English MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY Words with Alisha

Hi everybody, my name is Alisha, welcome
back to weekly words. Today we’re going

to be talking about another holiday, the
holiday for today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

So let’s get into it. Martin
Luther King Jr. Day, the first word of

course is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
This day is celebrated on the third

Monday in every January and it’s used to
recognize a very important civil rights

leader Martin Luther King Jr., perhaps
you’ve heard of him. In a sentence

my school has the day off for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Martin Luther

King Jr. Day is actually a national
holiday in the US so you might have the

day off work if you live in America, or
you might have the day off school

because of his holiday.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a

civil rights leader, he was very very
famous for his “I have a dream” speech. He

helped bring people together who wanted
to ensure equal rights for people

regardless of race. So in a sentence,

Have you ever seen Martin Luther King
Jr’s I have a dream speech?

Civil rights

the idea behind the civil rights
movement is that all people had certain

rights in their life so they should be
able to pursue the same goals in their

life, that was the point of the civil
rights movement, without being bound by

issues of race or gender or sexual
orientation, for example. So in a sentence,

let’s keep working towards realising
civil rights for all people.

non-violent protest

a non-violent protest means a protest which does not

use violence, or another way to say, it is
a peaceful protest. There were a lot of

non-violent protest you might have heard
of, a sit in protest, in these cases

members of the protest with simply for
example sit at a cafe or sit at a

restaurant and if asked to move would
not move so the phrase non-violent

protest is particularly related to
Martin Luther King jr. because he

advocated, he wanted to use the
non-violent protest style. There were

other people during this time who used
violent protests but Martin Luther King

jr. chose to encourage people to protest
non-violently so that’s why this is a

particularly important phrase on Martin

Luther King Junior Day. Martin Luther
King Jr. advocated for non-violent protests.

To assassinate

To assassinate
this is a verb you might know the word

to murder, or perhaps, to kill; but if a
famous person or a person, for example in

politics in the government a very very
significant person is killed

it’s called an assassination or we use
the verb to assassinate. Martin Luther

King Jr., as you may know, was
assassinated, and so that’s why this word

has particular relevance on this holiday.
So maybe one of the nuances are one of

the implications of the word assassinate
is that there’s a political nuances, there’s a

political reason why the person is
assassinated. So for example, in a sentence

Martin Luther King Jr. was
assassinated due to his role in the

civil rights movement. So he was a very
important figure in the movement and

there were people who oppose Martin
Luther King Jr. and his viewpoint in

his approach, as a result he was
assassinated. So those are some key

phrases and keywords that are related to
the holiday Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Thank you very much for joining us
for this episode of holiday words

and we’ll see you again. Bye!