A Second Chance Learn English through story level 2

sometimes people’s lives go terribly


maybe their marriage breaks down

they lose their job

their house

their friends

they have to live on the street

they drink too much

they don’t wash

who will give a man like that a second


only a very special kind of person

like nan

a fruit seller on the streets of



sonny had a new plan

but he did not know if nan would agree

to it

he and jake were building a house

which was big enough for two families

and one day they decided between them

that sonny’s ex-wife tanya and his

children should have it


sonny said to her quietly

i going to let tanya and the children

live in the house


shouted none


it is good for the children

said sunny

they will be off the streets

and the boys won’t have to hustle like


but what about me and you

where are we going to live

we will try and build another one

sonny said


he thought

is she going to leave me now

maybe this is too much for her

i love her

i hope she understands what i’m trying

to do


nun said slowly

you tell tanya already

i said something about it

sonny looked away from nan’s eyes

she agrees because it would be good for

the children

i don’t want my daughters living and

dying like dogs on the streets of


and i don’t want my boys carrying guns

and selling drugs

i want them to have a place to live none

a place where they can study their books

and have a better life

it is a hard thing you ask sonny

nan said quietly

sonny was a good man

and nan trusted him

but she could not understand why he

still cared about his ex-wife tanya

why can’t he have a clean break with

this woman she thought

tanya ruined his life

she went with other men

and she kicked him out on the street

and then she sold all his things

nan remember the day when she first met


a day that changed her life

he was just a street man

a drunkard

and so dirty

there was hunger in his face

in his eyes

even in the way he walked

she watched him for a while

then called out to him

old man

come here

you’re hungry

yes mom

what kind of a street man was this she


nobody ever called her mom

that wasn’t a word people said to women

who sold fruit on street corners

they usually called out old girl

or something worse like

dirty skettle

it felt good to be called mom

she took some of her fruit and gave it

to him

thank you miss

he said

i’m very grateful

he came by every day after that

and every day she gave him some fruit

then one day she took him to the church

on harbour street

which helped street people with their

drink problems

they agreed to help him

and took him in

two months later a clean tidy man in a

light brown suit stopped by her stall

and said

how are you madam

he gave a big smile

showing his white teeth

here’s something for you

he said

and held out two one thousand dollar


thank you

nan said

but why you give me so much money

you helped me when i needed someone

he said quietly

you brought me back to life

nan stared at him

not understanding

i was that old drunkard on these streets

he explained

and you gave me food every day


said nan

i happy to see that you are right now


thanks to you

i now have a job with the town council

you know

i drive the garbage truck

nan smiled happily

she went on smiling for the next year

and a half

she felt young again

and full of hope

at last she could forget the sad years

when she was 16

with a baby

and no chance to go to school and get a

better life for herself

she and sonny started living together

and now they were planning to get

married and have a home of their own

she decided to give sonny this one thing

and to give it freely

because she trusted him

okay go on

she said to sonny

let them live in the house

and we will work together to build our


sonny put his long arms around nan’s

comfortable body and pulled her close

he understood what she was saying

that she trusted him

that she was strong enough to wait

he put his mouth close to her ear and


thank you

