’s dad said

that it’s okay for me and skye to sleep

there afterwards

we can help clean up after the party

what else can i think of to say

how can i continue then

we can spend the next day planning what

to study in the summer holidays

make a study plan for all of us that way

we’ll all be really prepared for the

next school year

then we’ll spend another night there and

then i’ll come back

i can’t think of anything else to say

dad looks at me in a strange way

surely he knows i’m lying a party

hmm so you’re sure you’re going to pass

next time

of course she’s going to pass and she’ll

deserve a party afterwards

it’s liz coming out of the storeroom

with a large box

she has curly red hair bright pink


and even brighter earrings she wears so

many bracelets that they jingle when she


i’m still not sure says dad

who’s going to this party apart from you

skye and cassie oh just the boys and

girls in the class

we’ll probably have a barbecue in the

garden then listen to music and dance

it’s going to be so good to relax after

all that studying

she’s right bill liz smiles at dad

and he starts smiling too no problem


he says but i hope you’re going to study

hard for the exams

i jump up and hug him thanks dad

i kiss him on both cheeks just make sure

you pass the next

biology exam with studying and preparing

for glastonbury

the next month passed quickly sky

learned how to build a tent

i bought my train ticket and cassie

bought 10 different tops for our weekend

everything was perfect that is

until early one friday evening in may

i was in the storeroom putting away

boxes after a delivery

when i heard dad say a name i know well

hello steve i haven’t seen you for a

long time

says dad steve

steve it’s cassie’s dad

what’s he doing here he never comes into

the shop

i quickly start to climb down the ladder

but in my hurry

i miss the last step and fall onto a

pile of boxes

my ankle hurts but there’s no time to

think about that now

i run as fast as i can into the shop my

dad continues talking to steve

it’s nice of you to let the class have a

party at your place steve

says dad steve looks confused

sorry what party when

i watch them in silence i don’t even


after the exams the last weekend in june

i think

continues dad and then you’re going to

have three teenage girls in the house

for a couple of days

almost as bad as the party

my heart starts to beat faster and

faster as i wait for steve to answer

please don’t tell him please

oh now i know what weekend you’re

talking about bill

says steve but there’s no party that


that’s when the girls are going to

glastonbury no

no no glastonbury says dad

his face starting to turn red you mean

the rock concert yes anyway i must go


come and have a drink with me at the

golf club sometime

but dad doesn’t answer him slowly he

looks at me

his eyes are big and angry and even his

bald head has become purple at that


i knew that my dream of seeing murphy

was over

chapter 3 dad finds out

but i’m 17 years old dad i’m not a baby


i don’t care you’re living in

my house that means you do what i tell

you to do

there will be no rock concerts

it’s an arts festival not a rock concert

i don’t care what it is you’re not going


lied to me ellie he turns to liz

a party a day with her friends making a

study plan

i was so stupid to believe all of that

i’m sure you went to concerts when you

were my age

that was different things were different


says dad can’t you talk to him

i ask liz but she shakes her head

i’m sorry ellie she tries to put her arm

around me

but i don’t let her leave me alone

i shout pushing her arm away i’ll never

forgive you both for this

never i run up the stairs and throw

myself onto my bed

it’s not fair everyone else’s parents

let them go to concerts

why can’t mine i pick up my mobile phone

and try to phone cassie but i have no

credit left

i throw my phone onto the bed just as

liz knocks on my door

ellie dinner’s ready i’m not hungry

you’ve got to eat ellie leave me alone

i don’t want anything i shout

how can i eat ever again seeing murphy

was going to be the best day of my life

but half an hour later she is back this

time she comes in before i can stop her

i close my eyes hoping she’ll think i’m


i made you a sandwich she sits on my bed

and touches my arm gently i brought you

a magazine too

there’s an article on that singer you

like murphy isn’t it

i don’t want your stupid magazine

i was going to see murphy live at


not that you can understand i pick up

the magazine

and throw it across the room it hits the

photo of her and dad’s wedding

it falls to the floor and breaks

liz gets up and slowly starts to pick up

the pieces of broken glass

i tell myself that it’s their fault i’m

angry because dad won’t let me go to


because he thinks i’m seven not


but i still feel horrible as i watch liz

leave my room

she looks sad and there are tears in her


when she has gone i pick up the magazine

on the cover there is a photo of murphy

the thought of missing glastonbury makes

my stomach hurt

but i still look through the magazine

when i get to the article on murphy more

tears fill my eyes

but then i read something that makes me

stop crying

do you want to meet murphy would you

like to go to glastonbury

tour backstage and meet the star himself

we are going to make one lucky reader’s

dream come true

if you can sing then we want to hear

from you

to enter just send us a tape of you

singing your favorite murphy song to

music now send us your entries by the

10th of may

10th of may oh no that’s monday

today is friday if i want to enter

i must send my entry tomorrow morning

suddenly my anger disappears i feel


i know that thousands of people will

enter the competition

and i don’t have a lot of time to

prepare but

could i be the one dreams come true for

some people

sometimes don’t they first i have to

decide which song to sing

i pick up my mp3 player and finally

choose a romantic

song i listen to it twice but i know

that it’s the right one

i close my eyes and listen to the words

i forget about dad and the sadness in

liz’s eyes when she picked up the broken


i forget about school and the homework i

still haven’t done

i take a deep breath and press record on

my cd

player i pick up the microphone and

start to sing

and when i stop five minutes later i

know that i

can’t do any better all i have to do now

is wait

chapter four the long wait

the next morning i woke up early

when i went into the kitchen liz was

cooking breakfast

dad was reading the newspaper normally

he says good morning and gives me a kiss

on the cheek

today he didn’t even look at me when i

sat down at the table

i heard you singing last night says liz

she puts a plate of bacon and eggs in

front of me and smiles

says dad closing his paper and getting

up from the table

liz watches him leave the room and then

sits down next to me

well she asks starting to eat her bacon


did you finish it finish what i ask

the tape of course for the competition

she smiles give it to me and i’ll post

it when i go to the supermarket

just then dad comes back into the


liz stops talking and we both look up at

the same time

for a moment i worry that he heard


liz looks worried too but then he picks

up his glasses and says

hurry up and eat your breakfast ellie

the windows neat cleaning and then i

want you to clean the shelves

no problem dad i say with a smile

he says again as he leaves the room

thanks liz i whisper giving her a hug

when dad has gone

and i’m really sorry about breaking the


don’t worry about it just remember me

when you’re rich and famous

you’re going to win ellie i know you are

i wanted to believe it too it seemed


but all day and for days afterwards i

couldn’t think of anything else

just thinking about meeting murphy made

my heart beat fast and my cheeks go red

it also made dad’s bad temper easy to

live with too

because i wasn’t allowed out the only

time i saw

cassie and skye was at school they were

really sorry that i couldn’t go to


cassie had a big argument with her dad

and skye said she didn’t want to go to

the festival without me

but i said they had to go then the first

day of the exams arrived

and for a week i didn’t have time to

think about the competition

biology was still difficult but at least

it seemed like i was going to pass

but then the exams were over and my

thoughts returned to the competition

the magazines said that they were going

to contact the winner by the 22nd of


the night of the 21st of june i couldn’t


will they send a letter to the winner or

will they telephone

why was i thinking about it anyway it

was impossible that i

play nelly stevenson was going to win

but that didn’t stop the butterflies in

my stomach

as i watched the sun rise the next


the postman usually delivers our post at

about 10 o’clock

he stops for a cup of coffee with liz

but it was already 10

  1. just when i started to imagine the


i saw him approaching on his bicycle but

he didn’t stop

he always stops but today he drove by

with only a wave and a friendly smile

when he stopped next door i went outside

hello ellie he says are you okay

you look worried exam results don’t

arrive until august

i know i’m fine it’s just

is there any post for us this morning we

always get something

bills usually dad says but anyway

i stop for breath and try to smile sorry

he shakes his head nothing for number 32


are you waiting for something important

can you check please

i insist but his bag is almost empty

and i can see there is nothing there for


maybe they will phone instead yes that’s


while i’m out here the phone is ringing

and dad can’t answer it because he is


i run back into the shop but there are

no customers

the shop is empty and the phone isn’t


dad is doing a crossword and liz is

painting her nails

has anyone phoned dad i ask out of


no he says i look at the clock

10 55 there’s still time

i wait and wait lunch time passes

but still there’s no news i watch the


and the minutes go by so slowly but

still the telephone doesn’t ring

and then it is five o’clock and i know

that my

dream is over i didn’t win

i feel stupid for believing even for a

second that i could win

ellie ellie dad’s voice makes me look

up what is wrong with you today

all you’ve done is look at the clock and

be miserable

peter isn’t feeling very well i need you

to deliver the evening newspapers

i don’t like delivering newspapers but i

pick up the bag and walk out of the door

my dream is over broken like the picture

of dad’s wedding

i want to be alone

when i get back it is late i wanted to

talk to liz

but she has already left her italian


i can’t talk to dad he didn’t even know

about the competition

and anyway he is asleep in front of the


the unfinished crossword on his knee

i suddenly feel very tired so i go

upstairs to bed

i don’t go into the kitchen so i don’t

see the note on the door of the fridge

there’s a folded piece of paper on the

bed but i don’t even open it

i am so tired and unhappy but i throw it

angrily into a corner

and get into bed i go to sleep crying

chapter five ellie’s adventure begins

ellie liz shouts knocking loudly on my

bedroom door

wake up you’re going to be late

i pull the bed covers over my head what

does she

want it’s only six o’clock

last night i decided that i was going to

stay in bed all day today

there’s no school and i don’t have to

work in the shop

i don’t have anything to do all day not


cassie and skye who will be at the train

station waiting for their train by now

excited about glastonbury the bands they

are going to see and the

fun they’re going to have maybe dad was


becoming a singer was just a dream

i pull the bed covers over my head more

and i’m about to go back to sleep

when liz knocks on my door again loud

this time

ellie you’ll miss your train if you’re

not careful

um what train you need to pack your bag

and you must eat a good breakfast

it’s a long way to glastonbury

i throw the bed covers off me and get

quickly out of bed

what do you mean what train what about


didn’t you read my notes she asks when i

open my bedroom door oh ellie we’re so

proud of you she gives me a big hug

will you please tell me what’s going on

you won

i told you i said you were going to win

slowly i start to understand what she is


and my legs begin to shake just after

you went out with the papers

there was a phone call from music now’s

editor your dad answered the phone

he was shocked at first of course he

didn’t know about the competition

but when he heard that they chose you

that you were the best

she takes a deep breath you’re going to


you won ellie you won for a moment

i just stand in silence i’m dreaming

this can’t be true i won

i won i won

and then we are both laughing and


when we finally stop dad is standing in

front of me

he isn’t smiling he looks very serious

and for a terrible moment i don’t think

he’ll let me go

what did they say dad you have to get

the 802 train to london

you’ll meet the journalist who is going

with you

his name’s mike peters and then you’ll

get the train to glastonbury together

i’m still not happy about you going to

london on your own

i’ll be fine what about this

journalist i don’t know who he is

he could be a serial killer oh bill

laughs liz giving him a hug ellie’s a

big girl now

and i’m sure she’ll phone to let us know

she’s okay won’t you ellie

of course i will see there’s nothing to

worry about

says dad but this time he says it with a

small smile

now hurry up you need to have a shower

and pack your rucksack

i’ll make breakfast don’t just stand

there bill

find the camera ellie will want to take

lots of photos

i can’t wait to tell cassie and skye but

i don’t have time to do that now

i don’t want to miss the train and i

still have to get ready

what shall i wear my hands are shaking

as i pull out

tops and jeans from my wardrobe nothing

seems right

not for meeting murphy meeting murphy

i still can’t believe it an hour later

when we are standing on the platform at

the train station

waiting for the train to arrive and you

pack something warm didn’t you asks dad

yes dad i’m so excited even his worrying

can’t stop me smiling

and your phone as soon as you get there

he continues

as the train slows to a stop in front of


when i look at dad again there are tears

in his eyes

but he looks very proud i give him a

quick hug

thanks dad i whisper in his ear then i

get on the train

my adventure is just beginning

chapter six good morning glastonbury

when i get off the train two hours later

mike is waiting for me

he is wearing jeans and a white t-shirt

he doesn’t look like a journalist he

looks more like a student

and at first i feel very nervous but

then he smiles

and shakes my hand hi you must be ellie

he says hello i try to sound mature and


but i can feel my cheeks starting to

turn red

come on our train will be leaving in 10


we walk to platform 4 in silence where

our train is waiting

here we are says mike he gives our

tickets to a smart ticket collector

welcome on board sir he turns to me and


miss we are traveling first class

we sit down in our big comfortable seats

you’ll need this says mike and he passes

me a press badge

for a while i just look at it it says

ellie stevenson music now

maybe i am still asleep in a minute liz

will come in and wake me up ellie

we’re going to be really busy i have

interviews to do

and photos to take for the magazine with

that pass

you can go everywhere even backstage

sometimes i might have to leave you

alone is that okay

okay is he joking me

backstage this is amazing

our interview with murphy is at six this


murphy hates people who are late so we

must get there on time

he gives me a copy of the questions we

will ask and for the rest of the journey

we talk about music

as we get closer to our destination the

train gets

very full most of the passengers talk

excitedly about the festival

the atmosphere is amazing and we haven’t

arrived yet

when we get off the bus that takes us

from castle carey station to the site

it’s raining but i don’t care and nobody

else seems to either

this is going to be the best weekend of

my life

for a moment i just stand and look


seeing things that i have only read

about before now

the sea of tents in the distance the

huge pyramid stage

where murphy will play later on the

friendly and relaxed atmosphere

i need to take some photos before our

interview with murphy

says mike interrupting my thoughts have

a look around

this is my mobile number if you need me

he gives me a piece of paper

have a good time and with a wave he

disappears into the crowd

after phoning dad i decide to phone

cassie and sky

they still don’t know that i’m here


i say when she eventually answers the

phone yes

the line is very bad it’s me

ellie guess where i am what

it’s ellie i’m here at glastonbury

i shout back i’m at the pyramid stage

where are you but then i see her

so i walk over to my two friends skye

sees me first ellie she shouts

and throws her arms around me then


screams a big smile on her face

oh what are you doing here she gives me

a hug

and i quickly tell him about the


wait a minute cassie says her mouth

open in disbelief you’re going to meet

murphy the murphy

i smile and nod when where

tell me ellie this is amazing she starts

to jump up and down and hug skye


we’re going to meet murphy i need to get


which top should i wear the pink one or

the green one and my hair

she takes a mirror out of her bag and

looks at her reflection carefully

cassie i’m sorry i try to explain

but my mobile starts to ring

it’s mike ellie i’ve got the chance to

interview chris martin from coldplay

but he’s only available at 6pm

that’s when we’re interviewing murphy i


will you be okay to do the interview by

yourself you have the questions in your

backstage past don’t you

i’ll let them know that you’ll be alone

okay but

before i can ask anything else the line

goes dead

i quickly try to phone mike back but his

phone is engaged

what do i do now i want to meet murphy

more than

anything but can i really go there by


what do you think ellie asks cassie

i almost forgot that cassie and skye

were there

i was asking skye which earrings go best

with my green

top says cassie cassie

i try to interrupt but she is so excited

that she doesn’t hear me

she obviously thinks that they’re coming

with me but they can’t

i only have one backstage pass these

are my silver ones she holds a different

earring up against each ear

sky you need to get changed too you

can’t meet murphy looking like that

cassie will you shut up and listen to me

for a minute

i shout so loud that she instantly looks

at me

i’m really sorry but you can’t come

her smile disappears but then she laughs

you’re joking right but the look on my

face tells that i’m not

what do you mean we can’t come we’re

your best friends

of course we can come with you i’m

really sorry suddenly her eyes fill with


she doesn’t look pretty anymore that’s

okay ellie

we understand says skye quietly

she looks disappointed too but she gives

me a small smile

to show that she isn’t angry no it’s

not shouts cassie don’t you remember who

got you a ticket back in march

cassie please don’t be like that i say

you know i’d love you to come too

well then either we come with you and


murphy or

she holds her hands up in the air or our

friendship is over

chapter 7 the dream

is over

i’m sorry i look at cassie

and then at sky i tell myself that she

will understand later

that she can’t be angry forever but i


cassie come on skye

cassie takes skye’s arm and they walk


i feel awful they’re my best friends

but i can’t miss an opportunity like


i look at my watch it’s already 5 30

i have half an hour before the interview

but when it gets to quarter two

i still haven’t found where i need to be

mike said that we were to interview

murphy in his van

but there are so many and they all look

the same

feeling desperate i try to phone mike


but his mobile is switched off i quick

look at my watch

6 15 i remember what mike said

murphy hates people who are late why did

i have that

stupid argument with cassie why didn’t i

phone her after the interview just when

i thought i was never going to find

where i needed to be

i see one of murphy’s musicians coming

out of one of the vans

i start to run but then a big strong arm

stops me you can’t come back here

a loud voice says i look up at the

tallest man i have

ever seen he is dressed in black from

head to toe

a label on his chest says security

it’s okay i say trying to catch my


i’m here to interview murphy for music

now magazine

murphy isn’t giving any more interviews


he says but i’ve got my pass

look i hold it up to show him he checks

my name against a list he has

you’re late your interview was at six

i know murphy hates it when people are


i know i interrupt but please you have

to let me see him

but it’s no good he crosses his arms

across his huge

chest and stares down at me and i know

he won’t change his mind

what am i going to do now how can i tell

mike that i missed interviewing murphy

because i was arguing with my best


i stand there for a moment and my eyes

start to fill with tears

i don’t want the security guard to see

me cry so i turn to walk away

just when i think things can’t get any

worse i see

mike coming towards me before i can

explain what has happened he says

i’ve just spoken to another journalist


the singer murphy was going to sing a

duet with hasn’t arrived

he’s really angry and has refused to


any interviews people are saying that he

might not even sing tonight

he’s so angry so that means

no one i mean no one at all has

interviewed him today

exactly says mike phew

that’s a relief i say quietly

i am relieved that it wasn’t my fault

but i

really wanted to meet murphy i have lied

to my dad and my best friends will


never speak to me again for what

nothing come on let’s go and enjoy the


says mike trying to sound cheerful but i


awful is it okay if i stay here for a


i ask and try to smile i’d really like

to see the next band i lie

the truth is that i want to be alone

this was going to be the best weekend of

my life

now it is the worst if you’re sure

says mike i’ll be at the other stage if

you want me

he disappears into the crowd everyone


relaxed and happy and i feel like i’m

the only one who is miserable

after a while i decide to go and find

cassie and skye

i’ll apologize and hopefully cassie will

forgive me

but just as i’m about to leave the door

to one of the vans opens

and familiar music fills the air the

security man

bends his head low and steps out into

the rain

he sees me watching i told you there


no interviews you’re wasting your time

waiting here that music

i ask i’m wrong i must be

the music that’s playing inside that van

murphy loves it says the security guard

what is it i mean do you know who it is

some girl who won a competition the


sent it to him and he really likes it

so it is true suddenly i don’t feel sad


i feel excited and happy and proud all

at the same time i stepped closer to the


but the security guard stops me but you

can’t go in there miss

he says you don’t understand i say

that’s me that’s my song

the dream is just beginning

what did you say your name was asks the

security guard

ellie ellie stevenson i won the


i i have to make him believe me

for a moment he doesn’t move he looks

like he is thinking about what to do

but then he says wait there a minute

and he disappears into the van after

what feels like a year

he eventually comes out the boss wants

to see you

he says holding the door open

murphy wants to see me murphy wants to


me what are you waiting for he says when

i don’t move

my heart is beating fast and my hands

are sweating

i quickly wipe them on my jeans and

slowly climb the steps into the van

when i get inside murphy is sitting on a


his guitar on his knee his green eyes

are even greener than they look in the


when he looks at me and smiles i think i

will faint

somehow i don’t a miracle

ali right i’m not i always hated my name

but the way he says it it sounds so nice


really like your voice wow he really

likes my voice

i i’m really pleased i mean

that’s great i feel my cheeks starting

to turn red

why do they always do that murphy looks

up at me

and smiles one of his famous big smiles

do you know the words to tonight tonight

yes i can’t talk properly anymore

what is happening to me he picks up his


and starts to play he wants me to sing

with him

now calm down ellie take a

big deep breath i tell myself to imagine

that i am at home

in my bedroom alone i am not in the van

of my favorite singer

backstage at glastonbury those gorgeous

green eyes are not looking at me i

close my eyes and take a deep breath

i’m nervous but soon i’m in a world

where only music exists

there is nothing else i start to sing

and only when the song is over do i open

my eyes

instantly embarrassed once more

terry murphy shouts and the security man


yes boss i’ve changed my mind

he stands up takes my hand and leads me


calm the band i’m going on stage

and ellie’s coming with me

what i can’t there are thousands of

people out there

but murphy doesn’t look worried he holds

my hand

tighter as we follow the security man

towards the pyramid stage

when we get there murphy’s band is


as they start playing i turn to murphy

i have to make him understand that i

can’t do this

but before i can find the words they

call us onto the stage

the crowd cheers everything is so much

bigger and louder than i have ever


my heart begins to beat faster than ever

and i’m sure that i’m going to faint

but then the crowd is in front of me

when they see

murphy the audience goes wild

good evening glastonbury

are you having a good time a bigger


i’d like to introduce you to a special

friend of mine

a young woman who has an amazing voice

and an amazing

talent i want you to make her feel

welcome tonight

everyone this is ellie

he turns to me and smiles and i feel

like i’m going to faint

but then the crowd starts to shout ellie

ellie ellie just like in my dream then

the band starts to play

murphy takes my hand in his at first my

voice shakes with emotion

but then i close my eyes feel murphy’s


the crowd sings with us and it feels


now it has started i don’t want this

moment to end

when i open my eyes and look at the

crowd at the front i can see

two faces i know cassie and skye are


they are both smiling proudly and i know


everything is going to be okay after a

final applause i leave the stage

and murphy continues with his

performance i watch him from the side

with terry the security guard

when he finishes i turn to leave but

then i feel a hand on my shoulder

and murphy says ellie where are you


his eyes are shining with the magic of


thanks for letting me sing with you i’ll

never forget it

please don’t go yet his voice is quiet

and soft

i really like you to stay he whispers

taking my hand and when i look into his

green eyes

i know that dreams sometimes do come


but maybe mine was just beginning