Can you say that again Real English Listening Conversation Practice


can you say that again

situation one michael calls for a

vacation reservation

but his connection is not stable

ocean casino resort how may i help you

good morning i would like to make a

reservation for this

summer holiday do you have any vacancies

yes sir we have several rooms available

for that particular holiday

may i get your personal information


what’s your full name michael potter

maybe your connection is bad i can’t

hear very well so can you repeat your

name please

oh sorry michael potter

so the reservation is under michael

potter’s name

what is your phone number mr potter

the phone number is zero two zero three


five nine four seven eight eight

zero two zero three eight five nine

four seven eight eight is that right mr


can you say that again i’m in a noisy

place so i cannot hear clearly

zero two zero three eight five

nine four seven eight eight is this


it’s correct thank you sir could i get

your id card number

five four one two seven five

one two three four one two

three four five six

sorry sir but it is the number of a bank

card not an identity card

i really apologize for my bad connection

so i heard wrong

my identity card number is s123

four five six seven six five oh

one zero zero would you like to book a

standard room or a deluxe room

how much is a standard room and a deluxe

one 120 dollars per day for a standard


and 230 for a deluxe room

only 213 for a deluxe room

can you say it again 230

per day um i want a standard room

when will you receive the room i will

receive the room at two o’clock

on the 26th of july

how many days are you going to stay in

the hotel

about four days and three nights

how many people is the reservation for

there will be four of us would you like

a room with two twin beds

or twin beds and a double bed

two twin beds and a double bed please

okay please confirm your information

can you speak up a bit my line is a

little bad

yes sir your full name is michael potter

phone number is zero two zero

three eight five nine four seven eight

eight and your identity card number

is s one two three four five six

seven six five zero one zero zero

you book a standard room with twin beds

and a double bed on july 26th

are they correct they are correct thank


if you have any problems please contact

me via email address

ocean casino resort

thanks you’re welcome have a nice day




situation 2 sam won the lottery

and went home to tell his girlfriend


sally i have a piece of surprising news

for you

what news you really want to hear

sure tell me quickly baby

i won the lottery can you repeat what

you said

i cannot believe it why

april fool’s day but

i said the truth i won the lottery

i don’t trust what you say you’re lying

i swear i give you one more chance to

tell the truth

how many times do i have to say it i won

the lottery

unbelievable which lottery did you buy

mega millions huh

can you say that again mega millions

i heard that wrong right no

it is the mega millions lottery the

money you can have from the lottery

can be up to two and a half million


sally can you say again the amount of

money i can have

two and a half million dollars

such a lot of money yes

we’ll be riching it


situation 3 there is an urgent meeting

going on

and the boss asked jessica to prepare

for the meeting

jessica we have an unscheduled meeting

for this afternoon

this afternoon a little bit urgent

you’re assigned to do some tasks before

the meeting

the first thing is inviting all high

level managers for the afternoon meeting

secondly please arrange for me all

consumers complaints and leave them on

my desk by 11 o’clock

next have me check all products launched

in this quarter

i need all documents related to those

goods for the meeting

draft selling and buying contracts and

send me by 10 o’clock

and bring marketing strategy documents

for me too

i beg your pardon sir can you repeat the

second task onward please

i didn’t keep up with it arrange all

consumers complaints and leave them on

my desk

when do i need to finish this task by 11


sorry can you say it again i’m afraid

that my line is bad

by 11 o’clock can you hear clearly

thanks sir what’s next i have to do

draft selling and buying contracts and

send me by

10 o’clock with mapbox company right sir

right check all products launched in

this quarter

and send them to you by 10 am

all right and bring markety strategy

documents for me

that’s all you have to finish with this

morning i’ll do it right now

situation 4 john won first prize in a

speech contest

dad mom i’ve got the surprising news for


you won’t believe it what’s the news son

i won the first prize can you imagine


are you serious you must be joking

it’s hard to believe but i’m extremely


really can you say again you said you

had won the first prize in the speech


my son can you repeat it it’s


you don’t hear wrong i did win the first


i’m a winner oh my gosh

you are the winner darling can you say

one more time

i cannot believe what i heard

our son the first prize the winner

oh wow i must say it surprises me

congratulations to our son you’ve done a

great job

there’s a reward for you the winner

dad mom what are you talking about a


can you repeat it for sure we’ll reward

you for your attempt

wow what a surprise thank you so much

let’s have a party with your teammates

goodbye son

i’m so proud of you thanks mom and dad

see you later


situation tiffany will be unable to go

out with her friends because of the same

exam schedule

she is informing her friends

hey guys i’ve just realized a little bit

of a serious

problem how serious

what problem tiffany the day we have a

trip and i have to sit my

final exam are on the same day

tiffany can you say that again you’re

kidding right

come again what date do you have the


on june 26th

last week you said you would take the

final exam at the beginning of july

no i just saw the examination schedule

it’s exact

if so we should change the schedule for

the trip

i don’t get it say what we change the

schedule for you to go with the whole


sounds great we can move another day in

the middle of july

is that okay sorry the middle of july

that’s fine okay so we’ll have the trip

on july 15th

thank you all

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