How to Make Basic Adjective Comparisons English Grammar for Beginners

live stream my name is alicia and in

this week’s live lesson we are going to

talk about how to make basic adjective

comparisons this live lesson will be a

super super great one for beginners

because we are going to talk about some

very very basic grammar points so as you

join please please please make sure to

hit the like button and share this video

so that other people can find today’s

lesson that would be super super great

while we wait for everyone to join us

live a couple quick announcements as

always the first announcement for this

week is about this banner at the bottom

of the screen it says get free pdf cheat

sheets i’ve shown you this many many

times before but if you have not checked

recently you can click the link below

the video if you’re watching on youtube

or above the video if you’re watching on

facebook to find this page right here if

you scroll down on this page we have a

bunch of different downloadable pdf

vocabulary and phrase sheets so you can

check these out practice them use them

on your phone on your computer whatever

if you have not checked in a while

there are a lot of new ones here so take

a look at these uh there are some

conversation practice pdfs available now

too so check it out if you haven’t

recently you can download everything for

free so check the link above or below

the video for that that’s announcement

number one announcement number two as

always if you have questions for me

please send them to me if you have

questions for me

i can answer them maybe in the weekly

question and answer series called ask

alicia so there is an official question

submission page you can find this in the

youtube description if you’re watching

on facebook please head over to youtube

or the official question submission page

is at

ask hyphen alicia so find it there okay

so if you have questions about

vocabulary about grammar culture

prepositions anything that comes up a

strange word you’re not sure how to use

whatever you can send it to me for this

series so check it out uh the link is in

the youtube description okay also if you

want to follow me on social media you

can find me here the links for this are

also in youtube all right i think hi

youtube i see everybody on youtube hi

everybody daario karim kanwajit mauricio

softboom oh bye okay fernando hi

everybody edwin hello facebook are you

there facebook is coming i think all

right so let’s go

to today’s topic today’s topic as i said

is how to make basic adjective

comparisons so for today’s lesson we’re

going to review some very basic grammar

points let’s take a look at today’s

lesson boards also if you haven’t please

make sure to hit the like button and

share this video okay here are today’s

lesson boards so today we’re going to

review how to make

the comparative form of adjectives we’re

going to talk about short adjectives and

long adjectives and we’re going to talk

about the key differences

between the two how to make them then

we’re going to look at positive

comparisons and negative comparisons so

for today’s lesson uh we’re going to

focus on i’ve chosen a few key

vocabulary words i want to focus on for

today’s lesson but if you have some

example sentences uh please feel free to

send them in the chat and i will try to

check your sentences live okay so let’s

get into it let’s start by reviewing how

we make basic adjective comparisons okay

so first we need to consider we need to

think about how long the word is and we

need to think about syllables in a word

what’s a syllable so let’s begin from

this point first

let’s talk about short adjectives short

adjectives so when i say short

adjectives i mean adjectives that are

one to two syllables long so a syllable

means the beat in a word so when we say

the word how many beats are in the word


when we make a comparison when we make

the comparative form with a short


one to two syllables

we follow this pattern we use adjective

plus er adjective plus er or a few

different spellings okay so for example

the adjective tall so one syllable tall

tall becomes taller

taller so this is the comparative form

the adjective short becomes


shorter okay the adjective pretty so two

beats two syllables in this word pretty

pretty becomes prettier prettier

and big

becomes bigger so this is the basic form

for short

adjectives also notice a couple spelling

changes here so tall we add er

short add er no problem however if your

adjective the base adjective if it ends

with y

drop the y so cancel the way

add i e r so we don’t use pretty with a

y plus e r the spelling changes the

pronunciation does not change so

prettier okay

all right some examples are already

coming in so and so is taller than me

i’ve seen a few of those come in okay

facebook i saw you for a second there we

are hi facebook welcome facebook good

okay and then uh big i have another

spelling point here so big this one this

is an example of one that ends with this

single a consonant big

here you’ll notice we double it we

double we we put two of that ending

consonant there so there are a couple of

different spelling rules to consider but

today i want to practice making

sentences with this grammar point okay

cool so this is how we make the

comparative form with short adjectives

now let’s look at long adjectives long

adjectives so we talked about short

adjectives being one to two syllables

one to two beats in a word yeah

long adjectives are three plus so three

or more syllables three or more beats in

a word yeah so for example we have


expensive delicious these have long or

these are long adjectives beautiful

expensive delicious right so we have a

different comparative form for these

kinds of adjectives okay


oh thanks very much reuben really

appreciate that on youtube hi facebook

facebook has joined us welcome facebook

thanks everybody okay good so let’s talk

about how we make uh

the comparative form with these long


instead of adding er to the end like we

do with short adjectives

we instead put more

before the adjective so beautiful

becomes more beautiful

expensive becomes more expensive

delicious becomes more delicious okay we

don’t say beautifuler or expensiver or

deliciouser unless we want to make a

joke maybe please use more plus long

adjective okay

so please keep in mind

these beats in the words so this is how

we make the decision generally uh of the

for the comparative form okay then

lastly the last point here i want to

talk about irregular comparatives

irregular comparatives what do i mean

by irregular comparative i mean these

are adjectives that do not follow these

rules these are different adjectives for


good does not become gooder we have the

word better so good becomes better

bad becomes worse


becomes more fun we don’t say funner

it’s a short adjective yes but we don’t

say funner we say more fun this was more

fun than that

so there are a few exceptions there are

a few uh different uh comparative forms

here so these of course there are just a

few of these these are a few there are a

few more but generally you can follow

this rule and you’ll be okay all right


with this in mind we’re going to

practice making positive and negative

comparisons today okay cool all right so

this is part one how to make the

comparative form of our adjectives let’s

take a short break and then we’ll begin

our sentence making practice for today

okay so if you’re just joining i think

facebook uh just joined welcome

everybody on facebook if you’re just

joining today’s lesson today’s live

lesson is about how to make basic

adjective comparisons this is really a

good one for beginners

and i hope that everybody can at least

get a little grammar refreshed today all

right also if you haven’t please make

sure to like and share this video so

other people can find today’s lesson i’m

going to share the facebook video now

that it is ready posting on facebook

great okay so

also if you missed it earlier i shared

about these free pdf cheat sheets i’ll

show you a couple here now too so if you

have not checked the link below the

video on youtube or above the video on

facebook there are new

pdf cheat sheets to download so they

have vocabulary expressions uh dialogue

practice as well so you can choose the

topic that seems interesting to you or

choose all of them there are i think

like 30 now they have the team made a

lot of new ones so check the link if you

have not recently if you have an account

already you can download them just just

log in if you don’t have an account you

can make one for free with your name and

your email address so check these out if

you want to get some free practice

materials okay

all right let’s go so uh let’s continue

do the next part let’s continue to part

two for today so in part two we’re going

to talk about how to make positive

comparisons so that means we’re going to

make some positive sentences so i’m

going to focus on the adjectives i

introduced in part one today but if you

have some different adjectives uh some

different ideas please feel free to send


so let’s take a look how do we make a

positive comparison so a positive

sentence that uses a comparison

today here is the basic pattern i want

to practice

noun phrase a




noun phrase be

noun phrase a is comparative then noun

phrase b okay so we’re going to focus on

these just simple present tense

sentences to practice okay so let’s take

a look let’s break down each sentence

and you can send your examples in the

chat okay first one my coworker

is taller than my boss my coworker is

taller than my boss okay

noun phrase a my coworker right here

noun phrase a my coworker then


taller taller is my comparative

adjective yeah taller than follows it

noun phrase b my boss so my coworker is

taller than my boss so from the two

people my co-worker is taller my boss is


right okay so

next one

her house is bigger

than his house her house is bigger than

his house so again same pattern her

house noun phrase a


comparative bigger than

noun phrase b his house her house is

bigger than his house right okay so very

very basic sentences all right

uh cook with amrita says my top my

husband is taller than me good okay uh

your name is in korean it says english

marathoner today’s coffee is stronger

than usual ah nice one yeah stronger

than usual good good good okay i’m

looking for other example sentences

uh someone wrote lami on facebook wrote

i think fun becomes more funny that’s a

common uh issue fun and funny are

different adjectives yeah so i talked

about fun here fun becomes more fun so

something that is fun is enjoyable we

feel excited to do that thing but funny

means it makes us laugh right fun and

funny are different that’s a very common

issue so please be careful of the

differences between the two

i’m looking for your example sentences


i am smarter than my friend is this

right your sentence is grammatically

correct i don’t know about your

situation with your friend

yes your sentence is grammatically

correct uh tanjina i hope uh on hassan

on facebook says my brother is taller

than me perfect okay

um other ones i saw another one up here

i lost it oh shoot i lost it ah oh there

it is rajun raduan i hope uh says jerry

is smarter than tom good example okay

that’s good all right so let’s continue

to the next one

this computer is more expensive than my

phone this computer is more expensive

than my phone okay so this example

sentence uses the long comparative form

i talked about yeah these sentences use

bigger taller those short adjectives


this one

uses more expensive this is a long

adjective it follows the same pattern

this computer noun phrase a

is more expensive so it’s two words yes

but this is the comparative form of the

adjective okay

this computer is more expensive than my

phone noun phrase b



all right uh some people uh i am

beautiful i can’t read your name on

facebook i am more beautiful don’t

forget this more

before your comparison for these long

adjectives if you missed it i talked

about this in part one yeah


let’s go to the next one i wanted to

introduce a kind of long one so

sometimes noun phrase a and noun phrase

b can be very long right so let’s look

at an example of this this is still a

basic comparative sentence so

my mother’s cooking

is more delicious

than the food at our neighborhood


so again my mother’s cooking noun phrase


is more delicious comparative than

the food at our neighborhood restaurant

noun phrase b

okay so our noun phrases can be quite

long yeah so this one is long the food

at our neighborhood restaurant that’s a

long noun phrase right so we can make

our comparative sentences long as well

these are still very very um

very good sentences to use alexandria

lima how do i use biggest that is a

superlative we are not talking about

superlatives uh in today’s lesson but we

use it to talk about the most

of something yeah the

most big of something okay

um a lot of people are talking about

physical things if a lot of you are

writing i am more handsome i am more

beautiful than so and so okay you’re

very confident good for you okay

all right

um christian he’s funner than her or

he’s more fun than her so this is time

number three talking about this

adjective more fun more fun okay so

i’m gonna run a counter for this

adjective question okay

all right let’s continue to the last

point the last point here

i wanted to introduce one more uh

emphasis word we can use we often use in

our comparatives my new job is much

better than my old job my new job is

much better than my old job so this

sentence uses much right so my original

pattern is noun phrase a is comparative

yeah so my new job is better than my old

job right my new job is better than my

old job also perfectly fine

sometimes we use much

in this position for emphasis so this

means a lot yeah my new job is a lot

better than my old job or my new job is

much better than my old job so sometimes

we use this word in this position for

emphasis you can too

okay looking for a couple more questions

facebook uh clinton says on facebook my

house is more beautiful than yours watch

your spelling yeah than t-h-a-n yeah

then it’s perfect nicely done so t-h-a-n

okay others uh her cell phone is more

expensive than his cell phone good one

okay uh others i’m looking for your

questions and your example sentences

reuben thanks again for uh supporting

the channel my cat is more dangerous

than my dog my cat is more dangerous

than my dog so not most more dangerous

than my dog for your adjective

comparison it’s not most dangerous okay

so let’s take one more break and then

we’re going to flip our examples to make

them negative because negatives that’s

where i see a lot of learners start to

make mistakes okay so let’s take one

more quick break and then we’ll go to

part three so if you missed it earlier

there is free stuff for you from the

link below the video if you’re watching

on youtube or above the video if you’re

watching on facebook you can find if you

click the link there is a bunch

there are a bunch rather of

these i showed you a few earlier here’s

one i haven’t shown in a while the

business english one i like this one

because it has business meeting phrases

it’s hard to see here so you can

download it but this has uh for example

job titles here i’ll get rid of this

this has job titles and things

on the back so if you’re working on

improving your business english skills

this could be a good way to start you

can put it on your phone there are some

motivational quotes here as well too or

like some idioms kind of is these are um

commonly used at work too so check these

out like i showed you here if you have

not checked this out if you have not

checked this link in a while the team

has created some new ones especially

down here it says like phone calls

holidays movies these are conversation

practice sheets too so check it out if

you have not checked recently you can

download them all for free okay uh all

right so with that let’s go to part

three for today

part three negatives okay so uh let’s go

to negatives also if you haven’t please

please please make sure to hit the like

button and share this video so other

people can find today’s lesson okay all

right i’m looking for your questions

i don’t see questions here yet okay


ooh carlos has a nice one on facebook

algebra exercises are much more

difficult than geometry all right good

okay let’s continue to part three

let’s practice making negative

comparisons so

we’re going to just kind of reverse

we’re going to look at the opposite of

the example sentences we just practiced

but we’re going to reverse the meaning

so let’s see what i mean by this first

let’s look at the basic pattern we’re

going to use here so the basic pattern

for our negative comparisons is

noun phrase a

is not as base adjective so right here

no adjective change here just use the

basic form of the adjective yeah noun

phrase a is not as

base adjective


noun phrase b

okay so common errors to watch out for

one don’t change the adjective like i

said bass adjective two

don’t use than here use as okay so this

is how we create a negative comparison

so let’s look at the examples and see

how these are different from the

examples we just talked about so

my co-worker is not as tall as my boss

my co-worker is not as tall as my boss

this means my co-worker is not as tall

as my boss so in other words my boss is

taller than my co-worker okay my

co-worker is not as tall as so here tall

not taller okay my co-worker is not as

tall as my boss

all right next one her house is not

as big as his house

her house is not as big as his house so

this means his house is bigger yeah her

house is smaller that’s what this

sentence means her house is not as big

as his house

okay one more this computer is not as

expensive as my phone

this computer is not as expensive as my

phone so my phone is maybe very

expensive my computer not so expensive

so again here

not as more expensive is incorrect don’t

change your adjective here and use as

not than in this position okay

uh matthew says my brother is not as

smart as my father perfect nice grammar

nice grammar okay other ones oh my gosh

facebook you’ve got some over here my

father is not as tall as my mother

really okay so your mother is mo is

taller than your father okay

uh my brother is not as tall as my

husband good okay


big equals more big uh it’s okay nope

nope nope so i think some people have a

little homework please review this part

part one i think facebook maybe missed

parts of part one for short adjectives

we follow this rule so big becomes

bigger yeah this is how we create the

basic form of adjectives if you missed

it so practice making uh your adjectives

into the comparative form yeah

okay all right then uh let’s go

to the next one what was the next one ah

the next one

is our very very long one here so my

mother’s cooking

is not as delicious as the food at our

neighborhood restaurant

my mother’s cooking is not as delicious

as the food at our neighborhood

restaurant so this sentence means my

mother’s cooking is

the quality is less

than the neighborhood restaurant’s food

so in our positive sentence it was the

compliment right my mother’s cooking is

more delicious than the food at our

neighborhood restaurant in this sentence

the negative my mother’s cooking is not

as delicious means my mother’s food is

not very good

okay so be careful

when you’re making these comparatives

okay one more then

my new job is not as good

as my old job

my new job is not as good as my old job

so again is not as base adjective good


my old job okay

all right so i’m looking for your

example sentences now you are not as

tall as my friend says suffum very good



ahmed says i’m uh 1.86 or six feet i’m

not as tall as my dad good okay

my cook is not as delicious as hers my

cooking is not as delicious as hers then

it’s perfect okay my cooking is not as

delicious as hers

faveland says the weather yesterday is

not as cold as today good okay

uh next one thanks thanks again for

supporting our team reuben that’s very

nice of you um let’s see my sandwich is

not as good as alicia’s how do you know

you’ve never had one of my sandwiches

okay other ones i’m looking for your


um my friend is not as clever as my


good ali says my new cars my new cars


is not as good as the old one yeah very

very close good good um good example

sentence nice structure my new cars so

cars apostrophe s my new car’s

performance is not as good as the old

one or my old one my old cars one yeah

nice one



not as as to make a negative sentence i

always put the form not as as


uh i’m not sure what you mean i i feel

like we’re saying the same thing not as

adjective as right i feel like your

comment jonathan

is saying the same structure for this

pattern maybe maybe i’m misunderstanding

that let me know okay uh other examples

my brother is more taller than my father

oh common common mistake right there uh

enrique my brother is base adjective my

brother is uh oh sorry sorry sorry

you’re making a positive one

that was part two my brother is taller

than my father so i am seeing a few uh

more than a few people

mixing up these two yeah

so short adjectives a reminder refresher

from part one short adjectives get er

the comparative form tall becomes taller

short becomes shorter pretty becomes


long adjectives get more yeah so we

can’t put more bigger or more prettier

we do not do this unless we want to make

a joke for some strange reason i don’t

know but please make sure you don’t mix

your comparative forms okay

uh other examples other examples oh

there are so many this lesson is as good

as the previous one nice one so we’re

we’re doing an equal and equal sentence


other ones oh my goodness my new

girlfriend is not the same as the old

girlfriend okay so maybe try to use a

comparative then you could say like my

new girlfriend is taller than my old

girlfriend or something like that

phew okay i think you’re getting it just

make sure i think maybe some good

homework uh for some of you is to review

how to make the comparative form of your


and then make sure you apply them with

this rule right here so keep in mind

this part right here for positives and

for negatives this part right here so

note base adjective in negatives

comparative form in positives okay so

maybe that’s your your takeaway for

today’s lesson all right oh my gosh

perfect timing i have to wrap it up so

we’ll finish this week’s lesson there

thanks very much for all of your

questions and comments and your great

example sentences thank you thank you

thank you for sending your example

sentences live uh i will show you

today’s lesson boards one more time so

you can take a screenshot here you go

so we talked uh several times about how

to make basic adjective comparatives how

do we make uh the comparative form with

short adjectives how do we make the

comparative form with long adjectives so

please practice this point i think many

of you

then we practice making positive

comparisons and negative comparisons so

we can do a lot actually with this

simple grammar point so it’s good to

make sure we understand how to use it

all right so if you missed this you can

watch this video back and any video that

we make on our youtube channel or our

facebook page so check it out next

week’s lesson information is here i’ll

be back next week as always same time

same channels so next week i’ll be here

on february 9th that is wednesday i will

be here at 10 p.m eastern standard time

that is new york city time if you don’t

know your local time please use your

amazing google skills to check it out

okay so next week i’m going to talk

about how to discuss the pros and cons

of something what does that mean how to

discuss the pros and cons means how to

talk about the good points and bad

points so pros means good points

cons means bad points so how do you talk

about the good points and bad points of

like your phone or like your house or

your job or whatever so we are going to

review we’re going to do some review of

today’s grammar points okay so join me

again next week

uh to do that if you can’t remember this

you can always set a notification on

youtube or on facebook or if you follow

me on instagram i always post a topic

reminder and a link in my story so you

can find it there somewhere if you don’t

follow me on instagram or twitter you

can find the links in the youtube

description okay i have to go for today

so thanks as always for joining me live

and don’t forget if you haven’t already

to pick up your free pdf cheat sheets i

showed you a couple of these earlier you

can find like 30 i think from the link

below the video on youtube or above the

video on facebook so don’t forget to

check it out thanks very much again

reuben okay all right so we’ll finish

there for this week have a great day

have a great week and a great weekend

and i will see you again next time