How to Explain Your PhysicalMental Condition in English

i hope it’s rolling hi everybody and

welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia and in

this week’s lesson

we are going to talk about how to


your condition how to explain your

condition i am going to talk about your


condition so that means how to express

your feelings how to express your


and we’re also going to talk about your


condition too finally we are going to


about expressing a timeline as well so

when did you start to feel this way when

did your symptoms begin

so i hope that this is a helpful lesson

for expressing

of course your body’s situation but also

how you feel so as you join please make

sure to hit the like button

and share this video too so that other

people can find today’s lesson that

would be super super awesome

we appreciate it uh and send a message

in the chat

when you arrive too as well okie dokie

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that’s announcement number one

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series is called ask

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so that’s everything awesome okay all

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okay so today’s topic today’s topic is

explaining your condition i made today’s


um very very i think uh focused on basic

sentence structures and we’ll talk about

the grammar

of some of the sentences today uh so i

hope that everybody

can practice easily with today’s content

okay uh hi everybody in the youtube chat


secret hello secret mind star sonu hello

david moreno hello conrad soundcat

bridget hello

aurel from indonesia and daniel from

brazil hello everyone

facebook hey facebook what’s up safsaf

hello good morning to you

uh jesus hello welcome saddam hello

i mean i hope i said that right from

cambodia hello

welcome everybody mushmajee hi cool

everyone is here let’s look at today’s

lesson boards

if you want to take a picture you can do

it now

okay this is what we are going to cover

today we have some very simple

sentence patterns to practice today

mental so your mind

physical your body and timeline

how to express when you started

feeling something yeah okay so

let’s get started let’s talk about

mental stuff

first mental stuff so your mind okay

so how to explain your

mental condition this means how you feel

your emotions uh your

maybe good feelings and your not so good

feelings so

how do we talk about this i have

two patterns here

these covered these include um this

these are the maybe most common ways we


our mental condition so you can

send this at your current mental

condition in the live chat if you like

first i feel plus

adjective i feel adjective

we use this pattern for our basic


happy sad angry and so on

for those super basic feelings we can


this pattern for example i feel great

i feel sad i feel angry

i feel bad i feel sleepy

and so on those very very basic uh

emotions those very basic feelings we

can use

i feel plus adjective to describe

that okay uh javier says i

feel great or i’m feeling great both are


both are fine if you want to emphasize

i mean so if you want to use feeling i’m

feeling great or i’m feeling sad that


that shows uh more strongly that your

feeling your emotion is temporary

right if you want it to sound more like

uh constant like you’re always

feeling this way you can use i feel


i feel great it sounds more like you’re


like that’s part of your personality


okay uh i feel anxious says nohorah nice


okay yeah i feel great and i’m feeling

great both are correct both are

grammatically correct the difference is

in the temporary feeling with i’m


okay um good

uh what about the word perception uh we

don’t really use the word perception

when we talk about

our own mental or physical condition

yeah so perception means how we


a situation so we don’t really uh use

perception when we talk about our our

personal feelings or our personal

emotions okay great some good examples

are coming in

i feel afraid says hi daliana

p darling sorry i hope i said that

correctly i feel happy i feel

down i feel nervous good good good okay

very nice

so we have this for our basic emotions

great job nice ones everybody

now let’s talk about this second pattern

pattern two here

very similar right i’m adjective

i’m adjective so please note this right

here this

i’m sometimes learners remove this they


i adjective not correct don’t forget

please don’t forget this

m i’m adjective i’m adjective

so in this part i included

adjectives that maybe we don’t use for

super super basic emotions you can say

i’m great i’m sad i’m angry i’m bad

that’s fine you can use those words

those adjectives in this pattern too

that’s okay

however when we use adjectives that are

a little more a little more uh like

higher than just the basic

emotion or they describe our condition

not just an emotion but also like our

uh our thoughts the type of thoughts we


we use this pattern more for example

i’m confused i’m confused so i don’t

know what’s what’s happening i’m


i’m confused or i’m upset

upset i’m upset i’m thrilled so that’s a

positive one

i’m excited or i’m tired

so we use we tend to use this pattern

not i feel you might hear some people

yes you might hear some people say

i feel upset it’s okay it’s okay to say

that or like

i feel thrilled maybe but

typically we use this i’m adjective

pattern for these

what does thrilled mean oh thrilled


like you’re really really excited


about an opportunity like you got a

great new job

or you received an award you’re excited

and happy i’m thrilled about something

i’m thrilled about this job or i’m

thrilled to announce

something okay good some other examples

are coming people write let’s see no

no sorry on youtube says i’m

disappointed good example good example

uh i’m anxious i’m bored good i’m


i’m scared to death of heights okay good

uh on facebook

hello everybody i feel tired says van

okay i feel

very happy when i listen to you cool

great great great

nice examples everybody okay

perfect so let’s go now

to a couple of very useful

expressions that you can use um

when you feel you feel down

and maybe you want to be alone

for a while like you want to

think on your own or you need some

personal time

how do you express that how do you


when you feel a little sad or a little


but it’s just a short time right it’s

easy to say i’m great i’m happy i’m in a


mood but here are two expressions

you can use to express that down

feeling for a short period first

i need some space i need

some space so space here

space means space away

from other people space away from other

people so

like i have too much going on

now please please give me some room

please give me some room i need

some space or this one you might hear

this one

i need some time to myself

right now or i need some time for myself

right now you might hear two you might

hear four i feel

two is a little more common i need some

time to myself right now like

i need some time to myself right now i

need to think

so if you want to express you want to

communicate to someone

i just need a moment i need some time

just for me you can use these


i need some space or i need some time

for myself right now

okay uh rogue swift writes down in the

dumps yeah i feel

down in the dump so if you want to

express that your mood is very

low you can say i’m down in the dumps


abu sudais on facebook says i’m under

the weather i’m under the weather yes

you can use that to talk about feeling

sick great job okay others

i don’t see other questions very nice


some room equals some space uh we

generally in this we don’t say i need

some room

you i guess maybe somebody says that

but we usually say i need some space

right now

okay good so this is our mental


portion for today

all right um let’s see

so many things are coming in oh my gosh

i need some time to myself right now i

need some time to myself

very nice okay oh everybody’s writing it

in the comment section cool okay

maybe taking some notes i need some time

for myself to think about it says

lacpatom on facebook

perfect very nice all right let’s go to

a break let’s take a super super short


if you missed it earlier there is free

stuff for you from the link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube free

pdf cheat sheets i show you this uh

all the time these ones i always show

you how to

uh download these a lot of you ask about


if you want to download this please


the link below the video you will find

this page here

scroll down on this page to choose

your favorite pdfs all of them you can


and follow this one two three four step

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to get them check it out you can find

all kinds of topics there’s a lot of new

stuff there too

there’s some conversation practice uh

cheat sheets too

so if you want to do some daily uh

conversation some daily dialogue


check it out there’s a lot of new ones

okay all right

let’s go uh if you haven’t please make

sure to hit the like button yeah so

other people can find today’s lesson and

share too that would be awesome

okay let’s go to part two let’s talk


physical condition now how do we explain

our physical condition so physical


means your body’s condition your body

parts so when you go to the doctor you

go to the hospital or

you’re talking to your friend how do you

explain your physical condition

let’s go first one very basic

sentence structure again my body part

hurts my body part hurts

for example my arm hurts my back

hurts my neck hurts my stomach hurts

my leg my finger my head my foot

hurts so any bond part choose your body


and say my body part hurts

point when speaking do not forget this s

sometimes i hear learners say my arm


nope my arm hurts it hurts my body part

hurts don’t forget that some

learners ask too for example they say a

sentence like

my arm has a pain my arm has a pain

we understand what you mean your

sentence is grammatically correct but

it’s not

natural i highly i strongly recommend

my arm hurts my arm hurts okay

all right so let’s you can send me you

can send some examples in the chat if

you want i hope

you are feeling healthy but okay

alorata says my whole body hurts oh no

i don’t oh no my leg hurts my biceps

my biceps oh good point if you want to

talk about

two parts like both arms or a bunch of


no s this this pattern is for one part

of your body

only if you want to say my legs

so plural my legs hurt no s here yeah

so this is for one one body part only

a little little grammar reminder okay

so my something hurts okay

um yes ahmed has a really good point on

the youtube in the youtube chat i would

point my finger to that place that hurts

if i don’t know the term

excellent so if you don’t know like the

word for

this bone right here maybe you had a bad

accident and this bone

hurts you could say this hurts

this hurts in that case yeah my

collarbone this is called your


okay all right other ones let’s go

to the next part okay everybody

everybody has some good ones all right

let’s go to this next one

i have a body part ache

i have a body part egg for example

i have a headache i have a stomach ache

i have a back ache i have an

earache ear starts with a vowel sound

yeah i have an

ear egg what’s the difference between

ache and hurt

many people ask ache this thing right

here a

a c h e ache means like a

long like it’s lasting a long time

so a stomach ache for example you eat

something kind of weird

well your stomach feels bad

for a long time i have a stomachache

same thing with your head

i have a headache so your head hurts

usually a little bit maybe maybe a lot

for a long time that’s an ache yeah it

doesn’t go away

sometimes you feel like if for example

you pinch

a part of your body out it hurts for

just a moment

yeah we don’t say ache for that ache

is something that we feel for a long


that’s fake okay nose ache

i guess you can have a nose ache okay

let’s go to the next one i have a

stomach ache i have a back egg good

good i have an eye ache very nice okay

everybody is doing great

with the body condition expressions yes

no email rights uh a persistent

pain a persistent so it’s constant like

always there

okay all right good good good good

let’s go to the next one i have

a noun phrase noun phrase so if

you know the name of your condition

you can use this pattern i have a cough

right cough i have a sore

throat i have a runny nose

i have a rash a rash is usually like a

red color on your skin some strange red

color maybe

itchy maybe kind of itchy on your skin

if you know

the name the noun phrase for your


you can use this pattern i have a cough

i have a fever as well someone wrote

that before

okay okay good lots of people say i have

i have a knee ache i have a headache i

have an ear egg

ah no hollow kai on facebook says i

haven’t any ache on my body very close

uh i don’t have any aches

i don’t have any aches or i feel good

i have no problems okay all right last

point here

i can’t i can’t something something

with a verb after this for example i


feel my toes or i can’t feel

my fingers so if you touch a part of

your body

and you can’t have if you can’t feel it

there’s no

sense there you can explain that with i

can’t feel something something

so sometimes like if you sleep in a

strange position

or you sit in a strange position you


feel you don’t have sense

in your foot maybe or your arm you can

express that here i can’t feel my toes

or i can’t

feel my fingers also i can’t

smell or i can’t taste anything

you can describe it with this pattern i

can’t feel my toes i can’t smell

anything i can’t taste anything

okay all right i have

a fever some people are writing fever

good i have

a fever i have a fever

okay all right that

is everything for physical condition

we’ll go now to timeline points

last we are going to talk about

expressing when

your symptoms started so quick reminder

if you haven’t please make sure to hit

the like button give us a thumbs up

it helps other people find the lesson

yeah okay

let’s go i can’t feel my toes a lot of

people are saying

it’s i hope everyone is healthy i hope

everyone is healthy uh but nice example

sentences very nice examples

okay let’s look now at a timeline

how do we talk about our timeline

for our feelings for our mental

condition or

for our physical condition how do we

describe that

okay uh let’s go a couple questions are

coming in

um i can’t feel my toes i can’t okay


uh oh someone says running nose or runny


runny nose not running you can’t say

my nose is running my nose is running

you might hear

that but in the pattern we talked about

earlier please use

i have a runny nose i have a runny

nose okay let’s go we are running out of

time so let’s go to

timeline how do we talk about when the


started yeah so for sickness for your

body condition

i started feeling sick on

day i started feeling sick on monday

or i started feeling sick on tuesday i

started feeling sick

on saturday so i started

feeling sick so when did your sickness

when did your symptoms start so symptoms

refers to the uh bad feelings

in your body yeah when did it start okay

all right next one my symptoms

started about number

days ago my symptoms started about

two days ago my symptoms started about

three days ago

or for one day yesterday my symptoms

started about a day ago my symptoms

started about a day ago

okay so these are two ways to describe

when you started feeling a certain way

these are used like i said for your

physical condition

yeah if you want to talk about your

mental condition maybe recently you feel

down or you feel very stressed

or unhappy something like that and you

want to express that you want to

communicate with someone

and talk about what’s happening in your

life maybe you feel down

you can say i’ve been feeling

this way since past

point in time i’ve been feeling this way

since the bus trip maybe you took a trip

somewhere i don’t know

i’ve been feeling this way since we went

out for dinner

or i’ve been feeling this way since

breakfast or i’ve been

feeling this way since we argued okay

so you can choose a past point a past

point so

in these examples i included i chose

events yeah some event where maybe

something happened

like a work meeting maybe you had a lot

of stress at a work meeting

or some discussion or some argument

so there’s some event and from that


you started feeling maybe different yeah

i’ve been feeling this way since a point

in time

okay all right

okay uh i don’t see any other questions

yet so

let’s go to the last one here

if you feel like you can make a guess

about your condition you want to make a


about your recovery you can try this

pattern i’ll

be better plus some

time point time period for example

i’ll be better in a week or i’ll be

better in the morning

i just need some sleep or i’ll be better

by tonight i’ll be better after i get

some rest

i’ll be better at some point don’t worry

i’ll be better soon

so you can use this to make a guess

about your recovery yeah

all right some good examples are coming

in then

uh what is way since way since

oh i’ve been feeling this way

this way so this this way

i’ve been feeling this way refers to

i’ve been feeling

this emotion so not not way since those

two don’t go together

uh sorry i didn’t have space on the

board this

way this way means this condition or

in this manner i’ve been feeling in this


is a strange way to say it i’ve been


this way since past point in time

okay uh i’ll be better next time i’ll be

better in the morning i’ll be better

soon good examples for recovery everyone

uh facebook there’s so much going on uh

i’ve been feeling this way

since we uh meet says abdur very close

since we

met key point past point in time

i’ve been feeling this way since we met

met is the past tense of meat please

make sure to use

past tense there yeah which one is used

for mental conditions we would use

this pattern for mental conditions yeah

so if you

have uh recently you feel down or

stressed or something

you can say i’ve been feeling this way

or i’ve been feeling stressed it’s also


you can replace this way for example

this part

you can say i’ve been feeling stressed

since the meeting

or i’ve been feeling really anxious

since the presentation so you can use

an adjective in this pattern also i’ve

been feeling really

unhappy lately you can use this too

okay others i don’t see others

uh what does argued mean oh since we

argued so argue this is the present

uh the infinitive form we argue to argue

means to fight

with someone so fight means like yes


but to argue means to use your words to

fight with someone

so you argue with someone because you

have different opinions about something


right so argued means two people

had a fight with words yeah okay

i hope that helps you okay i have to

finish oh my gosh it is time to be done

so this is the end of today’s lesson

i hope that you found something that you

can use to

express yourself it’s good to know how

to express your emotions

uh in a good like polite and um

like accurate way so i hope that this

helps you do that

if you want to take a picture of today’s

lesson boards here

you go all right so we talked about

mental physical and timeline points

for today so i hope that you found

something you can use

in your life all right

let’s go to next

week’s information next lesson next

lesson where are you

okay next lesson next lesson will be

wednesday june 9th that that is 10 p.m

eastern standard time that is new york

city time

if you don’t know your local time please

use your

google skills to google it or you can

set a notification

on facebook or on youtube to make sure

you can

join in time also if you follow me on

instagram i

always share a link and a topic reminder

in my story so you can follow me

uh on instagram there’s a link in the

description for that

next week i’m going to talk about how to

talk about

future plans in relation to other future


for example after i’ve done this thing

i’ll do that thing so how do we talk


multiple future plans together this is

what we’re going to practice

in next week’s lesson so i hope that uh


has a chance to check it out okay i’ll

finish there for today so thanks as

always for joining me live that was

super good and thank you for your

awesome questions

it’s always really cool uh don’t forget

if you haven’t already to check out

the free stuff from the link below the

video if you’re watching on youtube

or above the video if you’re watching on

facebook pick up some vocabulary uh

practice sheets

check it out print it out whatever you

can use it however you like i hope you


uh do that have a great week

you can find uh the ask alicia

submission form

from the link in the description too so

i will say goodbye for now thanks very

much again

have a great day have a great weekend

and i will see you again