All Romantic Expressions You Need in English Learn English in 80 Minutes

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hi everyone i’m alicia valentine’s day

is a very popular holiday in the united


it’s centered on romance and is a

heavily commercialized holiday as well

during this time of year married couples

partners and sweethearts are encouraged

to go out to dinner

spend some romantic time together and

generally acknowledge the importance of

one another in each other’s lives

this holiday is celebrated on february

14th every year

valentine’s day is associated with a

particular type of love from the high

middle ages

do you know what that type of love is

called we’ll show you the answer at the

end of this video

valentine’s day is among other things a

day when one partner is encouraged to

essentially court their partner

as they would before they were dating or

married presenting a wife

lover or girlfriend or boyfriend with

flowers candy and other romantic gifts

is a huge part of valentine’s day

traditions in the united states

during this particular holiday the most

romantic restaurants in any city will

generally be booked solid

valentine’s day is very important

commercially in the united states

due to the traditional gifts that

sweethearts and married couples give one


this is particularly true of the floral

industry as giving one special someone

red roses on this day

is more or less expected clothing

jewelry food and other items are also

popularly given to sweethearts and

spouses on this day

for some couples valentine’s day is when

one member of the couple goes overboard

to spoil the other and is delighted to

do so

valentine’s day celebrations can be very

innocent in addition to being romantic

in schools in the united states children

are quite frequently encouraged to make

and exchange valentines

more as gestures of friendship than

anything else this allows everybody to

get in on the fun

in some cases people in the united

states who are currently single will do

something special for a friend who means

a great deal to them and to whom they

want to express affection even though

it’s not romantic affection

valentine’s day cards are among the most

impressive pieces of artwork associated

with this holiday

antique valentine’s day cards can fetch

handsome prices from collectors due to

their intricacy

and their sometimes very imaginative


and now here’s the answer to the quiz

do you know what type of love is

associated with valentine’s day from the

high middle ages

valentine’s day has strong associations

with what was called

courtly love in the high middle ages

this was a highly ritualized form of

romantic love where each partner was

expected to do particular things to

express their appreciation for one


how was this lesson did you learn

something interesting what valentine’s

day traditions exist in your country

if any please leave a comment at

until next time does having a study

partner help you learn a language faster

for most people having a friend or

romantic partner who is a native speaker

of their target language

dramatically improves their ability to

master the language

in this video we’ll talk about some ways

to help you build relationships with


we’ll also talk about three reasons

having a native speaker partner can

improve your language fluency

first knowing a native speaker helps you

better understand the culture

knowing a native speaker gets you

connected with the culture in ways that


lessons or textbooks ever could native

speakers are better informed about the

latest slang expressions and now

interesting places to eat and hang out

having a friend or partner who is a

native speaker can dramatically improve

your understanding of the language

in addition to language you can learn

about cultural practices

gestures and relationships second having

a native speaker partner

increases your exposure to the language

practice makes perfect is a well-known

expression that is certainly true for

language learning

when you have a friend romantic partner

or study buddy you speak to them through

text messages

phone calls and basic interaction these

are all opportunities for you to

practice the language

making an effort to practice will help

your vocabulary quickly expand beyond

simple greetings flirtatious words and

basic comments

to deeper more meaningful conversations


a supportive partner is the best study

aid you can find

we all make mistakes especially when

trying to learn a new language

but if you have a supportive partner

they can gently point out your mistakes

and help you find better ways to express


and if your native speaker study partner

is also your romantic partner

your motivation will likely be even

higher than someone who does

not have a romantic relationship with a

native speaker

now let’s look at three ways our

language learning program helps you

learn even faster if you have a native

speaker partner

first all resources and materials are

available in english

and in your target language studying

with a partner is special because it’s

an opportunity for both of you to learn

a new language

that’s why every single lesson

transcript vocabulary list and resource

on our website is available in english

and in your target language you can

learn from each other

second lessons are designed to help you

understand and engage with culture

on our website our focus is to help our

students learn practical vocabulary and

phrases that are actually used in

everyday conversation

this means that from your very first

lesson you can start applying what you

learn immediately

so if you want to go out to a restaurant

play games or attend a social function

with your partner

you’ll have the vocabulary and phrases

necessary to have a great time

third access to special resources

dedicated to romantic phrases

if your study partner is your romantic

partner we have resources to help you

communicate your feelings correctly

our language learning program has

special sections and tools

to teach you love words phrases and

cultural insights

of course please remember that simply

being in a relationship

is no substitute for studying

communication is key to every

relationship whether romantic or not

if you fail to continue expanding your

vocabulary and you stop learning the

language on your own

your relationships may suffer or fizzle

out without question

spending time with native speakers can

help you dramatically improve your

language proficiency

but this is no replacement for focused

studying it’s essential to help

facilitate better communication and

master the language

so if you’re ready to finally learn a

new language the fast

fun and easy way sign up for your free

lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the

description signing up takes less than

30 seconds and you’ll start speaking

from your very first lesson

if you enjoyed these tips hit the like

button share the video with anyone who’s

trying to learn a new language

and subscribe to our channel we release

new videos every week

i’ll see you next time bye being able to

speak freely with native speakers is an

amazing ability in itself

but being able to speak freely to a

whole new group of people

opens you up to possible new

relationships most people don’t realize

that spending the time to build

relationships in a foreign language

can actually help you improve your

language skills dramatically

in this video we look at how making

relationships in a foreign language

can help you learn the language faster

the benefits of having friends and

partners who speak a foreign language

first it’s motivational one of the

greatest struggles for anyone learning a

second language is motivation

nine times out of ten learners start out

their language learning journey with

loads of enthusiasm

only to see it gradually wane over time

try as they may

it’s difficult to maintain the spark

they once shared with their new language

so why not borrow energy from a

different part of your life when you

make relationships with people in your

target language

all the excitement of a new relationship

carries directly over into your learning

suddenly you have a very rewarding

reason to improve your skills and keep


as your partner or your friends get

involved you will also have the

advantage of a constant source of

support and encouragement

second it makes language learning


studying vocabulary and grammar is a

vital part of language learning

whether you use a podcast textbook app

or find yourself in a classroom

however as great as studying is a

language really only starts to come

alive once you start using it in

everyday life

there’s a huge difference between a

scripted conversation and a lesson plan

and a real-life conversation with a

native speaker

building relationships with native

speakers will give you the chance to

talk in your target language often

furthermore it will be in a way that

feels natural

you’ll learn the words in the context

which is hugely important

third it’s fun one of the greatest

benefits is that it allows you to

practice without having it feel like


oftentimes you’ll find yourself so

wrapped up in the conversation

that you forget you’re using a foreign

language this takes a lot of the

pressure off and helps you focus on


over trying to speak absolutely


you also get to learn about a whole new

culture from your partner or friends

so you’re not only learning language

skills but also about the cultures that

surround your target language

the risks of having friends and partners

who speak a foreign language

first it’s easy to miscommunicate when

it comes to relationships humans can

easily misunderstand each other

so it can be hard when building

relationships in your target language

when you or your partner’s lack of

ability in each other’s respective

native tongue

can lead to miscommunications that would

otherwise be avoidable

depending on the language you’re

speaking a simple mistranslation or

mispronounced word can drastically

change the meaning of a sentence

as long as you can afford each other

some extra patience and the benefit of

the doubt

then you should be able to overcome this

pitfall second your language skills

could suffer if your relationships don’t

work out

if all your language practice is wrapped

up in one person

and your relationship with that person

doesn’t work out then your language

learning could take a big hit

so it’s best not to put all your hopes

for language growth on one

area relationship or otherwise you don’t

want to risk losing motivation

so try to find it in many different

areas an idea for building relationships

in a foreign language

make games out of getting to know one

another sometimes

opening up in any new friendship or

partnership can be hard

add in the added struggle of a new

language and it can feel impossible to

share your true feelings with others

so instead of trying to take first

interactions so seriously

and talking about the usual things like

the weather or work

try to ask new interesting questions

try to figure out what the other

person’s hobbies are without asking


or what kind of job they have this will

give you a chance to stretch your

language skills in a new way

and you’ll probably get some funny

answers out of it too

being comfortable being silly or making

language mistakes is a great way to bond


someone even if you’ve just met

relationships in a foreign language have

a lot more benefits to offer than


don’t be scared to open up to people and

make mistakes

and for even more help to build

relationships in your target language

check out our complete language learning


sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with

anyone who’s trying to learn a new

language and subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

hi everyone do you know how to express

your love in english

in this lesson you’ll learn three

different ways to say it

let’s start with how to express your

feelings to your loved one

i love you i love you

i love you or if you want to explain

those butterflies in your stomach

you can say i’ve got a crush on you

i’ve got a crush on you

i’ve got a crush on you

and when you feel that i love you is not

enough you can say

words can’t describe my love for you

words can’t describe my love for you

words can’t describe my love for you

you just learned three different ways to

express your love in english

want to speak real english from your

first lesson sign up for your free

lifetime account at

ah maybe first you can pretend like you

know the person from somewhere okay

that always works

nice to meet you hey i like that’s



there is sexy inside yeah

mexican no no no no no mexican sunset

is it spanish no no no no

the court yes

portuguese no ah so maybe it’s spain

spanish like it’s from spain ah

um how do they say it maybe i don’t know

how to say english

catalonies yeah


wow this is like loud confession

i have to admit that it was like kind of


like the pronunciation and stuff um

but like yeah the content is a bit

cheesy sorry about it

is it spanish language right i don’t

know you think so

yeah yes cartesian





this is easy are you willing to

come to my place afterwards

yeah just like to be kind of like spice

things up a bit

like it’s mandarin yes

how come you know i’ve got a lot of

chinese friends



this is obvious for me it means

do you want to drop by my house and eat

beanstalk noodle with me

this sounds like like something

like chinese or vietnamese to me

they really use it i mean it’s just like

this slide is from a movie so

actually everyone knows yeah

that’s it yeah

korean right okay so let’s say

uh korean but please remember this

this slide is usually used by female

oh so it’s like i will try

it today i will try yeah




oh i got excited

and now i get really shy because she


you it means like i’m going to protect


yeah yeah it it’s

like you know they don’t say in real


yeah drama it’s too romantic yeah i


i want to give a message from here to

the world don’t watch so much drama

come and experience real life first

right that’s true


so dear


this one is hard you’re so beautiful

you give the sun a reason to shine wow

it doesn’t look like something european


i feel like it’s may it might be

indie oh yeah this is this is a good one

dina le pass marcus zambian

okay like it looks so different to me

right now like i feel like it’s

something european right now and like

something germanic

but not what’s german letter it starts


the letter it starts with uh yes

see can you say it again not because i

like the complaint

i’ll say it

okay this is like something european

because i hear no criminal


is it a european language yes swedish

holy swedish right yeah yeah i know

because i have friends from sweden


i thought he was a girl


usually i’ve got some bad stereotypes

about like spanish but the spanish one

was quite good i think

but that’s not the winner um

to me like okay

i think it was korean mainly because i

couldn’t understand

uh like what it meant i don’t know i


think spanish sounds maybe the most

sexiest of the languages i’ve heard

today um

yeah i don’t i didn’t know much of


the sound of that and that was really

nice as well

since my husband is korea

korean was attractive i think because

that’s why maybe i fell in love with him


but also it’s really hard to decide


castiano and also the canton

language it sounds also very attractive

i don’t know maybe it’s because of their


i don’t know why but even though i if

like i don’t know the meaning

it sounds like very natural

very confident so i like that language


hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is alicia and today we’re going

to be talking about 10

breakup lines these are lines that you

can use when you want to

end a romantic relationship

let’s go i need my space i need my space

i need my space so if you feel the other


is maybe just always with you always

looking for

time or just bothering you whatever

doesn’t matter you don’t want to spend

time with that person anymore you can

say i need my space

oh do you want to go to the movies with

me this weekend it was so much fun to

see you yesterday and we can do

something tomorrow and then we can go to

the movies together too don’t you think

it’ll be great

actually i need my space

i need to focus on my career i need to


on my career so maybe you’re really

really busy with

work or you’re just looking for an

excuse to break up with the person

to break up with someone you can say i’m

really sorry but right now i need to

focus on my career

i think we need a break i think we need

a break

this is after you’ve been seeing someone

for some time

and you decide that maybe they’re not

the right person for you

you can say i think we need a break be

careful though this phrase sounds like

there’s a chance you may get back

together in the future

if you don’t feel that there’s a chance

you will be continuing to see this

person maybe

choose a different line to break up with

them i think we’re moving too fast

this is an expression you might use

towards the beginning of a relationship

maybe for example you meet someone and

then you start dating them and

and then a month later they’re like

let’s move in together and then three

months later it’s like oh let’s get


or whatever the pace of the relationship

seems too fast you can say i think we’re

moving too

fast so if you say this phrase maybe it

doesn’t mean that you want to break up

but just

this pace is too fast for me let’s slow


i’m just not ready for this kind of

relationship i’m just

not ready for this kind of relationship

this could have many different meanings

maybe the relationship is very serious

and you’re not looking for a serious


you can say i’m not ready for this kind

of relationship

saying i’m not ready sounds like it’s me

it’s my problem

i’m not ready for this kind of

relationship it’s not you

it’s me it’s not you it’s me there’s no

problem with you

rather i have a problem maybe they’re

just struggling with some things that

they’re not

they don’t want to bring into a

relationship or maybe they’re just

trying to be polite maybe it is you

maybe it is you but the other person is

trying to be kind so you can say it’s

not you

it’s me let’s just be friends let’s just


friends you’ve been in a relationship

with someone for a while and

you decide maybe it’s better if we don’t

date each other but i still like this

person so

let’s just be friends we need to talk oh

no we need to talk the dreaded we need

to talk

if someone says we need to talk in that

tone we need to talk or if you get

like a text message that says we need to

talk it’s never we need to talk

i want to get a puppy it’s never a happy


if you see if you hear we need to talk


oh no something is bad in my

relationship and i’m about to hear about

it dun dun dun so you can follow we need

to talk

with uh an actual issue that you need to

discuss about your relationship

um or it can mean the end of the

relationship you want to talk about

ending the relationship

we should start seeing other people the

next breakup line is we should start

seeing other people ouch means

i don’t want to see you anymore ah one

point about this

when we are in a relationship with

someone there are a couple of different

verbs that we use we use the verb

seeing to see someone and to date

to go out with those are a few so in

this expression we see

we should start seeing other people so

it doesn’t mean just like

like stand across the room oh i see

another person i see you hey

like no it means date it means be in a

relationship with we use the verb to see

for that one of the things that is said

about this phrase is that if someone

uses the phrase we should start seeing

other people

there’s a good chance that person is

already seeing someone else

ouch ouch you deserve better

the next phrase is you deserve better oh

so if someone says to you

you deserve better i think we should end

the relationship you deserve better it

means that

the person feels they are not good

enough they’re not enough for you

uh and so they think you should find


better than the person saying the phrase


um this could be a sincere expression or

it could just be a very polite and kind

way to end a relationship with someone

that’s the end those are 10 phrases that

you can use to break up

or to discuss a serious matter in a


i hope that you don’t need to use these

words and i hope that you don’t

have to hear these words but in case you

do those are some of the things that the

other person

might be trying to communicate so thank

you very much for watching this episode

of pop words please please please be

sure to subscribe

and we will see you again next time for

more fun stuff

bye so depressing so

depressing we should start seeing other

people if i say it in a happy voice it

doesn’t seem so sad

welcome back to top words my name is

alicia and today we’re going to talk

about the 10

most romantic things to do on a date so

let’s go candlelit dinner the first

phrase is candlelit dinner a candle at

dinner so there’s a candle

and that’s the light so candle lit is

uh refers to like your dinner your

dinner is lit or you see your dinner

by a candle like so it’s very very dim

the light

is very low that’s the image of a

candlelit dinner

in a sentence candlelit dinners make me


that’s true when i came home there was a

candlelit dinner

on the table go for a long walk the next

expression is go for a long walk

go for a long walk this could be a good

thing so it’s just as it sounds

on your date you go for a walk somewhere

presumably in a nice location or in like


in a in a quiet location it’s a little

strange to go for a long walk down like

a busy street

the idea of go for a long walk is that

you have a chance to speak to the person

that you’re on a date with

in a sentence i think going for a long

walk can be nice sometimes

in this sentence we went for a long walk

around the city at dusk

go bowling the next expression is go

bowling so if you like maybe very very


or kind of even sport-ish dates you can

go bowling for your date so in a


i don’t think i’ve ever been bowling on

a date maybe i have

i have been bowling i don’t know if i

have been on a bowling date

i don’t know i feel like i’d be too

preoccupied with like wanting to win the


and i wouldn’t be focused on my date we

go bowling every sunday

go to the aquarium yeah okay the next

expression is go to the aquarium

ah that’s kind of a nice idea i would

say go to the aquarium or like maybe go

to a museum both of those are maybe nice


so it’s just a place you go maybe you

can learn something with the person

you’re on the date with or you can see

something you’re both interested in

so i think going to the aquarium sounds

like a fun idea for a date

in this sentence oh i pet a stingray at

the aquarium have you ever done that

like in those little petting pools like

the stingrays they had like stingrays

this is my stingray impression by the


like they have stingrays kind of like

hanging out in there

and as you as they kind of sting right


as they swim by you can touch them and

they kind of burst like slimy and but

like they’re like kind of dangerous

they have well there’s like manta rays

and there’s stingrays but i think with

the stingrays the ones that are


this is their tail stinging you i

don’t know why my stingrays are awesome

let me tell you but i think that like

they um they remove the stingers from


so that like they can’t actually hurt

anybody or i don’t know

there’s something they’ve done they’ve

also got like other like weird touchy

things for kids to feel

in those little like touchy ponds i’ve

done like uh

but anyway that’s a cool idea for a date

let’s go go to the opera

the next expression is go to the opera

go to the opera

sounds like a very formal date idea i

think i would be very nervous if i went

on an

opera date so to go to the opera you

have to like you know be nicely dressed

and you go listen to people sing in a

language that you probably don’t

understand and then you

are like wow that’s

pretty much how i would experience an

opera i think um

so let’s see in a sentence i think going

to the opera could be really interesting

but i don’t know if i would enjoy it for

a date

in this sentence we got dressed up and

we went to the opera

go to the zoo the next one is go to the


go to the zoo going to the zoo is

probably a popular date idea i

imagine all right in this sentence i

don’t like going to the zoo

because of the smell have a picnic

the next expression is have a picnic

have a picnic is kind of like a classic

date thing i think

i don’t know that i would do this now

necessarily like i have picnics with my

friends i’ve had picnics one-on-one with

my friends

i think it was because they were my

friend that i was comfortable

i think a date a picnic date with wine


and meat and dessert would be fantastic

we hiked up the mountain and had a

picnic at sunset

have dinner and see a movie ah the next

one is probably

the most classic date idea which is have

dinner and see a movie

uh so you go to dinner and then you see

a movie or vice versa you

see a movie and then have dinner

together especially in my mind if you

see the movie first and then go to

dinner then you have something you can

both talk about

right um or if you go to dinner first

you know you can

speak to each other a little bit and

then go see the movie and not talk to

each other which is fine

um but i feel like seeing the movie

first and then going to dinner seems

to make more sense to me because then

you can actually talk to the other


um i don’t know that’s my idea what are

you doing next week do you want to have

dinner and see a movie with me

in this sentence how about dinner in a

movie take a ferry ride

the next one is take a ferry ride or

take a boat ride i guess

so you just you get on a boat together

and you go somewhere

um sounds a little bit old-fashioned to

me but whatever

uh in a sentence let’s take a ferry ride

this weekend

in this sentence we took a ferry ride

around the statue of liberty

walk on the beach the next expression is

walk on the beach another very classic

date idea

so you just walk together on the beach

maybe it’s a long walk on the beach

oh i don’t know so a long walk on the

beach or just a short walk on the beach

even can be very nice

in a sentence let’s take a walk on the

beach in this sentence

i like long walks on the beach uh so

that’s the end those are ten romantic

ideas for a date if you have different

date ideas please be sure to tell

us about them in the comments that was

weird if you have different ideas for a

date leave us

if you have different ideas for a date

please leave us a comment and let us

know about it

uh thanks very much for watching please

be sure to like this video and subscribe

if you haven’t already

and we will see you again soon bye want

to speak real english from your first


sign up for your free lifetime account


hi everyone i’m bridget and welcome to

today’s lesson

today’s topic is 10 gift ideas you

must know in english let’s start with

the first

laptop laptop a laptop

is a portable computer you probably have


it folds shut it opens back

up again it’s portable which means you

can bring it with you

whether you’re going to class going to

work you have your computer with you at

all times a laptop is very

useful and also very expensive

so if you are buying someone a laptop

they should be very very grateful does

he already have a laptop

perfume perfume

i like the smell of that perfume it

smells so nice

it smells so summery perfume is a

fragrance it comes in a bottle and you


there are famous perfumes like chanel

number five

maybe you’ve heard of it i don’t think

i’ve ever smelled it but i know it’s


book a book this book is very

meaningful to me i hope that you like it

a book is a great gift it gives you

something to read

to enjoy for days or weeks to come

what’s your favorite book my favorite

book is

timeline by michael creighton or sphere


michael crichton i love michael crichton

also all of the harry potter books


a camera is that the sound the camera


you take pictures with cameras they’re

great gifts

especially for someone who’s interested

in photography

or filming making movies

you can do anything with a camera you

got me this expensive camera how did you

know i love photography

it’s a great gift smartphone

a smartphone my little cousin is so

spoiled he’s had a smartphone since he

was seven

a smartphone is a cell phone that has

extra capabilities for example you might

know of the iphone

which you can look at the internet take

a bunch of pictures

facetime people it’s a smartphone

it makes for a great gift because

everyone wants a

smartphone a game console

game console what kind of game

console would she like if you like to

play video games you know

what a video game console is you might

have a playstation

or an xbox or a wii

or a sega dreamcast which is my personal


a video game console is a great gift for

people who love to play video games

you know get them the latest model the


playstation they’re gonna love you for


just keep in mind that video games are

very expensive these days

a flight to the united states

a flight to the united states means

someone’s buying you a ticket to take a

flight on an airplane

to the states my parents bought me a

flight to the united states for my


to someone who doesn’t live here that

sounds like a really exciting gift

especially if the united states is a

country you’ve always wanted to visit

you can see new york city where i live

you can see los angeles you can see

texas and

where else is there

there are a bunch of different famous

places that you might want to visit

in the united states and you can

practice your english because

everyone speaks english here a watch

a watch i bought him a nice watch that

he can wear to work

i like to keep my watch facing inward so

that i can secretly

check the time when i’m bored and want

to know

how much longer i have to be somewhere a


you can buy cheap watches like this one

or you can buy expensive watches like a

rolex you’ve probably heard of a rolex

watches are great gifts jewelry

jewelry for our anniversary i bought her

some nice

jewelry jewelry can be earrings

could be a necklace it can be a bracelet


rings jewelry is what you wear

to look prettier to look flashier it

adds a nice

touch to an outfit if you have nice


it might make your outfit look better


feel better so buying someone jewelry

is a very thoughtful gift but sometimes

it can be

expensive especially if you’re buying

gold or silver the real stuff can get


but it’s a good gift for the beautiful

women in your life

or men who like wearing maybe gold

chains or some sort of jewelry

socks socks

i hated getting socks as a kid but now i

love it

socks are great gifts because everyone

wears socks

so you can’t go wrong buying someone a

nice pair of fuzzy socks

that brings us to the end of today’s

lesson 10

gift ideas you must know in english

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for more english hi guys this is becky

here with english top words today we’re

gonna talk about

one of my favorite topics maybe ever

five amazing love quotes from american

songs and i’m gonna sing for you

a little bit of these quotes real

singing right here let’s stay together

loving you whether times are good or bad

happy or sad al green from

let’s stay together our first amazing

love quote is

from al green from his song let’s stay

together now first

i’m going to say it for you then i’m

going to sing it

okay let’s stay together

loving you whether times are good

or bad happy or sad

now for al green it’s very important

that you get very what we call

groovy you gotta get you feel the groove

and this chorus this it comes from the


let’s let’s stay together

loving you whether times are good or bad

happy or sad thank you al green that was


al green love it every time nice slow

song playing on a friday night with your

girlfriend or boyfriend

so this quote i love it because it means


al green or whoever is singing it to you

is going to love you

no matter if it’s good times or bad


if you’re happy or if you’re sad and it

kind of reminds me of the classic

american wedding vows that we say

we say i will love you this is not exact

but we say i will love you in sickness

or in health till death do we part

i like this song a lot we should love

each other

in good times and bad right it’s not

true love if you’re just loving in good

times right

i want you there in the bad times too

bette midler

from wind beneath my wings our second

amazing love quote is

you are the wind beneath my wings

we first heard this from bette midler in

her song

wind beneath my wings now this is a very

beautiful song

about it comes from a movie called


that was about two basically best


so she’s singing this to her best

girlfriend and she’s saying you are the


beneath my wings in fact you are the

person who

gives me this feeling that i can fly and


support me so that i feel like i can fly

so you’re the wind kind of

beneath my wings and it’s this

line is in the chorus repeated many

times in the song

and yeah it goes like this did you ever


that you’re my hero

you’re everything i would like to

be i can fly higher than an eagle

for you are the wind beneath

my wings something like that i love that

that movie will make you cry by the way

girls get the tissues ready

oh and then the spell was cast

and here we are in heaven for you

are mine at last edda james

from at last okay our third amazing love

quote is

edda james this is from her song at last

oh and then the spell was cast

and here we are in heaven

for you are mine at last now let me talk

for a minute

about the phrase the spell was cast

it’s kind of like a witch that can cast

a spell on you

and so if you have a spell cast on you

it’s like you are under this like

this um command from someone else

and you are acting different because


made you do something but it’s like


so in love with this person that it’s

like you’ll do anything for them

you’re under a spell you know we might


and so it’s like we’re in heaven


it feels like we’re in heaven i’ve been

waiting so long to be with you

here we are you are mine at last

now this may not surprise you but this

is a popular wedding song

eddie james sang this i want to say back

in the 1960s i might have that wrong

but it also became popular from the

beyonce movie

a few years ago where she played etta

james and

beyonce sang this song as well this

quote is right in the middle of the song

so don’t be

don’t be surprised when i start very

strong here here we go

oh and then the spell was cast and

here we are in

heaven for

you a man

at last there’s a lot of quaver

in the voice in that song actually

it does come at the end of the song

sorry not the not the middle but

beautiful song recommend that song at


check it out by etta james i keep the

ends out

for the tie that binds because you’re


i walk the line johnny cash

from i walk the line our next amazing

love quote is

from johnny cash one of my favorites the

quote is a little

difficult i think so listen closely i

keep the ends out

for the tie that binds because you’re


i walk the line the tie that binds means

a like a tie or a connection to someone

you’re bound to that person and johnny

actually wrote this song

for his first wife vivian as kind of a

promise to her that he would not

cheat on her on the road so by this

lyric he’s saying i keep my eye

out in case anyone i keep the ends out

here he says which is like his eye

i keep the i my ends out for any

potential connection i don’t want to be

connected to anyone else

because you’re mine i walk the line now

walking the line means like to follow a


line or path and not go out or away from

that line to follow the rules

basically because you’re mine i’m

following the rules

i am keeping my eye out in case i make


connections that i’m not hoping or

wanting to make

i keep the ends out for the tie that


because you’re mine i walk the line

sorry johnny had to go high on that one

johnny did not follow those rules in

fact when he met his second wife june

carter cash

who turned out to be the love of his

life and on the day he met her he said

you’re the woman i’m gonna marry someday

my baby don’t care for shows

my baby don’t care for clothes my baby

just cares for me nina simone

from my baby just cares for me

oh my god i love this song oh my god oh

my god i love this song

the next amazing love quote is i’m gonna

say it’s my favorite

i just love this song it’s by one of my

favorite singers of all time nina simone

absolute legend wonderful pianist

okay here’s the quote my baby don’t care

for shows my baby don’t care for

clothes my baby just cares for me

now maybe by the end there you realize

my baby is not

her actual baby like baby no no this is


lover her love interest so she’s saying

my baby don’t care for shows my baby

doesn’t care about going to plays

or maybe movies my baby don’t care for


my baby doesn’t my lover doesn’t care


buying the latest fashion trends my baby

just cares for me my lover just cares

about me so we don’t need anything fancy

we don’t have to do anything special

we just need to care and be with each

other and so

it’s a it’s a great it’s a great quote

also notice here the grammar is

completely wrong

my baby don’t you should say my baby


but this is for a stylistic flair if you


so here is part of this amazing song

here we go

my baby don’t care for shows

my baby don’t care for clothes

my baby just cares for me

oh where is my piano back up that song

is gorgeous please check out the whole


thank you for listening to these five

amazing love quotes i hope you enjoyed

all the singing as well i love karaoke

let’s go together sometime

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thank you so much and see you next time


because you’re mine oh too low let’s try

it again johnny

johnny it’s too low now let me talk a


oh i love this song hi everyone my name

is bridget

and welcome to today’s lesson the topic

for this lesson

is top 10 pickup lines to use at your

own risk

let’s get started did it hurt when you

fell from heaven

did it hurt when you fell from heaven

the way this pickup line is typically

said is

a guy goes up to a girl and says did it


and the girl says did what hurt and the

guy says

when you fell from heaven this one is

so bad it’s good a lot of people will

hear it and

laugh did it hurt when you fell from


is implying that uh you you are an

angel or you’re just so wonderful so

it’s a very

easy way to flatter someone

next one are your feet tired because

you’ve been running through my mind

all day are your feet tired because

you’ve been running through my mind

all day this is yet another cheesy

pickup line

when you say you’ve been running through

my mind all day

it’s another way of saying i can’t stop

thinking about you

so this is a fun way to tell someone i

haven’t been able to stop thinking about


you’ve been running through my mind all


you’re so hot you would make the devil

sweat the next one is one i’ve never

heard before but

here it goes you’re so hot you would


the devil sweat telling someone

he or she is hot is a way of saying he

or she is

attractive you’re hot she’s

hot he’s hot in english

especially american english we use hot

to describe someone who is physically


whose body looks good so if you tell


you’re so hot you would make the devil


is drawing a comparison between the word


used to imply someone looks good but


hot like super hot

what number should i call to say good

night to you later

next one what number should i call to

say goodnight to you later

this is a very presumptuous thing to say

it’s a sly way of asking someone for

their phone number oh

what number should i call to say

goodnight to you later

it’s saying can i have your phone number

what number should i use to say

goodnight is essentially saying

hey i’m going to call you later can i

have your number

someone should call god because heaven

is missing an angel next one

someone should call god because heaven

is missing an angel

this is a very silly pickup line to tell

someone that they are

angelic and so wonderful and beautiful

someone should tell god that an angel is


because here you are you’re an angel

it’s a big huge way to

flatter someone uh it’s very silly

it would probably make the girl laugh

it’s very similar to saying

did it hurt when you fell from heaven

you are like

pizza even when you are bad

you’re good you’re like pizza

even when you’re bad you’re good pizza

my favorite topic

this first of all is implying that no

matter what

pizza is delicious and this is fact

pizza is always good even bad pizza

that might be oily or overcooked

it still tastes good so this is telling


no matter what you are still good

even when you’re bad you’re good it’s

implying that

they can do no wrong there’s nothing

they can do or say

that will turn you off that will make

you not like them just like pizza

it’s a wonderful love affair with pizza

is it

hot in here or is it just you next one

is it hot in here or is it just you

is it hot in here or is it just you

this is another play on words

in english especially american english

when you think someone is

physically attractive you would say

they’re hot

it’s sort of a slang term so if you go

up to someone in a bar

and you say is it hot in here or is it


you that’s a play on words because

hot of course is used to describe the


but it’s also used to describe someone

who is attractive

so if you say it’s hot in here it must


you it’s a cute play on words

are you a thief because you stole my


next one are you a thief because you

stole my heart

are you a thief because you stole my


telling someone they’ve stolen your

heart is another way of saying

they have your heart uh they

you have feelings for them your whole

heart belongs to them

so if you tell someone you’ve stolen my


it means you can’t stop thinking about


they have your heart you have feelings

for them

your heart belongs to them do you

believe in love at first sight

or should i walk by you again this next


is pretty good do you believe in love at

first sight

or should i walk by you again love at


sight is a phrase to describe when two


fall in love the first time they see

each other you’ll hear this a lot

it was love at first sight maybe

a guy talking about the first time he

saw someone who’s now his wife

he saw her from across the room and she

was so beautiful

he just fell in love with her right then

and there

it was love at first sight so this

pickup line which is cheesy is

do you believe in love at first sight or

should i walk by you

again it means do you believe in

falling in love the first time you see


or should i walk by you a second time to

give you another chance to fall in love

with me life

without you is like a broken pencil

it’s pointless next one life

without you is like a broken pencil

pointless saying something is pointless

means that there’s no point it doesn’t

make any sense

if a pencil has no point it’s broken you

can’t write with a pencil

that doesn’t come to a point so life

without you

doesn’t make any sense life without you

is pointless life without you

is like a broken pencil it’s pointless

well that brings us to the end of

today’s lesson want to speak real

english from your first lesson sign up

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hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is alicia and today we’re going

to talk about 10

words and phrases for dating and

romantic relationships

let’s go like the first word is

like like the verb like we use like

when we initially develop feelings for

someone so we can say like

i really like the girl in my class so i

really like the boy in my class for


so like is like the first feelings the

first feelings of like simple attraction

to like someone this is a word that’s

used a lot by children

like junior high school or maybe high

school aged kids um

and you can also use it in adult

relationships as well like at those

first stages of a relationship like i

really like you

for example so using like can

express something a little bit stronger

a little bit more romantic if you use it

in that way

in a sentence i really like him

have a crush on the next word is

have a crush on someone to have a crush

on someone so

to have a crush on someone this is

usually used by

uh like teenagers it’s kind of a young

people word

so to have a crush on someone means you

have a really strong

attraction to someone but maybe you

don’t know them very well yet or you

haven’t had a chance to speak with them

a lot yet

so this is something like if you

regularly see someone like at your

workplace or

at like another event or at school and

maybe you think they’re physically

really attractive or

maybe you’ve heard them speaking before

and you think they’re attractive there’s

something about them

that really really strongly interests

you but maybe you don’t know them

very well yet you can say i have a crush

on that person like i have a crush on

him or i have a crush on her

like you don’t really know them so well

but you really really are interested in

them that’s called a crush

a crush in a sentence do you have a

crush on your co-worker

love the next word is love

love so love at least in american

english we tend to use in more serious

situations so

it’s beyond a crush it’s beyond like

love is a more serious word that we use

usually when we have known someone for a

long time

um or we have just like this very very


and deep attraction to a person so we

can say i love you or like do you love


that kind of thing we can say that but

it has kind of like a serious

implication there’s a very serious

um sort of nuance behind the word

love so love is stronger than like or


and it has like a serious feeling about

it um we can also use the word

love for our friends and our family

members too but

the same nuance of like a strong and

serious connection remains

when you use it with your friends and

your family members though it doesn’t

mean romantically

it just means you have a like that very

close bond with that person like

i love you guys for example with your

friends it’s a very common phrase

but saying i love you to your partner is

quite strong so

please use this phrase with caution and


ah in a sentence i think you should tell

her you love her

date the next word is date date so to

date someone means that you meet someone

regularly in like a romantic way so

traditionally like dates could be like

dinner and a movie or

going out for coffee together or

enjoying dinner together

going to the park or the beach or maybe

traveling somewhere

so a date is time with only the two of


to get to know each other and to get to

know each other more romantically

so we can use the word date a little bit


if i say for example i’m going on a date

with my girlfriends

today girlfriends and the plural it

means i’m going out

for a fun uh a fun afternoon maybe or a

fun evening

with the women in my life who are

closest to me very close to me my

girlfriends so my

my close girlfriends so we can use the

word date for friends as well

but if you say like i’m going on a date

with my boyfriend or i’m going on a date

with my wife

it sounds like intimate time for the two

of you to be together

a date a date can be used as a noun and

we can use it as a verb like how long

have you been dating

in a sentence we’ve been dating for

about six months

c the next word is c c

this is an important word at least in

american english because it means to be

in a relationship with someone

we use the word c in the same way that

we use the word

date like i’ve been seeing this guy for

six months or

are you seeing anyone or i’m thinking

about seeing someone new

so c in this way means like to spend

time with

romantically like uh going on dates with

the person

so if you hear um someone use c in this

way about a person

it means like a romantic relationship

with that person

in a sentence are you seeing anyone

exclusive the next word is exclusive

exclusive so exclusive depending on the

relationship and depending on how you

know that person

exclusive means you are only seeing that


so perhaps when a relationship is not so

serious maybe at the beginning stages um


you you or your partner perhaps might

have i don’t know someone else in their

life that they’re thinking

of maybe dating seriously or maybe there

are a couple of other people that you

might be thinking hmm

i could see myself spending time with

that person seriously but

um again every relationship is different

i don’t know but

some people might uh use the word

exclusive to mean

i only want to see this person and i

want this person to only see

me like to be exclusive means like these

two people

only see each other they are exclusive

to each other

essentially some people have exclusive

relationships some

the opposite then of an exclusive

relationship could be an open


some people agree to have an open

relationship where

their partners can see other people i

don’t know there are many people in the


break up the next word is break up break


to break up means to end a relationship

so we use

break up before marriage if a couple

is just dating they’re just seeing each

other and they decide to

finish the relationship they decide to

stop seeing each other

uh we use the word breakup to describe

that so like i broke up with my

boyfriend last night or like don’t break

up with me

or i think we should break up these are

all words um these are all expressions

that we use

um with regard to ending a relationship

ending a relationship

is called breaking up in a sentence i

think we should break up

propose the next word is propose

to propose so to propose if a

relationship is continuing

well and everything is great presumably


i don’t know for any number of reasons

the couple decides they

would like to get married um

we use the verb to propose which is like

a short

a short way of saying to propose

marriage so

to propose means like to set out an idea

to give someone an idea for something

so traditionally this comes from the man

like the man will propose

to the woman in the relationship though

i’ve heard

of cases where women propose to men as


so to propose means to suggest marriage

to the other person

to propose in a sentence what do you

think is the best way to propose

cheat cheat cheat so to cheat

is a word we use this is typically for

like exclusive relationships but

to cheat means one partner or perhaps

both partners

uh see or date or spend time with

another romantic partner when they are

not supposed to

so if person a and person b are in an

exclusive relationship

and person b meets someone else

romantically that’s called

cheating they are cheating so it’s

typically considered a negative thing in

most cultures cheating is typically bad

in a sentence my roommate was cheating

on her boyfriend

mary the last word the next word is

mary mary so to mary or you might also

hear to get

married we use both of these to refer to

that ceremony where the couple decides

they’re going to spend forever

together and legally they become a


so uh please be careful um we don’t say

get married with someone sometimes i

hear students say this we don’t say

i want to get married with or my brother

got married with

we use the preposition to so

my brother got married to his

high school girlfriend that’s true or um

what kind of person do you want to marry

i want to marry

a kind person so um please be careful

when you use the verb mary just marry no

get married like i want to

marry someone i want i don’t want to

marry someone we’re probably going to

follow the verb

mary with a person or a kind of person

if if we’re saying i want to get married

we’ll follow it with

two the preposition two and then the

extra information so i want to get

married to

a certain kind of person you can also

describe the location

um of like a wedding like i want to get

married in a church i want to get

married on the beach

so keep in mind there’s some variation

there are many different ways we can use


and get married but those are just a

couple points

in a sentence my friend has finally

decided to marry his longtime girlfriend

so those are ten words for dating and

romantic relationships i hope that those

were useful for you

if you have any expressions that you

like to use or maybe something that you

have found useful

when dating or in romantic relationships

or even in good friendly relationships

let us know in the comments hi everybody

my name is alicia and today i’m joined


michael hello and today we’re going to

be talking about

english pickup lines yeah

so these are going to be some pickup

lines um

as well as just some kind of general

discussion about dating and

relationships maybe

do’s and don’ts to some degree from

perhaps our own experiences

let’s begin i think i might have written

down more than you for this one

an expert in the subject no i’m not an

expert but just i had

just a lot of things popped up uh into

my mind okay

i’ll start with one that i feel like is

kind of a classic one for both men

and women to some extent it’s the phrase

can i buy you a drink

can i buy you a drink um not necessarily

good nor

bad i don’t think but if i feel like

this is one if you just walk up to

somebody out of nowhere

and say this it’s a little weird i feel

like if you talk to the person for a


maybe the conversation is going well and

then you say oh this is

that i’ve actually had this experience

like talking to somebody for a while

like i just met them but we were talking

and i said i’m enjoying the conversation

can i buy you a drink and we’ll continue

talking now

oh that’s fine and in that case it

wasn’t weird what are your thoughts on

this phrase can i buy you a drink

yeah i spaced it i didn’t think about

that but yeah that is like a classic

perfect example that what you’re saying

is has an undertone that everyone knows

can i buy you a drink

means i like you romantically

i want to spend time with you without

saying that because that’s just kind of

weird so you say hey can i buy you a


um i’m not so experienced on this one

maybe because i’m uh

not the nicest most classy fellow but

for me it’s just like hey let’s take

a drink together let’s take some shots

you know but in the movies and like the

people that are very you know like the


i think it’s a charming way to say hey

can i buy you a drink or maybe even

they’ll order the drink and hey can you

send it to her and kind of like nod and


something you know somewhat it just

basically just makes it more complex

more romantic because if you just come

up and say

i like you i want to kiss you it just

sounds kind of weird right so you say

you kind of like

slowly yeah yeah yeah pick up lines this

is one that’s just kind of cheesy

and you know you say it as a joke now

but did it hurt

did it hurt so you go up to a girl or a

guy or you know whatever your preference

and you go hey

did it hurt and that person says you

know what what do you mean like yeah

what are you talking about

oh hey and then you say

when you fell from heaven because you’re

an angel you’re just

beaut you know and then they go oh

really stupid one

really really stupid but yeah it’s a

great example it’s a great example

i think this is also like the the

archetype pickup line there’s a bunch of

these i’m sure you’ve seen them uh

go online there’s a ton of like punch

line but this one i think is like the

most common one that you always see

and here but i wonder i wonder if

anybody has ever

seriously tried to use that

actually you probably don’t

the do’s and don’ts don’t you don’t use

that one like it’s

funny to think about it’s a funny sort

of silly thing

but oh my gosh how dumb

someone’s gonna write a comment on this

like i tried it it was really successful

for me that’s how i might be my wife


okay keep doing that thing okay uh let’s

see i’m gonna go to the next one

i’m gonna go okay i’m gonna go to a

concept a concept about

dating and but i think it’s related to

pickup lines and related to meeting

people and that is the concept of a


uh a wingman so or wing woman i guess

um though i don’t know i tend to just

say wingman for either female friends or

a male friend

anyway um when you’re at a restaurant or

you’re at a party

or whatever it is there’s that other

person or another group of people or


that’s there to back you up to support

you so if you go i’m really interested

in this guy i’m really interested in

this girl

and they they say i can i’m gonna go

over there and talk to them

or i’m going to go find something out or

they’re there to support you so that you


embarrass yourself um so having a

wingman or win woman

can be very very useful uh when you’re

when you’re first getting to know

somebody i think

yeah is is a wingman important for you


i think this is uh i didn’t even think

about it i i spaced it um

i think part of it and there’s different

ways you can do this if you know if

you’re a loser and you have no friends

what you can do is if you like someone

instead of going directly to them

again it kind of comes off as desperate

whatever you talk to the person next to


so let’s say you like the girl and she

has a guy next to her

you would talk to the guy first and the

group you know you don’t just go to the

girl again

it’s basically this whole dating thing

is all just kind of putting up a mask

and just trying to like not seem so

crazy because

for some reason you can’t just go hey i

like you let’s kiss that’s just weird


so you have to kind of mask it so

wingman helps make things seem more


so they’re there to just kind of make

you look good right they help you out

they don’t fight to try to steal the

person you’re

trying to date they’re like oh man

alicia’s awesome she’s so funny she’s


and then the person that she’s trying to

get the guy she’s trying to date goes

yeah you know what you’re right and it

just kind of makes it seem like

uh um less desperate i don’t know like

if i were to go to a girl and just say

that it just seems kind of weird you

know so

similar to the wingman i mean there’s a

bit of a culture

with wingmen and pickup lines and this

kind of thing

and uh it’s called the game and what the

phrase i was gonna say

is spit some game so maybe you’ve heard

this there’s this is like a what is that


an extended metaphor and um spit some


is when you try to pick someone up you

go and and this is kind of like more

modern slang it’s

uh wingman i think is pretty universal

everyone knows that but spit some games

more modern and it’s

just hey i’m gonna go spit some game at

this girl i’m gonna try to pick her up

so spit coming from like speak or talk

right right right right

but you don’t actually spit on the girl

no please don’t actually spit on anybody

yeah go speak some game

okay let’s go to the next one um these i

feel like are perhaps some

um lead-ins to like they’re conversation


um that i both i feel like they’re both

kind of classic and they’re not

necessarily special but they’re just

ways to start a conversation with the

person next to you

the first is come here often uh do you

come to

this place often and what are you


um so these two are just like really

really simple like icebreakers come here

often i feel like is a little

i don’t know i don’t feel like this gets

used much

um but like what are you drinking um

i’ve had people ask me this

um like if but if if they’re clearly


if you can clearly see what they’re

drinking like you you have like a

branded beer in front of you like this

is a really dumb question to ask

but maybe the person just ordered an

interesting cocktail or maybe a nice

beer and you’re wondering what it was or


you know just you want to show that

you’re curious and want to talk to that

person but you don’t want to seem like

hey then you can say what are you

drinking um and that that can be a nice

lead into a conversation

do you want to hang out yeah yeah i

remember you did say this yeah

my generation’s lazy we don’t have the

chivalry we don’t have the romantic

gesture buy her roses you just hey you

want to hang out

yeah so boring so yeah or just like

let’s it’s

i think it’s much more casual now like

to ask someone out it’s not so much like

let’s go to dinner in a movie it’s more

like do you want to get a coffee

or tonight yeah it is it is quite quite

casual i feel now

yeah nice nice okay i i don’t have

anything else

because i put my last two together do

you have anything else this one

hey girl so this is kind of uh

you know again it’s getting more and

more subtle when you say hey girl

you know that that means you’re like

you’re about to say something you’re

about to spit some game you’re about to

kind of flirt

oh you know my head is like a i think

it’s like a justin timberlake song that

he starts he starts with this

hey girl yeah yeah i think i know what

you talking about yeah

yeah so that’s a good one i mean if you

say that it’s pretty obvious you’re

trying to

trying to get with whoever so yeah hey

girl on

though i will say that that that you

don’t nobody really says hey

guy um there’s not really a is there a

male variation of that

hey dude yeah but it doesn’t have the


that’s not romantic if you say hey yeah

it doesn’t

hey dude yeah it doesn’t really sound

that way

hey handsome oh hey handsome handsome

yeah you could use that but that

you probably if you say that you’re

gonna sound

really really like straightforward like

maybe a little bit too much

so if you go into with that then

the other person you could say anything

with that face you could say anything

that just like do you like potatoes

cinnamon cinnamon bits

i got some mixed never mind

i was going to say a thing no yeah

that’s that one sorry i was looking

there there’s a bag of mixed nuts on the

table and that’s the first thing i saw

okay oh i’m gonna embarrass myself i

keep telling you okay

so those are wow we talked about some

pick-up lines we talked about

ways to not ask someone out ways to ask

someone out ways to start a conversation

ways to continue a conversation

so go out and spit some game

do you have any do you have any last

tips or do you have any other tips for


no man i’m horrible don’t yeah don’t

take any of my advice

don’t lose we’re terrible at all the

things all the things we just talked

about we’re terrible at

because we are human wow okay well give

them a try

if you like uh good luck with that let

us know how it goes if you try it out i

would love to hear those stories that

would be fantastic

uh thank you very much for joining us

today for this episode of english topics

and we will see you again soon bye

who am i what is this all an ipad

welcome back to weekly words this week

let’s talk about love idioms to be head

over heels for someone to be head over

heels for somebody means that you’re

really interested in them maybe you’ve

just met them and you can’t stop

thinking about them

first love butterflies in your stomach

sort of thing

that’s kind of an idiom too he was head

over heels for the girl that he met at

the party the week before

we’re building a story here we’re

building a story here oh no

our story what’s going to happen next in

our story to be on the rocks

this phrase means um to be having

problems in your relationship

it means that you’re struggling or

having trouble in a sentence

my friend told me about that girl that

he met at the party last weekend

and he said they went out for a few

dates wow this is all happening so fast

they went out for a few dates and now

they’re on the rocks

okay next is to be an item to be an item

just means to be in a relationship with


you’re officially in a relationship with


and your friends might say you’re an

item now to continue our little story

even though my friend said he was on the

rocks with that girl he met at the party

a few weeks ago it seems that they are

now an item

this is weird that’s really weird the

next one is to pop the question to pop

the question means to ask someone to

marry you

yeah remember that girl that my friend

met at the party like a couple years ago

yeah he finally popped the question to

his girlfriend

means he asked her to marry him the next

one is

to tie the knot to tie the knot means to

get married so two people come together

and tie a knot they won’t be separated

in other words

so maybe maybe this is the end of our

story i don’t know

so my friend ended up tying the knot

with the girl that he met at the party

a few years ago and i don’t know what to

say i feel like i should wrap up that

story but i’m not gonna so

those are some actually pretty useful

you words and phrases that you can use

to talk about relationships give them a

try with some people that you know

thanks for joining us for this week’s

weekly words i will see you again next

time for

more interesting stuff take care bye bye

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