How to Make Basic Comparisons Adjectives and Nouns in English

think it’s rolling hi everybody and

welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia and to

this week we are going to talk about

how to make basic comparisons

this week we are going to talk about

making comparisons

with adjectives and with nouns this will

be a super good lesson

for beginners i think but of course i

hope we can also practice

uh some everyday uh grammar as well just

some basic grammar so it will be a good


to review so as you join if you’re

watching live

please make sure to like and share the

video give it a thumbs up that would be

super cool so other people can find the


and of course say hi in the chat too

a couple quick announcements as always


thing first there is free stuff for you

from the link below the video i’m

pointing to this banner on the screen

this free pdf cheat sheet banner you can

pick up

uh download a bunch of these to

work on your vocabulary and phrases

basic questions everyday questions that

kind of thing

you can find a whole bunch of different

topics for example

school related topics there’s some


and phrases on the back of that talking

online is another popular one too

so check those out if you need to


some vocabulary there’s a lot of stuff

that you can review there

also as always if you have questions for


if you have questions for me please send

them to me

for our weekly q a series ask alicia

or you can send me your questions and

then i will maybe answer them

so this is a screenshot from it also

many of you have been asking lately um

in chats about like where to find me uh

this is you can find me follow me on


from this account there’s a link in the

youtube description

as well so check that out too but send

your questions for this series this is a


an old screenshot from the series uh if

you have grammar questions vocabulary

questions like what’s the difference

between this and that

send those to me at

ask hyphen alicia all right uh today’s


is about basic comparisons i’m going to

speak a little bit more slowly now

uh so today’s lesson boards look like


we are going to practice nouns and

adjectives so we’re going to begin

today’s lesson

with nouns how to make basic comparisons

with nouns

then short adjectives excuse me and then

long adjectives so today’s lesson of


we’ll have three groups uh three groups

of content that we will cover

okay i see everything is rolling now hi

everybody welcome

i see youtube is alive and well great

hello yash babna

amanda conwaldjeet lizzy great all right

there are lots of

familiar faces and some new faces if

you’re new say hi

i always see the same people every week

i appreciate that i always want to

see some new people too though facebook

where are you facebook i’m coming to say

hello to you now facebook

facebook hi katie ange hello luder

jojo ahmed hello everybody

this hello thank you that’s very nice

all right everybody’s here

let’s get rolling let’s start with


nouns today countable nouns where’s my


okay so we’re going to begin today’s

lesson with

countable nouns and uncountable nouns

i am not going to talk in today’s lesson

about uh the like how about the

details of countable nouns and

uncountable nouns if you want some

details about

countable and uncountable nouns i have

some videos

on the english class youtube channel so

check those out

i’ll put a link in the youtube

description after today’s lesson so you

can check that out

okay let’s go uh good lots of people are

saying hi

new people ashwani great shiva hello

good good good good everybody

who is new is now saying hello fantastic

thank you new people

while lots of new people are saying hi

thank you that’s cool

okay let’s start talking about making


with nouns so i want to

uh cover two groups countable nouns

a quick review a countable noun is a

noun we can count

with one two three like we add an

s to the end of the noun to make it

countable like markers or teachers

or computers and so on phones

these are countable nouns this is


when we’re making comparisons and in

other situations too

these are the patterns we use to make


with countable nouns the very basic


so i’ll go through these examples and

these patterns today but please in the

chat or in the comments if you’re not

watching live send me your example


if you’re watching live i will try to

check who tried to check you live

there’s a lot that come in though so

let’s review

we use more plus plural noun when i say

plural noun here i mean the noun

plus s so for example if it’s marker i

use markers

plural means more than one yeah so

more markers than for example

if i want to express a comparison where

one thing

there is not like fewer so the quantity

is smaller

of one thing than another thing

i use fewer with countable nouns

this point right here many native

speakers make mistakes with this

they use less with countable nouns

please use fewer so for example fewer

students than me he has fewer students

than me okay so this is a key point

for everyone to practice if you want to


equal equal amounts of something so

a and b are the same

amount the same amount you can use this

as many plural noun as

so this as is on both sides yeah

like he has as many students

as me so this expresses

equal levels equal levels

finally this last pattern here not

as many plural noun as

not as many plural noun at this


that one thing the quantity of

a the quantity of a so let’s use markers


let’s say i have or rather i think i

have an example here let’s use this one

he doesn’t have as many shoes

as me for example so this is expressing

this is a different way to express i

have more shoes

than he does so there are a few

as you can see maybe there are a few

different ways

we can express a comparison we can use a

negative we can use a positive

it’s up to you to choose let’s look at

some more examples

uh this one oh it’s kind of hard to see

the colors isn’t it

i have more books than you

another key point i notice with learners

many learners do not put this

s at the end please clearly pronounce

and make sure to spell it with the s

with your countable nouns yeah i have

more books

than you we have fewer

plants than the neighbor we have fewer

plants than the neighbor

and again he doesn’t have as many shoes

as me another note with this negative

pattern there’s not

as many as pattern this

knot when i say not sometimes

you’ll see maybe this pattern directly

but this example the knot

is here he does not have so this not

is connected to the verb yeah

so this is just a basic negative pattern


okay um

someone says i’m trying to make a

sentence and i don’t know which

noun to use so just think think of a


and think okay is this a countable noun

or an

uncountable noun just try just just try

start by trying

okay uh i see lots of people on facebook

saying hello

welcome good morning mr alicia please

use miss please use myths for girls

okay um other example

salma says he has fewer friends than me

good examples

yashya she has more pen pen so when you

use a countable noun use the plural form


pens don’t forget this s at the end

okay all right let’s continue to

uncountable nouns so

uncountable nouns are nouns that we do

not count

with a number like uh we don’t say

for example uh one time well okay sorry

when we talk about units of uh like

minutes and hours

time is uncountable or like uh

air is uncountable these are things we


units with smaller units with again i’m

not going to talk

in detail about these two grammar points

so i’ll put a link to this information

in the youtube description okay so

when we use uncountable nouns to make


we use these patterns more

noun than something so you’ll notice

this one

is the same as the countable form yeah

so that’s easy to remember

however this one when you use an

uncountable noun

and you want to express that something

there’s not as much

of something or there’s the quantity is

smaller we use

less less this is different from

countable nouns

where we use fewer fewer countable nouns

less uncountable noun so less

time than less money than and so on but


fewer okay then

a couple more patterns to express that

two things are

equal as much

noun as so he has

as much time as me or she has as much


as me so this pattern expresses that

two amounts are equal they’re equal

they’re the same okay and

finally to make a negative the kind of

the negative version

of this second pattern not as much

noun as something so

my boss does not have as much free time

as me

maybe okay so let’s look at some example

sentences that use

this grammar first one i have more

time than you please notice

there is no s at the end of this time

because time is an uncountable noun

so no s here roduin says alicia has more

hair than me

good that’s a really funny example okay

uh next one is he

has less money than his boss

he has less money than his boss okay so


money no s at the end of this because

money is

uncountable okay

another one i made a kind of creative

example sentence here

you have as much bread

as the bakery down the street so this is

a situation

where you you arrive at a friend’s house

for a party or event they have lots of


and you want to make a funny comment you

have as much bread as the bakery down

the street means that you

and the bakery have equal levels of

bread that sounds kind of funny

so we can use these sorts of comparisons

to make creative statements

too so maybe it’s not exactly

but we just want to express something

creatively we can do it like this

okay some of you are writing some

adjective comparisons which is great

we’re going to talk about that later all

right uh

all right some other examples michelle

says alicia has more pens

than me oh maybe okay good nice example


i’m looking for your other example

sentences on facebook someone says

what’s her name

anyone know yes my name is alicia so

okay let’s go to oh johanna says is

bread uncountable yes

bread we don’t say one bread two breads

uh we use the counter counterword loaf

for bread one

loaf of bread two loaves of bread again

uh i will put a link

to some videos about countable and

uncountable now the description

okay let’s take a break oh mafu says why

do we use have with he

when he is the third person can you give

me an example i don’t think i understand

the question

okay let’s go to the break if you missed

it earlier there is free stuff for you

from the link below the video

uh if you’re watching on youtube or

above the video if you are watching

on facebook you can download some

vocabulary it’s all free there are some


expression and question uh pdfs to check

out this one is about

family members and on the back holidays

and various

celebrations and so on so check this out

you can go

download all of them they’re all free so

pick up a bunch you can pick up a bunch

there’s a lot of different topics

to choose from pets uh hobbies

leisure time sports and exercise i hope

we are all exercising

and being healthy so check them out you

need your name

and an email address and you can

download them all print them out

whatever you want to do so check them

out it would be cool

all right uh that’s it for the break

let’s go to the next part i’ll show you

today’s lesson boards if you want to

take a screenshot

please get ready here we go boom okay

so we talked about nouns how to make

basic comparisons with nouns

now we’re going to talk about adjectives

we’re going to talk about

short adjectives there are different


for short and long adjectives okay many

of you are asking questions about

countable and uncountable nouns is this

noun countable is this noun uncountable

again i’m going to put a link

in the description for you to check that

will hopefully answer your questions

this is a

slightly different topic than today’s


all right ah short adjectives let’s go

let’s talk about

short adjectives uh okay

onward onward onward i don’t seek other


so here we go how to make basic

comparisons with

short adjectives with short adjectives


what does short adjective mean this


an adjective that is one syllable

to two syllables but two syllable

adjectives for this rule

they end in y so this is an important


for this rule for this uh comparison


what’s a syllable what is a syllable a


is a beat it’s like the beat in a word


for example big has one syllable

big we make one beat when we

say the word pretty has two syllables

pretty pretty two syllables

there are two beats in the word

so this part this is the rule we use

for short adjectives words that have one

syllable one beat or they have two


and they end in y so

how do we make the comparative form

with these the basic way to do it

basically we use the adjective plus

er we add er to the end of the adjective

okay if the adjective

ends in y like pretty

the sound is the same so pretty is an

adjective that ends in y

this short adjective that ends in y

we make it pretty er so the er

sound is the same as this rule however

when we spell the comparative form

the y at the end of the word changes

we drop the y and we add i

e r the spelling changes the sound is

er still okay

then hard to see i know i’m going to

read this part lastly

if this ends if your adjective ends

in consonant vowel

consonant so vowel remember a

e i o u sometimes y

those are the vowels consonants are the

other letters

if your adjective ends in this pattern

like big consonant vowel consonant

double the last consonant that means put

two put two of this consonant the last


and add er to make

bigger again this is spelling

okay finally if the adjective

ends in e just add r

okay so we’re going to practice this

with a few examples

and of course please send some in the

chat if you’re watching live or so

uh send them in the comments too if

you’re not watching live so

patterns to use these are all present

tense patterns is an r of course you can


uh past tense and so on so

for today we’re going to focus on very

basic patterns

so for example a is

or are comparative form

than be so a reminder

in this practice we are using adjectives

this is different from the first part of

the practice today

so a is a noun and b is a noun here

we want to practice making the

comparative form

of an adjective so

you are funnier than me

for example my brother is funnier than

me for example comparative form

some points to note though if you use

this pattern or this pattern this

negative one

a is not as adjective

as b or a

is as adjective as b

there is no change to this adjective we

do not

need to use the comparative form here

so this pattern for example my brother

is not

as funny as me

this uses the basic form so

my brother is not as funnier as me is


incorrect do not change your adjective

in the negative

pattern and in this one

to express the two things are equal a

is as adjective as b

okay so let’s look at some examples

first one

gelato is tastier than ice cream

my personal opinion gelato is tastier

than ice cream my adjective here

is tasty tasty ends in y

so i follow this rule right here tastier

than ice cream so i want to express this


is in my opinion better than ice cream

then another one seattle is not as big


tokyo seattle is not as big as tokyo so

city size

in this sentence i use this negative


so i use the basic adjective seattle a

is not as big as tokyo

no change to this adjective okay

all right someone says tastier so

tastier is

coming from the adjective tasty

something that is tasty tasty is a

casual way

to say delicious delicious

okay some examples are coming good uh

i’m looking for short

adjectives uh nohorah says i’m happier

than my sister good job nice one uh

khanwalji says he is taller than me but

i’m smarter than him

nice example okay someone says alicia is

richer than me

interesting okay uh lob khan says my son

is taller than me good examples


okay someone says okay there’s a good

example you need to write more

bigger you need to write bigger so


is the comparative form more bigger is


also this is the size i have so

if i write bigger we cannot study all

the grammar points

so okay let’s go oh some other questions

what’s gelato yeah gelato is a

like italian it’s i think it’s from

italy originally

correct me if i’m wrong yeah but it’s

made with a heavy cream

i think instead of milk yeah okay

uh i have to continue to the last point

so this is

short adjectives short adjectives we are

going to finish

today with long adjectives so real

quickly um

real quickly a short break if you missed

it earlier there’s free stuff for you

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube above the video

if you’re watching on facebook i showed

you a bunch of these already

uh free pdf vocabulary sheets to

download so check them out

if you have not you can find like i

think there’s like 20 i don’t know

there’s a lot now

so please just go look at them and

download the ones that you want to get

okay let’s go to the last part of

today’s lesson

i’m going to share uh the lesson boards

again if you want to take a screenshot

so please get ready

uh here we go okay so

nouns was part one we practiced short

adjectives now we are going to practice

long adjectives long adjectives

so again we need to consider syllables

the beats

in a word syllables yeah okay

um let’s go so

the final part of today’s lesson is


these long adjectives so again two


or more two syllables the beats

of a word yeah so for example beautiful

beautiful has three beats or expensive

has three beats these are long

adjectives we use

this rule for long adjectives

all right let’s go to making the


form we use more

adjective than so more beautiful than

more expensive than

less adjective than so less beautiful


or less exciting than as

adjective as so this expresses equal

two things are equal that movie is as


as the other movie and a negative form

not as adjective as

so maybe you’ll notice for this one we

don’t have to change the adjective

we don’t have to change the spelling

which is great right but

we need to consider these parts

and a common um some common mistakes i

see with learners

are these parts at the end then

and then with these two more something

than less something than

and with these two as at the end

as to express equality and something

uh that is not equal uses this

as pattern okay um

let’s go to examples then i’m checking

for your questions and your comments

i’ll try to check live

okay let’s look at some examples now

action movies are more exciting

than romance movies action movies are

more exciting than romance movies

so more exciting here is my adjective

no change to the adjective so not more


but more exciting more exciting

and another point movies this is a

countable noun yeah

action movies are so not action movie is

incorrect incorrect if you want to talk


one action movie only that action movie

is more exciting than the other

action movie that’s correct this


is a general statement about all

action movies action movies generally

are more exciting than romance movies

okay another one my phone bill

this month is less expensive

than my bill last month my phone bill

this month is less expensive than my


last month okay so a comparison using

less again no change to expensive

here all right other examples

uh oh look on be careful on facebook my

car is more expensive than my friend’s

friend apostrophe s if if you use my car

is more expensive than my friend with no

apostrophe s

it means the price of your car and the

price of your friend

you don’t want to compare the price of

your friend your friend has no price

so my friends my friend’s

car okay um

all right i don’t see other examples her

computer is more expensive than yours

says nito good examples okay

one more the bus today was

not as crowded as the bus

yesterday so again the bus today

was not as crowded as

the bus yesterday at native speed i

would say the bus today wasn’t as

crowded as the bus yesterday

we reduced these two the bus today


wasn’t as crowded as the bus yesterday

so crowded

is my adjective meaning lots and lots of


okay cool i’m looking for your examples

i do not see um

let’s see jermaine says my cable bill

maybe my cable bill this month

is more expensive than last month okay

so when you want to compare like those

time period ones

this month or this week or last week

it’s sometimes

if it’s not clear it’s a good idea to


the time period so my bill this month

and my bill

this week was more expensive than

last week for example okay

uh shima says alicia is crazy used as a

long or short adjective

crazy follows the short adjective rule

so crazy

two syllables ends in y so please use

the short adjective rule so he is

crazier than she

is okay uh johannes says old cars are

more aesthetic

than modern cars very cool good good


uh babna says today today’s today’s

like apostrophe s live stream isn’t

as crowded as don’t forget this as

here oh sorry this one the negative form

not as crowded as regular live streams


uh joel luis hernandez says wasn’t

or wasn’t oh the apostrophe apostrophe

comes between

n and t wasn’t so in this one

was not as crowded i’ll write it here

when you want to make the reduced form

of this pattern

use wasn’t wasn’t as crowded as

your apostrophe comes right here

to reduce this was not becomes wasn’t

your apostrophe is here between n and t

all right uh yarella says uh is

cheaper is that the same as less

expensive yeah

yeah so you can you can choose whichever

you prefer

so i could say my phone bill this month

was cheaper

or is cheaper than my phone bill last

month or i could say

less expensive it’s up to you both are


okay oh my gosh i’m very late i have to


there okay so we have to finish there

for today

uh awesome thanks for your great

questions and your good example

sentences i’ll show you today’s lesson

boards again

so that you can take a picture if you

would like to

okay so this is what we talked about

today we talked about

nouns short adjectives and long

adjectives again i’m going to put a uh

a link in the description the youtube

description if you’re watching on

facebook please check the youtube

description i’ll put a link to

countable and uncountable noun videos

and some of my videos about making

adjective comparisons so that you can


and review and make your sentences


that would be super cool uh also i’ll be

back next week of course

next week uh next lesson november 18th

we are going to talk about expressing

emotion so actually

you will probably be able to use today’s


in next week’s lesson so please join me

next week to practice expressing

emotions expressing

feelings how to do that

we’ll cover some vocabulary and some

patterns that you can use to talk about


so i hope it’s good okay i will say

goodbye then so please make sure to grab

the free stuff

if you have not already also thank you

very much for liking this video and for

sharing this video

and for sending your awesome questions

and comments that’s super cool

as always i will say goodbye for this

week so enjoy the rest of your day
