Everyday Conversations Travel Complaints Learning American English


english conversation

for traveling and tourism

what a journey and

what about you tina have you got a story

about a

journey you remember yes

i have actually there’s one

journey i’ll never forget

it was about six years ago i was going

to hong kong

from london the flight was early in the


so the night before i stayed in a hotel

near the airport

well i was in a holiday mood that night

and so i went to the hotel bar and

ordered a drink

you know to celebrate and i got

talking to some other people

we had a great time and anyway

when i left the bar it was about three

in the morning

the flight was at six o’clock so it

wasn’t really worth going to sleep

i watched tv for a bit but well i fell


when i woke up it was after five o’clock

you know i have to get there early to

check in right

so i panicked grabbed my bags and rushed


looking for a taxi of course

no taxi anywhere

luckily after a few minutes of running

up and down the street

an airport bus came along

so i got on that

when i got there it was actually nearly

six o’clock

i thought you know

the gate would be closed i’d missed my


the whole terminal was empty except for

a huge crowd of people

at one end and luckily that was the cue

for my flight it was delayed

yeah i was really pleased but the delay

went from one hour to four hours

to finally nine hours

nine hours of waiting at the airport

i slept on some chairs at the time

finally at around three o’clock the

plane took off

oh but the worst part has

yet to come


after a few hours there was a huge storm

and the plane started bouncing around


over the place i remember

feeling it was like being in a washing


people were screaming babies crying

food flying everywhere

i was really scared and then

the worst thing of all the oxygen

masks dropped down suddenly

we were all staring at these yellow

oxygen masks

and the feeling of fear i just can’t

describe it

what did you do i put my mask on

and just sat there in absolute terror

with the plane

bouncing all over the place and

lightning outside the windows

anyway the plane didn’t crash thank

god and we got to hong kong okay in the


but what a journey i’ll never forget it


but it says here

can i help you yes

you can actually we came back from

bermuda last night

this is the brochure for the holiday you

sold us

oh yes did you have a nice time

no we didn’t my wife and i

are both very angry

oh dear what was the problem

well to start with we had to pay 20


extra for each for the airport tax

but it says here in the brochure airport

tax is included

oh yes so it does

and our room didn’t have a c view

we paid extra for a c view but all we

got was a view of the car park at the

back of the hotel

oh dear this is very serious

i think we should fill out a complaint


now what are your names

it’s mr and mrs caldwell

that’s c a l

d w e l

okay in the holiday was in bermuda

yes two weeks from the 10th

to the 24th of february

10th to the 24th of february

and today is the 25th

okay do you have your customer number

it’s here on the receipt dw832

oh yes okay now you have to pay

20 pounds each for airport tax and the

hotel room had

no sea view and

you can add that the food in the hotel


terrible i couldn’t eat


we lived on sandwiches didn’t we darling

yes i lost a kilo in weight

oh so the food in the hotel was

terrible oh dear

well what are you going to do about it

i’ll send this complaint to our head


and i’ll phone you when i get a reply

can i have your telephone number

it’s walton eight nine two four

four three walton

eight nine two four four three

okay well i am very sorry about this

it was an awful experience we want our

money back

i’ll see what i can do our apologies

once again

goodbye goodbye


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