How to Crush Your English Learning Goals

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101 calm

do you want to crush your language

learning goals and overcome setbacks on

the road to mastering a new language in

this video you’ll discover why learning

goals are so vital to learning a new

language and overcoming the inevitable

setbacks you’ll encounter on your way to

mastering the language here are some

useful strategies you can use to crush

your goals first switch to strategic

goals rather than general internal

motivation people are motivated to learn

a second language for any number of

reasons including personal enrichment

better career opportunities or even

meeting new people

however unlike simpler goals which may

only take a week or two to complete

learning a new language takes time and

there will be occasional setbacks and

failures so to reach your overall

objective of mastering a new language

you need to learn how to motivate

yourself and stay focused on the bigger

picture to do so it is vital to set

specific strategic goals with an action

plan second reasons learning goals are

vital to success learning an entire

language well enough to carry on full

conversations with native speakers is

certainly a goal but with this as your

primary objective there’s a long period

of time between the time the goal is set

and when it can be realistically

attained the problem is that a failure

to achieve an objective creates stress

that can build until you either reach

the learning goal or quit the solution

is to set more realistic strategic

learning objectives that are easier to

attain but still keep you on track to

learning here are some examples of

strategic learning objectives that you

might set on your way to mastering a new

language study for 10 minutes every day

complete one lesson or chapter each week

learn 20 new words each week or even

learn one new word each day the key here

is that your learning goals and

objectives need to be very concise

attainable and relevant to your overall

objective as long as you can see

progress towards your learning goal your

stress levels will be lower and you’re

far more likely to succeed next to learn

a new language or virtually any new

skill you’ll need to make adjustments to

your routine simply telling yourself

that you want to be able to speak

fluently probably won’t force you to

alter your daily or weekly route

but when your strategic goals include

learning a new word each day or a lesson

every week you’re forced to alter your

schedule to reach the goal or risk

certain failure although altering your

schedule may cause some minor degree of

stress at first the added motivation you

get from achieving goals quickly

eliminates any initial discomfort and

the more strategic goals you complete

each day or week the faster you can

achieve your larger goal of mastering

the language the key to achieving goals

includes learning how to deal with the

inevitable setbacks and failures the

great part about setting smaller

attainable strategic learning goals is

that you can occasionally miss your

objective but quickly make up for it so

if you can’t finish a lesson one week

it’s entirely possible to either learn

the lesson the following week or even do

two lessons to make up for the initial

failure the point is that failing to

achieve smaller strategic learning goals

won’t kill your motivation or derail

your overall objectives there are many

ways to crush your language learning

goals using our program first check out

our custom learning paths which are

based on your specific goals learning

paths are designed to help you reach

your specific learning objectives by

providing you with step-by-step

strategic goals so imagine you’re about

to travel and just wanted to learn

enough essential language to navigate

any potential emergency situations you

might encounter our language learning

program has created a custom learning

path for your goal that includes just

ten lessons or strategic learning

objectives once you complete the ten

lessons your larger overall learning

goal is complete learning paths are one

of the most powerful features at our

website and help you quickly and

efficiently achieve larger learning

goals and objectives for premium and

Premium Plus members our website offers

more than 20 advanced learning tools to

make it easier than ever to reach and

achieve your goals

these include teacher feedback and

comments for every lesson full lesson

transcripts and review tracks

voice recording tools to perfect your

pronunciation lesson review quizzes and

much more our language learning program

makes it easier and more convenient to

achieve your smaller strategic goals so

you can quickly reach your larger

overall objectives in less time and with

less stress without setting realistic

and attainable learning objectives and

goals your larger dream of mastering a

new language might never be realized

specifically strategic objectives help

to reduce stress adjust your daily

routine and make it far easier to deal

with the inevitable setbacks on your way

to mastering a language we’ve made it

simple and easy for you to set and

attain your strategic goals so you can

successfully reach the larger goal of

mastering your target language so if

you’re ready to finally learn a new

language the fast fun and easy way sign

up for your free lifetime account by

clicking on the link in the description

signing up takes less than 30 seconds

and you’ll start speaking from your very

first lesson if you enjoyed these tips

hit the like button share the video with

anyone who’s trying to learn a new

language and subscribe to our Channel we

release new videos every week I’ll see

you next time might want to speed up

your language learning take your very

first lesson with us you’ll start

speaking in minutes and master real

conversations sign up for your free

lifetime account just click the link in

the description