MEET Basic Verbs Learn English Grammar

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hi everybody welcome back to know your

verbs my name is Alicia and in this

lesson we’re going to talk about the

verb meet let’s begin

the basic definition of the verb meet is

to see and speak to someone for the

first time some examples we haven’t met

I want to meet a famous person someday

okay now let’s look at the conjugations

of the verb present meet meets past

meant past participle met progressive


okay now let’s look at some additional

meanings for the verb the first

additional meaning for today is to

fulfill or achieve something examples

this apartment meets all my requirements

we met our company’s sales goal for last

month so in both of these examples we

see the verb meet being used to mean

fulfilling or achieving something so

like this apartment needs all of my

requirements this apartment fulfills all

of my requirements everything I need is

in this apartment everything I require

is in this apartment this apartment

meets my requirements in the second

example sentence we met our sales goal

for the month means we achieved our

sales goal for the month we did the

things we needed to do we achieved our

goal we met our goal in past tense okay

let’s go to the second meaning of this

verb the second meaning is to wait for

someone or something so example

sentences of this can you meet my mom at

the station I’ll meet you in front of

the restaurant so in both of these

sentences the idea is you’re going to

meet someone yes so maybe you knows the

meaning of the verb as in like regularly

meeting someone like I meet my mom for

coffee once a week or I meet my friends

for lunch once a week that’s fine this

is slightly different because the

feeling here is you’re going to a

location to wait for someone like to

wait kind of like to pick them up to

wait to get together with them and go

somewhere with them you’re going there

to wait meet and then go but we just use

the verb meet in this case so can you

meet my mom at the station means can you

go to the station wait there for my mom

to arrive and then go to another place

like maybe come home with my mom in the

second example sentence I’ll meet you in

front of the restaurant it sounds like

the speaker is going to go to the front

of the restaurant wait there for the

listener and then proceed to you know

their meal for example so we can use

meat to mean waiting for someone or

something at a specific place before

they go to the next thing the third

meaning for this

verb is to join things together so two

things or two or more things come

together examples of this the river

meets the ocean here the paths met in

the forest so the river meets the ocean

here so the space where the two things

come together that’s the place where

they meet so thing a and thing B come

together and meet right here so they’re

joining together they’re the same thing

with the second sentence so the two

paths met in the forest so maybe two

different paths there’s one point where

they come together they join together we

can say the two paths met in the forest

so things coming together like this we

can use the verb meat to describe that


let’s talk about some variations of this

verb the first variation is to meet

halfway to meet halfway to meet halfway

means to make a compromise or just to

compromise let’s look at some examples

of this can we meet halfway regarding

this issue

I want to go hiking and you want to have

a picnic

let’s meet halfway and have lunch in the

park so these are expressions we can use

to refer to a compromise in my first

example sentence I used a question can

we meet halfway regarding this issue

means can we make a compromise regarding

this issue but meet halfway means make a

compromise it’s just a shorter way kind

of a little bit more friendly to meet

halfway sounds like maybe the speaker

wants to compromise a little bit the

speaker is willing to let go a little

bit of their opinion or their side in

the second example sentence I gave a

pretty clear situation one person wanted

to go hiking another person wanted to

have a picnic and so the compromise was

having lunch in the park

so that’s meeting halfway let’s meet

halfway let’s compromise let’s make a

compromise and have lunch in the park so

we can use meet halfway to refer to

compromising between a couple of

different ideas so why do we say meet

halfway because it’s like if there are

two opinions and they’re completely

different from each other like imagine

on a line opinion a and opinion B and

right here halfway is the compromise

point so they’re saying let’s meet

halfway let’s meet at this compromise

point and continue further so meet


that means compromise okay let’s go to

the next variation the next variation is

to meet one’s maker or to meet your

maker to meet someone’s maker means to

die it’s an expression that means to die

but we tend to use it a little bit this

is sort of a strange thing to say but we

use it in sort of a funny way so we

don’t really use this expression to talk

seriously about death so example

sentences of this I sent that spider to

meet his maker

I’m afraid of the day I have to meet my

maker okay so in the first example I

said I sent that spider to meet his

maker this is an interesting way of

saying I killed a spider so I sent that

spider to meet his maker first let’s

talk about maker here why do we say meet

his maker or meet your maker

this refers to a belief in God or a

belief in a higher power

so the maker being a person or questions

a person so the maker would be the being

that created you that created this

person that created this thing so to

meet one’s maker is to meet the person

or to meet the thing or to meet the

entity whatever your belief is that

created you or that created the thing

that you’re talking about so when I say

I sent that spider to meet his maker

so I’m saying I sent I sent meaning I

caused the spider to go so I sent the

spider I didn’t actually like mail a

spider somewhere but I caused the spider

to go to meet his maker in other words I

caused the spider to die

I killed the spider that’s what happened

there in the second sentence I’m afraid

to meet my maker means I’m afraid to die

but it has kind of a casual feel to it

meet my maker or meet one’s maker has

sort of a not so serious

feeling about death but it means to die

so those are a few different perhaps

ways to use the verb meet I hope that

that was helpful for you and you picked

up some new vocabulary words you can use

of course if you know some other

meanings of the verb meet if you want to

try to make an example sentence or if

you have a question please feel free to

do so in the comment section of course

if you liked the video give us a thumbs

up come subscribe to the channel if you

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study tools too thanks very much for

watching this episode of know your verbs

and we’ll see you again soon bye meat

not the kind to eat the first one first

word this is not tough words please feel

free to do so or to contact us in the

comments I guess no sort of weird that

came from I’m gonna do that again okay

