Renting an Apartment in English Listening and Practice


renting an apartment

dialogue one

sam wants to rent an apartment

she saw an advertisement for a beautiful

one in the magazine so she’s calling the

housing agency to talk about it

abc housing agency

how can i help you

hi my name is sam i saw an advertisement

in a magazine for an apartment on xyz


may i have some more information about

it please

a moment please i will have to check if

it is still available

yes it is still available what

information would you like to know ma’am

i would like to know if it is possible

to already move in next month i am in a


if we finish the paperwork and you pay

the deposit by the end of this week

it would be possible ma’am

that’s good to hear

i will visit your agency tomorrow to

check out the apartment

can you make an appointment for me

of course ma’am

would 10 am be okay

that’s perfect

great see you tomorrow then please

remember to bring your id with you as


thank you for reminding me

you’re welcome is there anything else i

can do for you ma’am

that would be all thank you and see you

tomorrow have a great day

uh you too ma’am see you

dialogue two

sam arrives at the housing agency

she is met with mark an agent who shows

her around the apartment she is

interested in


i have an appointment scheduled at 10am

for reviewing

oh yes you must be sam right

nice to finally meet you my name is mark

we talked on the phone yesterday

hi mark nice to meet you too

may i ask if i am able to see the

apartment already

definitely do you mind walking

it is right on the next block it would

take five minutes tops to get there

that’s okay

great let’s go


are you tired

i’m sorry that you had to walk all of

those stairs

the elevator is being fixed right now it

will probably work normally by the time

you move in

it’s okay

exercise for me although i’d really

appreciate the elevator

i know

let’s have a look at this apartment

though i’m sure you will love it

please lead the way

okay so this is the living room it is

very spacious

you can fit even two sofas in here

you will be able to host many gatherings

in this space

it is beautiful

may i see the kitchen and dining area as


i usually spend a lot of time there as i

love to cook for my family and friends

of course

the kitchen is actually my favorite

feature of this apartment

its design is really modern and caters

to its owners every need

there is a fridge an electric stove

an oven and even a dishwasher

those are really useful indeed i

especially love the kitchen island in

the middle so trendy

i see you have good taste

come this way please the bedrooms and

bathrooms are even more amazing

how many bedrooms and bathrooms are in

this apartment again

this is a two-bedroom apartment with an

ensuite bathroom and a separate one at

the end of this hallway

that might be too many for me

i might have to find someone to share

the apartment with

that wouldn’t be a problem ma’am we do

allow sharing

also if you decide to start a family

this would be an ideal place

i agree

i really love what i see so far but i’ll

have to think about it carefully

this is the first time i’m living on my

own i want everything to be perfect

i understand

should we head back to the agency so we

can talk some more about the details

yes good idea

dialogue three

sam loves the apartment she saw

she decides to take another step by

discussing money matters with mark

so sam what do you think

i think the apartment is absolutely


i would like to talk about money

how much would the rent cost here

it is a thousand dollars a month

electricity and internet not included

not included

isn’t that a bit expensive

would eight hundred dollars be


i’m sorry that price is too low for an

apartment that size

we can give you other options if you


i really like that apartment though

what about 900

that’s all i can afford right now 900 is

lower than what we want but

we will make an exception for you

thank you so much

i would be really sad if i couldn’t rent

this place it is an absolute gem

yes we have had multiple inquiries about

it so far

but since you called first it is natural

that you get to decide first

i feel so lucky

can you send me the contract later

of course i will send it to you as soon

as possible it was lovely doing business

with you

same for me thank you again mark


dialogue 4

sam received the contract through email

after reading it she still wonders about

a few things

she calls mark to clear up any confusion

hey mark

sorry to bother you again i just have a

few questions about the apartment

no problem sam what is it

i was wondering about some minor flaws i

saw in the house

like a few dirty spots on the wall or

the broken lamp in the bathroom

are those going to be fixed

of course our team will send someone

there to make sure everything is

spotless before you arrive


what about pets am i allowed to own one

if yes which ones

that’s okay but you will have to pay a

small fee of 20 a month

and we only allow cats and dogs

i see

do you know if there is any place for

them to play around the apartment

there’s a park opposite it no worries

that’s good to hear thank you for your


my pleasure ma’am

can i help you with anything else

actually yes is there a train station or

a bus stop nearby

i don’t have my own car yet

there is a bus stop right beside the

building you can also travel by train

but i believe the nearest train station

is uh one kilometer away so you’ll have

to walk a bit

i got it thank you

you’re welcome ma’am

dialog 5

sam made a post online to find a


christina sees it and gives sam a call

hello is this sam’s number

yes sam is speaking how can i help you

i saw your post online about looking for

a flatmate

i have all the information needed about

the space but do you mind me asking

about you

i would love to get to know my future

flatmate before i decide to move in

of course go ahead ask me anything you



are you a party animal

sorry if this is a bit blunt


are you

i can be sometimes but i prefer to go

out for that i like my own space clean

and quiet

me too

i spend a lot of time tidying up i can’t

stand having a messy house

are you a night owl

when i’m busy yes

but i also love my sleep especially on

the weekends

do you smoke

yes but we can’t smoke inside the

building so it wouldn’t be a problem if

you don’t

i see

one last question is there a parking lot

i recently bought a new car and it would

be awesome if i can park right where i


unfortunately no you’ll have to park

somewhere else

i know there is a parking lot a block

away from this building

that actually is not that bad i can deal

with it thank you so much for answering

my questions

it’s nothing

hey i think we have a lot in common

you can move in anytime you want even

tomorrow is possible if you can finish

all the paperwork

really thank you so much

i will have to think about it and ask my

parents about their thoughts on it as


i’ll let you know as soon as possible

take your time just call me back when

you’re ready i’m always on my phone

got it thank you

hopefully we will be great flatmates


i’m sure we will be call me soon bye bye


dialogue six

sam is horrified to find a few problems

with the apartment

she contacts the housing agency for help

hello this is sam

i am a tenant at your apartment on xyz


i’m calling to ask for help with the


they are leaking everywhere it is

starting to get smelly in here

can you tell me exactly what happened


i’m not too sure

maybe the drains got blocked

the water in the sink is draining really


okay i will call our technical

department and see if they can send

someone over immediately

it seems like an urgent problem

yes thank you very much

i just got home from work and this is

quite stressful

by the way can you tell that person to

fix the toilet as well

we haven’t been able to flush for a few

days so we have to share one bathroom

it is really inconvenient

of course ma’am no worries

i will get back to you after i get a

hang of the technical department is that


absolutely thank you so much for your

help i am a little freaked out but i am

happy that the agency is so quick at

resolving these issues

our pleasure ma’am

please let me know if you need any other


i think that’s it for now i will call if

there are any other problems though

sure ma’am have a good day

thank you you too goodbye


dialogue 7

after living with christina for half a


sam finds a new job


i got a new job

she contacts the housing agency again

because she needs to move out

hello it’s sam again i’m calling to

inform you that i will be moving out

next month due to a change of work

congratulations on your new job ma’am

we are sad to hear that you are leaving

but very excited for you

how can we help you with this process

thank you

is there anything i need to do before


i tried to find some information on your

website but couldn’t find much

you just need to file out a form about

your departure and return the keys to us

since you also have a flatmate you’ll

have to make sure she is willing to pay

the full rent if no one else is

replacing you

that’s it

that’s all ma’am

is it fine if i leave my furniture


you will have to discuss that privately

with your flatmate

what if i lost my keys

then you’ll have to pay a fee so we can

hire a locksmith to change the locks at

your current place

it is a bit expensive but we do this to

prevent our tenants from losing their

keys too many times

i see how much will it cost

fifty dollars man

i got it thank you so much

it’s all good ma’am

can i help you with anything else

i don’t think so

if anything happens can i call you again

by the way can i get your name as well

it’s laina ma’am please do not hesitate

to call or visit the agency anytime you

want we are always happy to help

thank you

have a great afternoon laina

you too ma’am goodbye


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