English Listening and Conversation PreIntermediate Level


conversation where did you learn to

skate listen and practice oh I’m really

sorry are you okay I’m fine

but I’m not very good at this neither am

i hey I like your shirt are you from

Argentina yes I am originally I was born

there did you grow up there yes I did

but my family moved here ten years ago

when I was in middle school

and where did you learn to skate here in

the park this is only my third time well

it’s my first time can you give me some

lessons sure just follow me

by the way my name is Ted and I’m Anna

nice to meet you

listen to the rest of the conversation

what are two more things you learn about

Ted hey that was fun thanks for the

lesson no problem so tell me a little

about yourself what do you do I work in

a travel agency really what do you do

there I’m in charge of their computers

oh so you’re a computer specialist well

sort of yeah I guess so

that’s great then maybe you can give me

some help with a computer course I’m

taking oh sure but only if you promise

to give me some more skating lessons

it’s a deal

listening life as an immigrant listen to

interviews with to immigrants to the

United States where are they from hooey

where are you from originally hooey I’m

from Vietnam from nee Hanoi and when did

you move here I came here after I

graduated from college that was in 1998

and what do you do now I work for a

communications company I see so you’re

an immigrant to the United States that’s

right what are some of the difficulties

of being an immigrant in the u.s. oh

that’s not an easy question to answer

there are so many things really I guess

one of the biggest difficulties is that

I don’t have any relatives here I mean I

have a lot of friends but that’s not the

same thing in Vietnam we visit relatives

on holidays and weekends it’s not the

same here and what do you miss the most

from home oh that’s easy my mom’s

cooking there are some great Vietnamese

restaurants here but it’s not the same

as my mother’s cooking

Ahmed where are you from amid I’m from

Egypt and when did you move to the u.s.

in 2005 are you studying here at the

moment not now I moved here to attend

college and after I graduated I got a

job here I’m working as an engineer

uh-huh and what was it like when you

first came here was it difficult yeah it

was at times

the biggest difficulty I had was with

the educational system things are very

different here teaching methods

everything is very different from what I

was used to in Egypt and what do you

miss the most from Egypt my family and

my friends I try to go home often but

it’s expensive to go back I have some

friends coming to visit next month so

I’m really looking forward to that

perspectives how have you changed listen

to these statements about changes one

when I was a kid I used to be very messy

but now I’m very neat

  • I didn’t use to collect anything but

now I do

three I never used to play sports but

now I like to keep fit


I never used to worry about money but I

do now

five I used to have a lot of hobbies but

now I don’t have any free time

six I didn’t used to follow politics but

now I check headlines online every day

seven when I was younger I used to care

a lot about my appearance now I’m too

busy to care how I look

perspectives transportation services

listen to these comments about

transportation services the buses are

old and slow and they cause too much

pollution in cities with less pollution

people are healthier there are too many

cars all the cars taxis and buses are a

danger to bicyclists there is too much

traffic there should be fewer cars but I

think that the biggest problem is

parking there just isn’t enough parking

listening Singapore solves it listen to

a resident of Singapore talk about how

his city has tried to solve its traffic

problems Singapore has done a lot to try

to solve his traffic problems for

example to drive into the downtown

business district motorists need to buy

a special pass they can go into the

business district only if they have the

pass on their windshield

another thing Singapore has done is to

make it more difficult to buy cars

people have to apply for a certificate

before they can buy a car not everyone

can get a certificate there’s a limited

number of them there’s also a high tax

on cars so a new one costs a lot of

money a car can cost three or four times

more in Singapore than in the US or

Canada the other thing Singapore has

done is build an excellent public

transportation system their subway

system is one of the best in the world

and there’s also a very good taxi and

bus system

conversation could you tell me listen

and practice excuse me could you tell me

where the nearest ATM is there’s one

upstairs across from the duty-free shop

great and do you know where I can catch

a bus to the city

sure just follow the signs for

transportation okay and can you tell me

how often they run they run every 20

minutes or so and just one more thing do

you know where the restrooms are right

behind you do you see where that sign is

oh thanks a lot

listen to the rest of the conversation

check the information that Eric asks for


excuse me it’s me again I’m sorry I need

some more information if you don’t mind

do you know how much the bus costs it’s

$20 you can buy a ticket on the bus $20


well a taxi costs about $50 hmm okay and

do you know where a bookstore is I’d

like to get a guidebook go upstairs and

turn right you’ll see one on your left

thanks very much have a nice day you too

listening celebrity interview listen to

an interview with Jerry a fashion model

thanks for taking the time to speak with

me Jerry oh it’s my pleasure you have a

beautiful accent where did you grow up I

grew up in England in a city called

Brighton how do you spell that BR i GH t

om just like it sounds

yes what was that like brilliant

it’s a lovely city right by the sea my

family still lives there my father owns

a restaurant and my mother teaches

school what did you want to be when you

grew up well I never thought I’d be a

model I wanted to be a doctor or maybe a

writer why not a model well I always

thought I looked funny I can’t imagine

it were you popular when you were

growing up

not really I wasn’t unpopular but I

wasn’t in the popular crowd at school I

had a nice group of friends though how

did you like school oh I loved school I

was a great student my mother actually

taught at my primary school I always

thought that was terrific what about

your free time as a child did you have a

hobby I used to love to draw later I

learned to paint and I still do that

actually I have some paintings in a

gallery right now that’s impressive well

it’s a very small exhibit but it’s

something I really enjoy

did you have a favorite game when you

were growing up I used to play video

games a lot as a kid the video games

then were very different from the games

now I didn’t have a favorite though I

liked a lot of them what about a

favorite place hmm

my favorite place I used to go to a

summer camp in Ireland I loved that

I got to go horseback riding almost

every day do you still go to Ireland

no not very often

perspectives which would you prefer

listen to these opinions about houses

and apartments which ones are about

space one apartments are too small for


two apartments aren’t big enough for



apartments don’t have as many rooms as



apartments have just as many expenses as



apartments don’t have enough parking


six houses cost too much money


houses aren’t as safe as apartments

eight houses aren’t as convenient as


nine houses don’t have enough closet


ten houses don’t have as much privacy as


listening capsule hotels listen to Brad

describe a capsule hotel welcome to the

program your home is my home our guest

tonight is Brad Phillips from California

Brad tell us a little bit about yourself

what do you do well at the moment I’m

working as an English teacher in Tokyo

Japan Tokyo is an exciting city but it’s

also very spread out it can sometimes

take hours to go from one part of the

city to another when I don’t feel like

going all the way home I sometimes stay

in a capsule hotel a capsule hotel

can you explain what that is yeah it’s a

hotel with lots of small rooms actually

they’re not really rooms they’re spaces

that are 2 meters by 1 meter and only a

meter high in other words they’re very

cramped but the hotel is cheap and very

convenient and what’s inside each little

room or should I say each space well

inside every capsule there’s a bed a TV

a TV really yeah and a reading light a

radio and an alarm clock the hotel also

has lockers where you can keep your

personal belongings interesting so what

kind of people stay in a capsule hotel

well probably people like me people who

missed the last train home or don’t want

to go all the way home only to turn

around and come back to work again it

gets pretty busy as you can imagine

finally would you recommend a capsule

hotel to other people sure the rooms are

small but you get used to sleeping in a

small space

I just wouldn’t recommend a capsule

hotel to people who can’t relax in small

cramped spaces

conversation making changes listen and

practice so are you still living with

your parents Terry I’m afraid so I wish

I had my own apartment why don’t you

like living at home it’s okay but my

parents are always asking me to be home

before midnight

I wish they’d stop worrying about me

yeah parents are like that and they

expect me to help around the house

I hate housework I wish life weren’t so

difficult so why don’t you move out hey

I wish I could but where else can I get

free room and board

listen to the rest of the conversation

what changes would Brian like to make in

his life yeah

it’s sometimes pretty hard to pay the

rent I’m thinking of finding a new job

really what kind of job would you like

I’m not sure but I wish I worked

somewhere else I’m tired of this place I

need to live somewhere more exciting I

know what you mean hey maybe we could

move to a different city we could even

be roommates yeah maybe

conversation have you ever listened and

practice hey this sounds strange snails

with garlic have you ever eaten snails

yes I have

I had them here just last week did you

like them yes I did they were delicious

why don’t you try some no I don’t think


have you decided out an appetizer yet

yes I’ll have a small order of the

snails please and you sir I think I’ll

have the fried brains fried brains I’ve

never heard of that it sounds scary

listen to the rest of the conversation

how did Steve like the fried brains what

else did he order oh good here comes our

server now here are your snails and for

you sir the fried brains thank you mmm

these snails are delicious how are the

brains well I think they’re yeah oh

sorry I guess brains are too strange for

me I think I’m going to order something

else if you don’t mind oh sure go ahead

excuse me yes um I really don’t care for

this appetizer could you bring me

something else yes of course what would

you like instead try the snails no I

don’t think so I’ll tell you what just

forget an appetizer for me and bring me

a nice juicy hamburger with french fries

and a large soda

listening I really need a change listen

to three people talk about things they

wish they could change one I get really

bored on weekends I wish I belonged to a

club or a sports team I’d get to meet

new people and make new friends and I’d

get into better shape too

  • I wish I could type better I should

take a typing course this summer I

really need it for my schoolwork and

people say that if you can type really

well it’s something you’ll find useful

later in life

three I’ve been so stressed out lately I

really need to get away I wish I could

take a short trip to a beach just for a

few days no computer no cell phone no TV

even I just take a good book and relax

conversation what are you going to do

listen and practice I’m so excited we

have two weeks off what are you going to

do I’m not sure I guess I’ll just stay

home maybe I’ll hang out with my friends

and watch some movies what about you any

plans yeah I’m going to relax at the

beach with my cousin we’re going to go

surfing everyday and my cousin likes to

fish so maybe we’ll go fishing one day

sounds like fun

say why don’t you come with us do you

mean it

I’d love to I’ll bring my surfboard

that’s great the more the merrier

listen to the rest of the conversation

where are they going to stay how will

they get there by the way where are we

going to stay oh we can stay in my aunt

and uncle’s beach house they have plenty

of room and I’m sure they’ll be happy to

have guests I’ll call them tonight to

let them know what time we’re going to

arrive I guess we’ll leave pretty early

there’s a direct bus every morning at 5

a.m. that’s fine with me

I think I’ll be too excited to sleep

perspectives travel advice listen to

these pieces of advice from experienced

travelers what topic is each person

talking about you should tell the driver

where you’re going before you get on and

you have to have exact change for the

fare when you fly you should keep

important things in your carry-on bag

such as your medication and credit cards

you shouldn’t pack them in your checked

luggage you should try some of the local

specialties but you’d better avoid the

stalls on the street in most countries

you don’t have to have an international

driver’s license but you must have a

license from your own country you also

need to be 21 or over you ought to pack

a first-aid kit and any medication you

need you shouldn’t drink water from the

tap you ought to keep a copy of your

credit card numbers at the hotel and you

shouldn’t carry a lot of cash when you

go out

listening tourist tips listen to an

interview with a spokeswoman from the

New York City Visitors Centre what

should people do to make their visit to

New York City safe and pleasant don’t

try to do too much in a short time

that’s very important

you should start planning before you get

here you ought to decide in advance

which sites you most want to see are

there any good tours available oh yes

there are many some companies offer bus

tours that stop at all the major tourist

attractions you can buy a pass so you

can get on and off wherever you like

that saves you time and you should visit

our website to find out about the latest

tours and special events I see and is

New York a safe City for visitors it’s

safer than many cities in the world but

just like in any big city you should

still be careful for example don’t go

off on your own especially at night and

never carry much cash on you oh and

don’t be afraid to ask questions even

American visitors have to ask for help

when they come here you’ll find that New

Yorkers are pretty friendly they like

welcoming visitors to their city and are

happy to give directions one last thing

is it an expensive city to visit it can

be but there are a lot of places in the

city where you don’t have to spend a lot

of money if you’re a student you should

bring your student ID card with you that

way you can get a discount at museums

and galleries is there anything else

you’d like to add yeah just that most

people have a great time when they come

to New York and I’m sure you will too

conversation turn down the TV listen and



Jason Jason turn down the TV please oh

but this is my favorite program I know

but it’s very loud okay I’ll turn it

down that’s better

thanks Lisa please pick up your things

they’re all over the floor in a minute

mom I’m on the phone

alright but do it as soon as you hang up

okay no problem where we like this when

we were kids hmm


listen to the rest of the conversation

what complaints do Jason and Lisa have

about their parents have you noticed how

forgetful dad is getting he’s always

forgetting where his car keys are it

drives me crazy and he can never find

his glasses either I know you know what

drives me crazy about mom what the awful

clothes she wears her style is so


it’s embarrassing yeah she could use

some fashion advice she should go

shopping with you oh well I guess

they’re just getting old I hope I never

get like that me too

hey come on let’s go play that new game

online great idea by the way have you

seen my glasses anywhere

listening family life listen to the

results of a survey about family life

page 38 exercise 6 part B listen again

according to the survey what specific

chores do men women boys and girls

usually do welcome to this week’s

program do men have it easy where we’ll

take a look at the roles and

responsibilities of men and women in

families first thanks to all of you who

responded to our survey John thanks


later on in the program we’ll be taking

your phone calls and talking to dr.

Walters a family psychologist who will

answer your questions and now for the

results of the survey jeffer well in

response to the first question who is

the messiest person in the house

the answer was boys 92% of you said that

your sons or brothers don’t help much

around the house they don’t pick up

their things

don’t hang up their clothes and leave

their clothes lying around interesting

and what about the second question

Jennifer that was who does most of the

work in the kitchen

well 84% of you answered women many of

you also explained that the boys and men

usually take out the garbage the girls

and women tend to cook do the dishes and

clean up and what about the groceries

Jennifer well according to our results

boys and girls usually put the groceries

away that’s surprising so what else do

the women do ah well that’s our next

question who worries most about expenses

in the majority of homes

it seems that women worry most about

household expenses one young man wrote

to us saying my mother always nags me

and my sister she tells us to get off

the phone to stop spending so long on

the computer to turn off the TV

well everything really I always thought

she just liked to nag but maybe she’s

really worried about money I think

that’s probably true don’t you John yes

very interesting and now I’d like to

introduce dr. Walters perspectives

reasonable requests are all the requests

reasonable one could you please tell me

the next time you have a party I’d like

to make sure I’m not at home

  • can you turn the music down please

the walls are really thin so the sound

goes through to my apartment

three would you mind closing the door

behind you and making sure it locks

we don’t want strangers to enter the


for would you please tell your guests to

use the visitor parking spaces a lot of

cars have been using my space recently

five would you mind not putting your

garbage in the hallway it’s not very

pleasant to see when I walk by

listening summer plans listen to Judy

Paul and Brenda described their summer

plans what is each person going to do

one Judy so what are you planning to do

on your vacation Judy oh I’m going to do

something different this year I went to

Hawaii last year and just relaxed on the

beach for two weeks this year I’m going

whitewater rafting oh that sounds fun

but what is that exactly

oh well they have these trips down the

rapids the water gets really rough but I

think it’ll be really exciting oh I’m

doing some mountain climbing too and you

call that a vacation

  • Paul what are your plans for the

summer Paul oh I’d love to go and lie on

a beach somewhere but I need to save

some money for school I think I’ll stay

home and get a job that doesn’t sound

like much fun oh it won’t be so bad some

of my friends are going to work this

summer too so we’ll have a good time on

the weekends

three Brenda have you planned anything

for the summer Brenda yeah I’m going to

work the first month and save some money

then I’m going to Mexico to visit my

sister she’s working in Guadalajara

she says it’s really interesting there

so I want to see what it’s like I’m

really looking forward to it

listening offline and proud of it listen

to a radio program about the Internet

we’ve all heard stories about how

internet use is growing today however

we’re talking with someone who has

studied people who don’t use the


let’s welcome dr. Tom Van Cleave to the

program thank you it’s nice to be here

thanks for coming now I understand that

many people still don’t use the Internet

is that right what can you tell us

that’s right my research has revealed

that in the United States for example

about 22% of the population never uses

the Internet and why is that well they

tend to be older people or people living

in more rural areas but there are also

those who worry about privacy or who

think that the internet isn’t necessary

in their lives some of these people are

even proud to be independent from the

online world interesting

in your new book you mention net evaders

can you explain what you mean by this

well lots of people live with someone

who browses websites but they still

don’t log on themselves I call this

group net evaders I found that these

people may ask a family member to send

emails for them for example but they

don’t want to do it themselves I know

someone like that yes and then there’s

another group of people I call Internet

dropouts Internet dropouts what exactly

does that mean it refers to people who

once used the Internet but have stopped

using it for some reason

they may not have a computer anymore may

not have enough time or simply may not

be interested I see well thanks very

much for sharing that information with

us dr. Van Cleve

conversation I give up

listen and practice I give up

I can’t figure this out what’s wrong I’m

trying to create a song playlist for my

party on Saturday I can help it’s really

easy first choose new playlist from the

menu here oh I see now type in the name

of your playlist then go to your song

file and choose the ones you want but

how do I choose the songs just drag them

to the playlist be sure to press these

keys to highlight more than one song

that was easy

Thanks so are you coming on Saturday of

course but don’t forget to include my

favorite songs on your playlist okay

listen to the rest of the conversation

what else does Terry want help with

say before you go can you help me with

something else sure but I only have a

minute okay

quickly I’d like to edit a video I took

it’s too long and I want to post it

online for my friends to see well I know

you need to open your editing program

first okay and then sorry I’m not sure

try to get the answers from the help box

that’s what I always do

perspectives special days listen to

these comments about special days of the

year my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving

it’s a day when North Americans

celebrate the harvest my whole family

gets together at our house I always cook

a large turkey February 14th is the day

when people give cards and presents to

the ones they love I’m really looking

forward to Valentine’s Day I already

have a gift for my boyfriend New Year’s

Eve is a night when I have fun with my

friends we usually have a big party we

stay up all night and then go out for

breakfast in the morning

listening carnival time Mike has just

returned from Brazil listen to him talk

about Carnival what was his favorite

thing about it isn’t this music

fantastic it’s from a samba CD that I

got when I was in Brazil for Carnaval

Carnaval is a big party or celebration

and usually lasts for 4 days it’s in

late February or early March but you

need to book a hotel room early because

hotels fill up really quickly people

celebrate carnival all over Brazil but

the most famous party is in Rio de

Janeiro there are colorful decorations

all over the city it’s really beautiful

and everyone is very friendly especially

to visitors from other countries my

favorite thing about Carnival is the big

parade the costumes are amazing people

work on them for months it’s really

fantastic to watch everyone dances the

Samba in the streets I’d really

recommend you try to go to Rio for


conversation wedding day listen and

practice your wedding pictures are

really beautiful amico thank you those

pictures are from right after the

ceremony where was the ceremony at a

shrine when people get married in Japan

they sometimes have the ceremony at a

shrine that’s interesting where there

are a lot of people there

well usually only family members and

close friends go to the ceremony but

afterward we had a reception with family

and friends

so what our receptions like in Japan

there’s a big dinner and after the meal

the guests give speeches or sing songs

it sounds like fun it really is and then

before the guests leave the bride and

groom give them presents the guests get

presents yes and the guests give money

to the bride and groom

listen to the rest of the conversation

what did the bride and groom give each

guest I’m curious what did you and your

husband give everyone well sugar is a

symbol of happiness in Japan so he gave

each guest a box filled with sweets what

a nice custom it sounds like it was a

wonderful day

ah it really was

listening marriage customs listen to

some information about marriage customs

one you know this book about marriage

customs is really interesting oh yeah

yeah listen to this it talks about this

native tribe in Paraguay uh-huh when two

women in the tribe want to marry the

same man guess what they do I have no

idea what they have a boxing match and

fight until one of them wins and the

prize is the husband of course


hmm does the book say anything about

Malaysia uh I don’t know why well when

people get married in Malaysia they have

to eat rice during the ceremony yeah

what’s so strange about that it’s

uncooked rice

three oh here’s another one

don’t laugh but I think this is really

romantic you think something is romantic

what is it in Italy a friend or family

member often brings a pair of white

doves to the wedding after the ceremony

the cage is opened and the doves fly

into the air the birds symbolize the

couple’s love and happiness you’re right

that is romantic


and here’s an interesting custom from

India let’s hear it there’s a special

Hindu water pouring ceremony during the

wedding and what happens

well when the Indian bride and groom are

married someone pours water all over

both of them why do they do that it says

here that it brings the couple closer



conversation that’s progress listen and

practice this neighborhood sure has

changed I know a few years ago not many

people lived here but the population is

growing so fast these days remember how

we used to rent videotapes at that

little video store yeah now it’s a

multiplex cinema and I hear they’re

tearing down our high school they’re

going to build a shopping mall soon

there will be just malls and parking

lots that’s because everyone has a car

50 years ago people walked everywhere

and nowadays they drive that’s progress

I guess

listen to the rest of the conversation

what else has changed in their

neighborhood well what about that old

bookstore do you know if it’s still


no it’s not now it’s a hair salon really

what about the Thai restaurant next to

it I loved that place oh that’s still

there let’s go there this weekend I’ll

Drive I can pick you up great

listening for better or for worse listen

to people discuss changes one

how long have you been living here Oh

for over 20 years and have you noticed a

lot of changes during that time oh yes

quite a few this is a much nicer place

to live now than it used to be it’s much

greener when I first moved here there

weren’t many trees around but over the

last few years the city has planted

trees everywhere it’s made such a


  • how do you like living here well it’s

an interesting City but you really need

a car here you can’t go anywhere without

one there used to be a good bus system

but there isn’t anymore why is that oh I

think they expect everyone to have a car

so they don’t bother to provide decent

bus service it’s getting worse and worse

these days you have to wait a long time

for a bus and when one finally shows up

it’s usually full


I can’t believe how much this

neighborhood has changed what do you

mean well when Joe and I first bought

this house that was almost 20 years ago

of course there were lots of young

couples with children living on this

street I don’t see any kids out today

that’s because they’ve all grown up and

moved out of their parents houses the

only young children we see around here

these days are the grandchildren when

they come to visit it’s too bad I missed

the sounds of kids playing it’s gotten

way too quiet around here

conversation I need a job

listen and practice

so broke I really need to find a job so

do I do you see anything good listed how

about this telephone sales job you call

people and try to sell them magazines

that sounds boring and anyway I’m not

very good at selling well I am I might

check that one out

oh here’s one for you an assistant

entertainment director on a cruise ship

that sounds like fun

I love traveling and I’ve never been on

a cruise ship it says here you have to

work every day while the ship is at sea

that’s okay

I don’t mind working long hours if the

pay is good

I think I’ll apply for it

listen to Brad’s phone call what else

does the job require hello hello this is

the employment office of holiday cruise

lines may I speak with Brad hello this

is Brad ah good Brad we got your

application for assistant entertainment

director your skills look good but I

have a question do you speak any other

languages no not really

oh that’s too bad we’re really looking

for someone who can speak at least one

other language I’m sorry but we’ll keep

your application and call you if another

job comes up oh okay well thank you for

calling me and I hope to hear from you


listening job-hunting listen to people

talk about the kind of work they are

looking for check the job that would be

best for each person one bill

so what kind of job are you looking for

well I haven’t made up my mind I love

working with people and I love traveling

I don’t want a job where I’m stuck in an

office all day I want to get out and see

the world are you interested in working

in business that’s where you can

sometimes make good money I’m not really

interested in making a lot of money at

this point in my life I’ll worry about

that later

  • Shannon what kind of career are you

planning for yourself I don’t know I

think I’d like to have a job where I can

help people everybody else in my family

is in law or business you know boring

stuff like that that’s just not for me I

know I’d like to work overseas though

maybe in a Children’s Hospital in a

developing country but that’s a long way

away I have to get into medical school

first and that’s not going to be easy

three Ben what kind of job do I have in

mind well I don’t want a regular

nine-to-five job eventually I’d like to

get into acting maybe even break into

movies but I guess that won’t happen for

a while

so what are you doing in the meantime

well I work out at the gym nearly every

day I need to be really fit and I’m

taking acting lessons as well so that I

feel comfortable in front of the crowd I

just had some pictures taken to show two

agents in the city would you like to see

them sure


Profiles listen to these people answer

the question what kind of work would you

like to do what job does each person

talk about well I think I’d make a good

journalist because I’m good at writing

when I was in college I worked as a

reporter for the school website

I really enjoyed writing different kinds

of articles I know what I don’t want to

do a lot of my friends work in the stock

market but I could never be a

stockbroker because I can’t make

decisions quickly I don’t mind working

hard but I’m terrible under pressure I’m

still in school my parents want me to be

a teacher but I’m not sure yet I guess I

could be a teacher because I’m very


I’m also very impatient so maybe I

shouldn’t work with kids

listening good or bad listen to Louisa

and Tim discuss for jobs right down the

jobs and check if they would be good or

bad at them one Louisa I don’t know what

class is to take this semester I can’t

decide what I want to do with my life

have you thought about it Louisa a

little bit my history professor says I

should think about a career in politics

but I don’t think I’d make a good

politician why not oh you know me I’m

not good at working with other people

I’m too moody and politicians have to

work with people all the time that’s

true so what do you think you want to do

well honestly I think I’d make a good

architect oh you would you’re so

creative and I love drawing and I don’t

know making things plus then I’d get to

work alone a lot

  • Tim that reminds me of a problem I’m

having what is it you know my parents

have a restaurant right

well my father wants me to be the

manager and you don’t want to no way

restaurant managers have to manage other

people I’d be terrible I’m too

disorganized so what do you want to do

well I think I could be a good teacher I

like working with kids and I’m pretty

patient that’s true and you’re very


perspectives the Empire State Building

now listen what information is the most

surprising okay folks here we are in the

Empire State Building the history of the

Empire State Building is filled with

many interesting facts and figures it

was designed by American architect

William lamb to become the tallest

building in the world construction began

in March 1930 and by October of that

same year 88 floors were already

finished in 1931 after 14 months and 25

million dollars the building’s 102

floors were officially opened by US

President Herbert Hoover in 1964 colored

lights were added to the top by the

building’s owners the colors change

almost every night while it’s no longer

the world’s tallest building it is still

seen as a symbol of New York City and

people from all over the world visit the

building every year it has even been

featured in some of Hollywood’s biggest

films including King Kong and Sleepless

in Seattle

listening who built them listen to three

tour guides describe some very old

monuments take notes to answer the

questions below one the pyramids who

built them why were they built the

pyramids were built more than 4,000

years ago by the Egyptians the most

famous ones are on the west bank of the

River Nile outside of Cairo they were

built as burial places for the Egyptian

kings after a king’s death his body was

turned into what is called a mummy this

preserved it the King’s mummy was placed

inside the pyramid along with treasures

to machu picchu how big is the city when

was it discovered Machu Picchu is an

Inca city in Peru construction of the

city started in 1450 the ruins are about

2400 meters above sea level the city

covers about 13 square kilometers for

centuries the city was buried in the

jungle and wasn’t discovered again until

1911 today Machu Picchu is one of the

most famous tourist attractions in all

of South America

three the Great Wall of China why was it

built how long is it the Great Wall of

China is the longest structure ever

built it was built to protect one of the

Chinese kingdoms much of what exists of

the wall today was built during the Ming

Dynasty in the late 1400s although some

parts of the wall are much older the

wall is about eleven meters high and a

stone roadway runs along the top of it

the main part of the wall stretches for

about 3400 kilometers


conversation I need some information

listen and practice hello oh hello I

need some information what currency is

used in the European Union where the

European Union

I think the euro is used in most of

Europe oh right and is English spoken

much there I really have no idea huh

well what about credit cards are they

accepted everywhere how would I know

well you’re a travel agent aren’t you

what this is a hair salon you have the

wrong number

listening Columbia listen to a short

talk about Columbia Columbia is located

in the northwestern part of South

America and is the fourth largest

country in South America it has

coastlines on both the Atlantic and the

Pacific Oceans it has a population of

around 45 million and is a very

beautiful country with snow-capped

mountains as well as hot lowland plains

the capital city is Bogota Spanish is

spoken by nearly all Colombians and it

is the country’s official language many

religions are practiced but the religion

of the majority of the population is

Roman Catholic some of the most

important industries are textiles and

clothing other industries include mining

and oil agriculture is the most

important section of the economy and

Colombia’s main agricultural products

are coffee flowers sugar bananas rice

corn and cotton the coffee that is grown

and exported is delicious in fact

Colombia produces more coffee than any

other country except Brazil and Vietnam


perspectives it happened to me listen to

what happened to these people

check the things that have happened to

you I was watching a really good movie

but I fell asleep before the end I was

talking to my friend when my cell phone

died I was traveling in another country

when I met an old school friend I was

getting off a bus when I slipped and

fell on the sidewalk while I was

shopping one day a celebrity walked into

the store I was typing my book report on

my computer when it crashed while I was

walking down the street I found some


listening lucky breaks listen to these

stories about lucky breaks what were the

people doing before they got their lucky


what were their lucky breaks one young

Zafar about 40 years ago Young’s at fob

was just an ordinary Chinese farmer he

was living off the land and was very


today he is recognized as the man who

discovered a highly important

archaeological site sometimes called the

eighth wonder of the world

what happened one morning in March 1974

zefa and some other local farmers were

looking for water as they were drilling

a well they hit something hard they

found pieces of pottery and ancient

weapons immediately the head of the

village reported the news to the local

government and in May 1976 the digging

began to everyone’s surprise there were

over 8,000 soldiers made of terracotta

lying underneath his land the soldiers

were over 2,000 years old and had been

buried along with Emperor Chien who

wanted to take an army with him to his

next life today young Jafar spends much

of his time at the Terracotta Army

Museum he sits poses for pictures and

proudly signs autographs for the

millions of tourists who visit from all

over the world


to gwyneth paltrow you could say that

actress Gwyneth Paltrow was born lucky

after all she is the daughter of two

well-known talents her mother is an

actress and her father was a writer

producer and director but like all

people wanting to break into movies she

had to go to drama school and learn how

to act today Gwyneth Paltrow is a

successful international actress and has

even won an Oscar award so how did it

all begin

according to MS Paltrow her lucky break

came when she was 18 years old she was

at a movie theater with her parents

while they were waiting in line to buy

some popcorn she noticed that Steven

Spielberg was also in line she was just

about to order when he came over to her

and said hey can I ask you a favor would

you play Wendy in the movie hook sure

she said and so she got her first movie


conversation what have you been doing

listen and practice hey Gina

I haven’t seen you in ages what have you

been doing lately nothing exciting I’ve

been working two jobs for the last six

months how come I’m saving up money for

a trip to Morocco well that’s exciting

yeah it is what about you well I’ve only

been spending money I’m pursuing a

full-time modeling career really how

long have you been modeling since I

graduated but I haven’t been getting any

work lately I need a job soon I’m almost

out of money

listen to two other people at the party

what has happened since they last saw

each other hey Bob how’s it going pretty

good thanks I haven’t seen you for a

while or what have you been up to well

I’ve been looking for a house to buy I

finally found one last month that’s


yeah I’m really tired of renting so what

have you been doing lately well I went

to Italy last month really what were you

doing there I was taking a short Italian

course but guess what

I fell in love you did who’s the lucky

guy actually I fell in love with the

food there so I’ve been taking some

classes in Italian cooking that Pizza

you’re eating I made it

listening facts about Spain listen to

people on a game show answer questions

about Spain what are the answers welcome

to today’s show the rules of the game

are simple I will ask a question and the

first contestant to hit the buzzer gets

to answer that question

each correct answer is worth $100

today’s topic is Spain

are you ready contestants the first

question for $100 is what currency is

used in Spain contestant a the euro

that’s right contestant a Spain used to

use the peseta but now they use the euro

and now for the next question what

country borders Spain to the west

contestant a Portugal correct you’re

doing very well contestant a maybe our

other contestants can catch up on our

next question what is the capital of

Spain contestant B the capital is Madrid

you’re right contestant V that capital

is Madrid excellent let’s see how you do

with our next question what is one of

the most popular sports in Spain yes

contestant C um hockey no I’m sorry

anyone else know the answer

contestant a soccer is very popular in

Spain that’s right okay there are only

two questions left let’s go players next


Spain is an agricultural country what

are two of the main crops contestant C

olives and wheat good for you

and wheat are both grown in Spain we

only have one more question left

contestants and remember the winner of

this round will be back here tomorrow

for the championship playoff and now for

our last question what are two of the

main industries in Spain contestant B I

think textiles and automobiles are made

in Spain yes that’s correct

Spain manufactures both textiles and

automobiles so contestants let’s look at

your scores contestant a you answered

conversation what’s playing listen and

practice do you want to see a movie

tonight hmm maybe what’s playing how

about the new Star Trek film I hear it’s

really exciting actually the last one

was boring what about the movie based on

Stephen King’s new novel I don’t know

his books are usually fascinating but I

don’t like horror movies well what do

you want to see I’m interested in the

new Sandra Bullock movie it looks good

that’s fine with me

she’s a wonderful actress

listen to the rest of the conversation

what happens next what do they decide to

do yeah her last movie was amazing it’s

probably one of my all-time favorite

movies actually I didn’t see it but I

heard it was just okay well I’ll check

the theaters website and see what time

the movie starts maybe we can go to a

show after dinner Oh No what’s wrong you

won’t believe this it’s not showing


it was showing just last weekend but I

guess the schedule has already changed

we’re back where we started why don’t we

just see what’s on TV tonight that’s

fine with me

listening how did you like it

listen to people talk about books movies

and TV programs which ones do you think

they would recommend one what do you

think of sue Grafton’s books I love

those mysteries when I started to read a

is for alibi I couldn’t put it down

I stayed up till four o’clock in the

morning to finish it Wow

have you read any of the other books in

the series oh yeah

B is for burglar c is for corpse I’m

already up to K is for killer using the

alphabet to build a mystery series is

such a clever idea I can’t wait to read

all 26 books

I wonder what Z will be

  • how did you like the movie well I

walked out after half an hour you did

yeah it was so dull that I started

falling asleep and I’ve never seen such

bad acting I think I’m going to start

reading movie reviews online so I don’t

waste my money

three did you see that documentary on TV

last night the one about Australia I did

I learned so much I didn’t know they had

so many different kinds of animals there

and the photography yeah it was

something wasn’t it

aha it was pretty amazing it made me

really want to go there and see it for


for are you reading that book - it seems

everyone’s reading it now

when did UFOs become so popular anyway

actually I just finished it what a waste

of time

just the same silly stuff about visitors

to earth from other planets I know it

said absolutely nothing new you know I’m

sick of hearing stories about little

green creatures if they’re real how come

no one can ever take a picture of them

perspectives it’s about listen to people

talk about some of their Hollywood

favorites can you guess the actress

actor or movie each person is describing

one he’s an actor who often plays

unusual characters he’s fantastic as the

Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland and

Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of

the Caribbean movies

  • this action movie came out in 2010 and

stars Leonardo DiCaprio as a thief who

is able to steal information from

people’s minds it’s kind of confusing

but the special effects are amazing


it’s a science fiction movie that was

directed by James Cameron it’s a

beautiful film that takes place on the

moon Pandora in the year 2154 it’s a

story about the clash of cultures and


for she’s an actress who is excellent in

both dramas and comedies I loved her in

Mamma Mia and the Iron Lady I haven’t

seen a lot of her earlier movies though

listening a night at the movies listen

to two critics talk about a new movie

what do they like or not like about it

welcome to a night at the movies I’m

Pauline Kaplan and I’m Colin Hale good

evening tonight we’re going to review

the new James Bond film well I really

like this new James Bond actor very very

much mm-hmm

he’s the best actor that’s ever had the

role warm human even funny a totally

believable character I have to agree

a perfect double-oh-seven type Pauline

what did you think of the story it was a

standard story for a Bond movie the

usual beautiful women the usual evil

villain nothing new well I’m surprised I

have to say that I thought the story was

unusually good the racecar scenes were

exciting and the surprise ending was


well I can’t agree with you there really

what did you think about the music I

wasn’t impressed at all by the music I

loved the James Bond theme but what they

did with it was awful too modern for me

I can’t believe you I haven’t heard such

interesting music in a movie in a long

time it really added to the action

scenes now that brings up another

weakness in the film the special effects

again it’s just the same old stuff the

car that flies the pen that’s really a

gun you get tired of that kind of thing

I’d hardly believe you and I saw the

same movie Pauline I have to say that

the special effects were the best ever

in a Bond film for example the scene

where excuse me Colin we’re going to

have to break for a commercial you’re

right Pauline we’ll be right back with

our ratings



have you met Raj listen and practice

have you met Raj the student from India

no I haven’t well he seems really nice

but there’s one thing I noticed he moves

his head from side to side when you talk

to him you know like this maybe it means

he doesn’t understand you no I don’t

think so or it could mean he doesn’t

agree with you actually people from

India sometimes move their heads from

side to side when they agree with you oh

so that’s what it means

now listen to Raj talked to his friend

what does he find unusual about the way

people in North America communicate so

how are things at school Raj oh pretty

good actually do you find it easy to

communicate with people most of the time

though there are some things I find a

bit unusual for example the way that

people end the conversation you know

they’ll say things like hey let’s get

together soon at first I thought that

they were inviting me to do something

but then I realize it’s just a way of

saying goodbye it’s not really an

invitation at all it takes a bit of

getting used to

listening sign-language

listen to three conversations about

driving one oh no not another parking

ticket that’s the second one this week

why did I get a ticket for parking here

I thought this was a free parking zone

maybe you can only park here after

working hours is there a sign around

anywhere oh you’re right there’s one

over there I didn’t even notice it looks

like you can’t park here till after 6:00

p.m. how much is the fine would you

believe it



I wonder why that traffic officer is

signaling me perhaps he means you’re

driving too fast no I don’t think so the

speed limit is 60 and I’m only going 55

hmm I wonder why there are no other cars

in this lane what do you mean well you

see how the other cars are all in the

lane next to us you’re right I think

this one is just for buses and taxis

they really should put up better signs

around here


that’s weird the last few cars driving

tortoise were flashing their lights I

see what you mean there’s another one

maybe my lights are on or something let

me check

no they’re off do you think there’s an

accident up ahead maybe you’d better

slow down oh now I see what’s happening

there’s a patrol car up ahead checking

people’s speed how nice of those other

drivers to let me know

well I’m within the speed limit at least

I am now

listening that’s how I feel

listen to some people talking right what

each person is talking about one that

roadsign looks kind of strange to me I

wonder what it means perhaps it means

the road gets slippery when it’s wet or

it might mean that the road is very


  • that’s the last time I’ll watch one of

his movies it started out okay but the

ending was terrible

the last scene could mean they stay

together but it may also mean they never

see each other again I can’t stand when

directors leave the ending so open


Wow that lecture really made me think

everything the professor said makes

sense I could never understand Greek

philosophy before but he made it also

clear maybe this means I should change

my major to philosophy

for I can’t believe how many rules they

have at this pool they look through all

your bags to make sure you don’t have

any food or glass containers I guess

that probably means a lot of people try

to bring those things in all I wanted

was to go for a swim

conversation if I found $750,000 listen

and practice look at this some guy found

$750,000 he returned it and the owner

simply thanked him with a phone call

you’re kidding

if I found $750,000 I wouldn’t return it

so fast why what would you do well I’d

go out and start spending it I could buy

lots of nice clothes and jewelry

someone might also find out about it and

then you could go to jail

hmm you’ve got a point there

listen to the rest of the conversation

what would Phil do if he found $750,000

so what would you do if you found

$750,000 oh you know me Pat I’m so

honest I scare myself sometimes I’d take

the money straight to the police I guess

that wouldn’t be such a bad idea maybe

you’d be luckier than the guy in the

article maybe the owner of the money

would give you a big reward

well they say honesty pays right

listening tough predicaments listen to

three people talk about predicaments one

I just got a postcard from my friend

Carrie she lost all her money on

vacation in Europe isn’t that horrible

yeah that’s terrible

Jane what would you do if you are on

vacation overseas and you lost all your

money in credit cards

I guess I’d call my parents and ask them

to send me some money right away what

about you Bert yeah I’d probably do the

same thing although maybe I’d try going

to the embassy or consulate to see if

they could help me what about you Susan

well I guess I’d probably sell my watch

and camera or I might get a job as a

waitress somewhere till I made enough

money to buy a plane ticket home

  • you know I’m really worried about

Carol why well I think she has a serious

shopping problem really yes she keeps

buying things and putting everything on

her credit card I don’t think she

realizes how hard it’s going to be to

pay all the money back I don’t know what

to do what would you do if you

discovered a friend had major financial

problems oh no question I’d talk to her

about it oh I don’t think I would why


well because it’s really none of my

business I wouldn’t tell a friend what

to do in that type of situation

so I wouldn’t say or do anything about

it well I think I’d probably talk to her

family about it it’s a personal problem

and they should try to help her first

three you know I was faced with a tough

situation the other day I was walking

down the street and saw two people

fighting it looked pretty violent but I

didn’t know what to do so I just walked

away I figured it was none of my


but now I think I should have done

something what would you do if you saw

two people fighting on the street I’m

not really sure but I know I’d have to

do something I guess I would call the

police no that takes too long I try to

break it up but you could get hurt if

you did that well then I try to get

someone to help me break it up in the

meantime I’d shout for someone to call

the police

listening I’m calling about listen to

people calling dr. Hilda a counselor on

a radio talk show this is doctor Hilda

welcome to today’s show now let’s get

started right away with our first caller

hello hello dr. Hilda I’m calling about

my daughter she’s she is dating an older

man oh how old are these two people

my daughter is 24 and this man is 42

mm-hmm I told her she had to stop seeing

him and and now she won’t speak to me I

feel terrible

tell me doctor Hilda what should I have

done first you should have spoken to

this 42 year old man you should have

asked him not to date your daughter for

a couple of weeks to give the situation

some time to cool off then if they still

want to see each other and if the man

seems like a nice person you should let

your daughter date him you shouldn’t

worry so much about the age difference

okay now let’s go to our next caller

hello caller hello uh I’m a first-time


and well my problem is that my father

went away on a business trip and I

borrowed his brand-new car and I had an


where is your mother she’s away visiting

some friends all right go on

well I sent an email to my father and I

I told him well I told him someone had

stolen the car oh you should have told

your father the truth your father would

probably understand about a car accident

and he would be glad you weren’t hurt

I’m not too sure about that

Oh give it a try young man because the

truth is always better than a lie okay

now let’s hear from our next caller

this is dr. Hilda

you’re on the air hi I’m calling about a

problem it’s kind of a personal problem

but it also concerns work yes go on well

I invited some friends from the office

to my house for a party a couple of

weeks ago and everything was fine until

someone started talking about politics

oh you shouldn’t have let the subject of

politics come up well it came up and I

well I got really angry at one of my

co-workers and to prevent a fight I

asked him to leave and what happened

after that

well now it’s caused a big problem in

the office he won’t even speak to me


you shouldn’t have talked about politics

at a party it’s not a safe topic that’s

for sure and you shouldn’t have gotten

so angry either that’s true but what

should I do now you should apologize

well maybe that’s a good idea I’ll give

it a try

good well folks that’s another show

I’m doctor Hilda join us again next time


conversation are you doing anything on

Saturday listen and practice

hi Daniel oh hi Albert how are things

just fine thanks uh are you doing

anything on Saturday night hmm

Saturday night let me think oh yes my

cousin just called to say he was flying

in that night I told him I would pick

him up oh that’s too bad

it’s my birthday I’m having dinner with

Amanda and I thought I’d invite more

people and make it a party

gee I’m really sorry but I won’t be able

to make it I’m sorry too

but that’s okay

listening he said she said listen to

Albert inviting friends to his party on

Saturday what excuses do people give for

not coming one Scott hello hi Scott

this is Albert how are things oh hi

Albert um you know it’s my birthday on

Saturday and I thought maybe you’d like

to come to my party oh I really wish I

could but I won’t be around this weekend

I’m leaving Friday night and I won’t get

back till Sunday afternoon

oh I’m sorry Albert have a great party

though and happy birthday

oh thanks and you have a great weekend

Scott oh thanks well bye see you around

to Fumiko hello

Fumiko hi it’s Albert how are you I’m

fine how are you oh I’m fine too um you

know Saturday is my birthday and I was

wondering if you’d like to come to my

party Oh what time say around 7:30 oh

I’m sorry I think I may already have

plans to go to the movies with my

friends oh ok Fumiko I I hope you have a

good time thank you and I hope your

party is fun yeah well I hope so too uh

see you in class on Monday sure bye bye


three Manuel hello hello Manuel hi


hey how are you doing I’m pretty good

what’s up well my birthday is Saturday

and I’m having a little party with some

friends and I thought maybe you’d like

to come Saturday yeah

oh you know listen I already promised my

mother I took her to the new dance club


she loves to dance and she’s really

looking forward to it

oh I didn’t know your mom liked to dance

Manuel oh yeah she loves it and well mom

it’s okay Manuel

don’t worry about it I’m really sorry


well see you soon take care all Bert

okay bye Manuel


for Regina hello hello Regina this is


oh hi Albert what’s wrong

I I’ve got the flu

oh I’m sorry to hear that I guess you

won’t be coming to my party on Saturday

huh no I guess not

I’m feeling pretty rundown oh I’m sorry

well hey take care of yourself Regina I

hope to see you next week yeah me too


listen what happens on the night of

Albert’s birthday happy birthday to me

happy birthday oh goodness

Scott Fumiko wow what a terrific

surprise man well Regina and you really

fooled me I can’t believe it

Amanda did you set this up