SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY How To Express Your Ideas Clearly In 5 Parts

hey i want to ask you a question read

this with me and i want you to tell me

if this is a fluent english response a

topic tell me about studying english

here’s what the student said there are

many languages spoken around the world

some people learn english and some

people learn spanish i study english but

it’s a bit hard sometimes i still like

it my classmates also study english with

me we use books in class and then the

internet at home now is this a fluent

english response is this something a

native english speaker would say

the answer is no

and today i want to explain to you why

this is not a good response and how to

finally give a fluent english response

like a native english speaker are you


i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump right in

now i do want to remind you before we

jump in to download the english with

tiffany app if you haven’t already

downloaded it what are you waiting for

the link is right in the description

start studying now and join thousands of

other students around the world click

the link in the description right now

and download the english with tiffany

app now we looked at an example response

and i told you that it was not a fluent

english response

let me show you a great response so we

have this individual speaking with her

friend she starts off

english is a language that is studied by

millions of people around the world she


some people say that it is the number

one language and other people say that

it is not that important

but in my opinion it is important for

everyone to learn english

i think that speaking english can help

you get a better job travel around the

world or travel more around the world

and also experience other cultures so i

think everyone should learn to speak


now this my friend is an amazing

response a fluent english response so

let me explain to you let me break down

what she said and help you do the exact

same thing so the first part of what she

said was right here number one you see

it right here english is a language that

is studied by millions of people around

the world you see the first thing she

did was

state the topic or the question she

stated what she was going to be talking

about you see the first step is to state

the topic that is being discussed

this will set the foundation and help

your listener focus on what you are

going to say this is something that i’ve

tried to teach all of my students i’ve

been a teacher for a long time and i’ve

had thousands of students and sometimes

you think that fluency is just about

speaking for a long period of time

well actually fluency is all about you

connecting with your listener so you

must first start by stating the topic or

the question now after you’ve done this

and the listener understands you’re

gonna move on to part number two which

is exactly what she did remember she

said some people say


it’s the number one language and other

people say that it is not that important

what she did was she stated other basic


very quickly you see step two the second

step is to state various views on the


this will show that you are aware of

other viewpoints and that you have

chosen your viewpoint after a lot of

careful thought you see that fluency is

so much more than just the words you use

it’s about the way you think and helping

the listener realize oh my goodness

this individual has really thought about

his or her answer this individual is

really able to organize his or her

thoughts in english so when you let the

other individual know the person

listening that hey

i am aware that there are other

viewpoints on this topic on this subject

again you’re letting them know that what

you’re about to say in part three can be

trusted and that you’ve thought

well before you gave your answer so this

is step two now step three is where it

gets very interesting step three is

where she said right here in my opinion

it is important for everyone to learn

english this is where things start to

change you state your viewpoint clearly

step number one you’ve stated the topic

or question step number two you’ve given

kind of an overall viewpoint of other

people right

very important and then you come in with

your point of view so the third step is

to state your viewpoint clearly very

clearly she said right here it is

important for everyone to learn english

very clear we know exactly what her

opinion is continuing this will let the

listener know what your idea is and will

make them curious to know more about

your idea this is why part three is so

important and she did it so well now i

do want to pause really quickly and

thank today’s sponsor this episode is

being brought to you by cambly and you

all know how much i love cambly cambly

is an awesome company they have tutors

from america tutors from australia

tutors that are ready to help you

improve your english fluency so

everything i’m teaching you today you

can practice with your cambly tutor now

i want to let you guys know something i

know that you love my lessons i know

that you are learning a lot well i’m

only able to do this for you because of

companies like cambly cambly supports me

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help me by clicking the link in the

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any 12 month plan cambly wants to help

you that’s why they partnered with me

and said tiffany let’s help students

around the world learn english so

all of your lessons are recorded tutors

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getting 40 off of any 12 month plan

again cambly thank you so much for

partnering with me

we are really gonna help students around

the world speak english and student

remember join me on my goal to help

students and all you have to do is click

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free 10 minute lesson or get your 40 off

of any 12-month plan thank you again

cambly you know how much i love you all

alright guys so again thank you cambly

and we have the first three parts of any

fluent english response

now let’s look at the fourth part you’ve

stated clearly what your opinion is

what she did next was very interesting

she said i think that speaking english

can help you get a better job travel

more around the world and also

experience other cultures

she did step number four she gave three

supporting pieces of information you see

the fourth step is to state your



this will let the listener know what

your idea is and will make them curious

to know more about your idea that’s

exactly what she did so again

once she got to part three she stated

clearly what her idea was and then she

supported her idea in step four

this is exactly what you have to do in

order to give a fluent english response

it’s not about the number of words it’s

about following these parts and making

sure they are a part of every response

you give in english so again part 4 give

three supporting pieces of information

now after she did this in an amazing way

she moved on to part number five and she

said so

i think everyone should learn to speak

english part number five

restate the topic and your viewpoint you

see the fifth step is to reset restate

excuse me the topic in your viewpoint

this will help the listener remember

what you said i can remember so many

times when i was in class teaching my

students in south korea and i was trying

to help them understand the importance

of restating the topic and their

viewpoint at the end they would say

teacher why i’ve already stated my point

i said remember

english fluency is all about the


how much information can they remember

from what you said

if they’re able to remember the

information then they will feel like you

are fluent in english so

when you come back at the end and


repeat your viewpoint it’s like a

trigger telling their brain hey

remember this part and again it makes

you seem more like a fluent english

speaker so once again if we go back and

look at this conversation between these

two individuals we’ll see that she

included all five parts in what she said

and that’s why this response was amazing

and that’s exactly why it was a fluent

english response now i hope you enjoyed

this lesson i hope you learned a lot and

i hope you remember all five parts when

you go to respond to someone because

that means you are fluent in english

including all five parts all right don’t

forget to support by clicking the link

in the description to get your 10 minute

free lesson with cambly and also

remember to download the english with

tiffany app as well i really hope you

enjoyed the lesson thank you so much for

joining and i will see you next time but

as always remember to speak english

you still there ha ha

you know what time it is it’s

story time

hey i said it’s story time

i’ve been longing to sing that song

i couldn’t sing it last week because my

voice was bothering me and my throat was

bothering me but this week

story time

yes all right so today i actually have a

story for you about music

so this happened when i was in south

korea now in south korea they have no

rebang right nore means song bang means

room in korean so a noraebang was

basically just a karaoke room for those

that know karaoke rooms and my fellow

teachers actually got me into going to

karaoke rooms or noraebongs with them

so we would go maybe once

once or twice a month like on a saturday

night and at that time i was studying um

for my korean exams so i was really busy

but they would pull me out and get me to

go to the nordebangs with them

so one night it was myself my roommate

and one of our other close friends it

was there were three of us and we were

you know in the noraebang and they said

hey tiff two of our other friends are

gonna come and join us i said okay great


it was myself my roommate and again one

of our other friends and you know i like

to sing but and my roommate and my other

friend they like to sing too but one of

the other girls was an amazing singer

she can blow oh here’s an expression for

you if someone can blow it means they

can really sing like aretha franklin

whitney houston they had powerful voices


and the other friends so one of them

could blow and there’s another friend

and she was a real small her name was

april april if you’re watching this

welcome and i hope you enjoyed the story

april was kind of short

small framed super sweet i mean

everybody loved april super sweet girl

so i i knew that when the other girl um

oh my goodness her name is failing me um

okay anyways the other girl when we knew

when she arrived she was gonna blow so

we were looking forward to her songs so

she came and of course she sang

i mean she could sing like um aretha

franklin she had a very powerful voice

and then my other friends my roommate

and my other friend said tiff you have

to hear april sing and i was like oh

okay again

small frame just real nice real kind


did not expect anything but i was like

yes hey this is a time for all of us to

have a good time so they said april

please sing she was like no guys i’m

okay like really sweet literally i’m

okay guys not tonight they were like

please please


i saw by the way they were begging her

that maybe this girl could really sing

so she said okay

so she picked uh

maybe it’s you

i think that’s beyonce i think

anyways she picked that song now i know

beyonce’s songs or jennifer hudson’s

songs are very difficult because they

have very high high voices very strong

voices so i was like wow this this girl

is going to sing this song i said hey

we’re all here to have a good time it’s

not about who can sing who can’t sing we

had a ball i would sing songs that were

too high for me and i just have a ball

and we’d all be singing

so the song starts and you know again

she did real like kind of like

okay guys like that was kind of how her

voice sounded

so she started the song and i was like

okay you know she could sing right

but she’s real low

and so it got to the part where you had

to kind of add a little bit more and

i’ll sing a little bit of it again my

voice is kind of a little still

struggling a little bit because i was

sick but

she got to the part she said baby it’s


yo the one i won’t right so she was kind

of building up i said okay

and she got to the part that required a

lot of power she stood up and said baby

it’s you

she was blowing again

when she started singing she sounded

exactly like the original song and i sat

there with my mouth open

this little girl was blowing us all away

now of course we were in there having a

ball dancing around saying get it girl

you can do it and what it taught me is

sometimes the outside package may not

look like what’s going on inside she was

a sweet girl you would have never known

that that powerful voice again like

aretha like beyonce like jennifer hudson

could come out of that small frame so we

had a great time and we always wanted

her to join us we said you can sing

we’ll be your background dancers

background singers

we had a great time so uh the point of

this story honestly is

sometimes you may be underestimated

sometimes people may think ah you’re not

that good at speaking english or ah you

can’t achieve your goal

never forget that you can do whatever

you put your mind to and just like she

shocked me i want you to go out there

and shock somebody with your english

speaking abilities follow the lesson

from today five parts and you’ll speak

english just like me alright i love you

and i will see you next week