How to Introduce Yourself Without Sounding Annoying in English Learn Basic English

hi hi Internet welcome welcome back to

our weekly live stream my name is Alisha

and today we’re going to talk about self

introductions self introductions level

up your self introduction specifically


Alexa’s on I think how do I turn her off

like that okay so if you are just

joining please make sure to hit the like

button and share the video as well we

greatly appreciate it we are going to

begin in perhaps two to three minutes we

will give everyone a little time to join

us live and then begin Facebook is up it

appears great so I’m going to go to

Facebook and share the Facebook video as

always and I will see you tube YouTube

is also a pie everybody on YouTube

Sergio and Mick Rick and Zhou and damn

hello welcome I see that I don’t see

facebook facebook chat hi guys Kareem

and Mika Bay and Mario Ola hi everybody

welcome welcome to our weekly live

stream as I said we’re going to begin in

like two to three minutes or so so

please hit the like button as you join

us and we’ll start today’s topic again

is self introduction so how to level up

your self introduction so not just like

hi my name is how are you that sort of

thing but how to make it sound a little

bit more natural how to give some more

like details about yourself so that’s

going to be today’s topic there’s our

video on Facebook lots of you watching

on Facebook thanks for coming today

okay so a couple of quick announcements

as always yes there is new stuff on the

channel there’s lots of new stuff on the

YouTube channel please check that out

there’s lots of good stuff for your

listening practice especially on YouTube

but some of you already know you saw

this on Instagram at Facebook and

Twitter and so on but we have a new

studio look this is our new studio that

we have just for video so yesterday we

shot a few new things in this new studio

so I’m looking forward to share

I hope sometime soon but this is our new

video space so we can prepare lots of

exciting things I hope so

maybe you’ll see this soon coming soon

you soon in the future so that’s some

exciting news from us so very excited

about that yesterday alright but any

other news I don’t think I have any

other news so we’ll go over there ok yes

that’s me hi ok ok so with that then

let’s I guess I see lots of people in

the chat hi everybody I’ll try to say

hello as much as possible if you’re just

joining yes

today’s topic is self introductions self

introductions there’s a lot to do so let

us begin yes here’s a good little

graphic nice nice one it’s nice to meet

you so as I said today I want to focus

or practice rather how to like level up

yourself introductions how to make

yourself introduction a bit better a bit

better ok so let’s begin

last week I realized it’s difficult to

see different colors on the board so

I’ll try to choose a color that’s a

little easier to notice the difference

let’s go with this yellow green ok

anyway let’s begin today’s lesson

oops I’m too far down in my notes I’ll

steal the mouse for a second and move up

great ok so um

today’s lesson as always I made today’s

lesson into three parts three parts for

today part number one will be probably

review for some of you how to give your

name and talk about your work or your

studies part two will be talking about

where you live and where you studied or

where you currently live and where you

currently study and number three will be

talking about your relationship to the

event you are at or to the person that

maybe is hosting the event there’s a lot

to talk about I don’t have enough space

on the board so you’re going to see the

text above the board also so please

don’t worry if you can’t see the board

you’ll see the example sentences here

okay so let’s begin the first part for

today’s lesson then is how to share your

name and how to explain your job so for

today please send lots of examples in

the chat I’ll try to check the chat and

try to help fix any problems or fix any

errors so please send lots and lots of

examples in the chat today okay so let’s

begin some review perhaps first one for

today the first time you meet someone of


hi nice to meet you I’m followed by your

name so I have the same thing on the

board here hi nice to meet you I’m named

so lots of people say can I say my name

is that’s fine also yes my name is

sounds a little bit more formal than hi

I’m Alicia hi I’m nice hi I’m Devin so

this sounds a little bit more casual I’m

your name so this is the one I use when

I introduce myself

really this is how I introduce myself hi

nice to meet you I’m Alicia that’s what

I say really so this is my favorite way

to introduce someone okay so this is

probably some review for you guys I

think but I want to go to kind of our

first level up point for today when you

ask about the other person’s job so we

don’t say what is your job that’s not a

natural question we don’t ask what is

your job when we want to ask about

someone’s occupation instead we use this

expression what do you do so what do you

do it’s the same thing here and same

thing on the board what do you do this

means what is your job what is your job

but we do not say what is your job

please use what do you do same thing

it’s on the board here to you but it’s

hard to see what do you do what do you

do so and when you ask this question it

sounds very like we reduce all the

sounds a lot so not what do you do but

what do you do that sounds much better

what do you do

so please use this question when you ask

about someone’s jaw what do you do to

answer this question then this part I

want I hope you can send a lot of

examples in the chat please when you

answer this question try to share some

details about your job so not just your

job title but also the details about

your job

so let’s look at this example so if I

say what do you do this is a pattern to

explain your job if you’re a student you

can say I’m a student that’s fine

so when you explain your job I’m uh or

I’m an what’s the difference here if

your job title begins with a vowel sound

like electrician or engineer for example

use an if your job title begins

astrologist your job title begins with a

consonant sound please use a I’m a

teacher I’m a doctor

so for students I’m a student so don’t

just finish with I’m a teacher or I’m an

engineer give us some information so if

you’re like in my case if I say I’m a

teacher like I should say what I teach

so like I’m a teacher I teach English on

the internet for example or I’m an

engineer I I don’t know I do application

engineering or I do systems engineering

for example so please give some details

for students I see a couple of you l

Elias and Fatima Osman on YouTube if

you’re a student explain your studies

what are you studying so if you’re as if

you’re a student you can say I’m a

student I’m studying philosophy I’m a

student I’m studying engineering so

please give some details about yourself

so Vicki you said I’m a worker so what

does worker mean like if you work in an

office for example try to give some

information like what kind of office

this leads to kind of the next follow-up


if it’s difficult to explain your your

job specifically like your jobs

responsibilities you can talk about the

kind of company you work for so let’s

look at this next one if it’s okay

control this so if your job title here

if your job title is difficult like if

it’s if it’s kind of a complicated job

role it might be easier for you to talk

about the kind of company you work for

so this is a great pattern to use for

that I work for a or I work for N and

then the industry so the same rule here

with your up and your end yeah so if

your industry starts with a vowel sound

use an if your industry starts with a

consonant sound use up remember vowel

sounds are like AEIOU those sounds so if

I say I work for an education company or

I work for uh I don’t know medical

company for example then you can give

some job details so I have an example of

this so if you want to if it’s easier

for you to explain your your job or

sorry if it’s easier for you to explain

your company’s like your company’s role

and then give some job details this is a

great pattern to use so an example of

this I’m gonna scroll down a little bit

more in my notes thank you okay so an

example of this is like I work for a

travel company I make arrangements with

hotels and I prepare content for our

company’s website for example so again

give some job details if you just

explain your company or you just give

your job title it might be hard for the

other person to understand your

responsibilities and the kind of work

you do so try to give some details like

it helps like the conversation to

continue so share some details about

yourself and then ask the other person

too don’t forget

to ask questions so I do this what do

you do so make sure to give information

so don’t just expect the other person to

do all the work in the conversation you

need to do some work too so this is a

great way to do it I work for a type of

company or just share your job title and

also give some details ok good so nice

one I’m a student in college since walid

okay so what are you studying don’t

forget this part your details or your

study details I’m sorry

your details or your your job details if

you’re a student give your study details

so I study English for example or I’m

studying math you can use the

progressive tense

I’m studying or I study those are great

so please give some more details not

just your job

tight ends Oh on YouTube says I work for

a food company I’m an engineer nice nice

great what do you engineer at a food

company I’m curious Jorge says I’m

technical support' nice technical

support that maybe what kind of company

so this is how you sort of level up your

your introduction giving some more

details a bit so on Facebook says I work

for a bank

as a management assistant checking some

credit files nice that is excellent

nice job lots of details check the check

betos comment if you’re watching on

facebook that was good

Han and says I work as I work as a

salesperson al-qasas international

company nice nice lots of details ah

Miguel has a question on Facebook Alicia

what do you do for a living or what do

you do for a living it is living living

not leaving what do you do for a living

living how do you live in other words

what do you do for a living

what’s your job li v I n G living living

living and leaving have different

pronunciations careful okay great

good so let’s see we’re about 13 minutes

in oh my gosh let’s take a quick break a

break any break break

and then we’ll go to the second topic as

always this week we have free stuff for

you guys if you have not checked it out

yet we have lots and lots of free

downloadable PDFs on the website over at

English class 101 dot-com oh that’s

right I’m supposed to go to this camera

Nick sorry okay uh-huh

sorry I forgot ah let’s see this one’s

romance and love but what’s good for

today let’s see we’re talking about your

job introducing your job right now so

here’s a reminder the business English

PDF is free so you might need to use

some of these words to talk about your

job and your responsibilities this is

for a meeting

aha perfect job titles job titles if you

don’t know your job title or if you want

to refresh your memory about other

people’s job titles this is a great

resource so please check this PDF you

can find the link for this in the you

can find the link for this in the

description on YouTube the description

is below the video under the video check

under the video below the video on

YouTube check for the link above the

video on Facebook and other places

Twitter or Instagram if you’re watching

on Instagram you should probably watch

on YouTube or Facebook to get the full

experience so the link is available

everything is free you do need an

account but the account is free so

please you can download this everything

is free go check it out and get some

extra vocabulary and phrase phrase

points to me news okey-dokey artichokey

let’s continue okay if you are just

joining today if you’re just joining

today please don’t forget to hit the

like button and share the video we

really appreciate it

today’s topic is self introduction self

introduction so I’m focusing today on

sort of leveling up your self

introduction so not just the same hi my

name is

but how to kind of give some more

details how to explain a bit more about

yourself okay

so let’s continue in the first part of

today’s lesson our very warm lesson the

first part of today’s lesson we talked

about sharing your name my name is and

we talked about sharing your job or your

study details if you missed it you can

watch this video this video is being

recorded check it on the YouTube channel

or Facebook page

okay but let’s move to part two of

today’s topic part two we’ll go to the

second half of the board here we want to

talk about where you live and how long

you have lived there so the a common

follow-up question after asking about

someone’s job is asking about the city

you are in or the place that person

lives so let’s say we meet in Los

Angeles for example we meet at a party

in Los Angeles for this example to ask

about the other person’s living

situation you can say so do you live in

Los Angeles or are you just visiting

this is a really natural question

instead of where you live

ask about where you are now so do you

live in Los Angeles or do you live in

New York do you live in Bangkok or are

you just visiting just visiting means

like you’re on vacation or you’re coming

for business purposes something like

that so do you live in Los Angeles

meaning like is your job is your work is

your life here or are you just visiting

so to respond to this question just say

yes I live in Los Angeles or yes I’m

just visiting so you can use this just

visiting as your answer that’s perfect

just visiting is great then your

follow-up question to this so the other

person chooses your conversation partner

says yes I live in

Angeles or I’m just visiting Los Angeles

depending on their answer you need to

choose your next question then so your

follow-up question can be a question

about the length of time they’ve lived

in the city or they’re staying in the

city so we’ll look at not quite that I

don’t think we need the job title one if

that’s okay okay all right I’ll explain

first so there’s this is a key grammar

difference with this question when you

want to ask about the length of time

someone lived in a city or has lived

we’ll use the present perfect tense to

do that how long perfect thank you how

long have you lived in Los Angeles here

how long so the length of time have you

lived this is a present perfect tense

sentence how long have you lived in Los

Angeles when you answer this question

you can use for or since a grammar point

you can check the channel for some more

information about this grammar point but

how long have you lived in Los Angeles

when you answer this question you can

say eyes

I’ve lived here I don’t have text

prepared for this I’ve lived here for

six years so alright I’ll just write a

key for both of these will zoom into

this later oh now okay so when you

answer this question how long have you

lived in Los Angeles you should use I’ve

lived and then you should use for or

since in your reply so this is just a

very quick grammar review but I’ve lived

in Los Angeles for six years or I’ve

lived in Los Angeles since 2013 for

example so remember you need to choose a

length of time or a period of time when

you answer this question but don’t

forget that I’ve I’ve I’ve lived in Los

Angeles that I have however

if okay I’m checking comments send some

examples if you like if however you are

visiting the answer to the question is

I’m visiting Los Angeles I’m just

visiting Los Angeles you can ask a

different follow-up question and this

follow-up question requires different

grammar you need to use different

grammar if it’s just visiting so this is

for a person who lives in the place

let’s look at a question for if they are

just staying for a vacation for example

so this question will change how long

are you staying so here’s the

progressive form yeah how long are you

staying in Los Angeles how long are you

staying so not how long have you lived

but how long are you staying we’re using

progressive tense here because this is a

continuing action that is temporary this

is a temporary thing they’re visiting

it’s temporary it’s not permanent so we

should use the progressive tense here

okay so how to answer this to answer

this one we’ll use a different grammar

point from what we saw here I think

we’ll zoom in in a second

yeah thank you okay so in the first one

we used I’ve I have lived here for a

period of time in the second one now how

long are you staying in this city please

use the progressive to reply I’m staying

I’m staying you can use for here I’m

staying for two weeks or maybe I’m

staying until next month for example so

please keep in mind the grammar changes

depending on which question you ask a

question about a permanent status how

long have you lived in that city or how

long are you staying

a temporary status your grammar for your

question and your answer will change

I’ve lived or I’m staying progressive

here okay everyone who says we have a

small blackboard this room is very small

to understand okay all right good yeah

nice one on shine as well

how long have you how long have you

lived on Facebook how long have you

lived in Los Angeles don’t forget

have so Molly says how to answer about

how long so how long I just gave some

examples about how to answer this

question so how long have you lived if

that’s the question you can use I’ve

lived for or I’ve lived since if it’s a

how long are you staying question use

the progressive tense to answer someone

on facebook says I think this word isn’t

easy to pronounce yeah I’ve I’ve it’s a

good one to practice okay good

ah then did I have another question for

this part no oh my gosh I did okay I

don’t think we have time I might skip

that question and we’ll move on maybe to

the third part because times going

quickly um shoot

do we have time what do you think

control disk only seven minutes sure hey

control desk says sure okay so let’s

look at one more question for part two

today part twos final question is about

where you are originally from so lots of

people move to different cities and

different countries around the world

so maybe the place you live when you

meet someone is not the place where you

were born or it’s not the place where

you grew up so how do you explain that

okay so the question if for example I

meet someone I’m clearly not from

Bangkok originally so if I meet someone

in Bangkok they can say where were you

born or you can ask this question to

where were you born

or this is oh sorry I can’t see it yet

yeah perfect thank you so where were you

born where were you born

so I was born in the US I was born in

Thailand I was born in England so give

your country I was born in Bob Loblaw

then if you want to explain the

difference between the place where you

were born and the place where you grew

up try this sentence that you’ll see in

just a second perfect thank you I was

born in the USA I grew up in Thailand so

here place 1 is the place where you were

born here place 2 or it could be many

places place 3 place for place by you

can explain if you moved a lot the

places where you lived when you were

growing up here you’ll notice grew up I

grew up this is past tense grow up I

grew up in some country or some see good

I was born in Cambodia Semele I was born

in Peru I was born in India not I’m born

not I born not any of those I was born I

was born in India not I born lots of you

are sending I born I born I was born I

was born in don’t forget this was I was

born in some place uh toll money hi

sorry I’m originally from Laos but I

live in Thailand so I’m originally from

that’s another idea in the facebook chat

nice idea I’m originally from les okay

good all right that was the last one for

part two one more break time whew it’s

warm in here uh why was born it’s why

don’t we use I born it’s like because

someone else gave birth to you someone

else gave birth to you there okay oh

let’s move along let’s move along to our

break I forgot interesting questions all

around today we are talking about

meeting people so perhaps an idea we are

talking now about travel I’ll go to

camera two to do so traveling when you

travel a couple of expressions you can

use when you travel if you are traveling

and meeting people a couple questions

for review this one is important as well

I don’t understand but good one to


so this is one example of some of the

free stuff you can find on the website

we have some other things I don’t show

very often we’ve talked about your

family a bit here and there but when

you’re meeting other people’s family

members it could be good to remember

their relationships so if you’re

studying abroad this could be a good

refresher for your vocabulary I think so

this and some more PDFs are all

available for free on the website so

please check the link below the video

under the video there’s a link in the

description not the chat but the

description on YouTube and above the

video on Facebook there’s a link there

so please check that out and grab your

free stuff there’s a lot all right today

we’re going to finish the lesson with a

question about relationships so when you

go to a party when you go to an event

and you were invited by somebody you

were invited by like the host of the

event where you were invited by a friend

how do you explain that relationship and

how do you talk about them so first

let’s look at the question this question

it’s on the board and it’s the same here

how do you know person so how do you

know how do you know Alisha like why why

are you here in other words but this is

a polite way to ask how do you know the

person or you can change this how did

you hear about the event that’s another

idea but how do you know this person how

do you know Alisha you can say oh she’s

my teacher for example so when you

answer this question the answer for this

question how do you know person I just

put a question mark there how do you

know this person when you answer this

question then you can use a very simple

pattern but don’t forget your is he’s or

she’s she’s my and

you need a noun here but this noun

should be a relationship word he’s my

neighbor she’s my teacher he’s my

professor he’s my doctor she’s my friend

something like that so your noun phrase

should be a relationship phrase so we

talked about like this this this PDF a

minute ago this family and relationships

word this could be a good one to review

so here okay so use a relationship

related noun here he’s or she’s to do it

yeah Alicia’s my teacher hey Harley I

yeah good good good Alicia is my teacher

so again don’t forget your is she is he


don’t forget this littles he is she is


she’s my coworker perfect nice one next

one Joan nail this class is 30 minutes

long okay okay then if you want to give

some more details about your

relationship like they’re your roommate

or they’re your best friend for example

you can give some more information so

he’s my roommate or she’s my roommate

for example if you say that you can give

some more details some more information

like this one so we used to verb

together like we used to play soccer

together or we used to study together or

we used to work together so this can

help you like in a quick and easy way

give some details about your past

relationship with someone we used to we

used to we used to work together

that’s a great one that’s a great so

like he’s my best friend we used to work


it’s a very similar or a very common way

to express a relationship another way if

you know someone through what’s called

mutual friends mutual friends mutual

I’ll write this up here so you can see

mutual friends this is a good vocabulary

word to know for this mutual mu T

al mutual friends so that means you

share a friend like you see this on

Facebook too I think

mutual friends it’s like you have the

same person in common you know the same

connection so if you are at an event

because of a mutual friend someone you

both know you can say this like oh we

met through a friend through a friend so

it’s like there was you and then this

friend and the other person but you’re

at the event with you met because of

this person but we use through to

describe that relationship we met

through a friend that’s how we explain

this good okay Alicia and I used to

learn English on YouTube

what’s closed I’m the one teaching in

that case my friend and I used to swim

together nice one honesty

Ayane says we used to walk around okay

you don’t walk around anymore

remember with used to a key like a like

a grammar review for used to used to is

you just for something you do not do now

so this is an action that finished it’s

done so if you still do these things it

sounds strange to use used to if you

still do that thing with that person

just say he’s my roommate or she’s my

coworker just use that you don’t have to

use used to unless the action is

finished quick grammar reminder I think

there’s some stuff on the YouTube

channel you can check for grammar points

about that okay but I think we have to

finish there because we’re kind of out

of time for today yep okay

alright so I hope that you found a

couple of expressions you can use to

kind of level up your self-introduction

so not just my name is and i’m and so on

but for today I would suggest really

reviewing these points about your job

details like how do you explain your job

details so share details about yourself

your conversation shouldn’t just be you

waiting for the other person to do some

think you need to participate and give

information yourself - oh sorry

make sure to do that and then everyone

can enjoy the conversation a little bit

more alrighty then we have to finish for

today so thank you as always for joining

us this week we’ll end there but I will

be back next week actually next week is

gonna be a really good topic I think

next week’s topic July 11th Wow is how

to tell time how to tell time so lots of

you have asked about this this will be

like not just 1 o’clock 2 o’clock but

like half past 10 quarter till 9 like

those kinds of expressions how to use

those expressions to be specific and

kind of natural about time felling so

please join us next week this is

Wednesday July 11th 10 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time on Wednesdays Eastern

Standard Time is New York City time if

you don’t know your city’s time please

google it use your Google skills alright

so that will be next week I look forward

to that sounds like a good one

I’ll prepare as always - please make

sure to check the YouTube channel and

the Facebook page for lots of exciting

videos that are coming up

we have always new stuff there also

please make sure to check the link below

the video on YouTube and above the video

on Facebook for all your free stuff all

these free PDFs that you can download

don’t forget to do that if you haven’t

already but I’ll finish there for today

so thank you so much for liking the

video and for sharing and all that good

stuff and we will see you next week

enjoy your day enjoy your night - enjoy

your weekend and I’ll see you again soon

