Top 10 Ways to Start Learning English

wants to finally learn English the fast

fun and easy way in this video I’ll show

you the top 10 ways to get started so

let’s begin number 1 take your very

first lesson access any audio or video

lesson on English class

and just press the play button to get

started don’t have an account don’t

worry just go to the signup page to

create an account it takes less than 30

seconds and it’s free we have thousands

of audio and video lessons covering a

variety of topics like grammar

pronunciation listening and reading just

click on the play button on any lesson

and start learning number to read along

with the lesson you can read along with

the lesson notes or lesson transcript

these come with every lesson the lesson

notes provide you with a dialogue for

the scene taught in the lesson along

with translations a more in-depth

explanation of the grammar and culture

and even vocab and sample sentences the

lesson transcript is the full

word-for-word transcript of everything

you hear in the lesson and the dialogue

study tool provides you with the audio

for the lesson dialogue along with the

translations number three shadowing

shadowing is a tested learning technique

where you repeat what you hear this is a

great way to start speaking in minutes

and practice speaking in general if

you’re listening along with the lesson

audio or dialogue be sure to shadow

along the way number four use the

dialogue study tool to master the

conversation here you get the line by

line breakdown of the conversation

demonstrated in the lesson listen and

repeat until you’ve mastered each line

do this until you’ve mastered the entire

conversation number five use the voice

recorder to perfect your pronunciation

and speaking in the dialogue study tool

you’ll find a microphone icon next to

each line click on it to record your

voice then compare it with the native


listen and adjust your pronunciation

until you match that of the native

speaker number six review a vocab with

the lesson vocabulary list vocabulary

words are the building blocks of

language you can say vocab words top in

each lesson by clicking on add to word

Bank want to drill the words with smart

flashcards instead just click on add to

flashcard deck to do so number seven

listen to the review track if you’ve

studied an audio lesson before just

listen to the review track so that you

don’t have to listen through the entire

lesson again this is a great way to

reinforce the material that you’ve

learned and it’s great to have on the go

just access any audio lesson and click

on the download icon then click review

to download the review track number

eight review with quizzes after the

lesson once you’re confident enough with

the material taught in the lesson be

sure to take the quiz to test your

newfound knowledge take the review

questions and answer true or false for

each one or take the writing questions

and input your answer remember to check

the answers by clicking on the check

answers button number nine participate

and leave a comment the best way to

master what you’ve learned is to use it

join the community of learners by

leaving a comment below at the end of

every lesson our dedicated teachers will

check your responses to correct you on

any mistakes or provide you with helpful

study tips and advice and finally number

10 move on to the next lesson done with

a lesson mark the lesson as complete you

can see your overall learning progress

on your dashboard if you particularly

enjoy the lesson mark the lesson as

favorite so that you can come back to it

later at any time click on the forward

arrow to move on to the next lesson and

continue learning if you enjoyed these

tips hit the like button share it with

anyone who’s trying to learn English and

subscribe to our Channel we release new

videos every week remember you can sign

up to English class

by clicking on the link in the


sign up takes less than 30 seconds and

it’s free I’ll see you next time bye


