What is your favorite things Easy Learning English Conversation with Jessica



and favorites

camilla and emily are two year old girls

they are chatting about their interests

to plan for their winter holiday

hi camilla are you all right

yeah i am quite all right today how

about you

i am so so i’m considering what i should

do during the christmas holiday

have you had any ideas yet

not really but i probably would like to

travel abroad

which country do you like best

my dream is only to go to england

i think it is such a beautiful country

why do you like it well

i want to visit buckingham palace and


dinner on the thames river

i’ve been there once i especially

recommend you

to come to camden market

does it sell souvenirs no

no it is a food market

what kind of food did they sell

every kind it’s amazing

really i’m so excited to hear that

yeah you know you can find a lot of

asian food there

caribbean food as well

oh wow i always dreamed of having a food

tour yeah

what is your favorite food i’m crazy


chinese food to be honest

i think there is a chinese restaurant

near our school isn’t there

no it is japanese i can only try it when

i go to new york

that’s why you must go to camden

you can meet many chinese korean thai

and vietnamese

and so on i will try to write it on my


is there anything you want to suggest to


have you heard about breakfast tea

of course english tea

i’ve seen it many times on social media

it would help if you tried that

it must be really delicious

yeah you should have a cup of tea on the

two-floor bus

and go around london

oh that sounds so romantic

that is my favorite thing to do every

time i go to england

what about you camila what is your

favorite thing to do during the holiday

well i haven’t planned it yet but i do

like to go skiing

wow i didn’t think that you liked winter


i’m just fascinated by snow so i like

everywhere that has a lot of snow or ice

what is your go-to place to go skiing

last year my dad took me to france

but actually my favorite country is


switzerland man you’ve gone to europe so

many times

it is because my family has business


so do you like french or italian food

well not really i am a big fan of fast


i mean it is unhealthy but i still like


wow are you hungry now

yeah kind of what about going to burger


great idea emily

harry and emma have known each other for

10 years

they met at high school but now they do

not see each other often

this is the first time they’ve seen each


after graduation

oh who do i see here are you

emma yeah

are you hairy exactly

long time no see

has it been seven years since graduation

true i totally can’t find you at all as

you went to asia to study

yep i just moved back to england for a


how was your life now it is so so

i feel like you still like hip hop well

i think i will forever

so what is your favorite type of music

you know i like pop and especially

korean songs

right that’s why you left me and went to

korea emma

yeah and i think my taste hasn’t changed

but now i’m interested in country music

is that why you moved back no

my friend i think when i get older

i’ll have different interests

so i decided to go back home

what do you do now in london

you can guess are you a psychologist

why do you think so i remember you were

really good at psychology when we were

in high school

i took psychology as my major

but after two years i realized that i

prefer marketing

so you changed your major yes

but it was a fantastic experience for me

so then i just started working at a

cosmetic brand as an advertisement


that’s cool finally you came back to


hopefully it is a good decision

so are you now a chemist

do i look like a chemist

when i have a hip hop style like this

i guess not but perhaps now chemists

change their uniforms after one year of

graduation from university i dropped my

job and became a photographer

really that’s such a significant change



many people disagreed with me but i

think it is the right choice

ah are you going to the football match

this weekend in caulfield

emma do you also like football

yes why are you so surprised

because what i remember about you is a

girl with a pink backpack

that didn’t like sports at all

i’m changing now my favorite color is

not pink anymore

i prefer blue currently i like blue too

it seems like we are still similar to

each other after a long time

let’s see what is your favorite movie

titanic you know that

we watched it together harry

and we were crying together as well

it is still the best movie for me now

that’s true we should watch it again


winter do you like winter as well

yes what about you

of course we loved snowboarding


i still enjoy snowboarding

did you change your favorite sport

never snowboarding is still the first

thing that comes to my mind

every winter we should go together one


oh the sky is darker are you going to

have dinner

i guess so uh what about going to have

some beef steaks

do you remember my favorite food

it is not your favorite food it is ours

well my friend long time no see have

some beef steaks and then try some

cocktails later absolutely okay

and are we going to the restaurant by


yes definitely

we still know each other’s tastes emma

true let’s go


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