Three Tips for Learning English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm where you can have natural

conversations in english without stress

in today’s video i want to give you

three tips for improving your english

these three tips have been very

important to me when i’ve learned a

foreign language right now i’m in france

and this is the second time i’ve lived

in france and when i was learning French

these three tips helped me so much

without these tips I wouldn’t have been

able to learn as quickly as efficiently

and I wouldn’t have been as happy so

let’s get right in tip number one tip

number one is listen listen to it

anything you can in English always

listen listen listen listen always

listen when we are babies we listen to

our parents speak every day 24 hours a

day seven days a week we were listening

to our native language so I recommend

for you find YouTube videos such as this

one find podcasts find everything you

can watch movies listen to music listen

to as much English as you can get the

words in your head try to understand as

much as possible and listen don’t forget

always just listen to English when

you’re driving to work when you’re

cooking dinner when you’re taking a walk

outside listen alright number two number

two is relax don’t stress

so many people stress about learning a

language I need to learn it in three


oh I’m not learning quick enough they

feel so stressed relax

language doesn’t come in one week it

doesn’t come sometimes even in one year

you need to relax and realize you are

working as hard as you can don’t worry

about it

for me an important part of relaxation

is being outside in nature so today for

this video I’m outside because it

relaxes me it helps me to feel relaxed

when I touch the earth when I feel

connected to nature I recommend if you

feel stressed go for a walk take a 10-15

minute walk it doesn’t need to be long

and breathe and think I can do it I can

speak English all right number three tip

number one tip was listen number two tip

don’t stress number 3 tip speak with

native speakers and speak with

non-native speakers speak with anybody

speak English with anyone you can even

if you have a dog speak with the dog hi

dog how are you doing today did you

sleep well say anything you can this

confidence and these muscles speaking

English will grow and feel more

confident speaking English so if you

have no friends who are native speakers

near you look online go to my website

you can have a lesson with me you can

meet with other native speakers online

or you can find on the internet some

people in your area maybe you didn’t

know their native English speakers or

find other people who are learning

English try to speak English with them

that can be really helpful as well or

speak with anyone speak with the trees

speak with your dog speak with anyone

speak to yourself I recommend it so

let’s recap before we finish number one

listen to anything listen to videos

listen to music listen to movies listen

to English number two relax don’t stress

number three is speak to anyone speak to

native speakers speak to non-native

speakers speak to yourself speak English

just do it all right

I hope these three tips helped you and

let me know in the comments if you have

any other tips for for English speakers

talk to you later bye