How to Link Words Speak English Fluently Pronunciation Lesson

Hi, I’m Gina.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

Look at a sentence:
Do you remember that time when Anna and Amy

fell into the swimming pool?

Try reading the sentence.

Can you pronounce the sentence in one sound,
without any pauses?

Listen to me one more time:
Do you remember that time when Anna and Amy

fell into the swimming pool?

When native speakers talk, they don’t pause
between words.

They pronounce whole phrases and even sentences
as one continuous sound.

If you want to speak English more fluently
and sound more natural, you should try to

do this too.

But how?

There are many pronunciation points you need
to study, but today we’re going to look

at just one very important point: linking.

Linking is how you connect words when you
speak, so that two words are pronounced together.

For example: ‘that time’; ‘when_Anna’.

Here we can see two different types of link.

You’ll learn about these ways to link words,
and more, in this lesson.

Before we start, we need to check one thing.

Do you know the difference between consonants
and vowels?

A, E, I, O and U are vowels.

All the other letters are consonants.


Let’s look at the first way to link words:

Part one: linking two consonants.

When you say ‘that time’, what happens?

How many times do you pronounce /t/?

The answer: just once.

The two words ‘share’ the /t/ sound: ‘that

Try it.

Can you link the words?

When one word ends with a consonant sound,
and the next word starts with the same consonant

sound, we link the sounds.

For example:

‘Red dress’.

We have two /d/ sounds together, so the two
words share the sound: ‘red dress’.

‘Cheap places’.

We have two /p/ sounds together, so again
the two words share the sound: ‘cheap places.’

‘Feel lucky’.

The two words share the /l/ sound: ‘feel lucky’.

Can you pronounce the links?

Repeat after me:

‘Red dress’; ‘cheap places’; ‘feel lucky’.

Let’s put them in a sentence:

She bought a really nice red dress last week.

Do you know any cheap places to stay in Barcelona?

I feel lucky—let’s play poker!

Can you read the sentences?

Focus on pronouncing the links between the

Next, remember that links depend on the sounds,
not the spelling.

For example: ‘look cool’.

The letters here are different—‘c’ and
‘k’—but the sounds are the same: /k/.

So we link the words, and they share the /k/
sound: ‘look cool’.

You can see the same thing here: ‘quite tall’;
‘nice sofa’.

We link these because the sounds are the same,
even though the spellings are different.

Let’s try these in some short sentences:

You look cool in those jeans.

He’s quite tall for his age, I suppose.

That’s a nice sofa!

Can you say the sentences?

Pause the video and try.

Focus on pronouncing the links correctly!

Okay, to review, when one word ends with a
consonant sound, and the next word starts

with the same consonant sound, we link the

But, there are two exceptions to this rule:
we don’t link /tʃ/ or /dʒ/ sounds.

For example: ‘each choice’; ‘orange juice’.

In these examples, you can’t link the two
consonant sounds.

You have to pronounce two sounds.

Try to pronounce the second sound immediately
after you release the first sound.

This will help you to speak more fluently:
‘each choice’; ‘orange juice’.

Let’s try them in a sentence:

Each choice you make is important.

Would you like some orange juice?

Practice these sentences, and see how fluent
you can make them!

Okay, let’s look at one more point about
linking consonant sounds.

Part two: linking similar consonant sounds.

You already know that you can link two of
the same consonant sounds together.

You can also link similar consonant sounds.

For example:
‘cheese sandwich’; ‘breathe through’.

‘Cheese’ ends with a /z/ sound, and ‘sandwich’
starts with a /s/ sound.

These aren’t the same, but they are similar.

The only difference between /s/ and /z/ is
that /z/ is voiced.

Everything else is the same.

That means we can link the sounds.

Try saying ‘cheese sandwich.’

When you say the /z/ on the end of ‘cheese’,
your tongue is behind your top teeth.

Leave your tongue there and change to
/s/ without moving anything, then say ‘sandwich’.

Cheese sandwich.

It’s the same idea with ‘breathe through.’

Breathe ends with /ð/, and through starts
with /θ/.

These are also a voiced and unvoiced pair.

Say ‘breathe’ and put your tongue between
your teeth to pronounce /ð/.

Then, leave everything where it is and pronounce
/θ/, and then say ‘through’.

Let’s try these examples in sentences:

Get me a cheese sandwich, would you?

Do you have to breathe through your mouth
like that?

Try saying the sentences.

Remember: there shouldn’t be any break between
the linked words!

So, what other consonant pairs can you link
like this?

You can also link:
/d/ and /t/ I need two kilos of shrimp.

/k/ and /g/ The water was a kind of dark green

/p/ and /b/ I sleep better if the room’s
really dark.

/f/ and /v/ Have you packed enough vests?

It doesn’t matter which way round the sounds

You can link /d/ to /t/ or /t/ to /d/.

For example:

I need two kilos of shrimp.

She asked Dave what would happen.

Now it’s your turn!

Repeat the sentences after me.

Focus on the links:

I need two kilos of shrimp.

The water was a kind of dark green colour.

I sleep better if the room’s really dark.

Have you packed enough vests?

So now you know the most important points
about linking consonants together, but what

about vowels?

Part three: linking consonants to vowels.

Let’s go back to our first example sentence:

Do you remember that time when Anna and Amy
fell in the swimming pool?

Think about the words ‘when Anna’.

What happens?

We link the consonant onto the vowel.

Together, the words are pronounced /we’nænə/.

You can do this if one word ends with a consonant
sound, and the next word begins with a vowel


Look at the sentence again.

Can you find two more examples like this?

You can also link ‘and Amy fell in’.

Try saying the full sentence with these vowel

Do you remember that time when Anna and Amy
fell in the swimming pool?

If you find it difficult to pronounce the
links, slow down.

You don’t need to speak fast to link correctly.

Let’s practice with some different examples.

Look at three sentences.

Can you find the consonant-vowel links?

There’s an elephant in the garden.

I ate an apple and two pears.

These are the best tomatoes I’ve ever had.

There are three consonant-vowel links to find
in each sentence.

Can you see them?

Let’s see where the links are:

There’s an elephant in the garden.

I ate an apple and two pears.

These are the best tomatoes I’ve ever had.

Can you pronounce the links in these sentences?

If you find it difficult to pronounce consonant-vowel
links, there’s a simple trick you can use.

Imagine that the consonant is at the start
of the second word.

For example, try saying:

There’s an elephant in the garden.

I ate an apple and two pears.

These are the best tomatoes I’ve ever had.

Looks weird, right?

But many English learners find this useful.

Remember, we write the words separately, with
spaces between them, but we don’t pronounce

them that way.

In speech, the consonant doesn’t ‘belong’
to the first word—you can easily think of

the consonant sound being at the start of
the second word.

Let’s look at our last way to link.

Part four: linking two vowel sounds.

Let’s look at one more phrase: He asked
me for two apples.

Here, there are links between ‘he asked’
and ‘two apples’.

You can link two vowel sounds like this: add
a consonant sound in the middle to connect

the sounds.

You can add /w/ or /j/ depending on the two
vowel sounds.

For example:

‘Two apples’.

We link the sounds with /w/: two apples.

‘He asked’.

We link the sounds with /j/: he asked.

Let’s try these in some sentences:
There are two apples in the bowl.

He asked for a glass of water.

You’re probably thinking: how do I know
which consonant sound to add?

When do I use /w/ or /j/?

There are rules, but the rules aren’t very
practical to use.

The best way is simply to relax and try to
read the words as fluently as possible.

You will use the correct sound automatically.

Remember that linking makes it easier to speak

If you’re not sure which sound to use to
link two vowels, simply try them all.

The easiest one to say is the correct one.

Let’s practice: which sound should you add
to link these words?

‘See Andrew’; ‘go out’.

Remember: if you’re not sure, just try saying
the words quickly and fluently.

Pause the video if you want to think about

Here are the answers:

See Andrew: add a /j/ sound.

Go_w_out: add a /w/ sound.

Let’s practice these in sentences:

I’m going to see Andrew this weekend.

Shall we go out to get something to eat?

So now you know all the ways to link words
in English.

Part five: review.

There are three basic ways to link words in
English: consonant to consonant, consonant

to vowel, and vowel to vowel.

You can link two consonants if one word ends
with a consonant sound, and the next word

starts with the same sound, or a similar sound.

In this case, the two words ‘share’ the
consonant sound.

You can link any consonant to any vowel.

It can be helpful to imagine that the consonant
‘belongs’ to the second word.

You can link two vowel sounds together by
adding a consonant between them.

You need to add /w/ or /j/ depending on the
two vowel sounds.

If you’re not sure how to link two vowels,
just relax and try out the different combinations.

Remember that linking is supposed to make
speaking easier, not harder!

That’s the end of the lesson.

I hope you learned something new about English

Check out more of our free English lessons
on Oxford Online English dot com.

See you next time!